: '? thK'Ahatou. too "' ' - " "' ' - "" . mm ----- : , .-s--,.;.T'.:a4 ' . ' Vious furrow bHcc ; at the same time it acre field with it the present Reason undercuts, and lifts tho standing side of the dnuns,howfiver, arc madejive feet the furrow, so that the next operation deep, the lower two iect being dug by of the surflice plow is niorc ellective, hand in tlio ustud wiy. v '::igi; besides requiring less power. A small- Hortieulturc.In 1 this : department or size of this tool is used to run be- Prof Mapes bar made great strides. twecn com; if ml row-crops '.when first a- He raises large) quantitiesVof the : finer bovc the ground, lifting the rows on kinds of : fruit for market, most of which flfli shift 'nt 5 fa trrmk without nlimlimr nrr Rnlrl in tlm lrnnflu-nv fnn.lnnlora " the roots, and leaving the whole in lino The Vinevard contains about 1200 tilth ; it docs not, however, remove any vines in full bearing, and we have never weeds from the surface, but rather cn- seen 1a finer disnlav of fruit or better courages their growth in common with wood. No disease is to be seen among 'that of the desired cro). Afterits use, the grapes, the greater portion of which say ten davs or less,- when the ground are Isabella and Catavba. Tho other lias settled, then the weeds are all re- kinds cultivated embrace the following: moved by another horse tool known as Norton's Seedling, Hibernians Made- the . riajBland's Virgiiiia, Charter OakKu- Itoot CTerwtT. Of whicli Professor lander, Portuguese Blue,? Concord, etc. Mapes has a great variety. These skim Ptw. Both standards and dwarfed the surface, between rows, to a depth on quince stocks arc largely raisedand varyingfi'om two to four inches or more, wo have never seena pear orchard in so by forcing a V shaped piece of steel, fino a condition many ' of the small point forward between the rows, with a trees Having 200 pears each of the larg- comb behind placed at an angle. The est size and in perfect , condition. The . soil and weeds in passing over this farm has niany hundred fruit trees of .comb are separated, the soil falling other kinds; Apples, Plums, Peaches, ,,tnrougn, anu tnc weeas, However ivpricots, cnernes, etc. , small, riding over the comb so as to be The ' 'SmallfFruits. Of these ; there is left in the sun witli their roots freed a great variety and in large quaiitities. from soil so as to decay readily. These Strawlerries in many varieties, in- are of various widths "and kinds to do cludingTIovey'sSeedrnBlackPrincc, ;away with baud hoeing of row crops Myatt's Eliza, Victoria, British .Queen, entirely. -The driver docs notlollowthis rrolihc Hautboy, bcarlet Cone, etc. tool so as to. walk over the disturbed Jlasvberries 0 f these a fino -display, .sqily but walks in the next row before and include the following kirids viz. : its; disturbance. With a small mule Fastolf, Franconia, Truo lied Antwerp, this tool is made to do the work of for- and others. i . v. ty men with hoes, and in a inuch more Blackberries Lawton's, White, Black perfect manner. cap, etc. v - , Knoxs Horse Hoe is also an admira- Gooseberries 100 varieties of tho best Lie tool, being a compound of the root kinds. ' ' V ' i cleaner and two small plow shares, so Currants Large iRed- Dutch and nrrafiged that they can be made .to White Crystal. ; y J throw the earth toward, or remove it Hot-Beds and Cold Frames. Oi Xi from,; corn or other crops. It has there aro about 300 lights, and a laago many useful applications, and is an ad- "number of cold frame shutters; Largo rairablc tool. sales aro made of plants to Market Gar- Pratt's Bitching ' Mme. This ma- doners and othqral from these frames, 'chine with' the hejp YV)f ;a .pair,, of oxeh . andlhev iiiclndo all the lands of plants nv ltrvraoa will fct 7K mil a rfr rlnv nf rnnmred. . .ditch lGinqlies. wide and three feet Several acres arc, appropriated to Prof. Mapes has;drained a seven Market Gardening, , all ,ot, which are