By Mr*. Nolan Jonas Baptist Women Hold .Study Crnir^e The ladies of the Memorial Bap -tists’ WMS have completed a mis sion study course of the book “‘Hands Aero** the Sea." , The study’was done in two sec tions; the first held Wednesday evening Nov. 8 and the final one . Wednesday Nov. 15.- They ,were conducted by Mesdauie* J. M. Thomas, J\ R. Gerdck, and W. £. Henderson.. - Mis^ Jean Humphrey Honored at Bridal Shower at Church The ladies of the- Memorial Bap list Church gathered in the social room on Nov. 16th to honor Miss Jean Humphrey, November bride elect with a bridal miscellaneous shower. ’ Upon arrival the honoree was presented a white mum corsage. The colors of pink and white were used in both flower arrange|nents ancl refr^shpvents. Refreshments consisted of cake, nuts, mints, and punch. Miss Humphrey is the fiance of1, Robert Holland. Thanksgiving Service Sees Four Maysville Churches Together The three Maysville churches, Memorial Baptist, and Methodist and the Belgrade Methodist church gathered at the First Baptist church Thursday morning for a joint Thanksgiving service. Pastors from all four churches participated in the service. Rev. M. L. Tyndall, pastor of the Firs1 Baptist church presided. He also Bed the responsive reading and gave the Invocation., The Thanksgiving offertory pray er was given by Ray Banks. The scripture and prayer were given by Belgrade’s Rev. W. E. Pickett. Rev. J. T, Smith, Maysville pastor, brought the message and Dr. A. E. Thompson of the Memorial Baptist led the singing and gave the bene diction. Maysvillo P. T. &X; ‘ Holds Regular 1 Monthly Meeting The Maysville Elementary P.T.A. held it’s November meeting Monday evening November 2pth, at .7:30. Mrs. Richard Keyes, president, pre sided. ' After, the' meeting .was called to order, Mrs. Qaude Allens j third grade presented a delightful "gircus” ■.program, j , ., ; 'jMP , During the business session, it wks announced that $25.00 will be taken from' the treasury to be u§ed toward the purchase of libraty books; also that Mrs. J. R. Pel letier had donated ^$25.00 to the libra ryfund. They further agreed to contribute $25.00 to the National PTA building fund and to supply whatever.’ funds necessary to the playground equipment committee for the purchase of any materials deeded in having this equipment made. Several men met-with principal Hardisoh to decide on a convenient night' to get together and work on the cafeteria and lunch roonp. ex pansion. ■'It was announced that there will be no 'December meeting due to conflicting meetings. I Following adjournment, refresh ments of sandwiches, nuts and punch were served. Sub-District Rally Held in Maysville The Maysville MYF was host at the Sub District Rally held Mon day evening of last week. The group of approximately 60 met at the church. Margaret Jones, Sub-district president, called the meeting to order and conducted general. business. Alton Meadows and Debbie Smith gave the Thansgiving meditation and prayer. Miss Jones led the program “What The MYF Is and What It Does.” She was assistec^ by Jeri Foy, Marie Johnson, Mar tha Pruitt, Bobby Meadows, Les ter Yates, Elizabeth Phillips and Cathy Meadows. They adjourned and went to the community building for an hour of assorted sandwiches, cookies and soft driniks. “Helping to build a better Livestock Maxket for Eastern North Carolina” Phone JA 3-5108 Kinston, N. Special Guest at Housewarming Pfurty Mrs. Marie Jones was the hon oree of a housewarming given at her home Friday evening, Nov. 17th. Mrs. C. L. Morgan and Miss Shif ley Morgan were co-hostesses. . The refreshment table was cover ed with a white linen cloth. It held arrangement of yellow' and bronze crysanthemums in a' milk white vase. Yellow candles sur rounded . by ' tiny yeflow mums flanked each side. A milk white epergne holding an assortment of fruits was placed on the snack bar. Miss Morgan presented Mrs. Jones a yellow crysanthemum corsage. Various prizes were given for winners of games played and a Boor prize was laso given. « After the honoree opened her many gifts, refreshments consist ing of petit-fours, sour cream dip and chips, mint's, nuts and punch were served; The colors of yellow and white were used! in the re freshments also. - ■ Those present were invited through the new home. Other than the hostesses they were Mesdames J. R. GerOck, Esley Jones, Wl E. Hender$on, G. L. Eubanks, Roger A£allard, I F. House, Otis Jones, 5am Pruitt, Franklin Riggs, Eddie Dunbar, WiH Jones, J. R. Pelletier, Alma Shaw, Nolan Jones, Robert Britt, Alberta Creagh and daughter, and Misses Janie Henderson and Nell Jones. From Stella, Mrs. Pearl Wetherington and Mrs. Jim Young were present. •* The Jones family, formerly of KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 86 PROOF •..•vs -- MaysviHe, bad been .‘residing at j Stella for .the past sietwtihyears. f The Jones'rfanrily, formerly of Maysvtile, had been * residing at Stella fdr the past several years. —--. . Mrs. A. H. McDaniel is Hostess Last Week to Mayville'Garden Club Merrtbers of the Maysville Green Leaf Garden Club met last Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. A. H. MdDaniel. Mrs. N. N. Mat tocks led the program on Btdbs. " . iiiif.^i ii i ...i...... ii'i'i.;,.-. i , Christmas party. * ”/ ' Two other announcements were made concerning open house and the OiristJhas decoration contest which they are sponsoring again this year. Mrs. McDaniel served German chocolate cake, artichoke pickles, ham sandwiches and 'coffee to Continued on Pago 7 I v■: b ii'C ' & iJ*- . Grade -A Sanitary Rating For full Information Call or Write Lenoir Nursing Home KINSTON, N. C. TELEPHONE JAckion 3-4519