iMWh . * “Watch for them,, think for them, protect them!” Motor Vehicles Com missioner Edward Scheldt' made that appeal this week now that schools have re-opened With . over a million youngsters back, in classes. Children are - often heedless,” Scheldt pointed put.' j“You chn’t expect them to be constantly on the alert for traffic . . . and you can’t penalize them- even when they are in the wrong;." Disclosing that 112 child pedes trians under IS were killed last year, the vehicles chief said com plete mobilization of all safety forc es is the only thing that will assure children’s safety on the streets. ■ “This means action by-parents, teachers, motorists, older children and the youngsters themselves,” he' declared. v According to traffic experts, a large percentage of child pedes trian deaths and injuries are avoid able. He believes the key to the situation lies in traffic safety ed ucation of the young: and constant vigilance on the part of all adults. “Naturally,”' he said,, “a child’s best safeguard in traffic Is his own recognition of danger and his thorough knowledge of safety rules. But children are' not naturally cau tious, they must be taught caution both at home and at school.” Scheldt outlined these simple rules for parents to.follow in. educa ting their children in traffic safety t 1. Teach your children habits of safe walking. / 2. See that they always play in safe places away from the street. 3. Set them an example of safe behavior by your own conduct in traffic. He also reminded teachers and school officials: i i. Make traffic safety a regular £art of your instruction. 2. Cooperate with parents and traffic Officers. And, of course,” Scheidt said, “the responsibility of the motorist fob Child pedestrian 'safety is obvious, No matter bow wel) a .child has been trained, there are times when he forgets. At such times, only quick thinking by the driver can avoid disaster. Constant alertness is a must!” He warned,motorists to be on the look-out at all times and to slow down when driving Hogs and Cattle Bought Daily Premium Price Paid Per Meet Type Hope “Honeycutt Meat Products” Let u* slaughter end chili year cettie end hege ter yea, yea the drudgery at slaughtering on the term. We eleughter every day except Saturday — lust bring ue the live animal any day — get the cheesed meat the fcttwhg day or we wOl deliver ft te the lacker plant ter yev. . The cost: — CATTLE — tie Caeh — W* keep hide t Hver Only. HOOS — .111/S cent per 'pound. NEW BERN PROVISION Co. Phone ME 7-7127 New Bern, N. C. FRESH DAILY