COUNTY TRENTON, N. G, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1962 VOLUME XlIJ ’‘'vfTrT * ' r ~v ' ''-f■ J ^1 Three More Candidates For Commissioner; Noon Friday Filing Deadline Jones County Elejtion Board Chairman W. F. Hill reports ' the ad dition of three more names to the ‘ list 'of those who would like to have one of the five jobs on the county board- of commissioners. The filing this week of joe Turn er, Carl Brown and Lindsey V. Maness makes a total of ID candi dates who had paid their filing fee through 10 a. m. Thursday. HiU also reports that opposition ' s has popped up for the five in'cum bent members of the Jonej Coun ty Board of Education with the fil ing this week of Trenton Oil^Deal er Rogers Pollock for one of those five jobs. The slate of commissioner candi dates now includes four incum bents: Chairman* Nelson Banks, Horace Lee Haddock, Eugene Simpson and Harold Mallard; three former commissioners: John W. Creagh, James Barbee and Ralph Scott and the three newcomers who have filed in the past week. Turn er was a candidate two years ago also. The incumbent board of educa tion includes Chairman Charlton West, J. J. Conway, C. J. Banks, W. E. Phillips and J. C. Wooten. Sam Ervin* U. S. Representative David Henderson* - S. A. Chalk - State Senator Tom White* Luther Hamilton* State Representative John Hargett* Superior Court Judge Wlilliam J. Bundy* District Solicitor Cecil May County CommiMioner James Barbee Nelson Banks* Eugene Simpson* Horace Lee Haddock* Harold Mallard* J. W. Creagh , Ralph Scott Carl Brown Joe Turner Lindsey V. Maness School Board W. E. Phillips* J. C. Wooten* J. J. Conway* Charlton West* C. J. Banks* Rogers Pollock Sheriff Brown Yates* Wayne Jarman Clerk of Court , W. H. Hammond Jr. G. N. Noble W. Carl ----;-i Suit Filed Collect ' $1149,05 Account A suit has been filed'ih the past week in Joqes, C6unty . Superior Court by F. R. Pollock against Joe Killingsworth, seeking to collect a back account in the amount of $1149.05. . The complaint says that Killings worth has owed Pollock this amount since October 6, 1960 and the court is asked fo order the ac count paid plus six per cent interest from that date. Musical Program For Trenton PTA The -Trenton School Parent Teachers Association met last Wed nesday in che school auditorium with Mrs. Ray Harrison presiding. Rev. Douglas Ponder gave the devotional, followed by Billy Har rison singing “Fairest Lord Jesus,” accompanied by Sonja Ray Harris on at the piano. , Brenda Hill and Betty BeCton played selections on the piano and a group known as “The Combos”, a part of the Jones County School Band, also played several pieces as part of the program. Mrs. Darcis^ Koonce read tbjy numitis add M?s. Ciffton Pollock read the treasury report. The piano purchased fqr the school "has not been paid for yet, so a collection was taken at the meeting and the president announc ed that a collection will also be made at the last meeting in May to try to finish out the payments. Fred Pippin’s 8th grade won room count. Two Arrests Jones County Sheriff Brown Yates reports two arrests in the county in the past week ; Thelmus Foy of Trenton is accused of vio lating the liquor law*and assault with a deadly weapon and Bruno Jjudwig Dettman of Hialeah, Flori da was charged with speeding 80 miles per hour. Jones Central Beta Clubbers Attend Convention in Raleigh Last Friday 10 members and fwo sponsors from the Jones Central High School Beta Club attended the State Beta Club Convention in Raleigh. The convention officially opened with a talent show in Me morial Auditorium". The , talent contest consisted bf dance acts, singing, and skits. Prizes were awarded to the clubs on the grounds of originality and performance. Af ter the talent program the candi dates for state offices were present ed. Saturday morning a breakfast and conference were held for the sfionsors, directors, and school of ficials at the Sir Walter Hotel. At 9:30 Saturday morning t)ie second general session was held at- Me morial Auditorium. ' It was opened with a' brief song session and in yocatien. _ • y. State Director^. B. Hellams rec ognized all new clubs, “Banner Clubs”,' and alumni. The candidates for offices introduced themselvel. Then the assembly divided infc> conference groups. fcela Sue Riggs, WflSpV Lowery, Jo Ann Smith, and. Mrs. J. T. Tay lor Jr. (sponsor), attended the one for presidents and vice presidents, held in the Elizabeth Room of the hotel. Sonja Cox, Robin O’Brien, Eliz abeth Jones, and Byron McCoy at tended the one for secretaries and treasurers', held in the Raleigh Room. , - ■ c Cynthia Westbrook^ Gerald Em banks, Glenda Smith, and Mr?. Marvjn.:Thomas (sponsor), attend ed the conference on projects and, plans. V lift this conference Gerald Eu banks gave a. report on the, pro jects and. plans hip club has carried out this year/ Following these con ferences there was a luncheon for sponsora and officials, Saturday night, twin banquet's were held at the S & W. .Cafeteria an# Sir. Waiter Hotel. Dr., Leo Jajnkiiis, HupsMei# of East Carolina College and H. H. Hutson, presi dent of Greensboro College were the speakers. Followifig ithe ban quets a liaU was Ijeld In the .Metnor ial Auditorium. ' j ■/, ' ' • -J- j ■ -■ Tt '"Vi —T———— -, -- Two Jones Teachers Complete Radiation Detection Courses Two Jones -County teachers, Nellie S. Wtells and William Clay Adams, have completed courses sponsored by the Office of Civilian Defense in the detection of radio active materials. County Civil Defense Director R." C. O’Bryan asked the board of county commissioners to allocate funds ,for the special courses in. November of last year and the courses were completed on March 15th of this year. The teachers had to commute to Williamston to take the courses, but they are now qualified to in struct other persons in the use of detection equipment, as well as il\ the handling of radioactive test materials. .-*- - 4 Land Transfers Jones County Register of Deeds Bill Parker reports the- recording of the following real estate trans fers during the past week: Fom Jessie Lee Williams Noble to Wayne Noble three tracts in Beaver Creek Township. From Winnie Barber Moore to Nursey Barker Mattocks two lots in White Oak Township. From Dewey Smith to Thomas Barnes Coleman 3906 acres in Pol locksville Township. I From Mathilda F. Smith to Mary Wilder qne^lot ,_in PoUockswlie - _ Rrom Itfary W. Davis to Minerva Wilder four acres in Pollocksville. From Mathilda F. Smith to Ed na Wilder four lots in Pollocksville. Eternal Triangle Blamed for Ice Pick Stabbing on Sunday Officers of the sheriff’s depart ment blame an argument over a man for the hospitalization Of one Deep Run negress and the indict ment of another. Under treatment for six ice pick stab wounds in the chest is Lillie Bell Poole, 36, and in jail is Mat tie Ruth Williams, 31, both of Deep Run route 1. The fracas took placp Sunday af ternoon near Noble’s Mill. t • . ' Masonic Grand Master Laying Cornerstone of Trenton Lodge Friday - James Woodrow Brewer Friday afternoon at 4 James Woodrow Brewer, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free arid Accepted Masons of North, Carolina, will lay - the corn erstone for the New Temple of Zion Lodge No. 81 in Trenton. Master Masons of the Tfenton Lodge as well as ajl Master Ma sons in this area have been urged and invited to attend this ceremony. An Emergent Communication of the Grand Lodge has been Called by Grand Master Brewer for the occasion and it is expected that a majority of the officers of the Grand Lodge will be in Trenton for the ceremony. All Members of the Order of The Eastern Star have also been urged to attend the Friday after noon program. The Emergent'Communication has been called for 3 and the ceremony at the site of the new Temple will begin at 4. Mrs. Harold Brown New Head Maysville PTA; Pre-School Clinic Friday Afternoon Castro Expellee Will Be Guest of Executive Club Dr. Nicolas G. .Mendoza, a na tive-born Cuban citizen whose fam ily has a long and proud heritage buf who met with violent disfavor with Fidel, Castro and l>ad to flee from the island to save his lifer and that of his wife and three children, will be the guest speaker to address members of the Kins ton Executive club at their meet ing Monday, April 23, at Hotel Kinston, it whs announced today by Dr. Sam Parker officer of the club. The speaker’s Grandfather, Don Antonio Gonzalez de Mendoza, was the first Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of Cuba in 1902. fol lowing its liberation from Spain. Pvt. Clayton Davis At Fort Gordon Pvt. Clayton L. Davis of Route 4, Kinston, completed eight weeks of training at The Provost Marshal General Center, Fort Gordon, Ga., March 30. Davis received instruction in self defense, traffic control and the ba sic procedures of civil and military law. The 21-year-old soldier entered the Army last November and com pleted basic combat training at Fort Jackson, S. C. A 1958 grad uate of Moss Hill High School, he was employed by Barrus Construc tion Company, before entering the Army(. LUCKY CADDY DRIVER tast week a ’53 Cadillac was found upside down in the mud be side Stonyton Creek just north of Kinston. The driver was missing, and it was apparent that the car hit the bridge across J:he creek and then flopped off the fill, into the mud. Ivey Elwood Mills of Pink Hill route 1 was indicted lat er in the day on charge of failing to report an accident. He is owner and alleged operator of the car. BLINDED, HE SAID Nathan Marshburn of 25-B Simon Kinston police lights of a car him, caus the parked car of Pink Hill I he final meeting of the Mays ville Elementary PTA .for the 1961 62 school year was held Monday evening at 7:30 with Mrs. Richard Key^s presiding. Business was conducted first. There were nq committee reports or unfinished business. Principal Hardison made several announce ments; among them being tfiat the pre-school clinic would be held Fri day. .Apnl 13 from 2 until 3 p.m. Easter holidays are to be observ ed Friday April 20 and Monday April 23. He announced that the cafeteria addition has been com pleted and will be in use the balance of the schqpl year. He also spoke regarding the den tist who is now at the school to examine and work on teeth of the children who need immediate work done. The nominating committee pres ented the following names for new officers for the coming school year: President Mrs. Harold Brown, Vice-president Mrs. Leonard Thompson, Secretary Mrs. Wilford Philyaw and treasurer Mrs. J. P. Gardner. Former [(resident Mrs. Robert Buck then installed them. Following room count, refresh ments were served. Sunrise Service Set For Easter Sunday By Kinston Churches The Lenoir County Ministerial Association will sponsor an Easter Sunrise Service at Grainger Stad ium on Easter Sunday, April 22, at 5:30 a.m. Rev. John A. Snyder, minister of Rivermont Presbyterian Church, will preach at this annual worship service. The title of Snyder’s mes sage is: “A Place to Stand." Rev. Manney C. Reed, minister of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, and Rev. Gordon Cqnkin, minister of First Baptist Church, will also share in the program; Everyone in Kinston and Len oir County is cordially invited to attend this union service. In the case of inclement weather, the service will be held in the First Baptist Church of Kinston at the same time: 5:30 a.m. RAPE CHARGE James' O. Taylor, of 115 Lincoln Street is being held without bond qn. the capital charge of rape. He is changed with the assault last week on an eight year-old child.