Selection And Application Os Fertilizers For Person County .Crops (By A. G. Bullard, Agricultural Teacher Bethel Hill High School) The time is drawing near when every farmer in Person County must decide on the analysis and amount of fertilizer he is going to need for his ccrops. This is a very important decision to make and should be given a great deal of thought before purchasing his sup ply. In the following paragraphs I will discuss the recommendations for the principal crops grown in this county. Tobacco Plant Beds Tobacco plant beds require a fertilizer containing 4 per cent nit rogen, 8 per cent phosphoric acid and 3 per cent potash. Two hundred pounds should be used for each one hundred square yards of plant bed. After the top two or three inches of the soil has been stirred well, mix one hundred pounds of the above mixture with the soil. Apply the same amount the second time and drag until fertilizer is well mix ed with soil. Tobacco Fertilizers The analysis of fertilizer to use under the tobacco crop will depend somewhat on the type of soil and amount of organic matter present. On the less productive soils of this section a fertilizer containing 3 per cent nitrogen, 8 per cent phospho ric acid and 6 per cent potash, should be used at the rate of 800 to 1000 pounds per acre. On the more productive soils use 800 pounds of a fertilizer containing 3 per cent nitrogen, 10 per cent phos phoric acid and 6 per cent potash. In each of the above analysis one half of the nitrogen should be de rived from high grade organic ma terials of plant or animal origin, the remainder should be derived from standard inorganic materials. Pot ash, sulphate of potash and sulphate of potash-magnesia. The phosphoric acid should be derived from super phosphate. In applying any mixture of ferti lizer it is very important to mix the fertilizer well with the soil. This may be done by running a single shovel down each row after the fer tilizer has been drilled. This prac tice will give a better stand and al so make the tobacco start a quick growth. Bam lot manure is used to some extent on flue-cured tobacco and good results are obtained when it is properly applied. A coarse, dark tobacco will likely result when barn manure is applied to a soil al ready rich in nitrogen. When ap plied to the lighter and poorer soils a better quality will most likely result. The manure should be broadcast in the fall, if possible. Care should be taken not to make the application too heavy. Five tons per acre is enough for tobacco.. Good results have been gotten by placing some manure on thin spots in the field. Com Fertilizers The com soils in this section re quire a fertilizer containing 4 per cent nitrogen, 10 per cent phospho ric acid and 4 per cent phos pho mixture should be drilled in the row at planting time and mixed well with the soil at the rate of 300 to 40 pounds pper acre. A side dressing of 15 pounds of soluble nitrogen when com is about knee high will increase the yield. Com is not as peculiar as tobac co about the sources of materials in the mixture but a well balanced mixture should be used. Wheat Fertilizers Although the time for applying a complete fertilizer to wheat has PggL_it would be well to discuss it JL I’M SOLD It always works Just do what hospitals do, and the doctors insist on. Use a liquid laxa tive, and yon can bring yourself to clocklike regularity without strain or fll effect A liquid can always be taken tn gradually reduced doses. Reduced dosage is the secret of any real relief from constipation. Ask a doctor about this. Ask your druggist how very popular Dr. Cald welrs Syrup Pepsin baa become. It gives the right kind of help, and right amount of nelp. Taking a little less each time, gives the bowels a chance to act of their own accord, until they are moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all. ' '• Dr. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin con tains serma and cascara —both natural laxatives that form no habit. The ac tion Is gentle, but sure. It will relieve ar" f ~-*-« rnru l'M - due to constipatian without upset. here. A mixture of 4 per cent nit rogen, 10 per cent phosphoric acid and 4 per cent potash should be ap plied in the drill at planting time at the rate of 200 to 300 pounds per acre. When the wheat is about four inches high in the spring apply 10 pounds of soluble nitrogen per acre as a top-dressing. Garden and Truck Fertilizers Fertilizers for the garden and truck patches should contain large amounts of nitrogen and potash. A 5-8-6 should be used at the rate of 600 to 800 pounds per acre at planting time. Side dressing with a good nitrogen carrier after crop be gins to grow will pay. Applications of barn yard manure along with your fertilizer will furnish the need organic matter. o Starting with 300 baby chicks last April, Askew Strickland of Middlesex, route 1, Johnston Coun ty, made a labor income of $154.30. His expenses were $181.00; income 5185.95, and inventory gain, $149.- 35 * / ; ; Attention Farmers WE HAVE ON HAND A SPECIAL PLANT BED FERTILIZER. SMITH DOUGLAS BLUE RIBBON ALSO OTHER BRANDS T.B. DAVIS J. I. BROOKS STORAGE AT OUR HOMES Your Fertilizer Is Mow 1 READY = m ROBERTSON’S jES PERSON COUNTY TOBACCO IS ALWAYS IN DEMAND. IT IS ONE OF THE BEST TYPES THAT IS GROWN ANYWHERE AND IT WILL PAY YOU TO GIVE IT THE BEST CARE. YOUR YEAR’S WORK MAY BE IN YOUR ONE TOBACCO CROP. TAKE NO CHANCES, GIVE IT GOOD FER TILIZER AND CARE AND WITH THE PROPER WEATHER CONDITIONS YOU WILL HAVE A BETTER CROP. WE WILL BE GLAD TO TALK WITH YOU ABOUT YOUR FERTILIZER PROBLEM AN D GIVE YOU OUR PRICES AND SERVICE. i - Frank Whitfield * Robert Hester Pioneer Warehouse - Bushy Fork Store ROXBORO, H C. BUSHY FORK PERSON COUNTY TIMES ROXBORO, N. C. DUKE UNIVERSITY MUSICAL CLUB HERE TONIGHT Fifty-Five Musicians to Render a Varied Program at High School. ADMISSION 15 and 25c ' A program of unusual variety in musical styles and moods has been arranged by the Duke university musical clubs for the concert to be given here tonight. Classical, semi classical, comic and novelty num bers, familiar lyric ballads, and modem jazz all find a place on the program to be presented by the 55 Duke men in High School audi torium. Directed by J. Foster Barnes, di rictor of choral music at Duke, 30 voices selected from the more than 100 in the Duke men's glee club will sing standard vocal compositions of Handel, Tschaikowsky, Greig, Kountz, and Praetorius, and several lighter selections from Gilbert and Sullivan operators. The 30-piece Duke concert or chestra, with Robert B. Fearing di recting, will render classical instru mental numbers. Fearing will also play a group of violin solo selec tions. John Cole, popular lyric tenor, Joe Mackie, baritone, and Hayward Henderson, tenor, will be present ed as vocal soloists. The university male quartet, of which Henderson and Mackie are members, will har monize on a number of comic and novelty numbers, such as “Sopho moric Philosophy” and Italian Sal ad,” A1 Preyer and his orchestra will 1 j TRANSPORTATION I I AT YOUR DOOR I ip*ij “QRECISION TRANSPORTATION” tracks are now at your ||lg|f r door. The Norfolk and Western picks up your less-than- » carload freight at vour door and delivers it to the plat- wouuMg ;sgg|i§; ! form of the receiver—without extra charge. This free col- Jgggg lIL 5 lection and delivery service, linked with fast and dependable ISSr fiKSjjH rail haul, assures trouble-free and economical freight service. ftSunwffi An allowance of five cents a hundred pounds will be given if §i§|j|§ you prefer to collect or deliver your own less-than-carload i£E||| j3*g|H freight. Igg9 Telephone your Norfolk and Western agent and he will lpla|l see that your goods are collected and delivered with prompt- |p|3|| 8598 ness and economy. IH- •» fc= I -t- — -t •■■■-■ ■ » I H give a brief program of modern jazz. This dance band, organized only this year, has rapidly gained popularity with followers of popu lar music in and around Durham. The orchestra plays regularly at a Durham hotel and broadcasts twice weekly over the Durham radio sta tion. o More than 20,000 feet of drain tile has been ordered cooperatively by farmers of Duplin County this winter. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, tm" State Warrants For oi.* Times’ Office. The beginning of the indqstry of * crushing soybeans for their oil wah begun at Elizabeth City, North Caro lina, December 13, 1915. Ten farmers conducting crop ro tation demonstrations in lower Hali fax County secured an average of 73 bushels of peanuts, 393 pounds of lint cotton and 1,117 pounds of tobacco an arce last season.