WEAL VIEWPOINT 1 The Warren Commission W« cannot dismiss tne naggini suspicion that 9ome very deliberati foot-drgaging is taking place ii completing the work ai the so-cafl ed Warren Commission which, ii case your memory fails you, is thi group appointed by President John son to investigate the assassinatiot of Persident Kennedy. It must be recalled that Presided Johnson promised a quick ant thorough investigation, with a fur ther pledge that the Americas people would promptly be advisee of the findings of the investigation, Not many weeks had passed, how ever, when Chief Justice Earl War ren, chairman of the commission announced that some of the detail: might not be released in our life ■ j time. • We cannot say that v ‘ - ticularly surprised at I events. In the first { Justice Warren seemed to credibly improper choice man of the group. In the place, as Chief Justice of the ed States, there is thie distinct pos sibility that Warren may on day be called upon to sit in judgment of some aspect of the matter. And finalljr, we recall the Chief Justice’s intemperate outburst at the time the late President Kennedy's body lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda. Warem’s mind was made up that day; he held no doubts as to who was responsible for the murder of the President. It turned haw Professor top staff assistant to the commis sion. The chief counsel -for the commission, J. Lee Rankin, says he did not select Redlich. Rankin will not, however, say who did. . Our interest in Redlich lies main ly in the fact that he is a member of a 13-year-old Cqmmunist front organization known as the Emer gency Civil Liberties Committee which has vowed to abolish the Mouse UnAmerican Activities Com remem wbo shot the • Oswald, be ,,v.. ^,ay for Cuba Committee lohg after the FBI had recommended that the groubbe declared subversive. The entire history of the Warren Commission has been puzzling from beginning to now. The idea for such a commission was first publicly recommended by the official com munist newspaper, The Communist !fa§!.KM methods of operation since. But we confess a certain amount of discom fort in the fact that Professor Red* lich continues as the top investi gator fof the commission, particu larly in the light of the Professor’s leanings arid affiliations. Also, it is somewhat disconcerting that no body seems willing to take the re sponsibility for Professor Redlich’s appointment. Maybe that too, is Something not to be revealed in our lifetime. . ; ’v'* ^v"~ •V- ;Hp > ’ 5 . Featuring Qiits Bred to the $2,000 _ __ - _ The Southern King, and Featuring Boars and Gilts sired by the $5,100 National Barrow Show Champion Poland China Boar. w HP#! , yji Em LABOR DAY Pitt County Fair Grounds in At 12:00 Noon ss ■ ■$ MJcmm*’