thatEd __ Jlient will this falL formally i’s aomi B.C. Man the North Bureau Federa gum, Carolina tion. ■ JMHH “Alonzo Edwards v^as a>part of practically every program in tbe State and the Nation that fii«i anything to do with farm people and farm life,” Mangum said in'the presentation. Among the nominee’s contri butions cited were the fafcts tbat: — He serrttftim North Carolina Farm Bureau for many years as president and excuuve vice president. —He initiated and took full re sponsibility for the R- Flake Shaw Memorial Scholarship Fund -which provides scholarships for farm bCys and girls in the fields of agriculture and home eco nomics. —He was Chairman of the Ag ricultural Committee of the Re gional Export Council. —He helped organize mid was chairman of the Board of To bacco Associates, Inc., a corpor ation of the tobacco* industry organized to promote the sale of tobacco abroad. r —He was active in the Agri cultural Foundation and a mem ber of the Board of the Farm ’fers Cooperative Exchange. He was a leader in the Soil Conser vation and ACP programs. —He served as a member of the North Carolina vHouse of Repre sentatives during which time he was Chairman of the Agricult ural Committee, —He was president of file North Carolina 4-H Development Fund and spent much time and travel ed many miles in support of the program. —He was a great supporter of the Rural Electrification Admin istration. —“As long as there-are agricul tural programs and as long as people get together to discuss their .problems, the philosophy and principles, of Lon .Edwards will five,” the presentation con cluded. ■ . Tf* £ • . ■r’sT1 A v Some people find it much eas ier to talk about organizing a conference on environment im provement than to bend over md pfck:«p a gumfwraippeiu • Ifce Veterans Adtoipistratloi suggests that GI insurance pol icyflotders who receive VA com pensation or pension payment! may want to consider having their insurance premiums de ucted from their monthly check In making that suggest, W. R Phillips, Manager of the Wins ton-Salem Veterans Administra Lion Regional Office, said aiboui a quarter of a miflion veter am already pay their insurant* premiums this way. He pointed out that in ordei to u$e this convenient method the, veteran’s monthly benefii check must be equal to or greet or than the premium to be paid Phillips said one of the advan tages of the deduction method ii hharf- payments of premiums are automatic, reducing the likeli hood that the insurance wil lapse. Utner advantages are mat veteran saves time, check 01 money order costs, and postage and its costs the government les! to process, Phillips explained. He also said veterans with ac tive VA insurance policies maj use the monthly deduction' meth od to repay loans on their pol ides. Phillips added that veterans who draw retirement pay iron the military services also maj have VA insurance premiums de ducted from their checks, bn explained that technically thej cannot repay policy loam through this method. To switch to the deductior method, military retirees shoulc request their finance, otffices t< withhold VA insurance pram iutiis and send them directly tc the VA., Both military retirees and vet erans who draw benefit checki from the VA must pay insurance premiums through the month Use ReafyMixed CONCRETE No Mess — No Waiting — i Our Ready-Mixed Concrete is t on the job-when you need it. Also Sand, Gravel and Crush 'ed Stone. BARRUS READY MIXED 1 CONCRETE COMPANY pm SitlniitH iik-. Ntw Bern Hiohwav. Kinston, N. C. STANDARD ijune thoughtful consideration and