CALL t S • We want all the new* of four community. Please call us or sand it in. IF YOB WOULD KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND YOU READ TBR PERSON COUNTY TIMRS—IT IS A PAPER FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OF PERSON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. VOLUME m PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, THUI&DAY, OCTOBER STH, 1936 USE PERSON COUNTY PRODUCTS NUMBER TWELVE 400,000 Pounds of Tobacco In Roxboro on Opening Day Largest Break of'Tobacco That Has Ever Been Seen In Box* boro. All Farmers Pleased as Tobacco Averages Between 25 and 26 Cents. Block Sold Off By Tuesday Night and Everything Ready For a, Sale a Day at Eeach House. There’s no doubt about it. People Jof Roxboro saw the “Day of Days” last Monday in Roxboro whin ap promixately 5,000 people came here lor the opening of the tobacco mar ket, to hear the broadcast, to see and hear the governor and to see and hear Frank Hancock. The farmers brought 400,000 pounds of tobacco with them and the average for Monday’s sale was $25.82. This average was maintain ed in spite of the fact that there was a large amount of poor tobacco ion hand. Governor Here For Broadcast Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus was present for the opening and spoke in the Winstead Warehouse •over the radio. The message was relayed over station WPTF, Raleigh, land was heard by thousands of people in North Carolina and Vir ginia. In his talk here he wtent on record as favoring tobacco legisla tion “under certain conditions.” He then began to auction tobacco and sold some for excellent prices. Congressman Frank Hancock of this district was also present and spoke briefly over the radio. Later he spoke at the regular meeting of the Roxboro- Kiwanis club. Block Cleared The opening day block was clear ed by Tuesday night and the ware houses are again ready for the “Golden Weed.” A large sale is ex pected Friday of this week, but not a block sale. o NEW REGULATIONS AT SKEET CLUB Large Crowd Expected For Sat urday Afternoon. Ladies Urged to Conte. The Roxboro Skeet Club has in stalled the new regulations adopted July Ist by the National Associa tion. The club will be open Satur day evening at 4 o’clock for shoot ing on the new course, the flight of the target has been changed in away that will make the shooting much more interesting, a large crowd is expected out Saturday evening to try the new course. It is understood that a number of jeJlows are getting in a little practice at the skeet club in order that they might bring home a few more birds this winter. Ladies are invited to come out land seiq if they can hit the targets or to watch the men “try to hit them.” _____o FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH i Dr. Chas. C. Smith of Durham will occupy the pulpit both morn ing and night at the First Baptist church next Sunday. Dr. Smith is an able preacher and kis messages will be a real treat to our church and community. The preaching service, the Sun day school and the B. T. U. will be at the usual hours. The pastor is preaching in a se ries of meetings at the Yates Church in Durham. A cordial invitation is extended to all. W. F. WEST, Pastor. o ROXBORO HIGH TO FLAY SO. BOSTON HIGH FRIDAY Roxboro high will meet South Boston high on the Roxboro grid iron tomorrow, Friday, at 3 p. m. Public urged to see this game. ,—o ; VISITING IN NEW YORK CITY Dr. B. E. Love and son, Mr. Bed ford Love, left Tuesday afternoon for New York City. While, there Dr. Love will attend the m'ejeting of Norfolk & Western Railway Ser- Igeons’ Association October 7th and V JBth. . . _ fnrsoniMimes MR. AND MRS. MORRIS TO BERMUDA ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. John D. Morris left Wednesday for Bermuda Islands. They will spend several days in New York City before sailing. This trip was awarded Mr. Morris by a frigidaire company for his splendid sales. They expect to be away about ten days. o MASTERS CLUB MET TUESDAY AT ROTE Twelve Principals Present to Enjoy Dinner and Discus sion; Attendance Al most 100 Percent. SATTERWHITE SPEAKER The first meeting of the Masters Club was held at Hotel Roxboro Tuesday evening, October 6th. Twelve principals were present to enjoy the dinner, discussions, and) social hour. Mr. S. B. Satterwhite discussed the values that may be derived ftbm local tfychers’ meetings. A paper as to how to determine pro motions, and some causes of fail ures, was given by Mr. L. S. Can non. Mrs. Cole, of Durham, was pres ent and offered suggestions from the WPA as to hot lunchCg for school children. Her discussion was left with the principals for consid eration. Supt. R. B. Griffin gave infor mation concerning State Rented book reports and gave other re port blanks to bte filled. Mr. Grif fin, also presented each principal with fair tickets for each of their teachers. The attendance was almost 100 percent. Be present at th e next meeting and know your co-work ers. —o MR. & MRS. HUNTER RETURN TO ROXBORO Attended Bankers Convention in San Francisco, Calif. Traveled 8,000 Miles. After attending the annual con vention of American Bankers Asso ciation in San Francisco, Calif., Mr. I and Mrs. G. C. Hunter returned home Thursday night. They left Roxboro more than two weeks ago and since that time they have trav eled eight thousand miles and crossed twienty-one states. They report an excellent time in Ban Francisco, where they, along with other mem bers of the association, were royal ly entertained. They took in new Oakland - San Francisco bridge, Grand Canyon, Painted Desert and Dallas, Texas, where they visited the Texas Centennial. Mr. Hunter sums up the trip to be one of the very best he has ever taken. TWO HUNDRED x GALLONS LEMONADE SERVED MONDAY Jim Harris Acted as Chief Chef of the Lemonade Depart* ment on Opening Day of Tobacco Market. Two hundred gallons of good sweet lemonade were served to the people of Roxboro and Person County on Monday of this week. Jim Harris, city manager, had charge of the free drink and he was very proud that all seemed to like it so well. This lemonade was a treat for the farmers, their wives and children on the opening day of the tobacco market and was served from the steps leading to the courthouse lawn. S. B. WINSTEAD Mr. Winstead was elected president of the Roxboro Kiwanis Club Mon day night. He will take office Jan uary Ist. Governor J. G B. Ehringhaus, Congressman Frank Hancock Visitors At Central School Both Governor And Congress man Made Splendid Speeches That Were Greatly Enjoyed By Teachers And Pupils in troduced Bv R. L. Harris of Person County. Central graded school has been most highly honored this week. In fact we do not recall any time in the recent past history of the school when there was ever such honor bestowed upon the pupils, or teach ers. Everyone was delighted when the news came that our good friend, Mr. Reginald Harris, Ex-Legisla tive representative from Person county, was coming up to see us and bring with him His Excellency, the Governor of North Caro lina, Mr. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, of Raleigh, and Congressman Frank Hancock, of Oxford, N. C. and Washington, D. C., Mr. Hugh Saw yer, secretary of the Roxboro Chamber of Commerce, and two newspaper reporters. Mr. Harris in troduced the in a unique man ner. Gov. Ehringhaus made a splendid address using as his sub ject the word “Strength.” He very forcibly impressed upon the minds and hearts of qach the great need for, and good derived from, com plete moral, mental, and spiritual strength. Congressman Hancock also made a very timely talk and even though these welcomed visitors were with us a while after the usual closing hour of school, everyone was per fectly contented to stay and even reluctant to have, their visit come to an end so early. The filth day of October,, 1936 will long be remembered as one of the “red letter” days for Central graded school. For the morning devotionals Mon day at chapel Mr. E. B. Craven of Roxboro brought a most worth-while message based on Psalm I. We hope Mr. Crav'dn will bring Us many more such helpful lessons in the near future. Miss Collins and the Morris & •Ledbetter Company were together responsible for a third treat to our school on Monday, October 5. They installed a radio and everyone spent a part of the noon lunch hour enjoying the program which was broadcast from one of our home tobacco warehouses which was pre sided over by our noted radio an- FIRE DRILLS HELD IN ROXBORO SCHOOLS Fire Chief J. M. OTBriant and Principal J. W. Gaddy conducted fire; drills in the Roxboro schools this week. The time required by the pupils for cleaning the buildings was as follows Central School, 450 pu pils, 1 minute, 6 seconds. High school, 460 pupils, 1 minute 11 sec onds. East Roxboro, 57 pupils, 11 seconds. Person County Training Schol, 692 pupils, 1 minute, 36 sec inds. For Immediate Results Advertise in ttte Times •-*■•** f -wA &*;<***Ki*~ - > ■ j BILL WARREN Elected vice-president of the Rox boro Kiwanis Club Monday night. Goerch, of Ra leigh, N. C. We he came to our little city. The was a treat to all, but the children who do not have radios in their homes. To Miss Collins and the Morris & Ledbetter Company, we are grateful for their thought fulness. In vitejw of the fact that this is such an outstanding week for Rox borq and Person County with to- markets opening, the Person County Fair in progress 'and so many celebrities visiting our city, our attendance at school has been unusually good and both pupils and parents have been very cooperative in helping make this possible. We are sure that this is the way by which the children of Central School are helping express to the managers of Person Fair their ap preciation for free admittance to ! the fair Wednesday. At this time, and through this means, the teachers of Central I School wish to thank Mr. R. B. Griffin, and all Fair officials, for their frelq tickets to the fair. We appreciate, and will greatly enjoy this kind and thoughtful act in your part. Again we all, 100 percent strong, wish to extend sincere thanks to both Messrs. O. T. Kirby and C. B. Kirby, managers of thq Dolly Madi son and Palace theatres for their hospitality and free passes, Thurs day or Friday of this week, to their theatres. What would the teachers of the Roxboro schools do for some social recreation, if it were not for the Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, Fair officials, and theatre managers? The teachers appreciate every kind ness shown them by each and every one, much more than words can adequately express. To epch and every member of these organiza tions we, the teachers of Central School, express “sincere thanks.” Tuesday, October 6th, at a call meeting of the P. T. A. Mrs. R. B. Dawes was unanimiusly elected president of the Roxboro P. T. A. Mrs. Davrtep is a good worker, and an interested mother. She has al ready begun working and has mapped out good programs and plans for the year. This will be a great year for Roxboro P. T. A. if every patent of every child in the Roxboro schools will give your sin cere and sympathetic cooperation to Mrs Dawes in the task she has undertaken. MR. CARVER WITH LIGGETT AND MYERS Mr. James L. Carver, son of the late W. A. Carver, of Rougemont, is on the Roxboro market this season. Mir. Carver is connected with Lig and Myers Tobacco Co., as bookkeeper. - - o Joe Etoch, grocery store manag er of Helena, Ark., won a sales con test sponsored by his company. The prize was a bathroom scale regis tering up to 250 pounds. Etoch weighs 260. ... - o For Immediate Results Advertise la the Times Sam B. Winstead President Os Kiwanis Club For 1937 JACK POT WINNERS AT COUNTY FAIR On Monday night of this week Mike Malone, colored, was win ner of the Fair Jack Pot of S2O. There was no winner Tues. night, but on Wednesday night Mrs. Lessie Wilkerson won S4O. The Jack Pot for tonight is S2O. If there is no winner tonight it will be S4O Friday. THANKS RENDERED BY TWO OFFICIALS Monday Regarded as the Greatest Day in History iof Roxboro. On behalf of the tobacco commit tee we wish to take this opportuni ty to thank each and every one who contributed money or services in making Monday the greatest day in the history of Roxboro. We wish also to thank each and every farm er for cooperating with us by bring ing tobacco to our local market, and we feel sure that you have no re grets for doing so. It was a gala occasion in every respect, and it will long be remembered as one of the most important events ever to take place in our fair city. This wonder ful beginning of a successful tobac co season for Roxboro has been brought about only by the efforts, money, and services of the people of the entire community. Special thanks go to Kirby Brothers for giv ing free picture show tickets to all farmers who sold tobacco here. With such a, good beginning the Roxlboro tofcacqp market will un questionably have the best year of its history. E. G. Thompson, chairman to bacco committee. Hugh Sawyer, secty. Cham ber Commerce. o CAR OVERTURNED BUT NONE HURT S. J. Dickens and J. H. Shore Narrowly Escape Serious Injury Saturday. What was almost a serious acci dent occurred Saturday morning when Mr. S. J. Dickens and Rev. J. H. Shore, who live five miles west of Roxboro, narrowly escaped seri-1 ous injuries. They were on their way to this city when the car in which they were riding overturned. Mr. Dickens, the driver, reached to straighten a jug of milk which was on the floor of the car, and in so doing lost control of the machine which ran off the highway and down a bank, turning completely over. The accident occurred nqar their homes. They were brought here where a physician’s examination revealed that the injuries sustained were not serious. The car was slightly dam aged. o FRANK HANCOCK SPEAKER AT LOCAL KIWANIS CLUB Popular Representative Spent Monday in Roxboro; Visit ing School and Mill. Hon. Frank Hancock, representa tive from this district, was the chief speaker at the Roxboro Ki wanis club Monday night. Mr. Han cock spoke on many different phas es of the New Deal and maintained that the president had brought this nation well along the road to re covery. During the day he spent much time) in the warehouses of Roxboro and later visited Central School and Collins & Aikman Corp. Congressman Hancock is very popular in Person County and is always greeted by a large num bfcr of friends. His home is in Ox ford, N. C. . INTERESTING EVENTS OF YEARS AGO Thursday, Oct. 8, 1851. N. Y. C. R» R. opened to Albany. William Warren, Vice President; E. B. Craven, Treasurer; R. & Strum, W. T. Kirby, S. M. Ford, B. B. Mangum and J. S. Merritt, Directors. „ DINNER SERVED BY ROXBORO CHAPTER OF EASTERN STAR S. B. Winstead, prominent to bacconists of Roxboro, was elected president of the Roxboro Kiwanis club at their regular meeting last Monday night at the Community House. He will take office January Ist, 1397. Mr. Winstead is a charter member of this club and served as secretary of the club in 1933. Since that time he has served on many different Kiwanis committees and has been very prominent in all club activities. Other officers elected Monday night were: William Warvicy president; E. B. Craven, treasurer; B. B. Strum, W. T. Kirby, S. BL Ford, B. B. Mangum and J. S. Merritt, directors. All of the above will take office in January and will remain in office during the year 1937. The secretary of the club will be appointed by the president. The ladies of the Eastern Star served a delightful meal before the program started. PERSON CO. FAIR 1 ATTRACTING HUGE CROWDSEVERYDAY Many Exhibits on Display and Hundreds of Things to Entertain Both Young and Old. Person County’s big fair is now in full blast and thousands of people have already attended. The largest crowds of the week are expected this week-end. Visitors will find hundreds of things to entertain them and many are free attractions. The exhibit tent is full of Person County pro ducts and one tent is crowded with prize chickens. On the mid-way will be found the World’s Exposition shows and rides, and the price of admission to all of these shows and rides is vfery reasonable. A large firework display is stag ed every night as well as other free outside attractions. If you are lucky you might win the Jack Pot of S2O that is given away each night. In case the winner is not present the amount of money is doubled for the next night. The ditectors of the Fair Associ ation urge all the people in this county to be sure to see their fair this year. . o TOM’S BATTERY REMODELED Tom’s Battery Co. has gone in for quite a bit of remodelling and the place is now one of the most attractive to be found. The front has been repainted, the front window dressed up and the main sales room has been enlarg ed. You are invited to drop by and take a look. 1 o r CREEDMOOR SUPPLY HAS A LARGE NUMBER OF HORSES AND MULES The Creedmoor Supply Co., lo cated in the Winstead Stables, La mar street, has a large supply of horses and mules on hand and they will be glad to show you any kind that you might need. Mr. E. B. Bragg is manager of this concern and he is assisted by Mr.. T. D. Winstead. o A wealthy woman of Lublin, Po land, stopped to give, alms to a blind beggar and recognized him as her long-missing husband. He had lost his memory during the war. o •• ■■ ■■ ’ Digging in his basement looking for rats, Ole Lingen of Stanley, Wfe., unearthed • jar containing 388 silver dollars, all dated before 1900.