As you leave these ivy-covered walls... I sure Never Forget That These Editorials Are The Opinion Of One Man —--And He May Be Wrong The Decision The decision now facing the America people is not a new one. It has been put into words before more elequently: "—That this nation, under God, shall have a birth of freedom—and that gov ernment of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." This is the classic constitutional con frontation now marching toward decis ion between the people, through their elected representatives, and the appoint ed life-tenure oligarchs of the supreme court who have leaped into the vacuum created by congressional cupidity and carved themselves a large chunk of free dom’s flesh from the American body politic. Power, however obtained tends to cor rupt, and total power ducth as the thin majority of the supreme court has usurp ed has totally corrupted the entire con stitutional balance in our nation. No longer do we have the serene support of the written law, but the entire nation must stagger from day to day under the transient whim of nine non-elective men, and worse the whim of only that thin majority of five of these power-madden ed judges. .Here in the South there has been a tendency to over-emotionalize those court decisions pertaining to racial segregation, but on balance few of us with any reasonable attitude can attack the basic premise which 'has outlawed a legalized bi-racialism in a system of free men. The most terrible blows to freedom been made in the reckless des truction by this court of local govern ment, because local government is the basic building block from which this representative government was built and on which it has. so greatly prospered. Interfering with the orderly processes of justice, of legislation, and over-turn ing such simple local ordinances as tres* passing on up to and including the cor ruption of justice in the bloody of capital felooies; these are the f ous crimes of this Earl Warren oligar chy. Deliberately demoralizing the concepts of religion, giving aid and comfort to the unholy conspiracy of international socialism, which is sometimes mistaken ly classified as Russian Communism; this, too, is the premeditated, malicious damage to American freedom this court has repeatedly committted. Attempting to administer thousands of school systems, presiding over the organization of every state legislature, sitting as committing magistrate to every criminal—felon or misdemeanant, board of review to every civil claim, chief psychiatrists to the nation and case worker to every welfare problem . . . these are the basic listing of the impossi ble mountain of work this court has greedily clasped to its breast. And, as ever, centralized' government breeds the most hateful of all tyrannies; that of the faceless bureaucrat, with his mincing regulations, tight-lipped sincer ity and plati tudinous ri ghteousness. - It is far better to be slaughtered by an Attila than' to be slowly devoured by maggots on the dung heap of totalitar ian socialism. And so now congress after a genera tion of abdication seeks to regain its legal authority and to exercise its con stitutional responsibility. Voting in the senate last month 72-to-2 began curbing the lusts of this judicial tyranny, and this week the gauntlet is Hung back full in the face of this over whelming “sense of congress” with another batch of nit-picking technicali ties which sets free more confessed, con victed felons from this Earl ..Warren court. This is a classical constitutional crisis and’ its firm resolution can have only one answer among free men: That the will of the people through < shall prevail and that utterly;despisedby th<* yery N^gro they seriously sought to hr#. » : ?? These self-righteouBr: souls made the perfectly innocent Wtake of assuming from theit Olympian pedestal that every body, ahd especially Negroes wanted to be white ... to think white, marry white, worship white, eat white, dress white, There were some of us, called “racists” or “Niggef ilaters” who tried to caution them that their white snobbery would infuriate Negroes of pride ahd attract those “converts” who were eager to take the “missionary rice”, no matter what kind of insulting package ij, might come M. Now these learnedly pious are learn ing, the hard way, that Negroes are not the second class citizens that the Uni ted States Supreme Court officially de clared them to be when it said with what little dignity an Earl-Warren court could muster, that Negro schools were “in herently” inferior to white schools. Hardly a week passes now when some liberal world remaker doesn’t confess the error of his way, and point out as if he had suddenly found something new that Negroes need- the cohesive force segregation brings in many fields of en deavor. Those of us who now sit muttering, “I told you so.” know now as we knew long ago that the American Negro was grossly wronged in countless different ways, public and private. But we tried to say then, and we now can more safely repeat that one cannot help Negiro schools by destroying them, nor improve Negro neighborhoods by destroying them, nor build. Negro pride—indvidual ly of collectively—by mouthing the white snobbism that a Negro teacher cannot teach a Negro child as well as a white teacher.,. We told you .. We told you so . . We told you so. . . The Car Problem Americans suffer an almost totally schizoid tendency when it comes to the specific subject of automobiles. Con sider: Behind the wheel this Homo Amerioanus wants the open road, with no old maid school teachers to slow his pace, no stop lights from coast to coast, no left-turn roads blocking his haste to get wherever he’s headed. But when this same panting, accelera tor stomper reaches that safe harbor of home he wants no further traffic to pass by his doorstep. He wants peace and quiet, and curses to the darkest and deepest T>its of perdition that “nut be hind the wheel”, who races a motor, or screeches a tire within earshot of his territorial imperative. . '• ' If the roads are to be built: Build them on the other side of town, and just provide me with a tree-lined lane to my own vine-covered cottage. On my coiner install four-way stop signs, cut speed limits to 10 miles 'an hour, erect “Protect Our Children” signs on every approach to that area where my children play in the streets. But curses on that empty-headed traffic engineer who dares to litter my path to the office with stop signs, yield right-of-way signs and those infernal slow-changing red lights! At the doorway of a, home, it’s hats off, and 'gracious bows to the ladies, and sudden leaping to one’s feet when little old ladies enter the room. But on the village streets: What’s that old biddy doing behind a steering wheel? Blow your horn, mutter curses at her as she pokes along looking for a parking placesor to pick up a grandchild. At the lodge hall its Brother Buddy, and have another short? one, but on the streets it’s “Get the hell out of my way, JACK Village” that the leaders of the Poor People .Mapch ate “roughing it” in a ' ' 2k—Li_ siUk rAnmt rooms miles from the mudpie that, has made out of once beautiful Poto And it is fitting, if also laughable that the Right Reverend Ralph Abernathy arjrivesj talking out of the side of his dir . in an air-conditioned Imperial; . not just a plain everyday red Cadillac con vertible like the Poor People March mar shals use to shepherd the poverty striken around. '% It’s all rather reminiscent of , the Late Lamented Patrice Lamumba, prime minister of The Congo until he was fri caseed by some of his big eating cou sins. The departed Lamumba’s first offi cial act was to charter a jet for Washing ton where, he was annotated with liber al oil and given six million of the Ameri can taxpayers’ dollars to play with. His first purchase was six Lincoln Continent als, which he shipped back to The Congo by air-Meght. Poor nations and poor people have been used as the thinly veiled pretext for committing more commercial rape on the taxpayers of these not-so-united States than anyone flimflammery in the na tion’s history. And, the beat goes on . . . There is still a very large part of con gress, and perhaps an even larger part of the average population who believe (Continued on page 6) Some Worm The political worm can turn faster than a sailor’s head at a pretty girl. :> Just a few weeks ago Emperor Charles of All Gaul was touring around behind the Iron Curtain telling, the satellite powers how to tweek the noses of the boys in the Kremlin back room. ' And last year his royal gallic high ness was shouting “Vive Quebec Iibre” while fanning nationalistic French fires on a state visit to Canada, Which had the courage to match DeGaulle’s gall with a little Canadian sauce for this aged goose, and sent him borne before he got to see the sights of Expo ’68. And now this lofty alp among Europe an political hills stands stripped of his power, and his grand dreams for La Belle France. It is sad, for the same lack of purpose that wafted DeGauUe about the world with is imperial airs and insulting (rhetoric has been adopted by his own people, and with 'little rime and less reason they have suddenly pulled his castle down around his king-sized ears. So the political worm once again has suddenly tinned. And. in America the first defeat of the Boston Kennedy KLan has been seen as the political worm took a sudden turn to Oregon, and pushed: a dropout name of McCarthy back into prominence. Of course the wormiest squirmer of all the political larva is Hubert Horatio Humphrey who has now passed from his pupal stage of flaming liberal, riot- pro vocateur and teetotal socialist to emerge in full color as the butterfly of Southern conservatives and Wall Street’s “en lightened capitalists”; ~ r-— Not only does politics mate* strange bedfellows . .It also creates strange beds in which these queer political worms in cubate, or whatever it is that ..strange bedfellows do- when they get in strange beds together, n found a way to 'have one without the problems. . . .traffic and diapers, and the diaper engineers are in the lead at 'this writing. JONES JOURNAL