TIMES PRESENTS 2nd. ANNUAL BABY EDITION IF YOU WOULD KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND YOU READ THE PERSON COUNTY TIMES—IT IS A PAPER FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OF PERSON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. ■■ ■■ " " ™ ' i , VOLUME VIL PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1936 USE PERSON COUNTY PRODUCTS NUMBER FORTY-ONE April 26th. To May 2nd. Known As National Baby Week In U. S. This Edition of Times Devoted to Health of All Babies. Is 2nd Annual Edition of This: Kind by The Times. NO QUINS IN COUNTY Babies, babies, and more babies. Person County has a large number of the little; tots from one month old up to three or four years old. They all need the very best care that they can get and for this reas on the Times is publishing many articles that deal with’ thieir health. President Roosevelt issued a proclamation on April 13th pro claiming the dates of April 26th to May 2nd to be known as National Baby Week. May Ist is Child Health Day. This is the second annual Baby Edition of the Times that has beep published. In this edition you will find many articles that deal with care of the babies. They are written by authorities in that particular field. You will also find the ads to "be very interesting and instructive; read them all and profit. The publishers are sorry that no actual pictures of local babies are in this edition, but how could they print the picture of one darling and not get the one that lived next door. Had there been any quintuplets in the county their picture would have been in the paper. So here’s to Baby Week, and may Person County babies be the best and healthiest in the world. o MAJOR BOWES UNIT TO BE HERE TUES. Unit Number Ten to be at Palace Theatre, May sth. On next Tuesday, May sth, Rox boro will be given the opportunity to hear Major Bowes Amateurs in person. Unit No. 10 of his Amateurs will pbrform at the Palace theatre. Those featured in the unit are Kav Hamilton, Harry Stone, Luzler and Sloma, Cornelius Vaughn and Fran ces White. These famous artists en joy many local fans, and they are eagerly awaiting their arrival. Each Sunday night they are list ened to over the radio; this in it self, is a treat. Yet, it stands to reason that they will be much more interesting when they can be seen. TKq Palace management is to be commended upon securing this splendid attraction, and the house will, no doubt, be filled to its ca pacity. o CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR IN ROXBORO LAST WEEK Mr. John A. Mcßae, Democratic candidate for Governor of N. C., was in Roxboro last Friday afternoon for a few hours. While here he conferred with a number of local people in regard to his campaign. o MAKES HONOR ROLL The name of Miss Suzanne Win stead of Roxboro was listed among those making the scholastic honor roll at the Univtersity of North Carolina last quarter. To make the honor roll, a student must make an . average of B (90 to 95) on all courses. o EXCELLENT GARDEN Mr. A. M. Bums deserves to be president of the Young Men’s Gar den Club. He has one of the finest gardens in Roxboro at this early season. His salad bed is ready for eating and his English peas will be rteady in a few days. Many other items are up and look good. o ANNOUNCE ARRIVAL Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bradsher, of Goldsboro, N. C., announce the birth of a son, Arthur Long, Jr., on April 23, 1936. Weight 8 1-2 lbs. leram|!<Eimes MOFFETT SPENCER TO HEAD ROTARY Elected at Meeting Last Thurs day at Community House. OTHER OFFICERS ELECTED The annual election meeting for the Roxboro Rotary club was held at the Community house last Thurs day evening. At this time Moffett Spencer was elected preteicfejnt of the Roxboro Rotary club. The new president is one of Roxboro’s lead ing citizens and the club is glad to have such a man as its head. Chris Waggoner was elected vice president, Jim Harris, secretary, Willie Pass, treasurer, Paul Cash ! well and Dan Whitfield, directors. These officers will be installed at the first meeting in July. Hon. John Mcßae, candidate for Governor of North Carolina, was a guest at the meeting. TENNIS CHAMPS DEFEAT BURLINGTON High School Players Won Every Match and Lost Only One Set. Roxboro high school tennis team defeated Burlington high school Tuesday afternoon on the Burling ton courts. The local boys had very little trouble and easily displayed their superiority. Results were: Singles F. Winstead, Roxboro, defeated Dameron, Burlington, 6-4, 7-5. Ball, Roxboro, defeated Haney, Burlington, 6-4, 6-4. Gardner, Roxboro, defeated May, Burlington, 6-4, 7-5. B. Winstead, Roxboro, defeated Moser, Burlington, 6-1, 6-0. Long, Roxboro, defeated Mont gomery, Burlington, 6-4, 6-2. Doubles F. Winstead and Gardner, Roxboro, ’efeated May and Dameron, Bur lington, 3-6, 6-1, 6-1. B. Winstead and Ball, Roxboro, defeated Haney and Moser, Burling ton, 8-6, 6-3. SCOUT EXECUTIVE EECTED TUESDAY Mr. Patterson, of Rome, Ga., Will Probably Accept Post Left Vacant by “Country” Gorman. WELL QUALIFIED FOR POST Mr. A. P. Patterson, of Rome, Ga., was elected as Scout Executive of the Cherokee Council on Tuesday night of this week at a meeting of the executiYq council in Reidsville N. C. Mr. Patterson did not accept the position at this meeting, but it was generally thought that he would accept. He will take the place left vacant when “Country” Gorman went to Greenville, S. C. The new executive has had a number of years in Scout work and is well qualified for the position He comes to this council with high recommendations. He is about 28 years of age. Should Mr. Patterson accept he will begin work in this council about May 15th or just as soon as he can move. He will make his home in Reidsville. Those present at the meeting in Riqidsville from Roxboijo were G. W. Kane and J. S. Merritt. Roxboro, N. C., —Friday—Mr. Pat terson accepted the post and is ex pected to report by May 15th. o GRADUATION PRESENTS We have a complete line of wrist watches at all prices, both girls and boys. THE NEWELL’S Jewelers ROTARY CONFERENCE TO BE HED IN MAY Tenth Annual Conference to be Held in Winston-Salem. Speakers for the tenth annual con ference of the 57th District of Ro tary International, which will be held in Winston-Salem on May 19 and 20, were announced yesterday by Charles W. Phillips, of Greens boro, who is chairman of the pro gram for the conference. Dr. George E. Vincent, of Green wich, Conn., nationally known writ er, lecturqr and educator, will be the principal speaker. He is particu larly interested in topics relating toi social theory and education, and is well-informed on phases of civic activity as thqy relate themselves to the Rotary program. For the past three years Dr. Vincent has traveled abroad, and is able to give a pene trating analysis of international problems. Other speakers include Dr. Amos O. Squires, of Ossining, N. Y., who will represent Rotary International; Dr. Charles J. Smith, president of Roanoke College, Salem, Va.; Henry R. Dwire and Rev. Excel Rosselle. Leading Rotarians throughout the district will also take part in the program. Roxboro is included in the 57th District. bocal Political Situation dot Attracting Alany Candidates Only Three Candidates Have Filed, But Others Are Known to be Ready. Time Limit is Over on May 9th. ONE STATE SPEAKER FOR THIS YEAR So far Very few political candi dates have filed with R. B. Dawes, chairman of the Board of Elections. Those who have actually filed and placed the money on the line are S. B. Davis for treasurer, Will Kir by for Registqr of Deeds, and Jeff O’Briant for the House of Repre sentatives. It is understood that practically all of the present county officials will again be candidates for their respective offices, and they will probably signify their intention this ,week. There has been no rumor of any opposition within the Demo cratic ranks. The Republicans will probably enter a number of con testants. The time limit for filing expires on May 9th at 6 p. m. After that time is too late to enter the race for the Democratic nomination. Altho things are quiet now it may 1 be that the, political situation will liven up by next week. R. T. Fountain, candidate for the U. S. Senate has been the only po litical speaker this year. Town Tennis Team Goes In Defeat to High School Old Men Fought as Hard as They Could, But Quickly Found Out That They Couldn’t Take It. Final Score Was 11-4 and Could Have Been Larger For Highs. The members of the Town Tennis Team have very little to say this wefek. In fact, they have nothing to say. The much awaited high school match was played last week-end and on Monday of this week. I*he final score was 11 - 4 in favor of Roxboro High. Numerous excuses were offered by the Town Team, but they were, defeated and excuses just didn’t go very far. Here is the sad news: First Bracket F. Winstead defeated H. W. New ell 6-2, 6-2. J. A. Long, Jr. defeated C. Ball 3-6, 7-5, 6-4. G. Gardner defeated S. B. Win stead 3-6, 8-6, 6-4. B. Winstead defeated G. Thomp son 6-4, 7-5. M. Long defeated C. A. Harris 6-1, 6-4. L. T. Heffner defeated Phil RESULT OF CASES IN SUPERIOR COURT Judge Marshall T. Spears Pre sided Over Term of Court Last Week. Superior Court was in session in Roxboro last week with Judge Marshall T. Spears presiding. The following cases were among those disposed of: State vs. McKinley Holloway. In dictment, temporary larceny. Judg ment, confined to jail for 6 months. Judgment suspended for two years upon condition that defendant re main of good behavior and not vio late any law. State vs. Fulton Shepherd. In dictment, larceny. Judgment, 6 months in jail to be assigned to work roads. The judgment was sus pended upon certain State vs. George Timberlake. In dictment, second degree murder. Judgment, defendant to work roads for twelve months. Judgment sus pended for two years upon condi tions. State vs. Clyde Newell. Indict ment, larceny of automobile. Judg ment, two years in State prison. State vs. Willie Pearce. Indict ment, non support of bastard child. Case continued. State vs. Walter Cates. Indictment, larceny of mule. Case continued. E. G. THOMPSON TO HEAD YOUNG DEMOCRATS IN CO. Miss Margai/et Carlton is Vice president ; Bradsher Gentry Elected Secretary. A number of Young Democrats met in the jury room at the court house last Saturday night and elect ed E. G. Thompson as president of the Young Democrats of Person County. Mr. Thompson has held this post for thq past four years and was elected again. Miss Margaret Carlton was elect ed as vice-president and Bradsher Gentry was elected to fill the sec retary’s and treasurer’s post. About twenty-five loyal Demo crats gathered for this meeting. Hugh Sawyer was elected as tem porary chairman and nominations were then in order. o BELIEVE IT OR NOT Mr. Bill Harris had a setting hen. Under the hen could be found three live kittens, one or two days old. The mother cat was over in another corner of the barn. Thomas 1-6, 6-4, 6-4. Second Bracket—Singles Barden Winstead defeated Thos. Hatchett 6-1, 6-3. L. T. Heffner defeated Cris Wag goner 6-3, 6-3. Prid Thomas defeated Bill Walk er 7-5, 6-2. C. H. Oakley defeated C. Reid Long 6-2, 3-6, 6-2. Fitz Davis defeated Page Harris 6-1, 6-2. Doubles Fletcher Winstead and Guy Gard ner defeated Wheeler Newell and James Long, Jr., score 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. Chas. Bali and Barden Winstead defeated S. B. Winstead and E. G. Thompson, score 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. Prid Thomas and L. T. Heffner defeated Chas. Harris and Sam Merritt, score 6-3, 6-0. M. C. Clayton and Thos. Hatchett defeated Matt Long and Donald Bradsher, score 3-6, 6-4, 8-6. O. Y. Clayton Is Temporary Chairman of Republican Party BURNS TO MANAGE HOEY’S CAMPAIGN Prominent Person County At torney Will Wage Strong Campaign in Person County. It was announced on Monday of this week that Mr. Robert Bums will be head of the campaign for Clyde R. Hoey, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Gover nor of North Carolina, in Person County. Mr. Burns, local member of the Person County Bar Association, is just the man to head such a cam paign. It is understood that the campaign will be carried on in a big way, and a good fight will be put up. Similar campaigns will be carried on throughout the state of North Carolina from now until the Primary election in June. o MISS WHITTEN WINS PRIZE IN OXFORD Amateur Program Sponsored by Oxford Kiwanis Club. Fifteen Numbers on Program. By special request, Miss Peggy Whitten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Whitten, appeared on the amateur program, sponsored by the Oxford Kiwanis Club. Theflq were 15 numbers on the program, representing several coun ties, as the contest was open to the whole state. Miss Whitten was well received by th!q capacity house at the theatre. She was encored for a second num ber, and took a number of curtain bows after the second number The voting was by ballot, as each patron received a voting ballot when they entered the theatre. $25 in cash prizes were given away, Miss Whitten winning first prize of $lO in cash. MRS. E. E. MILLS DIED MONDAY Funeral Services Held at Home Wednesday of This Week. Mrs. Ruby Velma Mills, 23, wife of Eugene E. Mills, of Jalong, N. C., died at her home there Monday, April 27, 1936. She was ill only two weeks. Her death was attributed to complications. She is survived by her husband, father, Carl Walters, three sisters, Mrs. Martha Calvina, N. Y., Mrs. Clydq Oliver, Jalong, and Miss Rosa Walters, Jalong, five brothers, Al len Walters, China, Thomas, Dallas, Henry, Paul Walters of Rougemont. The funeral services were con ducted at home on Wednesday, April 29. with Rev. E. R. Hartz as sisting Rev. C. D. Barcliff in the services. Pallbearers were Isaac Owen, Ruf fin Puryear, Ed Holder, Johnnie Loyd, Stanley Reaves and Melvin Blalock. Flower bearers were: Misses Est er Carver, Clocy Welch, Grace Johnson, Alma Dunn, Huldah Clay ton, Beatrice Dixon and Mrs. Inez Puryear. Interment followed in' Providence church cemetery. o MRS. ASHLEY LOST Mrs. C. E. Ashley would have won $75 yesterday had she attended the Palace or Dolly Madison Theatres. She did not attend and thus lost the Jack Pot. It will be $75 at the Dolly Madison tomorrow, Friday. o TO SPEAK HERE William H. Griffin, candidate for U. S. Senator, in the Democratic primary, June 6, 1936, will speak at the Courthouse in Roxboro on May 18th at noon-day. Expect to Enter a Number of Candidates in Field For This Year’s Contests. Each Pre cinct to be Organized. NOMINATING CONVENTION FOR MAY 9TH. Approximately twenty-five promi nent members of the Republican party met in the Courthouse last Saturday for the purpose of organ izing for the political battles that are to take place this year. Mr. O. Y. Clayton, of Roxboro, was elected as temporary chairman of the party for this county. W. R. Minor was elected secretary. The Republican party will hold a convention on May 9th at 2 p. m. in the Courthouse for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various county offices. It is not known yet whether they will put ; a complete; ticket in the field or : not. It was suggested that all the candidates will be strong contend ers. Each precinct in the county will be organized and every possible thing done to add strength to the party this year. i The chairman of the party is ex ' pecting a large gathering for the meeting on May 9th. All precinct chairmen are expected to be pres ent. o LOGS FOR SCOUT CABIN ARE READY Will be Hauled to Roxboro at Once and Actual Construction to Start Soon. WILL BE ON SAME LOT WITH COMMUNITY HOUSE It won’t be long before the Boy Scouts of this county will liave a nice log cabin. The logs, furnished by O. B. Mcßroom, have been cut and are ready for hauling. In a few days they will be placed on the Community House lot and then work will start. The cabin will be placed some where near the center of the lot and will be large enough for thfe boys to have their meetings in and play games. Such a cabin as this has been the dream of the Scouts for many years, but not until recently did the coun cil consider it wifq to start this move. Mr. J. A. Timberlake will super vise the construction. That means that the Scouts will have a cabin that they can be proud of. o HENRY GATES WINNER Henry Gates, local Ford salesman, won SSO this week. The Charlotte branch of the Ford Motor Co. con ducts a drawing each day and the lucky man gets SSO. Every time a salesman sells a used car his name is put in a box, the more cars you sell the more times your name will be in the box. Henry must have had his name in there a number of times. He is now waiting for his check to arrive. o NOTICE I have undertaken the manage ment of Mr. Clyde R. Hoey’s cam paign for Governor in Person Coun ty. Reasons for this undertaking are in an interview elsewhere in this paper. I should be glad to hear from or be called on by supporters of Mr. Hoey and I ask every Per son County citizen to give thought ful consideration to his candidacy. Respectfully, ROBERT. P. BURNS. o BASEBALL TOMORROW Roxboro high school will play George Washington high, of Dan ville, Va., tomorrow on the local high school field at 3:30 p. m. GRADUATION PRESENTS We have a complete line of wrist watches at all prices, both girls and boys. THE NEWELL’S ■ Jewelers

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