IV 7 ’A • • • ■ • Women s Ac tivities • Miss Lawing Feted At Informal Dinner Mrs. Walter Readling and Mrs. Glenn Phillips entertained at an informal dinner party Tuesday evening at the home of their Mother, Mrs. W. L. Mills, Sr. in Concord, as a compliment to Miss Gladys Lawing and Alex H. Mills, ^nose marriage will take place July 29. The hostesses will be at- ^^dants in the wedding. . living room, where small ^bles were set up, was attractive ly decora,ted with flowers in the rose shade, and the mantel was graced with a large fan-shaped ^rangement of gladioli. In the ining room the table was covered ^ cloth and appointed with an oblong arrangement of gladioli and white tapers in cry- ^1 holders. Roses, fever few, and ^psophila were arranged in a epergne on the buffet, j j.i'i'ial place cards marked the jnaividual places, and Miss Law- ^g recei^ipd a corsage of pink uses and a gift of silver in her cdding pattern. In a bridal game P ®yed after dinner, prizes were awarded to Miss Ruth Craig and uy Mills of Concord. four-course dinner was serv- u to the following guests: Miss ^Mr. Mills, Mrc^ o.- Mrs. Y. W. WaiTcn, iMiss jyjil Mrs. J. W. Petus, Jr. ju Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. Harold cf^hion and Mr. and Mrs. Perry w®®^of Kannapolis; and Mr. and vf?; Mills, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. U Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills, tod Mrs. James Hinson, Mr. R«Tji Dayvault, Walter ^adling, and Glenn Phillips, all Concord. Miss Emily Luckey Weds Mr. Robert M. Puckett Mrs. T. M. Browne Feted At Mount Airy Mrs. Thomas M. Browne of Mount Airy, w'ho before her re cent marriage was Miss Ann Con nell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Connell of this place, was honored Tuesday afternoon at a tea given by her mother-in-law, Mrs. R. C. Browne and her sisters- in-law, Misses Monica and Ter esa Browne, at the Browne home, 135 Orchard Street, Mount Airy. Rooms were beautifully ap pointed with arrangements of garden flowers, and dainty re freshments were served. 300 guests called during the re ceiving hours. Mrs. Browne was also an hon or guest at an informal party given by another Mount Airy hostess Thursday. Mrs. Robert I Connell of Mount Holly,, who is visiting at the Browne home, was remembered at this affair with a visitor’s gift, and Mrs. Browne re ceived a gift of chrystal in her wedding pattern. Sunbeams In Meet At Adrian-Madora The Sunbeams of Adrian- Madora Baptist Church, a newly reorganized group, met Wednes day aftex'noon at the church ^ith seventeen members present. A program from the World Comrade was presented and a play period enjoyed. Counselors present were Janet McLunney, Rita Wilson, and Joanne Byram. Refreshments were served to the group. Meet ings are held weekly on Wednes day afternoon. ^rs. A. F. Jones Has binner For Friends ^ A. F Jones entertained the flowing guests at dinner at her orne on the Mountain Island Sunday^ Mr. and Mrs. O. M. and Carroll Jones, and Mr. Mrs. E. R. Jones, aU of Green- S. C., .Mr. and Mrs, John j^es, Veltie Jones, and Mrs. ^ce Duckworth of Lowesville, dnd Mrs. Tom Danner and and Mrs. McColough of Mrs. Grace Todd, Mr. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Mae Wil- i^on and Mrs. Jeanie Clarke of ^dajlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. L. w Jdftes, Miss Margaret Jones, g-: w ^ Pfiui Jones, Mr. ^8. B. C. Jones and Mr. and j^Pn Jones and son, Mr. and Mrs. Awards, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and children, and Mr. Judson Jones and child- all of Mount HoUy. ' Li^®' Pryor and daughter, vigjf® Monday for a week’s £j the Rev.- and Mrs. Mauney in Asheville. W. L. TUCKER Cha*i Tucker of tj. were Sunday guests of W T parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker. FROM D. C. tort Janies H. Ware Dav ^^^dren and Mrs. James L. a returned Sunday from vacation trip to Wash- SPRatt visits here 5’rances Spratt arrived ^ ® Visit to her mother, ihp ■ J'Oy Spratt. Miss Spratt, a Unit,”®*; the faculty of the i ^^ "fversity of Texas at Austin, Tftv • • • J in tk*' *'“* summer session there. GUESTS and Starnes anrt Berry and Misses Flossie Spray of Charlotte, and 5 p ^ocie Baker of Whitmire, avp supper guests Tuesday Spray"® of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. PUUUUUUUUUU u WHY SUFFER? u 0 U«» U „ _ ANTISEPTIC U “ formula “U” u w ""Non-Poiionoui— \j —for— ^ ^oiion Oak, Iry, Insect U Bitei and Sunburn. ^ \j AT YOUR DRUG ^ |. STORE U “Uuuuuuuuuu The wedding of Miss Emily Rae. Luckey, daughter of Robert Ray Luckey and the late Mrs. Luckey of Charlotte, and Robert McClean Puckett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert William Puckett of Charlotte, took place last night at 7 o’clock at St. Andrews Presbyterian church. Dr. Robert F. Boyd offi ciated. The vows were spoken before a background of Oregon ftfn, palms, and other greenery, and seven-branched candelabra hold ing white tapers . Baskets of white gladioli, white asters and baby’s breath completed the de corations. Miss Suellen Huffman, organ ist, played “Indian Love Call”, Serenade,” “To a Wild Rose,” and during the ceremony, Clair de Lune.” Mrs. Sam J. Dutton, vocalist, sang “Because,” “I Love Thee,” and as the benediction, “The Lord’s Prayer.” The wed ding march from “Lohengrin” was played for the processional, and Mendelssohn’s march from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” was used as the recessional. Btei Man. Ushen ITie father of the bride gave her in marriage, and the father of the bridegroom was best man. Ushers were William Lee Luckey, brother of the bride, and Clyde Caldwell Neely. The bride wore a dress of Chantilly lace over marquisette and satin fashioned with a yoke of illusion, a deep bertha of lace, fitted bodice and full 'skirt end ing in a cathedral train. Her veil of illusion was worn with a cap of pearlized orange blossoms, i and she carried a oouquet of tub- breath, and net eroFeF. - ...i,.’ . ^ ■ Centered ty a whive orchid and tied with white satin ribbon. Miss Anita Bailes of MoUht Holly, maid of honor, wore a pale orchid organdy dress fashioned with a fitted bodice, puffed sleeves and a full skirt. She car ried a bouquet of pink daisies and wore a bonnet trimmed with pink daisies. She also wore a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. The mother of the bridegroom wore a brown printed silk di*ess with white accessories and a white orchid shoulder bouquet. Mrs. Lee A. Abernathy, grand mother of the bride, wore a navy printed silk dress with navy ac cessories and a white orchid shoulder bouquet. Wedding Trip Later the couple left for a wed ding trip South. For traveling the bride wore a white linen suit with navy accessories and an orchid shoulder bouquet. Foi- the present they will be at home at 805 East Worthington avenue. The bride was graduated from Mount Holly High school and is employed by Standard Bonded Warehouse company. The bridegroom was graduated from Harding High school and served in the U. S. Navy. He is now attending North Carolina State college of Raleigh. A number of out-of-town guests were present fo rthe wedding. Mrs. Clifton Beatty Hostess At Bridge Mrs. Clifton Beatty was hostess at bridge Thursday evening, en tertaining members of her club at her home here. Gladioli arrangements were used in effective display, and two tables were set up for the players. The game was played in several progressions, and when cards were laid aside and scores tallied Mrs. Frank H. McKinney was found to be the high score win ner. Second high score was won by Mrs. David Mason and low by Mrs. Lee Fuller. The hostess served an attrac tively appointed refreshment course of sandwiches, nuts and iced drinks. Those attending were Mrs. Mc Kinney, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs, Joe Jones, Mrs. E. D. Robin son, Mrs. W. M. Crist, Jr., Mrs. Adrian Beatty and Mrs. J. L Wright. Concord Friends Honor Miss Lawing A lovely event of Tuesday af ternoon was the bridal party given by Mrs, James Green and Mrs. Harry Moon, who enter tained at the home of the for mer in Concord. Compliment was paid at this time to Miss Gladys Lawing, bride-elect of Satur day. Rooms were attractively ap pointed with arrangements of white summer flowers and wed ding bells, and the bride’s table was decorated in white, with a minaturc bridal doll holding a green and white umbrella oc cupying the center. Dainty sandwiches, individual cakes decorated in. the bridal mo tif, and punch were served. Upon her arrival the hostesses presented to Miss Lawing a shoulder bouquet of American beauty roses, and she also re ceived a silver serving tray as a gift. Guests included Miss Lawing of this place, Mrs. Robert Boone, mi*. Tarlton, Mrs. Eva Tal ley, Mrs. Walter ncCdJicg, Mrs. Bernard Dayvault, Mrs. W. C. Tal ley and Mrs. Virginia C. Miller, pll.of Cgncord. Miss McIntosh Fetes Lucia Home Club The Lucia Home Demonstration Club held its July meeting with Miss LoUie Mae McIntosh on the 3rd Friday with eleven members. Mrs. Richard Harris presided. The meeti^ opened with God Bless America and the reading of the collect plans were made for a picnic for August instead of the regular meeting. A report was given from the president which was held at the club center in Gastonia in June tod Miss Ann Carpenter assist ant Agent gave a demonstration on candle wick bedspreads. Dur ing social tea Mrs. Carroll Mc Intosh was hostess. Watermelon Slicing Thoroughly Enjoyed Misses Pansy and Kaye War ren and Anne Lawing were hos tesses at a watermelon slicing Friday night at the Warren resi dence. Several games were play ed followed by the serving of watermelon. Guests included the hostesses, Janet McCluney, Bar bara Oglesby, Jane Hinkle, Nora Warren, Evelyn Stilwell, Vivian Jimmy Lawing, Earl Hall, Dean Barber, Doyle and Curtis Broome, Dorse Ellington, W. D. Warren Jn and Dean Sherrin. The party was thoroughly en joyed by everyone who attended. Pa»« 4—mount holly news, Fria^r. July S8. 1950 The Last Chapter— Cribble’s Scribbles Mrs. J. B. Anderson who has been ill with pneumonia and pleuresy the past five weeks is much improved and hopes to be out again in a week or two. LEAVE FOR A MONTH'S STAY IN VA. The Rev. and Mrs. Donald O. Mclnnis and sons, Donald ^nd David, will leave next week for Richmond, Va., where Mr. Mc lnnis will attend the summer sessions at Union Theological Seminary. They will be away about a month, and during that time visiting ministers will fill Mr, Mclnnis’ pulpit at First Pres byterian Church at the morning worship services. Expert - Guaranteed River Valley Gas WATCH And Appliance BEPAIRS Company — See — Bottled Gas Service CLARK-HOLES JEWELERS MT. HOLLY returned from CANADIAN TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Carl Underwood recently returned home from Mil waukee where Mr. Underwood at tended the Milwaukee School of Engineering and received a tech- nican degree. Before returning home they took an extended trip through Canda. Mr. Underwood has accepted a position with the Duke Power Company of Char- VISIT KENDRICKS Mr. and Mrs. John W. Brinkley Of FayetteviUe spent the week end with the latter's parents^ Mr. | and Mrs. G. L. Kendrick. VACATIONING AT CH Miss Ma.5 Tiicfetrt left Thursday a week‘i vacation, which she will sp^nd at Chapel Hill, Fayette- Vile and Ocean Drive, S. C. visit- ITik relatives. VISIT IN MOUNT AIRY Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Connell and Mrs. W. T. Connell spent Sunday in Mount Airy with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Browne. Mrs. Browne, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Con nell, was Miss Anne Conell before her manage June 25. VISIT PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Welch and sons, Phil and Don of Charlotte were Sunday guests of the form er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Welch. BROTHER SERIOUSLY ILL Frank G. Moore left Sunday to visit his brother, Rob Moore, who is seriously ill at his home in Clinton. AT BEACH FOR WEEK Miss Mabel Rhyne and Miss Milie Taylor left Monday for Carolina Beach, where they will VISIT AT WILLOWSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller of Rutherfordton were the Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Rankin at their home, “Willow- side”. SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Overton and Richard Overton, Jr., of Char lotte were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fuller. Miss Doris Gantt was also a dinner guest VISIT IN HENDERSONVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Clark and Miss Jo Ann Williams visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stewart in Hen dersonville Sunday. Miss Williams remained for a week’s stay. VISITING IN ASHEVILLE S. C. VISITORS Mrs. J. E. Jones and Misses Rebecca and Mary Jones of Rock Hill, S. C. spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones ATTENDS MARKET Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fuller spent Thursday in High. Point, going especially to attend the furniture market -• would ever happen VISIT IN HIGH POINT Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holland spent the weekend in High Point with Mr. and Mrs. James Beam and family. IN DURHAM FOR TWO WEEKS Pansy and Billy McElduff are spending two weeks in Durham with their aunt, Mrs. R. F. Bry ant and Mr. Bryant. By MRS. CARL A. McENTIRE Hello Everyone: If the announcement of my marriage comes as a surprise to you just remember that it is even a greater surprise to me . . . for I didn’t think »♦ ; either. I just wish all of you could have been there. It was the loveliest wedding I have ever at tended . . . because it was mine. Carl and I were married oi Friday night, July 21, at 8:30 o’clock at the home of my aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Egbert Gribble in Charlotte. There were no attendants (I wouldn’t risk an other woman that close to the altar until the knot was tied). We entered together and spoke the vows in the sunroom wM was aranged with, fern, floor ets of white gladioli and ocven- branched candelabra holding tall Cathedral tapers which cast soft glow over the scene. The home throughout was arranged with cut flowers and lighted with white candles. Miss Edna Black, florist, decorated the home and arranged the altar and I want you to know that she did an extra special job too for it was beau tiful. Her gift to the bride was a lovely purple orchid which I wore on my wedding trip. The Rev. W. G. Thomas, pas tor of West Asheville Presby terian Church, Asheville, perform ed the ceremony using the double ring service. It meant so much to me to have Mr. Thomas for this happy occasion for he was very close to our family during the six years he was pastor of the Pres byterian Church in Mount Holly and especially during the illn^ and death of my mother. Some how, having Mr. Thomas here, brought my mother very near to me. The wedding music was pre sented by my cousin, Mrs. Ray mond Alexander, of Charlotte with Mrs. J. Watt Kirkpatrick also of Charlotte, giving the vocal numbers. Mrs. Alexander’s num bers included “At Dawning” by , Cadman; “Clare de Lune” by Debussy; “Because” by D’Harde- lot; “Kammenoi Ostrow” by Rubinstein: “If God Left Only You” by Densmore and “Medi tation from Thais” by Massenet. Mrs. Kirkpatrick sang “O Promise Me” by DeKoven and “I Love You Truly” by Bond. The tradi tional wedding march was used as the processional and during the ceremony Mrs. Alexander soft- ly played my mother’s favorite selection, “The World is Wait ing for the Sunrise.” And what did the bride wear for this memorable occasion . . . Stars in my eyes, a glow on my face and a song in my heart. Of less importance I chose a street length dress of navy sheer over taffeta with tailored bodice, short sleeves and full skirt and a tiny hat of navy straw with shoulder length veil. My flowers were gardenias and always in year 5 to come the delicate perfum». rj these flowprc memories of my wedding night and I’ll remember the gladioli which were later banked against a stone marked “Gribble” and my two gardenias which were placed o’er the heart of my mother. No wedding is complete with out the honeymoon so we spent several days in Toccoa, Ga., with Carl’s sister, Mrs. W. O. Couch, and Mr. Couch and that is one time we could truthfully say “Having a wonderful' time, glad you’re NOT here.” They say it is lovely in that part of the coun try. We wouldn’t know but think we’ll go back there again next year and see for ourselves. Now that we’re back home again we’re tryng to get down to earth. Carl is back on the job at Burlington Mills, Gastonia, and I’m at the Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital in Charlotte. During our hours together at home, with the help of my Dad, we’re painting, re-arranging furniture and re decorating in general . . . and all the time I am eating those words “I wouldn’t marry the best man on earth” for that is exactly what I did. So from now on there will be no more “Cribbles Scribbles” but only ‘McEntire Memories,” . ’. P. S. I have been late to a lot things in my life but this is one event that I appeared on the scene hours ahead of time for Bertha Noles had already warn ed me that if I didn't show up she would be right there to take my place. SPENT^TEN DAYS HERE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kipp and children of Sanford, Fla. spent the past ten days here with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rabb and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rabb. SPENT SUNDAY VISITING Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McElduff, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James McElduff and children of. , Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. L. S. FOB WFFK- McCarty of Pineville, visited | * Charlie McCarty at Blackstock, S. C. Sunday. TO MAKE TRIP The Royal A*v;b Tucka>ct.a.f Baptist Church, with their leader, Tom Hanna, will Kavo Monday fnr Myille Btach for a \aration stay. They w.’l turn honu‘ Sal.niiay. Sc’ ty member,- of the will m.i’iie the- trip. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Connell are spending this weke in Mount ! .\ir>* will', the former’s sister, {Mi.e. Tom Browne and Mr. I Bro-.vnc- of I HERE FROM COLUMBIA Ml' anj Mr.s. Paul H. Nunnery of Colun'hi... S. C. wcif of tl.-. f. riri.r'.' moth.'’!-. Mr-^. John Taylrr cf 218 Summit Avc. and tv.c:.- Mr. Mrs. J. B. Andcc.^on of .'..t; n Mrunt.cir. Is’cnd ov-. r thf week- ■ t nd. u r 1 g Piece Goods Is Continuing This Week And Will Go On Until Our Entire Stock is Sold. We Are Discontinuing Our Piece Goods Depart ment To Make Room For Other Items. SO SAVE MONEY AT The QUALITY STORE “Mount Holly’s Leading Department Store”

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