TIMES PRESENTS ANNUAL TOBACCO EDITION" TOBACCO EDITION IF YOU WOULD KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON ABOUND YOU BEAD THE PEBSON COUNTY TIMES—IT IS A PAPER FOB ALL THE PEOPLE OF PERSON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. """"" mmmm ibhmmmmm m—mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~^mmmmmmmmmmmm. m—mmmmmmimm^ ■■■" VOLUME vm PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, ROXBORO, NORTH KAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER IST, 1936 USE PERSON CgjiJNTY PRODUCTS NUMBER ELEVEN Possible That Governor Os North Carolina Will Be Present For Opening Sale Here Understood That Carl Goerch, Edi tor of the State, Will be Here to Broadcast Opening Day’s Sale for Thirty Minutes Over Station WPTF. Broadcast Will Take Place About Noon. EVERYTHING POINTS TO ONE OF ROXBORO’S LARGEST DAYS Hugh A. Sawyer, secretary of the Roxboro Chamber of Commerce, expects Honorable J. C, B. Ehring haus, Governor of the state of North Carolina, to be present next Mon day, October sth, for the opening of the Roxboro Tobacco Market. Mr. Sawyer extended an invitation to the governor on September 25th and the following letter is his reply: State of North Carolina Governor’s Office Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Hugh A. Sawyer, Secretary Roxboro Chamher of Commerce, Roxboro, N. C. Dear Mr. Sawyer: Thank you very much for yours of the 25th inviting me to be pres ent on Monday, Octoer sth at the opening sales on the Old Belt to bacco market. I will check over my engagements and if I find it possibly to run over for a little while you may be sure I will be delighted to do so. With kind regards, Yours very truly, J. C. B. Ehringhaus. JCBE:C Broadcast to Take Place Plans have been made for Carl Goejrch, editor of the State and popular radio commetator to be present to broadcast sales from one of the local warehouses Monday morning. This broadcast will go through station WPTF and will be heard for hundreds of miles. It is understood that this will take place about twelve o’clock. If it is possible for the governor to be here on the opening day it will mean that this will be one of the biggest days in the history of Person County. Everyone in this section of the state is invited to be present in Roxboro on Monday. It looks like it will be the “Day of Days.” KIWANIS ELECTION NEXT MONDAY Nominating Committee Named Monday Night to Bring in Best Candidates Next Week. Next Monday night will be elec tion night at the Roxboro Kiwanis club. At this time the new presi dent, vice president, treasurer and five directors will be named. The nominating committee will bring in thq names of two men for each of fice and ten names for directors. The men who are elected will head the club for the year 1937. Officers in the Kiwanis club are always elected several months in advance in order that they might have ample time to name their committees and attend the district convention. At the meeting on Monday night Robt. Long was named as chairman of the underprivileged children’s committee. This committee is the most important one in the Kiwanis club. Other members are George Currier and Hugh Beam. o Jack Cook of Byron, Calif., has invented an “eggsact” which reg isters the laying time on each egg as the hen walks away from the nest. A Message From the City Manager You have ended another year’s harvest. You have worked hard. You want the highest dollar for your year’s work. We all know that home friends are our best friends. Think about this when you plan your market trip. Most of our ware housemen have visited you during the year. They know you, they have a personal interest in you, they love you as a neighbor, and they want to see you get the highest dollar for your to bacco. The warehousemen of Roxboro bid for your market crop. The city of Roxboro welcomes you. JIM HARRIS, City Manager. flerson|Mime* a, —| Ip' » vsßf \ s ■PIP' (■ if wrap ; xx-:'" ... •% * ' " ■■■ -■ "F. D. R.” IS NOW OFFICIALLY “CHIEF WHITE EAGLE” On a visit to the North Carolina Cherokee Indian Reservation, President Roosevelt donned a feathered war-bonnet and was christened by Chief Jerry Blythe with his new tribal name, “Chief White Eagle.” Roxboro Ready for Heavy Sales on Opening Day Mon. Hundreds of Farmers Expect to Have Load on Hand Mon day as Roxboro Market Opens For Largest Season in Year. PRICES EXPECTED TO BE BETTER THAN LAST YEAR Roxboro is ready for the big sea son of the year the tobacco sell ing season. On Monday morning the cry of the auctioneer will ring out once more and the 1936-37 season will start. Hundreds of farmers are- expect ed to be here for the opening day. Many will bring a load of tobacco and many will coir,* just as spec tators to see how it starts selling. A large amount of tobacco will probably come here on Saturday night and more will roll in Sunday night. The grand rush will start Monday morning about five o’clock and will continue until about noon. All of the large companies will have buyers Here on Monday morn- < ing. There will be at least one more company represented here this year than last year and everything points to a better season. The crop in this county is good. 1 It is not the best crop that has ever been raised, but it is one that < should bring v. good price. The av- i er?.-’| for Rcxboro last year was $20.23 p.r hundred pounds. Out of .1 eighteen markets in the Old Bright Belt Roxboro was among the first five in price average. The truth is that Roxboro always makes a good 1 avtqpagfc and dfn be counted on- ■ from year to year. Roxboro sold 4,497,480 pounds of tobacco last year. This year it ex- 1 pects to reach the six hiillion mark < and should do it. o SPECIAL NOTICE After October Ist we cannot re model hats. Wq have new hats for the price it takes to make a last year’s hat look new, come in and see. We thank you. CARNEY’S MILLINERY. TWO THEATRES TO GIVE FREE TICKETS TO FARMERS ON STH Only Thing Necessary is That Farmer Sell Load of To bacco in Roxboro on Opening Day. The managers of the Palace and Dolly Madison theatres have an nounced that thejy will give a free ticket to every farmer wlso sells a load of tobacco on the Roxboro tobacco market on the opening day, Monday, Oct. sth. All that the farm er has to do is to present his bill to the doorman at either theatre and he will be admitted free. Both of these theatres are play ing excellent pictures on this day and you aiiq sure to enjoy either one you see. A large announcement of this of fer appears on an inside page of today’s Times. The two local theatres, managed by Kirby Bros., are among the best in the state and enjoy a reputation of playing nothing but the best in pictures. o BOARD OF EDUCATION TO MEET OCTOBER 3RD The Regular October meeting of the Person County Board of Educa tion will be held on October 3rd at. 10:30. This is to avoid a conflict with the opening of the tobacco market on Monday. R. B. GRIFFIN. Big Person County Fair And Cattle Show To Open Monday Worlds’ Exposition Shows on the Midway Free Acts, Day and Night. Fireworks Every Night. $20,00 Jack Pot Every Night. Many Agricultural Exhibits. The big Person County Fair will open Monday, October sth. Every thing points to one of the best fairs that has btejen held here in a long time. In connection with the fair there will be a cattle show. This cattle show is under the supervision of R. L. Perkins and is expected to be oiie| of the best in the state. The World’s Exposition shows will be on the mid-way. These Sfchows offer about all the amuse ment that anyone could desire. There will be many frete, acts as BOARD GOVERNORS NAMED FOR CLUB AT LOCH LILY Twelve Men Named to Guide Club, Four to Retire Each Year. Those who have signified their intention of joining the Country Club met in the courthouse at Rox boro last Friday night in order to elect a board of governors. A nominating committee was ru med by S. M. Ford to submit tv enty names to those present for governors. From this twenty twelve vtqre elected to the position as governors of the club. Those who were elected were —for three years, William Warren, Charlie Harris, S. M. Ford and J. H. Hughes; for two E. G. Thompson, R. P. Bums, J. S. Merritt and J. A. Long, for one year; E. E. Bradsher, Chris Waggoner, J. W. Noell and Bill Walker. The board of governors will prob bably start to work at once in order to complete plans for the remaind er of the work that is to be done. SPEEDING SIGNS PLACED ON ROADS Green Signs Bid You Welcome Roxboro, But Warn You About Bearing Down on Gas. Welcome To Roxboro Speed Laws Enforced Large signs reading as above will be placed on all the main highways coming into Roxboro. In fact they may be up now. They were ready Tuesday. These signs mean business. For the past five or six months the speed laws of Roxboro have been enforced and it is very evident that they will be enforced in the future. Roxboro welcomes all who come to this city, but Roxboro wants people to drive carefully and per haps save a life. The officers in Roxboro have no friends when it comes to arresting speeders. In fact they had just as soon arrest a member of the city board as a buck private^ “Welcome to Roxboro,” but don’t | forget to ease up on your gas just a little before you reach the city limits. o AT THE WINSTEAD WAREHOUSE THIS YEAR Mr. Lewis Long, popular Person County farmer is back with the Winstead Warehouse in Roxboro this year. This makes his second year at the house. Also connedted with this ware-, house this year is Mr. Jim Dunn. This is the first year that Mr. Dunn has served at this house. o A. A. Pratt, night railroad cross ing tender in Framingham Center, Mass., when on duty always wears a nattily cut business suit, spats, a flower in his lapel, and carries a cane. well as fireworks. Thirty-one rides will be running night and day to entertain both young and old. Wednesday, Oct 7th, has been designated as White School Child ren’s Day and all will be admitted free between 12 noon and 6 p. m. Friday, Oct. 9, has been set aside as colored school children’s day all colored school children will be admitted free during the hours from 12 noon to 6 p. m. Everything is ready and you are invited to come and bring your famiy. our Large Warehouses Ready For Sale Os Tobacco Monday? "' if 13!!® f f ' - ntwswxik UNDER SERIOUS CHARGE Frank E. Stephens, 16 years old, charged with attempt to extort $25,000 from Shirkry Temple’s parents. ANNUAL TOBACCO EDITION OUT TODAY Contains Many Messages For Farmers of This Section and Boosts Roxboro Market. The Person County Times pre sents its annual Tobacco Edition today. In this edition may be found many articles relating to the farm and they should plrove to be of great help to all who read them. This edition also contains many advertisements from merchants in this county urging all to bring their tobacco to Roxboro. The Tobacco Edition is publish ed every year by the Times just before the Roxboro markets opens and is always one of the largest editions of the year. A number of extra copies have been printed this time. If you de sire one drop in and get it no charge. o MISS MERRITT ACCEPTS POSITION Miss Eglantine Merritt has ac cepted a position in Fayetteville, N. C, in the WPA office. Miss Merritt will have three or four counties un dqr her supervision, but will make headquarters in the city mentioned above. Her work will be that of a social worker under the WPA. o FORCE AT WINSTEAD WAREHOUSE We wish to announce that the following men will be connected with the Winstead Warehouse this year: S. B. Winstead, J. M. Brewer, R. H. Oakley, Robert Gentry, Lewis Long, Jim Dunn, J. H. Ramsey, Joe Smith, Robt. Ashley, Clyde Meadows and A. R. Warren. o PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:45 a. m. Church School. This is Rally Day and an interesting pro gram will be presented. 11 a. m. Morning Worship. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed at this service. 6:45 p. m. Meeting of the Young People of the church. o Renew Your Subscription to the Person County Times Message From Mayor Dawes - < The tobacco market opens in Roxboro next Monday, Octo ber slh, 1936, and there is every reason to believe it will sell as good, if not better elsewhere. We have all been taught that figures don’t lie and figures last year gave this market second highest average in the Old Belt. The paid pro pogahdist for other markets will never admit tobacco is selling good in Roxboro. Come on and sell in Roxboro and let your $ $ speak the /truth. ' i R. B. DAWES, Mayor. THREE SECTIONS 26 PAGES Pioneer, Winstead, Planters Hyco Have Full Force of Experienced Men Lined Up For Season of 1936-37. \ WILL DRAW FOR FIRST SALE MONDAY A. M. Four large warehouses in Rox boro are ready for the sale of leaf tobacco. All four will often theic doors this week-end and invite you to give them a trial. Those four houses are the Pioneer, Winstead's Planters and Hyco. All of these houskjs have been operating in Roxboro for a number of years and all are managed by experienced warehousemen. The Pioneer is managed by R. L HesSejr and T. T. Mitchell. These two men have been engaged in the warehouse business for a number of years and have a strong fol lowing. The Winstead has as its proprie tors Messrs. S. B. Winstead, Boh Oakley and John Brewer. This strong combination also hits a large following. Owen Pass and J. D. Perkins have active charge of the Planters this year. For a number of years Mr. Perkins has managed this house, but he will be assisted by Mr. Pass this year who owns half interest. The Hyco names the following as proprietors: Tobe Pass, George Walker, Reid Jones, Frank Hester and Robert Lunsford. All are at your service when you desire to sell at the Hyco. In addition to the proprietors all of the warehouses have many oth er men connected with them. They are all good warehousemen and know how to sell tobacco. It is not yet known which house will have first sale on Monday. Drawing for this sale will take place Monday about nine a. m. o SCOUTS TO MEET WITH CIVIC CLUBS Date of Nov. sth Has Been Set For Joint Meeting, But May be Changed. The Boy Scouts of Person County will meet with the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs in a joint meeting on Thursday, Nov. sth. This date may be changed, but it is more than likely to hold. Once a year the Scouts of this county meet with the two clubs and have charge of the program. Last year the meeting was held in the high school gym nasium and brunswick stew was served. The Scouts here) are really doing things. Right now they are getting ready for their new cabin that is to be constructed at once and some of the leaders are planning to take the training course that will be given here soon. Active troops may be found in practically every section of the county and there are two troops in Roxboro. It is possible that the Scouts at Ca-Vel will have a hut within the next twelve months. o f JUNIOR DAVIS LOST S9O The name of Junior Davis was drawn from the Jack Pot cage last night at the Dolly Madison theatre. Junior was not present at either theatre and had not attended either during the day. He was not award ed the money due to the fact that he had not attended either theatre.

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