SURPRISE . . . Close friends of the Bfewer family here are still speechless oyer the highway sign scandal which almost took the life of one of those most prominently connected with it. They can hardly believe it has happened to friendly, carefree Kidd Brewer, the nearest thing in these parts to the adult, family-man ver sion of the All-American hoy. And yet there it is — one sur prise after another — shock on Shock. In general, sympathy around too-sophisticated Raleigh seemed to be with 'Brewer until the stony moved out of the $40,000 class and into the big-check payments mov ing to Brewer from a hardware •firm in Boone. When this develop ment hit the headlines, loss of face for Brewer came almost as sud denly as the first mention of the case from the Governor’s office. Now that it has all gone this far, Raleigh is ready for anything, for any announcement. Feeling here is there can be no more shocks. ISOLATED? . . . How the affair became so big and involved only three local people — Burch son and father and Brewer — is difficult for old heads here to understand. Wjith the thousands ofi people associated with highway construc tion and the thousands more on the State payroll, you would think one or two more would be directly or indirectly involved . . . but ap parently not. As of this past week end, it still looked — strange as it seems — like an isolated thing. But a whole lot of questions must still be answered. There is more than one person in Raleigh who thinks “more heads will roll" before “finis’ is written to the case.” GOT TO HIM? . . . The word we get from neighbors of the Brewer’s is that he had slept very little, had paced the floor like a caged animal for nearly two weeks before slash ing himself with razor blades. He finally broke. Who wouldn’t ? • Every street corner here is abuzz with what Brewer’s attorneys told him just before he slipped out of the conference and drove the six miles to his suburban home. Whep a trail of blood was found and it was announced that Brewer was missing, one Raleigh resident in directly close to the case .said: “It looks as if - got to Brewer." this, of course, proved incorrect — but it was a most interesting re action to the announcement. WHY NOT REX ? . . . Novv what' PARAMOUNT ” »mi. ■■•itA.itr jTv>.■