.".I - .' 1 I . .. . . .. ,. .. . - : -. I .v - .rrr T?T- ." 1 -r: r : : WILLIAMS & H AYWOOD, " t L . , . nWIIOIESALE AND IlETAIL DEALERON ; i : Drugs, Medicines and Cliemi i tls. -.-lJ? LYE-13r00DS & BYE-STUMPS. . 'fes?0ff;' iim, ad imcra1 Jrtfcw. Coach Hailing and; Repairing;-. I M ' - " ;-VAUXISnES,r; '; . f v - ; ?rpHE UNDEHSIGNKD having taken the fihop :v t rl -Wixdow class and pctty, CLARffwAHE, X known as Jenkins old stand, would announce Sr1- Frcncli,Erigli$li and American Tcrfumcrj, to the pcoDlc of North Carolina generally, that ho . '7- Fine Toilet anl Shavipg Soaps,; :ts preparea to manufacture in a Leautiful and du- v --'' Tine Tooth and Hair Brushes, Paint brushes, Table manner, Coaches, Butrgies, Hockaways and 1 SUltGICAL. .AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, vehicles of every kind, at a price to suit the times.. -r-'.V. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, ' w i nnv Ar itva a vn TvT i TTTvr -'".'A Spices, Snuffs, Mannfactuwd tobacco, - ? AGON.-MAIvIO AND REPAIRING., ; r AU the Patent or proprietary Medicines of tho Day ' 1 am alf prepared to make Wagons, Carta, &c., ScrEitioa Inks. . evcry description, ona as my- facilities lorrc . Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal Purposes, pairing are good, tho public may rely upon having , v "Extracts for Flavoring, heir work done at the loiccst jMSsiblemteit, and iu. ' . v Choice Toilet and Fancy Articles, etc. ;r a manner unsurpassed by wiy other estabUsIutwU We makeonr purchases on the most advantageous in the State. - y X. - y ' tcrmsT and ofFcr goods equally as low a3 they can be Give mo a oall and you will never regret it. 3 obtained'frbm anyimilar establishinent in this sec- . ' , B; JI PKUKINSON: ' Y - tion;' .' - ,- : A- ':r ' July 1st, 185C! " Vr: " ' r- ..-:.:,:-;v.;v.y- V'V.;"- Warranted to oe frh purt and genuine, s 1 ' ,,' ' ' " "' :r , V'- Orders iron the cojrypiTtly fined, radS!ifiS. NOVELTY HQ8 "WORKS H! ; . . faction guaranteed wth regard to price and quality. s. . - ; t . ; ;: Physicians Prescriptions will receive particular Jlahigli, North- Carolina, . vfltteationtttaUhour3o:the4y ana night. . rjjUFACTURB of Horizontal, and Vertical':': jjx. oieaai rngines:t lauuiar, riue, ana jyima- ; t , H -entca bui oi .i an nary, ioooj cauea 4me . " Av1.n:irn; A-n Mole W .c-U ci the edof "fTStt&con .ncd in the a uonzoma. snare, .or umuiug 0 .ur abovebMineM for a number of years, arid has ' , . . ;aud ? curved gutter on the rear of the share for t d outgomcof thobest Kugiws and Saw . V " th plQw,orMferon Mab . Stete ,ThicU can bo testified to W ; "- ' ?P?? '0,.. Sh?re f3- m7 dcS,'; many whohavo purchased of hira.; : Aflaptedlo siding, hstin?, breakmg turfy or hard b)m lnakig preparation for thVani A. lnnri: f snhsnilinr. nnd , mnnv other nurDOSGS. 13 . . 4 tt tr . ? 4 l lacturing oi mc most miprovcu riows, narrows, ' ; ' .heap gtrong .and supposed to be the Cultivatrs nnd olhcr iing Implements. VU 1 . . I . . . KHMt'" j. f r we ask 18, that our friends will give us a lair trial, v & i ?or llc.c?8? 5,th durc0'" VJr0' and see if they cannot thereby not only save their ..v, nng,ixaars v . UXUi" money at home, but a heavy tariff of traniirtaUonH-Vii RV'S& ?o??-U C? C' . ,f SlLAS BURNS ;CO.f'5-y5t;l Vc,0Tv::c: ' " :;r . ' Ju.y, 1855. ...C;-'..ttj-:;: "Ipia iETTS II ALL, w L. rOMEROY, : ijuuivuriiJiJDii a uiniiuiimwc:, a I of transportation. las they were i brought free by the iAlSCCI!ancoil3 : -. ':::rU -1- 4 lot, in which all articles on consignment are stored. American, SJfcusnD trkxch statiosbbt, ' . ; : 4 f Tue lallowiug arc some ot the articles brougut to ijxuxh. uuujwo tecS&;rtihzcrs, &c.A-c. Almost allthe. coxsjaktly ox hand a large assortmext niKP :rtic,e9 brought to the.iatc Fair were kept on sale Theological, Law, Medical, Classical .;'V'-''-:ftnd are offered at manufacturers prices with no cost , A(;'ArtiinAM v i :,? :.ifi .....i....!.. v Miscellaneous , 'r?f the late Fair: Horse rowers, Wheat Fans,-Corn ui iTery,ae5cnpuon, incmaing uecords ,ior cvrjA . 4 v i.- ' vDrill v Field Itollers.t Corn and Cob Crushers, liar- , . ' pnrpos?e. v - . ;.h:t . vv'i-" -Vi rrow!CnUIratord and Plows of every size and de- B( OKi BOUND IN PLAIN .OR FINE STYLE.-; j .Vv. arMTitinn. ' -',-' . .-... - , , r.-y- ' 1 ;J . r irT"oir TAirrTQ TflU WHlMv rrrntAL with nnfttnns Iftml ilU. i:. :R!cig!i, Marrh 1, 1853: ' ' ' U patch at this ofiiec. ' ; : V vM -':.VV:V::V' i