URUNQTOIN Trade At Home Read The Home Paper B TIMES imiLt Successors to Burlington. Daily News VOL. VI. Devoted the Up-Building of a BUmv, Hotter Burlington BURLINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMhi I; :,, 1926 Published Daily Except Sunday No. 238 O. F. Crowson Laid To Rest Thursday i?v SOUGHT BY SEC. FALL BIG RUB BEL BUYING POOL! PRESIDENT BEGINS TflSKjFH flESIS IDE IN IS FOlEDIiNEIW YORK OF LINING UPHIS FORCES j FOHSTTKtJKUROER CASE The Pool Will Have Purcha.ing Republican. Begin Work on Party Harry B..u. ,,. .IUKrd Run, Run- T AN EVENT NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN HERE Never Has There Been Such a Service in Burlington Never Have There Been to Many Friends to Attend a Funeral Here. Credit of $40,000,000 and Will Try to Break Monopoly. Lines to Place Control in Adminittration Forces.. nor, 1 1 Aire: M.ll Af; Nevef Even Aik for "An In formal Opinion" an Legality of the Oil I.cacrs. Washington, Dor. 3. With I'm Silent Cool idge taking ih'' in -i!n.ithin;c out Republican dif-"! fi'iviu-i': ill ( oiigress, i.dministra-( 1 1 1 1 1 I. aders toil:'" pliilU'i 1 ciei c war I Kaleich. had been noi-liou v., ing hi' "M. nlFi'i'i-- v.. ii protect their single-1 fur K"1" in Could Ogden Finlcy Crowson have been present yesterday and who among: us ran say that he was not actually there, though I (U- cent ml over the senate tile seventieth congress. ; Anticipating a Democratic drive to wrest control by exclusion it .-eii itois-clect frank I.. Mnitn, oi lllinoi ; for conspiracy to defraud the gov ernment, never sought !i legal opinion on the lease. H. roster Rain, iormorrv director of the not in the flesh? he would have I )U1.,,.,U f n,in'cs, declared undei been overcome with the trcmen-1 sharp cross cxamin.ati.un today, dous demonstration of love and i At least two large oil companies, the Standard Oil New York, Dec. .'!. A score oi the largest and most powertul au tomobile manufactureiand i ul ber manufacturers of the linitci. States today were banded i.m-tli-er in a eiuantic rubber-buyine pool ! aimed to break the monopolistic W; shington, Dec. :;. Although Krjp f Knplund on the world's serious doubt was rai.-ed from the 1 supply price of raw rubber. beginning as to the legality of the ' Ai rangements for a joint (.ur- F.lk Hills niiv:.l oil reserve lease ' chasing fund credit of 1 0 ,(tt . . Oil n . : were negotiated with the National to the E. L. Doheny interests, , .Cammerce of v,.w V..rk 5Wrptarv of Interior 4lhirt 11. i i a, Tinw.;i Aent-.m,. chieftains drafted nluns for in- - i a iiu inr nun nniK'UMi nvvt mhhh Fi.ll, on trial with the oil magnate I Bank. iitiating retaliatory contests aganst , was tn- The plan was attrihutcd to ' at icasi i our incoming uemoci uv . inn i.-i,. Ch;.rles B. Seger, president of the , ; .'natoi. If the right of Smith, accessor United States Rubber company. 1 s."d Vare to take thfir seats is : sythe. challenger, the Republican lead- Olf'ci; nn.lnn nor :t 'n Hmoc-ci of ! el -: decided. -imilar challenges will believed anvthini' resemblinir a tra !. war i be levelled ai enough led at Wilston r Scuffle. I our persons Revolutionary Leader Has Gath ered Forces and Fighting is Taking Place Near Coast. Hotel Stock Invalid, Says Supreme Court if. con- ll, III; and William S. W.rc, ol ed in the olficeix I A no-1 ed rum "lliys'i i" elicited ! I.. . I:. I'eiinsvlvania, the Republican ' Wilson'., Ami slay-uhilc .i d'agii-l 1 1 v. a lit -lu.lr.l v.. el.. .kii "iii, alleg ,! low lime he c:c - was .lepntie- a! ly .- .illle. of Durham. I. He is be ci i' be i ne; an ling of I'or- Washi ngton, Do t roil ides i :i e ar: being ended h ' Adolfo Diaz !" I In pealed today t.. I , 1 .' :pile ', In- ii ii :.a m; lines al.oi spile Anieriraii w in. iearaguan .-pile I he wa' iiio department, III . .1. American ue. instead of he elevution of i- presidency, ap i just beginning. ci, cp of Amer ic the coast, de ,s:.rships patroll w. aers, and do- of the sts.te luan Sacasa has I HALL MILLS CASE INT Judije I'.irker Delivered Charge and the Jury Took C.im- : 1 :4.) I lii& Af li i' ii no ii Decision Handed Down On Thursday By Associate Justice George W. Con nor Affirms Decision of Judge Nunn. STOCK SOLD WITHOUT COMPLIANCE TO LAW reived the libera! there b.'.- be : w i 'lie ,'!i) miles ( 'ooi l I loll. e. Siilllervibe. X. .). . ' I cc. :;. The a-e 'act : , i be jury in the 1 1 : ! ! I - 1 ill . nuii-i'i : rial at i 1 :A i thi a It eriioon ,i,:(-- .Indue I volution and f'hiirle. W. I'ark:r bad delivered I -evere fighting his chary,- t the jury. , ,. , , ,- ' I he courtroom ,!",,, l,a, .,.n l l r. C .-A 1 1 1 e I i 1 1 Case Went to Supreme Court On Appeal of the Corpor ation in a Suit Against W. A. Bell to Get Judg ment For Stock. oi sadness at the time of the fune- of ( laliforini., anil thn Ituinn Petroleum i-oinoanv. raf in Front Street Methodist L,:..0,,,k. nllPHtioned the leua litv of chlfreh. Thero were organizations, the proposal. Bain, a defense wit prejent in a body and there were ! ness, said. men and women from every walk I Fall did not even act upon tne suggestion of K. C. Finney, as sistant secretary of interiaf, to obtain "an informal opinion" Bain of life, gathered to do honor to Burlington's best-beloved citizen. There were profr 'tonal men. there ifere merchants, who had j admitted- closed their businesses, there j wereborers, mechanics, clerks j RALEIGH LITERARY and mllL operatives and mill i i . owners-klltricken by the gen- CENTER OF N. C. TODAY ral sense oi loss in the passing j Of their menoAAna mere were j Raleigh lIie loyal unlets Miiu jiewajjafJCL force present to honor -.their em- rlnvor and rhittf. The city pastors, eery one of whom ( had lost onV of his best friends and mosti sincere councilors in the one vho has passed over into the worlcVof the spirit, were present in a bl occupied a position in tLi eel and on the rostrum. The E lington KiwaniB clutr was pri ent in a body, 'Mr. Crows-n ha ing been an honorary member . this organization a,n 1 .. - ' outer . oruauipHuons in yor-a "WJflJwi--wi'v 'oeepty fnteresti r. ' . i-j L -i wer represeaieu oy many in viduals from their ranks. 1 Boy Scouts, who had an effect! : ate champion and a worthy trie; in the person or Air. i;rows were in attendance and they seemed deeply moved by the casion of his passim;. It was an event neve;' to b". forgotten to see hundreds iT School children from the city'u schools file into iha church where the body lay in state, Just prior to the services. They came by tne scores from all parts of 'he city and from every home where there are- children and quietly passed by the flower-laden bier of one who was ever a friend and a lover of youth. The edifice was not large enough to accomodate this great body of little people and it was a fitting and touching thing for the school authorities to per mit a recess in the hours of schol astic routine in order to do this honor to him who was a friend of schools and of school children. Never has there been such a service in Burlington. Never have i ' ftp many individuals and groups and So many different walks of life been represented at the fune ral of a citizen of this community. The 'church auditorium and the Sunday school rooms, both of which had many times resounded to the voice of the mute and si lent figure lying at the foot of the altar of God, were filled to the last seat and there were many Vho could not hold back tears of : self to the written discourse. He eadness and of personal loss. Men spoke as neighbor, as friend and and women who had known Mr. j as pastor of the departed and was Crowson since toyhood. mingled : evidently sDeakin? out of n hpnrt their tears and. their tributes of I that was filled to the brim, affection with hundreds of others Following the pastor, Dr. Opie who, though knowing the de-i made a brief eulogy and express- taiftaprl nnlv a cnmnnrAr.ivpIv Rhnrt I pd dpvnfmn Aafoom an1 atmi.. v...,, 1 J V- J - .vv.w-a, -...-.- ...It. U 1 1 i. 1 ! . 1 1 , , a . miio, ma come it-garu mm as ion lor mm wno naa passed and their friend and the community's referred to him as "Burlington's in rubber was anticipated loilay by British rubber interests a- a result of the purchasing pool m- jganized by American rubber in terests. British rubber interests wel- ci me the new America.) combine, the head of one of the largest lubber syndicates in (iret Britain told the International News Serv ice today. "Such a combine will help m .tabliize prices and prevent sea sonal fluctuations," this spokes men said. "The British ruhher canilal is so lame that there is . no possible danger of anything rc- Ralcigh today ambling a trade war as the result become .the ; ephemeral art and 0f the Americans' pooliru-: their re literary center of North Carolina, sources." Three literary, art and histori-, Raw rubber advanced on the cal societies sh-e holding their an-, market today upon news of th1' nual meetings here the state lit- new combine. erary and historical association, j the North Carolina Folk Lore so- fQRMER POLITICIAN ciety, ana tne ionn Carolina tu ed to be divulge "suspects be levelled ai enough incoming only a n.. lleiiiocrats in insure Republican , ert Steph coniiol e the senate. ' ed in i I'nless an agreement is reached would be sh'.rtlj permitting both Vare and1 County Smith to be seated at least longsevera enough to help the Republicans oivani.e the senate- the next six we.-!;.- wiil witness the launching of a series of election contests ; .'.ain-t Democrats. Among those nie-t lik'ly to faie these contests ar Si nators Edwin Broussard, of Louisiana ; Mben W. Karkely, of Kentucky, and Ellison D. Smith, f South Carolina. An old con-; 'e i may be revived at the same lime a"ain.--t Senator Lawrence L. , Tyson .of Tennessee, elected in 1924. t I I I'.'.it :ie the case 'ha' i: would be hour- before Rob-.i."'-;ber man want with the case, intimated that : :- Wei e expect -h"i i ly but did not if TP 'Iff I these L pnr Tl Act who was Designed to Prevent Further Muddling of Bioad castimj Programs, ON WAY TO THE PEN society. At the joint morning session of tne ierarj ami a, i Bc Richm d v Dec. o..j, EtfUI 4lgTa ; f40,"iP- Summers recently a ReVubli ca's first was former-, conKressionai candidate in I IV O.l IflclltCIf vc Washing'oi ment of an e trol measur, eomplicat ii.:, die broailca urged today b Co-ordinat ion senting ev r;, dustry. mi.- if. i i. a : .. i : ...;n me iueicnaii's asmjcihi ion win 1 ne c r,w". benauet hore at the Alamance ! emmwe . S i i 1 nt , l : Y aV nptid on wionuay evening, utcein- coiiS'W'ssi c MERCHANTS ASSN. i BANQUET MONDAY Member Will Hear of Varied Ac-! tivities Since Reorganization of the Association. Dec. Knact nergeney ''ijiii" con to prevent ' further !' the aheady mud- iig situation was the National Radio- I'oinir.ittee. 'repre-oha-e of th,' iu- An uf! situai.on nny casly ie- eh p. 'I'be -yi. in. it hy of the Mex ican goM iniiieiit i- with Ihe Sa- as: revolutionists, and they ap parently have been fairly well equipped w.h aims and ammuni tion of .M i i . ; i n -origin, for there is : n embargo in eil'ivt from Amer ican polls. The :tate department is sup iii!iiig President Diaz. He was in fact, inducted into office under the pn ie. tin.- ::iin of the Amer ican vvarshns. ; ml under the auspices of the state department's .'cnre-i utatives at Managua. He .ias foriv. Hy asked the state de partment to maintain him by 'what-'ver n eans ' it considers iece sary. To date those 'means" been the continuance oi armed forces in Nica- : ami indefinite period. ordered closed or left while ' :i shea f of yeib Th.- jlldg" le and none entered ! he ilebveieil his w note paper-. ' id hi - ch.. i ui from I have lll'.T'c.'".!l -iv.ua for KIWANIANS ELECT OFFICERS LAST NIGHT Cbib Pass-d a Resolution Deplor- the Death of Mr. O. F. Crowson. ng . I inp ninin v ni 111:1 1 iih:l. vr iwr: 11 Mr . ii. ill., iir hi. i-i liiiii !- ,1 wju b!? life-sizo IntyA ncqiT sthed . . .' .Ho " Lo,,;,,,,,,' ,-voJ't.ft Vv,bii, ill ,. f. . I v ' ''r T' ' V ' .;'' . daj"to ulr jf m I'd ViunUi 4fiP7i i. varied activity since the or(jni-;'ceriff aU-J- I me o' t- 'Jf ' r , : for conviction of falsifying salary zation several months ago. After pal uai. lie lUliciS'i ""-"'P"1"' - : ,.l.,. .l,;i fa,iVnl rfietf int al.l In !o ,rl ;o Jnnorfmnr, thn . . l 1.. . , . r Q ' VUUtlllia iiiic Aril . - ill nil 'iiwiia ui.hiviih.iih, ,.( 1 ( U III III 1 1 LC- Ulgcu mep0ria1' was Srpe ,, Itorney for the western district of j organization has functioned wide- ,,,.;,. : provide a eomprehe mi vt 1' ,rmv f. . j Virginia. i ly for the merchants since it was and adequate general law go' l UV 11UIHI vmuiiiin iu" An appeal for a pardon from j made over, and particularly in the - soeieiy win ... l"L" """-J President Coolidge failed. . establishment of a credit bureau. An 1 auoress ny mi .y Evidence purporting to show ; which the secretary has worked i2l-s, Winston-balem, presi-1 that Summm ha(, fasificd a , out along lines believed to be most rent, will feature the session. i voucher for his stenographer's j effective in dealing with this ' 11 mi nnucr1 V CI1A A I C I salary while district attorney was "troublesome" aspect of nu r i NEW MUSCLE SHUALb revealed by a member of his own j chandising. Q1I1Q AttF CflMWC i P"rty whilt Summers was in tho; BiLLZ iiAC ClZHliiu midst of a campaign for congress. flW MOVFMFNT FOR , He withdrew from the race, and Washington, Dec. 3. Bills to ' a Democrat easily defeated the NEWS FREEDOM TODAY enact into law his new plan for ' substitute candidate. me uisposi' ion m iuubov .jhw,. , . will be introduced both in the DAAIV ri CDV CInDT held that an operate until provide :; permanent 'Li'd jiriJ.iliit the is ' i- urn tiVVi'.-d I yi Vir.j; l)fccemtKV 6. sage of the emergency committee urged that nsive govern- tne whole radio industry. Liist i.!ght's annual election of i i . - -1-by'the B-.rlin?Uu. Kiwanis u'l rcsu'ter1 ..- follows: R. tu i a QUEEN MARIE IS FORBIDDEN SEE CAROL Los Angeles, Dec. 3. A now . i 1. i i i senate and house C. Kasconi - ..w.w.... f,r ne.oti.rvr to Pros- i t1C A DDV A DETk Tin AV day to gain freedom for Harry S. I in n, in,, nuii ox nit; i o.-ioKi.-n i 1 weneral Harry S. New, now in Memphsi, Tenn., Dec. 3. Non- the Si:n Quentin prison for the ident Coolidge, said today Slenip said that he expected committee hearings would be held before January 1. The Slenip plan, in which a group of power companies have combined to bid on Muscle Shoals for hydro-electric power and ni trates imapufacturing purposes, will be introduced in the senate by Senator Ernst, Republican, of Kentucky, Slemp said. Thos. F. Opie, rector of the Episcopal church. One of Mr. Crowson's favorite hymns, "The Old Rugged Cross" was then sung and a beautiful, poetic and touching tribute was read by Dr. Hurley, who stated' that he could not trust himself to speak on this occasion, except t confine him Paris. Dec. 3. Queen Marie was expressly forbidden by the Rumanian government to see Prince Carol during her stay in I' ris. it was learned today. How ever ii appears that mother love onijuered the queen's desire to dicy governmental orders and the ipioon met her son secretly. Prince Carol is understod to have taken the initiative and to have phoned to the queen's hot lleaana, but this was refused him. This fact would seem to explain Marie's evasive replies to all ijucries as to whether she had seen I'r nee Carol while in Paris. most, useful citizen.' .There' were scores of exquisite floral designs of varying types and there were other scores which while, less costly and elaborate, nevertheless bore beautiful and blushing testimony to the un measured affection and esteem of best builder." He spoke of the editor's wide usefulness in the civic, the business and industrial, no less than in the moral and re- chaluntly strolling from the Amer- j alleged murder of his former tel. asking to speak to Princess lean Savings Bank & Trust com- sweetheart, i redu J. Lesser, pany when auditors appeared to ! Pretty Edna Clancy, Los An cheik his books, Thursday, Rush ' geles business woman, and a half H. Parke, clerk, had disappeared i sister of young New, admitted she today with a shortage estimated j was making another effort to have at $i00,000. i Governor Fred W. Richardson par- Pa rke who is5 the son of Ernest don her half brother. JVrke, a postoffice official here, , "I have never given up hope has been working in the bank sev-' that seme day I would free Harry eral years in his spare time. He ; of the crime of which I relieve was regularly employed by Jesse him innocent," Miss Clancy de M. Foltz, operator of a chain of clared. i delicatassens, as a bookkeeper. 1 Park was bonded for only DA SFRA L L MEN ARE Z,oUU. tne remainuvr oi iut the oi. V.-.'. v ''ii' ' e president : A. .1. i . i r . di-sf r-c' fru-' ee Mrs. Harold Eaton, music sponsor; board of directors, R. H. White head, C. K. Scott, W. S. Coulter. Marvin .McPbersin, C. '. Fienille. Harold Eaton. Thus. I'. Opie. secretary-treasurer, II. P. Wjiick. Dr. A. J. Ellington, who ha: served the club and the commu nity with such conspicuous suc cess during Ihe past year, declin ed to stand for re-election as i resident and Mr. Andrew.- wa. chosen to lead the club for I'.'JV. Mr. Andrews is a member of the popular drug firm, The Acme Dm. company ..ad is one of the city's most- active citizens and one fu'i of community spirit. He has been a leader in the club for several years and will make a highly sat isfactory president. The new of ficers go into office to the first meeting of the new year. The club passed a resolution charge in the Jury. "'Ihe is-ues are extremely sim ple." said .Judge Parker. "The de fendants deny hi ving anything to do with the murder or hciiar in the vicinity of the ri.ae. "The defense constitute- an ab solute denial. Hence your inipiiry inu.-t revolve about this conllict ing issues." .Juibe Parker explained to the .ury that they could return a -ep-arate verdict for each of the de fendants in ca.-c one or more of the defendants were found guilty. He sail the jury has three things to decide: 1. The date of the murder of Mrs. Eleanor .Mills. 2. Whether the murder was committed within the county. 3. Whether the defendants did or did not commit the crime or did net have anything to do with , the murder." JU 3:1. " p. m. the jury sent out .for a magnify ng g'ass and a j ' raler, e.i -.e 7 for the purpose ! of examining a"d comparing the I viir'oi-s finger prints. ' The jury guara took them in a small magnifying glass. A-. i.o ury sent out for . -..pi the i"'ii' tment. It. was, ) V f,'j bai iff. ' 4 'VsAi'jY NEW CASES AT ; CUNIC HELD TODAY Twenty-five or Thirty Children , and Adults, Both White and Black In Clinic Today. l'':'.cns of persoiis vi.-ited the muish house today when the sec :. l of a series of 12 monthly i linics for cripples was held. Some Lie or 30 i Tippled children and ad tilts of both white and colored races were in the clinic and Dr. W. F. Cole, bone specialist from (In etishom, ill charge ef the clin ic, examined and treated them from P to 3 o'clock. There were twenty-three new cases up to noon that had not been in the previous clinic. Each case was accompani- ed by from one to live interested persons, mostly from their imme diate families. i Members i,f the Mothers' club did In a decision handed down in the State Supreme court Thurs day by Associate Justice George W. Conner, affirming n decision j of Judge Nunn, it held that the ; stock of the Burlington Hotel corporation was sold without coin- plianee with the "Blue Sky" sta tutes, and therefore could not be . collected by suit against the pur chasers who had failed to pay for it. The case went to the supreme court on apeal of the corporation in a suit against W. A. Bell, to ! get judgement for stock which Mr. Bell had signed for and de clined to pay for. J. J. Henderson, of the local bar, defended Mr. Bell in the ac tion, and predicted at the time that the supreme court would up hold his client no matter how the case reached that tribunal. For the hotel corporation Coulter, Cooper and Carr, of this city, and Brooks, Parker aod. Smith, of Greensboro, appearedA In the preliminary trial ,of the ease it was sought tol prove that elements of fraud vJbreii'in the transaction, in somf cases be tween th stock selBrs and Cho renw fyjsrtft ' Thv.' rnti ; Imlil tltirt no eltiui of frav&.ihad ibecit , introduced sutiicieilt "to ''.proof," and tha iurv - ret.iHrnAi - ' Mfc."- J - v .wwwi verdict. , j; r Mr. Henderson comm&nt.ina"An : VM.fi the case today said he represent- s ed in bulk 35 stock purchasers at the hearing,i persons who had come to him for advice in connec tion with the pending suits for settlement. " ' There is no doubt about the honesty of the hotel corpora' in selling the stock. It was a com munity enterprise. It had a com mission to sell the stock, and did not know that it had failed to meet any statute requirement. "As it appeared that the com mission given for selling the stock brought it within the "Blue Sky" statute that required both provisions to make a sale of stock valid, .Justice Conner holds that the contract is invalid. It is for the General Assembly kindergarten , ,, ' .,, . VBmr W i splendid and u, oth,,. tforporat'ions from KING FERDINAND - APPEARS IN PUBLIC shortage will be taken from bank's surplus, leaving the cap ital unimpaired and ((eposittors fully protected. A warrant is ex pected to be issued for his arrest, officials said. NATION WIDE SEARCH WEALTHY STUDENT Prairie D'u Chien, Wis., Dec. 3. A nation-wide search was begun today for Erdman Sanford Ol son, 18, alleged slayer of 22-year-old Clara Olson. Olson is a weal thy Gale college student. ARRIVING ASHEVILLE Resolved, that the Burlington Kiwtnis club hears with profound sorrow of the death of Ogden Kin ley Crowson, an honorary mem- Bueharest, Dec. 3. King Fer- her of this club end one of th; dinand appeared in public today city's most respected and useful for the first time since he was citizens. We-" extend to Mrs. stricken seriously ill, several I Crowson and the family our sin- weeks ago. The king drove from his su- I to the tender mercies of th burban palace at Cotroceni to his t Father. Fepcr:i etrt?t VwM4!. th,,ur tf senr in 't1' - -: z7i foil and lunch to those attending the u ,,avt. thgt d ' fc l0.lnv' .. . clinic, both the patients and those, s r. - ! Supreme Court in its opinion in which the "Blue Sky" law deci sions are reviewed and the appli cations of the law made plain. who came with them. Possibly as many as r0 or more people who were present at the noon hour were served sandwiches and cof- I ii order that the public may B. H. S. GIRLS BEGIN get a definite conception of the i nature of some of the cases the ! BASKETBALL TONIGHT cere sympathy and commend them following were copied oil" the reg- All- istration blanks: Stiff limbs, broken back and broken leg; left to receive palace in Bucharest, the Spanish minister. The king drove in a closed car, Asheville, Dec. 3. The van guard of team managers and fran chise owners who compose the but except "for a pallor he appear- National association of Profes- ed ;n jrood health. He was recog sional baseball clubs began ar- nizn by the public and given riving here today for the asso- great cheers. ciation's annual winter meet. j Practically all of the 188 cities NEW YORK STOCKS in the United States and Canada that have professional clubs have I fw York, Dec. Resolved further that this reso lution be copied into the minutes of this meeting; that a copy he sent to the family i.nd a copy it"- leg too weak for walking; short right leg; paralyzed nerve on right side, preventing walking;, slow about walking, very nervous. Mebane Will Furnish the Opposi tion For the Opening Garr,; At 7:30 Tonight. The girls basketball quit of B. H. S. will open their playing sea- bowed legs; muscle drawn in left son tonight at 7:30 at Broad lished in the Burlington papers- The idea of a Kiwanis club in leg; arm torn off, affecting right, street, with Mebane on the oppo- Graham was unanimously approv- side; several cases infantile par- site side. ed and territory half way he- alysis; two cases of hair-lip; leg j With the last season record to tween Burlington and Graham was crippled since birth; crooked play to. when they were not de ceded for their purpose. The or- spine, etc. i f eated but once, and then by the o u;t..r canization meeting of the pro- In addition to cases from Ala- narrow margin of two noints. thev made reservations at the conven-; prices were quoted for the bulk of Posed Graham cluS is expected to mance there were cases from as; are practicing hard to do as well tion, local officials declared today, industrial stocks at the opening ; e neia next luesaaj cm-...i.k .ij .mcouro ana irom pr better tnan last season Tho hodv of Clara, covered I ligious life of , the community. I with a thin, sarcophagus-like coat- These two discourses, the written, incr of dried clav. lies in a local tinue throueh Thursdav ni?ht well-prepared and beautifully ! undertaking room. It is fully j Two familiar faces will not be t poetic eulogy and the simpler, rlnthpd in thn same blue Silk sppn at tho meeting this vonr the senders. Never was a local more, practical and intimate ap-1 dress, the red sweater, and the i Tvrus Raymond Cobb, former church so banked and so beauti- preciation from one who was a. grey coat she had purchased for: manager of the Detroit Tigers, fled -with flowers of suchvariety I journalistic brother of the de-! a tryst Vith Erdman that fatai'and Tris Speaker, former mana- ana loveliness, ihey came rrom parted, constituted 3t twin eulo- evening of September 0. They ger of the Cleveland Indians, , urungton mends ana Attendance was forecast at' 700. 0f the stock market today. The and a delegation Irom the tiur- nan seur in Kandolph county. Most of last year's regulars are The meet gets under way Sun- motors, oils and tire stocks were i ".nKlon llu" aml dlhn dav with t.hp mpptino- nt thi hnnrH nn,i fV, ;1 ;o.. ,v tt c . tion from the Mebane of arbitration. Sessions will con- lelega- That two civic clubs, the Ki- back on the floor, Clara. Sharp. luh'are wanis and Rotary, and the Red a star cairer. JoseDhine Hill. Oli- Steel sold up 1-2 at 149 5 8 while exPecterf to participate in the or- Cross and the State Rehabilitation , via Stadler, Nesbett Hanford and erucible steel gained a point at 78. ;anization- .W'.nl and the church should join Cleo Stewart. General Motors advanced 3-8 at 1)1 1-K; Hudson was up 3-4 at 4 7 1-2; Chrysler up 3-8 at 37 78; Mack Trucks up 3-4 at 99 1-2; U. S. Rubber up 1 at 60. Mid Con- iii .i "inoiiviu ui mis Kina lor tne game lor tonight was BUSINESS PROPERTY TO the sake of suffering and broken schedules ta have been played GO ON AUCTION BLOCK and crippled humanity is one of with Reidsvllle but it happened the finest and most worthwhile that Reidsviile could not come. Some valuable real estate will cooperatife efforts ever noted in Mebane was substituted and wfll go on the auction block Monday this community. One attending keep the locals on their toes dur whn W. F. Ross company of and noting the various types of 'r'? the periods. , Greensboro will tell North M in crippled persons coming to a The g-irls hope that a liberal po st rr of business property for the church for help is reminded of the tronage will greet them for their Standard Realty & Security com healing of the halt and the lame first game. Last year the quality pany. by the Great Physician two thou- 1 of their work on the floor was so The property consists of some sand years ago in the land of . high that many capacity houses of the old shops property, in the Canaan. i greeted them. It is expected to first block north of the railroad, These clinics will continue on.be even better this year. ' and is in a section rapidly de- the first Friday in each month ve'oping as an industrial center, until further notice. . . I NEW YORK COTTON. Since tho Fonville brethTs. D. the oils. With : train from gy which was expressive of the ; were to have been her wedding they both having passed from the 0f j.2 at 31 3-4: Pan Americnn znends at a distance and they now hearts' feelings of hundreds who garments. i picture, cover tne grave in Pinenui ceme- listened ana wno themselves felt ; Farmers filed into the city to- j tery, like a mound of mute sweet-! that their very own sentiments I day from the hills and lowlands TlllVV HNIVFItSITV IMa of;f.rJn n,.flv Hllf oln. mum hnini urnnnnj K.. 1 . ,, .. . :j ifWllil J 11 M f atffWJ J 1 to""j ior hu,o"j . "v.c .'w.6 vo.jvu tjj isc iwu oi tne surrounuing count ryoiut quently to the affection in which , ministers. the depared was held by thous- j Following the final andg, The service was characteristic ally simple but beautiful and soul moving. The large choir sang first the hymn, "Nearer My God To Thee." There was then a Bibla reabjng and a prayer by the pas tor nt tha ohnrxh Pov J Tt Hiir. ley. The hymn, "Abide With Me" "rtirisHfin'a Hnnit Vit,t ' ' - - - - ' 9 MIC sorrowing family and friends re paired to Pinehill cemetery where the remains were laid : tenderly and affectionately to rest, on th all eager and waiting to hear th? hymn, , report of the autopsy today. FAVORS DANCING B was up 1-4 at 63 7-8; Sinclair up 1-4 at at 19 3-8; Atlantic Re fining up 1-4 at 111 3-4. Indus trial alcohol sold at 82 3-4, up 3-8; Radio at 57 3-4, up 1-2; New York Central 134 7-8, up 1-2. n..uA xt r rn o n..i. . CRAWFORD L. C. OAKEY IN . nni "r ? "r ' ? ittt - resulted overwhelmingly in fnv Crawford L. C. Oakey. of Mw, j. s ' , ; Roanoke, formerly here with Levj e( toray Only six students voted against MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION MEETS MONDAY. i, brow tof the sun-kissed hill, where ; Burke's undertaking parlor, was iietn eanniy remains oi Hundreds here Thursday to assist Mr. riurke whom the deceased bad hon- in the details of the service of O. orrd as they preceded him to their F. Crowson, conducted '.;.- Ministerial afsociation , :".:ar .L'(e:i will meet in r gu- i.oany d C. C. as fxecu aid Reaity & Se took hold of t HAW RIVER VS. ALT.-OSSIPEE TONIGHT i lrOin TWrnn Hannino af aAl.Al All mnmKnra nAff fA rut was then sung ' and there wa last lcep. May he and they test , Front Street Methodist church at being prepared by the student present, another Bible passage read by Dr. ? In sweet peace; 2:30 p. m. " ' body, it was said. ' I W. R. POTTER Pres. nancmg, while 704 favored it. :. ess m Monday. De-ember 6,mirr ;n .-tieteh. it has i d rgone Haw Kiver basketball team will Mar. Resolution nrmnw Ka fannlftr n f 1 a m. in tt-A Parish rtnnsp. .' a mnsltinn that Viaa nlnepd it in Dlav Altamahnw.nfifiinA fVta t J . .. All members are urged to be , the forefront as business prop-ing on the court, ox tha latter. I Jul v erty, because of Itr proximity to Everybody who can attend V are ! VcL .. A2. ?8 12.78 12.M 12.5X the hub of, the city's affairs. lurged to jlo so. -v Vv-;;-. J SpoU 12.15 Off 30 pointa. , Open Hih Low Clot i'-c . 12.15 12.17 1..C0 HM -Ian. . .11.90 11.90 J 1.67 11.67 .12.15 12.17 11.91 1L .12.40 12.41 12.12 12.14 ,12.60 12.60 12.35 12.8 ? - r