bin double row equipment. Original — jutm Deere 40 single row. ra equipment. Both, can be seen North Queen Street. Perfect condition. Call JA 3-3584. Johnson Piano & Organ Company. August 1, 8, 15 HELP WANTED Own your own Rawleigh Business in Southeast Jones County. Many thousands of dollars sold there. Permanent business for steady, de pendable man. Write W. T. Raw leigh, Department NCH 520-816, Richmond, Va. August 1, 8, 15, 22 Pd. RURAL WOMEN — Excellent earning opportunity for rural wo men selling to their farm neigh bors. Choose your own selling time so that it doesn’t interfere with farm duties. No obligation to in quire. Write Avon, Box 1295, Kins ton, or call JA 3-9747 for immediate interview. Aug. 15 Urge Your Friends To Subscribe To The Journal FOR AMERICA'S FUTURE AND YOUR OWN...JOIN THE IL&AIKFORCE Now more than ever before the Air Force needs forward thinking young men to fill * important jobs. Serve your coudlrjr and at the same time ' start out on a rewarding career in a vital specialty of . the Aerospace Age. U^AirForceRecfUdnS Service Service Agent Form Bureau Insurance "Complete Insurance Service to Farm Bureau Members" We Specialize f Buz Sawyer By Roy Crane VOU KNOW VWO OWNS V WlMfy EXCUSE MS, SIGNORA, IS THIS WHERE UIIOI LIVES? ^ LUIGI? NO, TWO WEEKS AGO HE'SA MOVE SACK TO PISA. ^ LOOK, WE HAVE A PROBLEM. LIKES DOG 60TIN OURCAR AND WONT 6ETOUT. OH,YESj NERO^HE' IKA RIDA DA CAR. WELL....ER...IF 'OU'LL JUST KEEP HIM ’ AND LET LUISI KNOW—_ EES BETTER ,^000-HA-HA! NOT ME SIGNOR, NERO, HE EATA ■ TOO much! POOR NERO/ HE'SA SO THIN. HE5A * i COME ALLA WAT * I BACK HOME/ &■ SOU TAKE NERO TO LUIGI IN PISA SISNOR. , Inc, IMS. World rights 0H,H»,HA! , THAT NERO.'1 HE'SA QUICK LIKA PAFLASVI) HE 6RABBA PA STEAK. ,'wii-HEE* AMP STAY LIMNA PA CAR.' OH, DEAR, f I'M AFRAID f WEIL HAVE TO TAKE HIM TO HIS OWNER IN PISA, BUZZ w£7V At» ARE WE IDIOTS' DRIVING 75 JWLSS TO PISA TO FIND THIS MITT'S OWNER/ AND THE LEANING TOWER 6 AT PISA, PAD.' lae, 1963. World right# 8/ndiCfttet (nc, ie68. World right* U«E PROBLEM'S SOLVED, CHRIS THIS GENTLEMAN HAS AGREED TO KEEP LlflGl'S DOG UNTIL LUIGI . GETS BACK HOME.