c THE ARATOIL Unprepared to Bay what would be the best course to pursue. , , Gen. LUtlejohn moved that the Arator be adopted as tho organ of this Society. .,' J f . - - Hon. Mr. Vcnable, in a speech of some length"; op posed the adoption of any organ.. Mr. Taylor moved that the motion be laid on the table until to-morrow evening. Hon. S P. Hill moved that the subject be report ed to a committee of five ; which he subsequently withdrew. v.;. The President stated that at the called meeting in January, the Society resolved that there should be an organ, and referred) the adoption of one to the Executive Committee, who, it was understood, could not agree J but that tho committee had made no report. - ( . Tv The Chairman of the Executive Committee was then called upon for a report, and stated, verbally, that tho committee could not agree, in the selection of an organ, and therefore the subject came back to the Society. : Mr; Poole said his impression was, the Committee had resolved to have no organ. Dr. Crudup repeated that his own statement of the matter was correct. Mr. Burgwyn moved that the resolution of Gen LUtlejohn be postponed indefinitely. ' Mr. Bridgers said ho was desirous of being heard onlhe subject, 'and doubted not there were others who entertained the same desire ; and he therefore moved an adjournment, which -was carried, and the Society adjourned until to-morrow evening balf-after 7 o'clock. " Tiios. J. Lkmav, Scc'y. ' V"V' , " .', .' - V..:. Wednesday Evening, rj o'clock, Oct. K, 1855. The North Carolina Agricultural Society met ac cording to adjournment. ... . , The first business in order being the motion to lay Qtt the table for tho present, the motion made by Gen. LUtlejohn, to adopt the Arator as the organ of this Society,' the question thereon was put by the Chair, and the motion (to lay on the table) was de cided in the affirmative. Mr. mith, of Halifax, moved that all the regular, officers be now ballotted for ; which was agreed to, Tho President's election being first in order, the Hon. Thomas Ruffin was unanimously re-elected President of the Society for.the ensuing year. The two Ex-Presidents, Messrs. John S. Dancy, of Edgecombe ; and Richard n. Smithof Halifax, were ' then, electedfirst and second Vice Presidents ; Dr. W. R. Holt, of .Davidson, 3d Vice President ; .and Honj Wm. A,' Graham, of. Orange 4th YicePrcsi- ucni, J. ramus nuiuiuii, ui . ed Treasurer j and Thos. J.Lcniay,Cv&R. Sccrctarj-. The Committees - not being ready to rrport, the . Hon. Wm. A. Graham . was called ou to ndtlreF s tho , Society, and responded. , v, " . j . Hon. A. Venablc then addressed tne fcociciy. Mr. II. K. liurgwynn, ot x-iortuampion, next nu-; dressed the Society on the effect of (jveno on wheat, . and the best manner of sowing. . k , Prof. Emmons, State Geologist, was loudly caljcdt for; but was absent from the Hall at the time. Ex-Gov. Morchead, of Guilford, responded upon call, discussing the effects of Railways on the intcr- csts of Agriculture. . t p Mr. Vice' President Smith, of Halifax, then raado some remarks on the necessity of more exertion on the part of our planters, and in regard to Railroad charges on articles. Dr. Crudup addressed the Society upon its prcsent prospects, and in relation to charges for carrying: articles to the Fair on Railroads. ,' . un motion oi -sir. wurgwyn, iuc oocici; uujuuiu- ed until to-morrow. evenirg o'clock. , Tnos. J. Lemay, Stdy. . - . - . ft .,...'.... ... ' .. . .-T ' .' - " - : .' ... ' -. . The Society met. The President being absent the Hon. Wm. A. Graham, was.cailed to t)ic Cha.ir.' . The Secretary of . the Society being absent, on motion, wm. jl. vookc. was appomij;u occrciiiij pro (em. , , . The coramittpe on. the revision of the Constitution , reported as follows : To strike out the 5th section of the Constitution. In the 3d line of the 6th section, after the word. " committee", insert " of which the President of tho ........ . . , . . .. ', ., ... ..j . ... .. Society shall be tx-otfitio Chairman." After tho: word " Fair," in the Tth line, add the following : To make all necessary preparation for holding the State Agricultural Fairs ; to appoint a Secretary to their r body, with such compensation as Ihcy may deem necessary ; and to cause a joiirnul of their proceed ings to be kept, which shall be submitted to )hc So-, ciety at its annual mpeting in October. ." In the 2d line of the Cth section of the By-Laws sfrikft on t th ft word " fiftftMi" und insprt thft word T-r, u seven.". In the ,'4th and 5th line, strike out the , . . ....... words " by tho Society." - f ; Un motion, tho recommendation of the Ctfmmitteo to strike out the 5th section was concurred with. Thcj-ecommendation of tho committee in recrard ' .. .... . .. , ... . .'. . v; to the 6th section of the By-Laws was taken up, and ; tho section amended so. as to read as follows : eth. That it shall be the duty of the President , to appoint annually a committee , of i seven, . to be . i styled the Executive Committee, (of which the Pret-