CALL as* We want all the news of your community. Please call us or send it in. IF YOU WOULD KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND YOU READ THF PERSON COUNTY TIMES—IT IS A PAPER FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OF PERSON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. VOLUME m Collins 6* Aikman Corp. Gives Raise Os 10 % In All Depts. Notice Frosted on Bulletin Board Tuesday Morning and Increase is Effective Nov. 21st; Executives Not to Share in Increase. Approx imately One Thousand Local People to Benefit SAME INCREASE IN ALL COLLINS & AIKMAN PLANTS; 5,400 PEOPLE GET RAISE There is reason for rejoicing in this county. On Tuseday morning the following noticq was posted on the bulletin board at Collins and Aikman. “Effective with the week ending Nov. 21st, all wages and salaries, with the exception of executive salaries, will be increased ten per cent in appreciation of the continu ed fine 'efforts of the C. & A. fami ly.” Needless to say this announce ment was received with rejoicing by those who are connected with the mill. This announcement came from headquarters in New York and was sent to all of the C. & A. mills. Around 5,400 people received this increase. Approximately 1000 in the Roxbor 0 branch will benefit. A few months ago this same com pany declared a bonus and every one in the mill who had been there for any length of time received a nice check for $20.00. The recent raise of ten per cent will do much toward helping con ditions in this county. The pay roll is large and an increase of ten per cent will mean a large amount of extra money. Collins and Aikman Cfcrp. has meant much to this county and it is evident that it will continue to be one of the greatest assets of this territory. o 0. Z. GENTRY IS WINNER OF GRAND PRIZE IN CONTEST Campaign of Elec Thrift Came to an End Friday Night as Winners Are Announced. MAYOR R. B. DAWES PRESIDED AT DRAWING The grand election and campaign of Elec Thrift, candidate of the electrical stores of this city, is over. The campaign was brought to a close Friday night as the voters gathered in the courthouse to hear the names of the winners. Voting time ended on Thursday. Polls had been established in Roxboro at Morris & Ledbetter’s Radio Store, Hall’s Hardware, Roxboro Furni ture Co. and tbq Carolina Power and Light Company. R. B. Dawes, Mayor of Roxboro, drew the ballots. The following prizes were awarded. Grand prize, $25.00 to O. Z. Gen try. Second prize, $15.00 to Miss Ruth Harris. Third Baynes. Five prizes of $5.00 each went to Mrs. J. J. Barnett, Mrs. W. T. Carv er, R. T. Winstead, John W. Clay ton, Jr., and Mrs. S. J. Dickens. Ten prizes of $2.50 each werfo won by Mrs. J. R. Garrett, C. B. Kirby, Mrs. W. C. Winstead, S. H. Jones, C. H. Hunter, Foy Satter field, Mrs. F. H. Carver, Miss Maude Mrs. Clyde Bowen and J. W. Chambers. If any winners have not received their prizes they may do so by call ing at the office of thtei Carolina Power and Light Company. o EDGAR BOATWRIGHT BETTER The condition of Edgar Boat wright, Jr., who was injured while playing football at Woodberry ’Forest last Friday, is somewhat im proved. Examination proved that Edgar had suffered fractures of two vertebrals in his back. Mrs. Boatwright is now in Char lottesville where her son is in the hospital. o Mrs. Clara Jones of St. Paul re ported to the police that her hus band deserted her two days after she became the mother of twins. lerson^ffimrs PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1936 USE PERSON COUNTY PRODUCTS «« : B <g: fl gpH tllitiu jjjjj •s HEAD OF SAILORS’ UNION Harry Lundeberg, Pacific Coast maritime labor chief, whose strik ing workers havq tied up shipping on both seaboards. GATES BACK WITH GLOWING REPORTS New Ford Expected to be on Dis play Saturday at Person Motors. Henry Gates, one of the; proprie tors of Person Motors, Inc., has re turned from Detroit where he saw the new Fords for 1937. Mr. Gates states that the new models are com plete in every detail and he feels sure that the public will be more than with the new cars. The new Ford will be on display Saturday at Person Motors, Inc., on Depot street. The people of this county are urged to come by and see the new car. Any of the salesmen will be glad to give a demonstration for those who care for one. According to Mir. Gates, who has seen the new models, Mr. Ford had done the best job of his life and he is sure that the p/epple of this section will be pleased with the Fords for 1937. HUNTING SEASON TO OPEN SOON All People Who Expect to Hunt Are Urged to Get License at Once. The 1936-37 hunting season opens on Friday, November 20, which is about one Wqek earlier than it op ened last year. The trapping season is now open. If you are going hunting get your license before the season op ens and have the use of it for the entire season. Licenses are handled by the following people: Dan Whit field, Frank Whitfield, Louis Hest er, F. D. Long, C. A. Long, P. E. Wilkins, Sam Robertson, S. P. Gentry, Dock Sqatt, Central Ser vice Station; Helena, Luther Dun can and probably Moriah. We had a last minute rush last year just before Thanksgiving and some of the agents ran out. Please get your license early so that we can tell better how many licenses we will ndqd for the season. The farmers and hunters have shown a splendid spirit of coopera tion toward the game laws by com plying with them and reporting violations that come to their no tice). Your license button is your pro tection, if you buy it and lose it, we have a record of it and you will be taken care of. Report violations to your nearest deputy or to me. Yours for better hunting. N. E. DAVIS, Roxboro, R. 3. o NEW ARRIVAL Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Long, Jr., a nine pound baby girl at Watt’s hospital op Friday, Nov. 6. Mother and daughter reported to be getting along nicely. CIVIC CLUBS MEET WITH BOY SCOUTS Bill Kane and Joe Blanks Re ceived Highest Honors in Scouting; Scouts Gave Program. One of the best enter-club meet ings of the year was held last Thursday night when the Boy Scouts of this county met with the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs in the high school gymnasium. The program for the occasion was put on by the Scouts and was stag ed around a camp firq. It proved to be very interesting. Prior to the program Bill Kane and Joe Blanks were presented Eaglq badges for the excellent work that they had done in scouting. The Eagle badge is the highest rate in scouting and is an honor to be proud of. Rev. W. F. West was the main speaker of the evening. He told of the importance of scout work and what scouts Were really learning and doing. His talk was very good and instructive. The entire program was presided over by R. M. Spencer, president of the local Rotary Club, and he presided in a manner such as only Mr. Spepcer could preside. Brunswick stew and coffee, good brunswick stew and hot coffee, made a delicious meal. FANS READY FOR DUKE CAROLINA CONTEST ON SAT. Both Teams Look Very Strong and Either One Can Walk Away With Game. Football fans of this county are ready to go to the Duke-Carolina gamq this Saturday in Chapel Hill. It is probable that five or six hun dred people from Roxboro and Per son County will attend this game. Both schools have a large number of supporters and they are now get ting red hot about the merits of their respective teams. Fans for both teams admit that either side could win, but they are all praying that it will be their team on the long end of the count when the whistle blows its final note Saturday. Roxboro is a real football city. The fans here go to as many games as they can and listen to the others over the radio. They bet a little, but never lose or win any great for tune. Saturday will wind up the season for many local fans. Some will at tend a game on Thanksgiving, but a majority will wind up with Duke and Carolina Saturday. Editor’s note I would have made this article favor Duke, but Gepe Thompson and Sam B. Win stead were standing over me with two clubs. I could do nothing other than be fair.—J.S.M. o Person County Men In Auto Mishap No One Injured as Car Belonging to Beard Crumpton Collides With Another Car, The car of Mr. Beard Crumpton, driven by his son, Roger, collided with another car near South Boston Monday. Although both cars were badly damaged no one was injured to any extent. The exact cause of the wreck could not be determined. The car of Mr. Crumpton, a ’36 Chevrolet, was in bad shape after the wreck and looked as though it would take a large amount of work to repair it. \ o GOOD SALE AT WINSTEAD James White and Jackson sold 716 pounds of tobacco on Wednes day of this week for $480.20. • The average for the entire sale was $67.06. The high pile brought 85 cents per puond. o Bert Ryner of Scottsbluff, Neb., has built a golf bag carrier out of an old go-cart and has trained his piejt water spaniel to pull it as his “caddie.” RED CROSS DRIVE StARTEDWEDNSDAY Quota For This County is S4OO and Harris Expects to be Able to Raise it. If-you haven’t joined the Red Cross you will be asked to join in a day or so. The Annual Red Cross drive for membership is now on and will be continued for several days. A large number of people have beqn designated as workers in the camqaign and 'the qupta for this county has been placed at S4OO. On Monday night of this week twenty-one Kiwanians joined the Red Cross for 1936 and thus start ed thfe ball rolling. Many people joined on Tuesday and the drive officially opened Wednesday. James Harris, chairman of the organiza tion, is very anxious that this coun ty raise the amount that has been assessed against it. If you care to join you will prob ably be given the opportunity. You may join at the Peoples Bank or at the City Manager’s office. Ope half of the dollar that is paid for a membership remains in this county for needy causes and it is always used before the year is up. Join today! EQUITABLE LJFIT REPRESENTATIVES MEET IN ROXBORO <*■ \ B. G. Clayton, Local Represen tative of Company. Fifty Present For District Meeting. Approximately fifty representa of the Raleigh - Roanoke Agency of the Equitable Life Insurance Co. met in Roxboro on Monday of this week. This was the first meeting of this kind ever to be held in Rox boro and reflected a large amount of credit upon their local agent, Mr. B. G. Clayton. After the business meeting the members of this organization had luncheon at the Community House. Several guests were present for this meal who were presented by Mr. B. G. Clayton. Mayor R. B. Dawes welcomed the visitors to Roxboro and expressed for the city his appreciation of their meeting here. F. O. Carver, Jr., also spoke for a few minutes and added to the warm welcome that the visitors re ceived. Various awards were made at the conclusion of the meeting and Mr. Pasco expressed the apprecia tion of the company for the wel come that had been extended to all. JOHN SINGLETON KILLED IN CRASH Resident of This County Died After Being Rushed to Danville Hospital. John Singleton died Monday night from injuries received in an auto crash in Danville, Va., early Sunday morning. Riley Clayton, who was with him at the time was only slightly injured. Henderson Lipscomb, also of Roxboro, was the driver of the car in which all were riding when it collided with a truck on the edege of Danville. Lipscomb, uninjured, is reported to be held in jail with the driver of the truck. Hope was held for the recovery of Mr. Singleton for a number of hours, but his injuries proved to be more serious than at first thought. o ROXBORO VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Squibb of Johnson City, Tenn., spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pass. Mr. Squibb and Mr. Pass are connected in the) warehouse busi ness in Tenn. o Thq first rural electric line for Pamlico County was started last week in the Olympia Community and will extend for 2% miles serv ing 18 families. , ‘ \ ~ 'Py r ■ IP I - HIS CAPITAL ENDANGERED Manuel Azana, fleeing Spanish President, awaits in Barcelona the seemingly inevitable fall of Madrid before successful Rebel attacks. NEW CHEVROLET MAKE DISTINCT HIT Large Crowds on Hand Last Satur day to See the New Models at Joyner Chevrolet Company. The new Chevrolet was on dis play last Saturday for the first time at C. H. Joyner Chevrolet Co. It was impossible to estimate the number of people who carrfe in on Saturday to see the new cars, but they came in droves. All seemed to be; well pleased and many were very anxious to know when Mr. Joyner could supply them with cars. The new Chevrolet for 1937 has many improvements over the old models and people in this county were very responsive to the chang es. Joyner Chevrolet Co. expects to have) plenty of cars on hand in a shout time. They are urging all who have not seen the new model to drop in and look at them then ask for a demonstration. cars may be seen in the Main street show room at any time by thg public. o JACK BANE ELECTED SECRETARY ROXBORO CHAMBER COMMERCE Comes to Roxboro From Greens boro and Has Had Large Amount of Experience Mr. O. L. “Jack” Bane, of Greens boro, was elected as secretary of the R/oxboro Chamber of Com merce yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the directors in the of fice of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Bane, is, at the present time acting as assistant to the secretary the Greensboro Chamber of Com merce. He comes to Roxboro well ' recommended and appears to have a complete knowledge of his work. In addition to his experience with an organization of this kind; he has had a large amount of banking experience. He will report to this office around December Ist and will be in active charge from that time. The Roxboro Chamber of Com merce has been without the services of a secretary since Hugh Sawyer resigned this post to accept onte in Dothan, Ala. This Chamber of Com merce is in an excellent shape and the members are| very glad to have Mr. Bane come to Roxboro. o CRAZY BARN DANCE TO BE BROADCAST FROM HERE The Crazy Water Barn Dance will be here again November 21. It will be broadcast from thei Roxboro high school auditorium November 21, at 7:15. The program will be broadcast over WPTF, Raleigh, by remote control. The Daughters of America will sponsor this program. TWEVE PAGES TODAY NUMBER SEVENTEEN ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION WAS BIG SUCCESS Large Number of Boys Gather ed in Roxboro 18 Years After the Signing of Armistice. JAMES PATTON SPEAKER OF DAY The American Legion celebration of Armistice Day was a grand suc cess. Thq boys gathered once more in Roxboro and over 80 were pres ent for the parade which took place about 10 o’clock. Flags were flying over the entire city and although the business places remained open the people Were very conscious of the fact that it was Armistice Day. The program! for the day took place in the Dolly Madison Theatre. This program consisted of music, reading, sketches and dances. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Fol lowing this part of the program Mr. Nath Lunsford introduced the speaker of the day, Hon. James Patton, of Durham. Mr. Patton is an excellent speaker and his talk yesterday was one of the best. Following the speech all met in the Pioneer Warehouse where din ner was served in picnic style. Ham, chicken, pork, pies, cakes and other delicious things went to make up an excellent meal. Festivities continued throughout the day for the boys who were in servce, all reported a good time. Members of the Legion wish to thank all who extended favors to them yesterday. o PREACHERS READY FOR CONFERENCE IN NEW BERN Majority of Mlethodist Preach ers in This County Will Leave Thursday or Friday. CRAVEN HAS SERVED FOUR YEARS HERE The Methodist preachers are ready to leave for conference next week. The meeting for this year will be held in New Bern, N. C., and a majority of the preachers are ex pected to leave Thursday. Rev. E. B. Craven of the Person charge has served his four years and it is thought that he will be moved to another charge. None of the others expect to be, moved this year. Rev. Robinson stated that he did npt expect to be moved and that he did not want to be, moved. He is now winding up his first year and will preach his last sermon of the year on Sunday. The officials of the Methodist church in Roxboro have been very busy winding up the affairs of the church before Rev. Robinson leaves for New Bern. ■ o WATCHES JEWELRY If you arfc) planning on giving ■or buying a new watch this Xmas, by all means don’t fail to see the new Elgin line just out. Wrist watches for both men and ladies. Come to the Newtells Jewelers and see this beautiful line of the latest styles in Elgins and Swiss watches. Our Quality is backed by 45 years of experience and our prices are the lowest to be found anywhere. Everyone guaranteed to be in per fect condition. THE NEWELLS JEWELERS j “Jewels From The Newells” 1 O 1 ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL. 23rd Sunday after Trinity. Even ing prayer and sermon at 4 p. m. The public is cordially invited. REV. A. S. LAWRENCE, Jr. o DARTTS STUDIO OPEN The Roxboro branch of Dartt’s Studio has be)en opened in this city next to the office of the Person County Times. If you are interested in having any photos made you are invited to pay this studio a visit.

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