Another Black Spot in Dixie I JOHN J. SYNO There has been put together, in Memphis, something known as The L.Q.C. Lamar Society, organized, so The New York Times says, to “seek reconcilia tion and' pragmatic dialogue” be tween the races. On its face, this undistinguish ed outfit wouldn’t be worth men tioning were it not for the fact it typifies the (most insidious factor now corroding the South. It is the latest of the malicious black spots planted among us to rot the whole. As such, it is worth looking at. L.Q.C. Lamar was a noble Miss issippian who served as a Con federate colonel and, after the war, as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of The Unit ed States. He is best remem bered for his post - bellum work at North - South reconciliation and one supposes it is this ele ment in Lamar’s career that led the integrationists to adopt his honored name. Their choice smacks of an attempt to lend the organization a genuine pro Southern flavor. However that may be, the La mar Society, today, claims 140 members from across the South. Its moving force seems to be a Negro named Moses Burt who earns a living as a staff worker for the National Urban Coalition. As I get it, he and a White man named James Leufae nut the thing together. Leutze is a form er member of Hubert Humph rey’s staff and is now a profes sor of — Glory be! — American •history at the University of North Carolina. The Times says the society’s goal is to “shape the (South’s) future political leadership.” To that end it will hold “regional govern ment workshops,” etc. * * * Why? Because, says Michael Cody, a White lawyer and the society’s first president, “In the next three years the South must decide if it’s going to integrate or face the alternative of mas sive black alienation, frustration ,and violence.” Poppycock. The South — as •the North — has decided that already. It won’t integrate, not voluntarily, come the prom ised violence or high water. All of which, really, is beside the point. What I wanted to em phasize, in writing of The La mar Society, is the means em ployed by egalitarians, generally to revolutionize our culture. They slip into the South, in the first instance, via pipelines already established. (How do, you suppose so alien - minded a creature as this man Leutze hooked on at the University of North Carolijfe; how do you sup pose Dean Rusk, whose daught er married a Negro, came to earth at the University of Georgia? How and why?) Once among us, such as these assume the posture of people with the South’s best interests at heart. And gather scalawags around them. Together, the scalawags and the aliens, become “enlight ened Southerners” and) begin to tell us, “pragmatically,” how evil are those who demand and maintain standards as old as mankind; exactly that old. * * * , Generally, such groups and individuals are fed by “free money,” by tax-exempt founda tions that long ago were taken over by the marxists. And they pump, and they pump, and they pump their poison. If it were not for one tre mendous roadblock, such out fits as the Lamar Society long ago would have overrun uS. Fortunately, that immovable block stops them whichever way they steer. For, you see, when all the propaganda guns have been fired, when the last “rul ing” has been handed down and the individual stands at bay, in tegration still depends upon that individual’s willingness to aban don his bone - deep, instinctive, consciousness of kind. That, he will not do; not of his own vo lition. For this reason — and this reason alone — miscegenation (the true meaning of “integra tion”) is not working. The egal itarians can, and) they may, force us all* to become brown-skinned people. They can, as thev are doing, make imitation White people of Negroes. But they can’t make the rank and-file of us — White or Black — like it. So long as we have a choice we will remain as we are, thank you; pulpit, press and The Lamar Society notwithstanding. Other Editors Say — | Homeless Fish? Rusting away at the curb, a junked automobile is, an eye sore. Dumped into 60 feet of water off the Jersey Shore, it’s a home for vagabond fish and Crustaceans., “Building blocks Tor artificial reefs,” the Sandy Hook United States Marine Laboratory calls them. And supposedly they rust away without harming the envir onment. I 'For harassed urban officials, an intriguing idea. But buUdoz ONE HIGH STANDARD The same thoughtful consideration and complete dignified service is accorded all regardless of the cost of the funeral selected. Dtfwr Edlton Say Rails Fail Farmers, Too The demise of Railroad passen ger service makes the headlines, >ut there also is an alarming decline in boxcar numbers. Ag riculture Secretary Clifford Hardin recently reported the situation to Congress. In 1959 American railroads tiad 674,792 box cars. On Jan. 1 this year they had only 386,499, i drop of 42.7 per cent. The lumber of narrow dbor cars, suitable for grain hauling, had declined to 180,574. Covered hopper cars have increased from 58,383 to 125,867, but they are used1 for other products also and do not fill the needs of the grain industry. There are a half-billion more bushels of wheat to move than in 1959, 700 million more bush els of com, and greater amounts if grain sorghum and soybeans. New corn harvesting-drying methods make that crop ready for market faster, with more burden on the carriers. Export sales are being lost because de livery to port cannot be made promptly. And there are 27 mil lion more persons to feed in this country than in' 1959. Hardin called this situation a “disastrous breakdown in the ag ricultural rail transportation system.” He favored an Inter state Commerce Commission or ier to cover emergencies and ;o require boxcar purchases. distressing to contemplate if a Nationwide truck drivers’ strike occurs. — Milwaukee Journal ing all the nation’s abandoned automobiles into the ocean could be expensive. However, any imaginative urban official could justify the cost. A home for homeless fish! That would be a cry to rally ... the ecologists. There’s only one hitch. Auto mobiles are being abandoned at the rate of better than six mil lion a year. There just can’t be that much vagrant fishlife around. — The Evening Bulletin (Philadelphia) COMPLETE Household Pest & Termite Control BONDED TERMITE WORK & REPAIR GUARANTEE &all Winston Wheeler or R. Sanderson DIAL 527-5177 Over 25 Years Experience Member N. C. P,est Control Home Owned & Operated "Why Pay More Whan Yon Can Got One of the Bast for Loss" 204 E. 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