EDITORIALS Never Forget That These Editorials Are The Opinion Of One Man And He May Be Wrong Presbyterian Prattle The f*reshytemn Synod of North Carolina at its 152nd session this year passed a long-winded resolution calling for repeal of the so-called speaker-ban law. We doubt that many of the 150,000 members of The Synod have taken the time to read this prattle from their preachers. Among its vacuities is the stated de sire to fight Marxian communism by supporting its right on the campus of state and church-supported schools. This is like fighting snakes by incubating snake eggs. Supporting its perversion The Synod points with pride to a speech on the Davidson campus by an atheist, and the Synod elders confirm their general ig norance by declaring, “There is no way to teach the truth without exposing the mind to falsehood.” (Jesus said, “The truth shall make ye free.”) And finally this utter absurdity: “The prime and most compelling reason for our opposition to the Speaker Ban Law is that it constitutes politicial interfer ence in the affairs and responsibilities of duly appointed trustees for our state institutions of higher learning.” This is what one might expect from a collection of preachers and their pious “Amen Charlies.” All they want, the congregation, or the taxpayers to do is put up the money and then keep their damned mouth shut about the way the “annointed” and the “appoint ed” spend the money and use or abuse the facilities provided by the ever-bleed ing congregation or taxpayer. These convened Presbyterians have missed the entire point of this long winded dialogue: The General Assembly has not banned the teaching of Marxian communism. The General Assembly has not ordered that tender young minds could no longer be exposed to academic falsehood. The General Assembly has only acted to correct the known imbalance of these academic liars; and this was done only after these academicians refused to heed repeated warnings. Compounding Absurdity This week a news release from the Social Security folks says, “If you are the widow of a man who worked under social security and you would qualify for monthly widow’s benefits at the age 62 you may now have benefits started as early as age 60.” Apparently the bureaucrats in the “SS” office have not been reading the papers lately. Congress months ago passed a bill eliminating each and every discrimination of every kind because of sex. •• . Yet they are still discriminating against, men, by firstly not allowing them any survivor benefits and by denying men the right to begin draw ing benefits at ages earlier than 65. Finally, and worst the entire “SS” apparatus grossly discriminates against single people of every sex, because for the same payments married people have tremendous benefits for children. The single person pays for benefits he or 8h€ cannot possibly have, and in addi tiorl to this must also pay much heavier income taxes. “Equal Justice Under Law” is chiseled in marble over one of the palaces in Washington, but if there were “Equal Justice Under Law” each persons would pay exactly' the same fate of tax; yet some people pay no income tax on their income, others pay a little and still others have to pay as much as 91 per cent of certain segments of their income. Equal Justice is- an absurd- dream; nearly as ridiculous as exact and equal rights for women, or negroes, or Bap tists or Jews or goats or cats. Justice is possible, however; but when it is put on the basis of equality it becomes a mock ery- _ „•- , -s Fining a millionaire $100 for drunken driving is hardly equal to fining a $50 per, week truck driver $100 for drunken driving. * The egalitarian concept is hateful, dangerous, and, of course, impossible. ive the current sins of omission of _,j of North Carolina officials is the ordinal sin of cowardice. In addition to having been taken to the legislative woodshed because of their leftwing abuses of their sacred “Academic Freedom” they have also been sent packing by the student coun id of the unit at Chapel Hill. Somewhere along fraternity row a student, who also happened to be presi dent of all 12,000 of the bodies in the Chapel ffill school, took a young lady to his room, after dark,'after hours, af ter something. This young man was taken to task for his violation of the rules, as well as the state law; and he was asked to re sign his commission by both the stu dent council and the school’s adult offic ials He thumbed his executive nose at both, but not before the student council had told the adult officials to mind their own business and to stop interfering . with activities of students. A Chapel Hill newspaper, critizing this young man for not turning in his badge, has this to say, “The issue was unfortunately clouded when the Urn , versity administration, realizing the sig nificance of the situation, issued an ulti matum to Dickson to resign. This usurp ing of student authority was subse quently rescinded by the administration. And isn’t this exactly the same situ ation that exists between the adminis tration and the legislature; except that the legislature’s patience finally ran out and it stood up and told its “children what kind of wood makes shingles. It’s a pity that the school officials cannot find similar courage and take this stub born student to the woodshed, along with the whole student council if they keep on acting ugly in front of com pany. Congressional Hypocrisy This year a large majority of both i houses of congress voted to turn each s and every fact and function of govern ment in over 100 Southern counties to i illiterates. i To permit illiterates to hold every ! elective and constitutional office, to levy, i collect and spend, to conduct the courts, i police the streets and byways; these are the least of possibilities for many coun ties ' under this so-called voting rights bill which Martin King and Lyndon Johnson blackmailed through congress. But when these same high-principled legislators had an opportunity to turn Washington, D. C. over to similar tender mercies it chickened out. Nearly 60 per cent of the nation’s capital is negro, and almost 90 per cent of the school ; population is negro. But who runs Wash ington, D. C.? Not its citizens. Each year with a bit of the bitterest hypocrisy the affairs of this major city are turned over to a committee from the house of represen tatives, generally composed of South erners from “safe districts” who can do the things that must be done to rule the world’s largest negro city. But the negroes of Washington are not overwhelmingly illiterate as their brothers and sisters too frequently are across the South. Also the Washington negro cannot qualify as a “have-not” since thanks to the generosity of this same free-spending congress — Wash ingtonians enjoy the highest per capita income in the nation. So here we see the two ugly sides of this congressional face: In the first instance these two-faced lawmakers climb upon their humanitarian charger and declare loudly enough-for every negro, voter in ‘their home district - to ’ hear that negroes must have the right to vote whether they can read the bal lot or not. And then on another day these same bigots turn their back suddenly on what s supposedly is the world’s most literate, most cultured, most highly paid group of negroes by telling them that the . things their illiterate cousins can do in Alabama; they cannot do in Washington, D. C. . —--— jack rider Four years and a traction ago I heard Dallas Herring, chairman of the State Board of Education, say that an alarm ing number of schools in the state were guilty of falsifying their attendance records in order to establish a ptipil load that would cause such schools to be allocated more teachers than their actual enrollment entitled them. Herring said a great deal of effort was being exerted to correct this method of stealing on the part of principals; whose salary is based upon their teaching cer tificate and experience plus an addi tional $5 per month for each teacher in their school. Each principal who could boost ,his school’s enrollment by 30 pupils .could add $5 per month to his pay check. This year in the northeastern part of the state a principal was found guilty of this kind of stealing. He was Slapped on the wrist and the school board imme diately hired him back to steal some more. This is a sad, sad, commentary on “quality education.” That the disease was known more than four years ago and has not yet been cured. And Herr ing is still chairman of the board and some principals are still stealing. This'indirectly smears the honest prin cipals, who are in the majority and it makes a mockery of the system which , permits it to continue and even abets it by keeping such convicted principals on the public payroll. It causes one weary taxpayer such as myself to wonder what overall per cent of the school tax dol lar is being collected and spent for children who are not in class. It’s rather like the old system of voting tombstones. It does seem to me, however, that this malpractice could be easily healed if the top administrators in the school system really wanted to put dn end to it. Counting pupils who are not in class, and who may in some instances not even exist surely is a detectable crime. Or more simply the salary system could be changed; thus eliminating the temptation of the thievish principal to steal. Actually there is no good reason for paying a principal with 40 teachers more than one who has 20 teachers, be cause often, I’m sure, running a small er school is more difficult than running a larger school. On top all of this hanky-panky from the top side of school affairs we are confronted — at least statistically by the story that we still have an amazing high per cent of illiterates in our state even after more than a half-century of free public schools, and supposed com pulsory school attendance laws. Big Daddy Rabbit Johnson is setting up “rehabilitation centers” for malin gerers who deliberately flunk mental tests when called up by the draft boards. Which takes us back to Earl Bell’s ques tion about: HoW can you rehabilitate somebody who’s never been “habilitat ed.” But education has gotten to be such a sacred cow that nobody is willing to question any expenditure, or even any malpractice of those who become “edu cators.” Lenoir County at present is sweating blood, trying to pay for addi tional classrooms in four schools and there are more than 20 empty class rooms in other schools. The racial inte gration ghost has scared all educators so badly .they don’t know whether to fish or cut bait. And while I’m griping I might as well mention again that in the midst of all CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 jonesjournalT •JACK RIDER. puiLiiHn Published every Thursday by the Lenoir Coftnty News Company, Int., 403 West Verndn Ave., Kinston, N. C. 28501, Phone TA 3-237o. Entered as Second Class Matter May 5, 1949, at Post Office at Trenton, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. By mail in first zone — $3.00 per year plus 3 per cent N. C. Sales Tax. Subscription rates payablejn advance. Second class post age paid at Trenton, N. C.