Women’s Activities MISS JEAN MARIE TORRENCE. SOCIAL EDITOR o—nui«ii^ NEWS. Friday. Mar* 17. 1950 Kay, Judy Chandler Honored With Dance Misess Joanne Cline and Em ily Lynn Kelly were hostesses at a semiformal dance Friday eve ning, entertaining from 7:30 until 11:30 at the Lions clubhouse in honor of Misses Kay and Judy Chandler, who will leave soon to make their home in Bessemer City. The ballroom of the club was decorated in green and white col ors carrying out the St. Patrick’s theme, and similar decorations were used in the dining room. The table was overlaid with a green and white banquet cloth or namented with shamrocks and centered with the punch bowl, flanked by green tapers set in crystal candelabra. Other serv ing tables were centered with ribbons of ivy and jonquils ex tending from end to end. The honor guests received cor sages and gifts from their host esses, and lime punch and cookies were served. Those present were the host esses, the honor guests, Miss Nan cy Calvert, Hilda Bumgardner, Cynthia Cartledge, Norma Ann Hunter, Joanne Helms, Norma Roberts, Billie Barrett, Marcia Stroupe, Carolyn AUigood, Sylvia Fowler, Frances Sigmon, Harriet I..ee, Susan Helton, Patsy Warren, Peggy Nixon, Ruby Stillwell, Anhe Paint**!; Ann McIntosh, Maude Haitsell, Jean Gowan, Faye Abernathy, Sara Cloninger, Ruth Stone, and Ray Morris, Robert Lee, Roger Spittle, Ronald Medders, Walter Batchelor, Ricky Moore, Bobby Abercrombie, Billy Joe Aber crombie. Dean Barber, Bill Craig, Larry Waldrop, Jerry Pryor, Den nis Hollar, Gene Hendrix, Oicky Carpenter, Joe Roberts, Martin Holloway, David Wright, Ricky Henson, Paul Dunn, Carl Jack- son, Don Abernathy, Douglas Fades, Hurdell Lawing, Keath Hearn, and Ralph Hamilton, all of Mount Holly, Miss Ann Tay lor, Miss Sidney Jane Patrick, Bobby Thornburg, Preston Tay lor, Jr., Harvey Elmore, Jr., and Charles Adcock of Belmont and Caswell Taylor. Jr., of Gastonia. Chaperones were the parents of the hostesses, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cline, and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Kelly, Jr. RETURNS TO TENN. David Loftin, of the U. S. Navy has just finished a thirty day leave in Mount Holly with hia mother, Mrs. Clarence McAlister. David was awarded the leave after hav ing served overseas. While on leave he was married to Miss Pol ly Ewing of the Catawba Heights section. Seaman Loftin has returned to Memphis. Tenn. to attend a Navy school His wife will join him there soon. PATIENT Mr. G. E. Dickens is a patient at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. He underwent an ap pendectomy last Friday and is doing nicely. Y. W. A. MET THURSDAY The y. W. A. of the Adrian- Madora Baptist Church met Thursday at the home of Miss Ida Ruth Brooks on North Main Street. Miss Betty Jordan gave the program and Miss Connie Hud speth, president, presided and gave the devotionals. Refresh ments were served by the host ess after the business session was over. Two Point Social Items of Interest Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hipp re turned to Memphis, Tenn. on Tuesday, after a visit here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Helton and Mrs. Clarence Hipp. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mundy at tended the funeral of Mr. Mun- d/s brother-in-law, Mr. E. F. Stribling on Sunday afternoon at the Durham Memorial Baptist Church in Charlotte. Miss Sue Quinn, student nurse at Lowrance hospital in Moores- villc, spent Wednesday with Mr, and M]^. W. F. Quinn. Mrs. W. B. Crawford attended a shower for Miss Sally Moore in Dallas on Thursday night. Friends and relatives of Mr. C. O. Hager will be glad to hear that he has returned home from the Presbyterian hospital in Charlotte and is getting along fine. Mrs. D. A. Dickson and son, and Mrs. S. D. Wilhelm and son were spend-the-day guests of Mrs. Sudie Ellington and Mrs. J S. Ellington. Mr. J. C. Dobbins, the district manager, staff manager J. H. Black, and district chairman C. R. Marks from the Charlotte of fice of the Durham Life Insurance Company spent Wednesday here with Mr. W. F. Quinn. Sharon Herring Is Host To Auxiliary The Girl’s Auxiliary of the First Baptist church met on Monday night at the home of Sharon Her ring. President Patsy Rabb an nounced this week. Three new members joined the G. A. at this meeting. They were Pansy Mc- Edluff, Buelah Wiggins, and Jime Fortner. The next meeting of the group will be held Monday night, March 27, at the home of Joyce Stewart. WEEKEND GUEST Jane Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson of Boger City, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Robinson. Miss Anderson is the neice of the Rob insons. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. An derson were the dinner guests of the Robinsons and late that after noon the Andersons and Jane re- tiumed to Boger City. IN CHARLOTTE Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Howard visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Au- trey in Charlotte on Sunday. Good Neighbor Club Fetes Anniversary The Good Neighbor Club held its monthly meeting last Satur day night at the American Din ing Hail. The event also cele brated the club’s fourth anniver sary. The hostesses lor the eve ning were Mrs. Lem Dagenhart, Mrs. Dot Andrews, Idrs. William Fortner, and Mrs. W. P. Howie. The table was beautifully dec orated, carrying out the colors of the club, blue, pink, and yellow. A three-tiered birthday cake grac ed the center of the table and pink and yellow lighted tapers were used. Each member was presented a lovely corsage which was donat ed by Edna Black, Florist. At this time new officers were elected for the coming year. These were: Mrs. Lem Dagenhart, president; Mrs. Annette Fortner, treasurer; Mrs. Marshall Davenport, secre tary; and Mrs. Blanche Byers the news reporter. The social chair man is Miss Ruth Nuttall. Mrs. Willingham Has Nice Birthday Dinner Mrs. W. A. Willingham honored her husband and her granddaugh ter, Elaine Mattero, on Sunday, March 12th, with a birthday din ner at her home in Riverbend Guests included Mrs. F. W. Willingham, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mosteller and three children, all from Anderson, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Martin, and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hammett, all from Greenville, S. C.; Mrs. D. J. Fos ter, Lyman, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Henderson, Wellford, S C.; Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Willingham and daughter from Tucapau, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mattero and daughter from Shelby, N. C.; and Billy Willingham from Mary ville, Tenn. Mrs. Clegg Hostess To Bridge Club Mrs. C. S. Clegg entertained iier bridge club on Friday afternoo'i, March 10th, at two-thirty o’clock. The occasion was in the form of a dessert bridge and cokes were served during the progressions. Spring flowers were used throughout the house and pre sented a variance of color. When scores were compiled, Mrs. W. P. Dunson was awarded high score prize. Mrs. Richard Scott was a guest of the club at this meeting. Others present were Mrs. James Ware, Mrs. J. H. Ar thur, Mrs. T. A. ^Ik, Mrs. Frank L. Rankin, Mrs. W. G. AUigood, and Mrs. C. O. Morgan from Clov- HOME FROM VISIT Miss Ora Davis has returned from a two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Torrence Beatty and Mr. Beat^ in Kinston, and her neice. Mrs. Wallace M. Swinson in Goldsboro. 1 Announcing THE OPENING OF Ivey HenUe, Jeweler ON Satiurdayr of this week Ws are opaamg is the saaa baildiag with the River Valley Gas and Appliaaea Co., aext door to tho beak on Main Strool. (Welch Nexl Week's Paper For Formal Opening) Ivey Henble, Jeweler “EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS” Next Door to Bank Main Street IN SANFORD SUNDAY Mrs. W. L. Noles, Miss Bertha Noles and Miss Edna Noles, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rabb visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Holder in Sanford on Sunday afternoon. Other guests of the Holders were Mr. and Mrs. James L. Noles and their family of Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. James Noles is the daughter of the John Holders, and Mr. Noles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Noles of Mount Holly. Miss Harrill Fetes Adrian-Madora G.A.’s The G. A.’s of the Adrian-Ma dora Baptist Church met Thurs day at 4:30 p. m. at the hoif^ of M^ss Emmie Mae HarreU,' the president. Mrs. Lloyd Bynum is the coun selor and the program was given by her from the World Comrade. The hostesses served refresh ments after the conclusion of the business session. Women’s Society In Meeting at Church The Woman’s Society of Christ ian Service of the First Metho dist Church met Wednesday af ternoon at the church. Mrs. Fran L. l^nkin, the president, con ducted the business session. The devotionals were given by Mrs. J. M. Benfield, on the Psalms. Mrs. J. P. Smith, the program chairman for this meeting, pre sented Mrs. Tom M. Holland in a series of Easter compositions. Between the Lenten music medi tations were read by the pro gram chairman. The numl^rs pre sented at the organ by Mrs. Hol land were “Catilena” by Widor, "The Palms” by Faure, and “Ca thedral Chimes at Easter,” by Lorenz. Miss Abernethy Weds Quietly in Asheville Miss Margaret Joyce Abernathy of Mount Holly became the bride of Mr. Lawrence • Robinson of Asheville, N. C. in a simple and impressive service in Asheville last Wednesday. The couple were maried quietly by Rev. W. G. Thomas at the Methodist parsonage on March 8th at eight in the evening. GO TO FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Rhyne and Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Michael left Sunday morning for a vacation trip through Florida. SUNDAY NIGHT GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and daughter, Linda Lou, of Shelby were the Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Rob inson. Mrs. Williams is a cousin of Mrs. Robinson and is the former Vivian Neely of Russellville, Ky. She will be remembered here by many friends as she was a fre quent visitor in Mount Holly be fore her marriage. Methodist Class Met To Elect Officers The Intermediate Fellowship Class of the First Methodist Church met on Sunday night to elect officers for the coming sea son. Those elected were: Presi dent, Jimmy Beatty; Vice Pres., Bobby Abercrombie; See. and Treas., W. D. Warren. The out going officers were Benny Car penter, president; Bobby Aber crombie, Vice-Pres., Sharon Fort ner, Sec.; and Shan Norton, Treas. This group includes the young er crowd from the ages of ten through fourteen. Any prospec tive members are invited to join or to visit the class at its next meeting. WENT TO DENVER Mr Frank Dameron went to Denver, N. C. on Wednesday of this week. He went on a business trip. IMPROVING Friends of Mrs. Emma Kendall of Charlotte, will be glad to know that Mrs. Kendall is showing much improvement in Memorial hospital, where she has been a patient for the past week. BACK IN SCHOOL Jane Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Morgan of Riverbend, has returned to Lucia School after being at home for a week with virus flu. VISIT GADDYS Mrs. G. T. McCorkle and baby^ daughter, Robbie Elizabeth, were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gaddy at their home on East Charlotte Avenue. The Gaddys are Mrs. McCorkle’s parents. WEEKEND GUESTS Miss Elizabeth Gaffney had as her weekend guests her sisters, Mrs. A. M. Stack of Lake City, S. C., and Mrs. W. H. Ross of Gaf fney , S. C. Mrs. Ross also brought her son, Dean, with her on the GO TO TEXAS Mr* and Mrs. Jack Hoover left on Saturday for Temple, Texas, where they were called because of the serious illness of Mrs. Hoover’s father, Mr. Penny. RETURNS FROM FLA. Mrs. R. L Jenkins has returned from a trip to Tampa, Florida. While there she was the guest of M^and Mrs. G. F. Moore. The litres are former residents of Mount Holly and will be remem bered by all of their friends here. VISIT PARENTS Mrs. James Beam of High Point spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hol land. She was accompanied by her daughter, Jane, who is a student at Greensboro College, and Miss Ann ]^am of High Point TO NEW YORK Miss Betty Moore leaves this weekend for New York City. She will be gone for a week. Accom panying her are Mr. and Mrs. Vic> tor Shepherd and Miss Mary Moore of Stanley. HtftiE FOR SERVICES Mr. W. L. Austin and his son, W. L. Austin, Jr. from Scottdale, Georgia. Miss Florence Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cook of At lanta, Georgia were the guests of Mrs. Mamie Juhan for several days. They came especially for the funeral of Mr. John B. Juhan, who died Thursday of last week GOES TO VIRGINIA Mrs. W. R. Rankin left Wednes day of this week to spend two weeks with her mother at Chil- howi, Virginia. Man Released For Death Of Negro James Clarence Floyd, held on an open charge in the death of Labe Rankin, 66 year old Negro resident of Mount Holly, was found innocent of the death of Rankin which was termed "an un avoidable accident” by a Comer’s Juiy last Friday night. Floyd, a resident of Bakersville, was driv ing the truck which struck and killed Rankin Wednesday of last week-as he walked along the Stan ley highway near the Globe Mill Community. Witnesses at the inquest testifi ed that Rankin had b^n drinking to access during the day aixl that he was frequently seen walking in the "middle of the highways” near Mount HoUy. Floyd was released from cus tody following the finding of the jury. Methodist Youth To Have A Banquet The Methodist Youth Fellow ship will hold a banquet'on March 24th, at 7:30 p. m. at the River bend Methodist church. Joe Cald well of Charlotte will be the speaker. Anyone who wishes to purchase a ticket to the banquet has only to get in contact with a member of the Methodist Youth Fellowship. All tickets should be purchased by Sunday, March 17. HERE FOR VISIT Mrs. Joe Havery and children, Ann, Kathy, and Deborah are here in Mount Holly for an extended visit with the parents of Mrs. Haverty, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Jones. The Havertys are from Huntington, W. Va. SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Loftin of Mount Holly were the Sunday guests of Miss Janie Nance and Sam Nance of Charlotte. TO GREENWOOD Miss Kathleen Dunn and Mrs. Clyde Murphy and baby son were the Monday guests, of Mrs. Ralph Neal in Greenwood, S. C. CALLED TO LUMBERTON Mrs. J. W. Ingle was called to Lumberton on Thursday because of the death of her brother-in- law, Mrs. Frank Byrd. IMPROVING Mr. L. L. Brown is improving after a major operation in the Me morial hospital in Charlotte. IS BETTER Mrs.* A. L. Johns is now better after beng ill for a week in her ho ne. RETURN HOME Lt. and Mrs. Charles Wroten have returned to Mr. T. A. Dunn’s home after a week’s visit in Wil mington, Del., with Lt. Wroten’s mother. They will be here several weeks before going to Spartan burg, S. C. where Lt. Wroten will be an instructor in the Wofford R. O. T. C. HERE FROM CLINTON Mr. and Mrs.- Paul King of Clinton, N. C., spent the weekend with the former’s sisters, Misses Pat and Daisy King. VISIT THURSDAY Mrs. Helen Moore and little son Frankie spent Thursday with Mrs. Harry Lineberger at River bend. IN CHERRYVILLE Mr. Russell Farris visited his mother in Cherryville on last Sat urday. HAS THE FLU Mrs. Ray Davis has been con fined to her home because of flu for this past week. W. M. B. MET The Woman’s Missionary So ciety of the Adrian-Madora Bap tist church met on Tuesday night at the church. There were 17 members present. Mrs. E. J. Gow an gave the devotionals and sev eral members took part on the program. Mrs. C. C. Roberts, the president, presided over the bus iness meetmg. HERE FOR STAY Mr. Mack Tucker of Portland, Maine is spending some time here in Mount HoUy with his brother, Mr. W. L. Tucker. He came for the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Herbert Gahan of Charlotte. Mr. Tucker will visit in Mecklenburg with another brother, and will spend a few weeks in Belmont with two other brothers. VISITS HERE Mrs. George Moore of Stanley hat been visiting with Mrs. Sam Moore of this place. VISITED SUNDAY E. D. Kelly, Jr., Miss Emily Lynn Kelly, Miss Amelia Kelly, and Ernie Kelly were Sunday vis itors of Mr. Marvin Clark, Who was a patient in the QastOn Me morial hospital where he has been a patient for the past week. IN LEXINGTON Mr. end Mrs. C. D. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Clark, and Mrs. E. D. Kelly, Jr., visited their sis ter, Mrs. J. H. Fine in Lexington on Sunday. ON HONOR ROLL Misses Barbara Davenport and Rachel Smith are on the scholas tic honor roll at Gardner-Webb College for the first six weeks of this present semester. Editor Has Old And Prized Book Writing some what on the or der of the author of the “Waver- ly Novels,” Peter Horry composed one of the most interesting stor ies of the life and experiences of South Carolina’s famous "Swamp Fox,” General Fra^is Marion, who stood almost alone against the British and Tories in his native state during the Revolutionary War. Captain Horry was in his com mand and more closely associat ed with Marion than any other soldier of the time; but despite his literary ability he postponed writing of his famous leader tm- til late in life and the volume was not published until 18^, full 50 years after the British with drew from the State, satisfied it was impossible to subdue the spirit of liberty of the South Carolinians. A copy of this ancient volume has just come to my hands. It is one of the prize possessions of Editor Lowrance of The Times and was bequeathed to him by his grandfather half a century ago. The volxime was published in Philadelphia by Joseph Allen and while the backs have been practically destroyed by book worms the pages and printing are in excellent condition, despite its age of 110 years. Peter Horry gives all honor for the trouble the South Carolinians gave the British redcoats to Gen eral Marion; but, modest as he may have been, his own share in the war against the invaders was second only to General Marion. The State honored him by giving his name to one of its eastern counties. Conway is the county seat. Mr. Lowrance’s “Francis Mar ion” is a volume, no doubt, every South Carolinian wxiuld like to possess; it is apparently a forgot- . CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of Mrs. How ard Cloninger. We wish also to give our heartfelt appreciation for the lovely floral tributes. (Signed): Howard Cloninger and family, Sisters and Bro ther. HAS MUMPS Larry Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Moore, is ill with the mumps. Announcing The Opening Of Lockricige Upholstering Co. “in The Old Laundry BMg." 230 W. CENTRAL PN0NE274-R Guaranteed Workmanship WITH Over 15 Years Experience Fnrnitnre Eef inished And Upholstered ALSO Cars Upholstered We have a fiUy eqilppad shop to servo yoa. Also a nlea soleelloo of ■aterlols hi ofl eel* ere and paHenis. WE ARE READY NOW TO eiVE YOU SERVICE —PRONE 274-R And We Will Come To Yen Lochridge Upholstering Company

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