How to Watch A _ .. _ President Grow \JOHNJ. SYNO ■ * There are a number of ways to determine the progress George Wallace is making in his bid for the presidency. One way, of course, is by watching the polls; slowly these kept-sters are let ting tiie truth seep out of their bag. But the way I like best to observe Wallace’s climb is a perverse sort of Choice. I prefer to watch the squirmings of the liberals, love to hear their ris ing yelps, and to read the some times-absurd formulate they concoct to “stop" him. That’s what I like, and the more bitter, the more caustic they be come the better I Idee it. Here is a new high, one that approaches the falsetto: Dr. Gary Orfield, a professor at the University of Virginia, no less, proposes that the Republicans and Democrats make a deal, one with the other, join hands, to preclude Wallace from having any chance at winning the elec tion. Now you know that’s some thing, right? Harhish stuff. And to make it more enjoyable my local paper says the professor’s proposal is making quite a stir in Washington. No doubt. Any port in a storm. Specifically, this “pseudo-in tellectual” wants the Republi cans and democrats to agree to pool their Electoral-College votes and thus produce for one or the other the majority Qeorge Wallace is sure to deny both of them if they don’t. ♦ v> Little the professor cares if his plan would disenfranchise 20 million voters — it would stop Wallace, and that is all that mat ters to the eggheads; a fig for democractic principles if they don’t work your way. Right, pro fessor? They are titillating, these screwball proposals. I enjoy them immensely. I should. Read a line from a reporter-spy I have in Washing ton: “The inside rif from HHH camp is that Wallace may win.” You bet he may. That’s what I have been saying. Why else would they be lis tening, to the likes of this pro fessorial pin-wheel. His propos al is like asking the Jews and i the A-rabs to lock arms instead Your Medicine Can Cost You Less Save Your Prescriptions Filled at MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY ftf N. (mm Street Kfnsten, N. C. WE WELCOME CHARGE ACCOUNTS WE KEEP INCOME TAX AND INSURANCE RECORDS Waltkh p. Johnson, r. Ph. 1 FOR THAT PROFESSIONAL LOOK # CHM Dryiig BLIZZARD BUILDING SUPPLY INC, Kinston, N. C. of horns. The inherent ignorance of the man — and it is typical — & ap parent in his by-passing the fierce competition the pros of both parties feel for the jobs they covet, the jobs, the patron age and the cumshaw. What else is apparent in his proposal is the truth of George Wallace’s oft-repeated statement: “There isn’t a dime’s worth of differ ence between either national party.” That’s what the professor knows, that it would make no difference whichever of those two won. How else could he justify such a proposal? What he doesn’t appreciate is the will ingness of both, if victory hung in the balance, to slit the other’s throat; that neither would trust the pledge of the other. * * • But it makes fine reading and ■that is what I wanted to write about, I wanted to introduce gentle reader to this bitter sweet game I play: Reading Wal lace’s rising political popularity from the obverse side of the scene. It is much more enjoy able, say, than the prosaic ap proach, that of following the poll-cats. Take those scurrilous attacks The Saturday Evening Post re cently made on the little Judge. I loved them because of their overdone nastiness. And Look WHAT IS THE ANSWER? by Henry E. Garrett, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Psychology, Columbia University Past President, American Psychological Association Q — How can- parents slow down or counteract these ter rible agents of HEW? magazine, time after time, comes on with frenetic caterwauls that warm the cockles of me heart. That publication has about as much dignity as the Mad Hat ter. There was a time — when Wal lace sentiment was a new-born thing — such attacks bothered Continued on Page 6 I A: By urging their school ad ministrators to forego Federal funds. At present, HEW officials are bribing the school men to take their orders. If a sufficient number of school superintend ents refused HEW funds, this meddlesome agency would soon change its policies. Like most bureaucratic organizations, HEW must keep things stirred up to give a pretense of progress. See what you can do where you live. Use Read^-Mixed concrete No Mom — No Waiting — Our Ready-Mixed Concrete i I* on the Job When Yon Need 1 It Also Sand, Gravel and Crashed Stone. Barrus Ready Mixed Concrete Company Free Estimate* — New Bern Highway, Kinston, N. C. How time-saving are you? Test yourseif. i r Take the short cuts? □ □ □ Always Sometimes Never \W II//// \WW// / -V///\\x Call ahead? □ □ □ Always Sometimes Never |rv& 9? 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