Now, Mike.. The Domestic Program. EDITORIALS Never Forget That These Editorials Are The Opinion Of One Man -----And He May Be Wrong ...... m i* ..—■■■■— ..—i l ^ .. i ■■■■■■ ■■ The Most Pressing Need in one complex society on today no com munity that sends several hundred stu dents off to other citdes and towns Cor 4 College education each year can lay claim to progressivene&s. Not so many year6 ago ethildxenj whose parents wanted them to have any eduicaj tion bad to send them away to a< boarding school, then came public schools through! the high school level. Today the -rising cost of hiving, especially living -away from home, makes it impossi ble far a staggering percentage of our high school graduates to further Chedr educa tion without literally bankrupting their par ents, or putting themselves in hock for a major part of their youth. This is a situation that must be correct ed; and the lead taken by Kinston civic dubs, the chamber of commerce, the coun ty board of education and now the county board of -commissioners tends to indicate ma t me problem wm doc emat mucm longer. * But the final decision to® remain with the citizens of the county, dor they will be asked to vote sufficaaOt money to establish and operate this long needed addition to the county’s education eystem. Although the date has no* yet been set, it is likely that tbe referendum will be held in November. Between now sod then it becomes the jwaBiqg responsibility of every citizen who Mfaw> in this commu nity college program to to® college, argue College and convince those who have seri ous, or minor inisgivtogR on this subject that they should also lend their support. So far this writtnr can join Mayor Guy Elliott who said.lComkar tost to conversa tions with a great navy stomas from ev ery part of the county be had not yet heard ia single voice to-ecpotokn to this effort to secure a coilegs to move Xjenoar and ad joining counties. Old Bam Burning “Don’t tarn the ban) to get rid of rats!” This oild saying is particularly apt a® jour nation approaches wibat may he a de cisive political battle in the next three years on what is misnamed the “laberal Oonservaitive” issue. In political patois of the moment the (word liberal has come to be wrongly asso ciated with" sioKfali^ts, or those who through ignorance would lead the nation into the saem bureaucratic dictatorship that has fallen upon other nations. The original concept of political liberal ism has no more in common with the Jon athan Daniels type of “hbendhm” than Christianity has with atheism. The true liberal’s most basic character istic is respect for the rights of others, in •he American political climate of the mo there is not many Said* in which it is mot needful tot necessity tor toe federal gov ernment to take, part Many frietos of Ibis have asked) with same amazement how we could so bitterly oppose federal aid to schools and at the same tune support toe federally supported urban renewal program. Schools in North Oarottoa are a state and county operation, but urt>am develop huent is purely a cbgr problem. Both tod state and county have toe power itocoutnoi toe* tax base from wttcb toey plan such affairs as toe operation «f schools. This year ds a perfect Murtratiun, The state sending of troops to rettfee * plane can hardly be justified. (But if in a matter of hours after the plane ittaa Deen &wfeea ®u© iriresDCsem nan pooicecB Up a telephone and called Fidele and said,, "Til give you three inure to ham that plane back in ^CJwmi, and if it’s not there hy then we’re corning after if.’’ world opin ion would Jnsve very largely been with tie. In criminal law, a® it pertains to the in dividual, .there is a great dMHanenoe be tween an individual taking matters in bis own bads to defend his life or pnoperiy at the actual time either is being threatened! and waiting a mutter of days or weeks to do somehing about it ■ Kennedy hedged tod tong on Ads particu lar point to turn it to the political propa ganda benefit of our country. No Marshalls In New York Junior “iG” Man Bobby Kennedy, stage-, /manager of the “lEYeedom Rides” offered the nattier Imp excuse for sending & covey of federal marshalls into Alabama, thait local law enforcement agencies had proven insufficient to cope with the situation be help Create. Last week over-1,000 negroes dashed iwith 150 New York City police, and in the past 12 months 1,780 police have been as saulted on the streets of “little Ole New York” but the matioo's top legal power.— said Younger Kennedy — has not flown a division of “feds?’ to take over where local li^iw enforcement agencies have prov en insufficient to cope with mob violence. Sic Semper Tymamnis valuations it couM summarily enforce to a very large degree the improvement of private properties in blighted areas. In an example we used two weeks ago there is offered positive proof ot this sty mie faced by city officials. The Tapp Ware house property on the center of King- and Heritage streets includes 62,700 square feet of extremely valuable real state upon, which an unprodUcfiitve warehouse is locat ed. It adds immeasurably to the blight of djhte badly blighted block. Yet it is on the (tax books for only $35,756. The opposite corner of that same block at Queen and Caswell is, owned by the Brody Brothers and includes 5,544 square feet. This lot is on the tax books for $45, 450. Tax 'Hated for nearly $10,000 more but inducting less than one-tenth the square area. She Brady property is taxed at that rate because it has a good hoOding on it, white the Tapp property is taxied so tew because it bas a sub-standard building on it To entertain any idea of correcting the Might even theoretically on Ibis block con siderable amounts of money are necessary. The city cannot 'borrow money under i*-> strictions of itbe local Government Com mission beyond a certain limit, and (ben only with the permission of a majority of the voters. To stimulate building and to protect and connect central business districts that are suffering blight congress decided to help herd-pressed cities caught with a problem and without the resources to cope with that problem. 'y"-;A That j» not socialism. f?:' w The weekend story grabbed: aU the world headlines oo the ere of a ooncdliatory speech fay Boss Ru% Khrushchev,, in which be sweetly suggested that the French, En glish, Americans, and himself trill down and decode what is going to he done about Ger many. But it is the propaganda aspects of this latest orbit that I icainnot swallow. Consider, just one little absurdity in the midst of 6o much connivance — to wit, this “Eagle” closing down shop and taking a 7 1/2 hour nap. No doubt the Russians bad some kind of hardware spinning around the earth, and it may faaire bad a tape re cording of this “Eagle’s” sitting up ex ercises, Ids leisurely half-hour meal and his belly laugh about, “1 don’t care what (you do, but I’m: going to bed.” The Russians may have crack scientists, but .they are badly in need of script writers, dust last Friday Colonel Cohn Hamilton of Seymour Johnson Air Base iwas telling the Kinston Kiwanis Club what a physical or deail a 26-hour flight in a B-52 is, and how impossible it is to' sleep on such missions. .1 t From 6 a. m. June 5th, 1944 until, 8 p. m. ‘June 6th, 19441 didn’t sleep a single solitary wink. That was any major contribution to ‘‘D-Day”, but it proves to me ibb point, if no other; that bis “Eagle” who so casually Slipped into his pajamas and drifted off to dreamland while spinning around the world is nothing more than a figment of some sterile imagination. Imagine, Lindberg nodding while bis au tomatic pilot winged: him toward Pam; of course, lindbeng had. no automatic pilot hud he didn’t sleep one second of wee 33 hours, 29 minutes and 30 seconds it took him to fly from New York to Pam. One could fill a book with illustrations of top utter impossibility of this Russian spending near ly a third of his entire flight in the sack. Then, how about the world takjnig a peek at the gadget that tossed him into orbit? How about a Hook at the 5-ton space ship occupied by this steeping eagle? AM you or I or anybody else has seen tf this engineer ing marvel is an “artist’s conception.’’ Where did .these orhitting Russians take off from? (Land? Not even the follow travel ling comnwiinast® can answer such very Simple questions. How did the cosmonauts a JO — — V O /IwAflfltM IV.mliO Tm UMI .. Early this year it was announced by our .propagandists that we woidd1 shoot some brave soul into the air, if all went well some time in (May. So- the Russfens bad ftve snonth notice ot what deadline they bad to beat. So they beat us with Yngi Gagwrinte quack zip about the globe. But, to date toe capsule pas not been put in the Kremlin museum, nor paraded down Red Square, nor wen seen by mortal man. Ditto for the new, sleepy-type Cossack’s Flying Mat