• ■■ ■ - • YARDLEY iif m 36 Shopping Days Before' Christmas Thomas & Oakley Druggists PERSONALS Misses Annie Long Bradsher, Emily Bradsher and Jeanne Morton, of Meredith College, spent the week end in Roxboro visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Long have re turned from Pinehurst after staying several days. Mesdames C. C. Critcher, N. S. Thompson, Bernard Crowell, and A. W. Clayton spent Friday in Dur ham. Miss Geraldine Brooks, of W. C. of U. N. C., spent the week-end in Roxboro. Miss Priscilla Wilson, of Elon Col lege, spent the week-end in Rox boro. Mr. Bert Dark spent the week end in Silas City visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Boone Monk left Monday for Greensboro where* he holds a po sition. Misdeis Katherine Harris, Mar jorie Thomas, Nancy Bradsher and Messrs. Charles Ball, Dick Puckett and Guy Gardner spent Sunday in Roanoke, Va. Misses Myrtle Young, Doris Yar brough, Peggy Herring and Messrs. Joe King, Sam Barnett and Edward Young spent Sunday in Dunn, N. C. Miss Lisette Allgood, of Meredith College, spent the week-end in Roxboro. Mr. E. G. Clayton, of the Rocky Mount market spent the week-end at the home of Judge and Mrs. W. I. Newton. Mesdames B. A. Thaxton, Eunice Wagstaff, J. C. Winstead, Jr., have returned from a motor trip which took them over the Sky Line Drive of Virginia. # Mrs. B. A. Ripple, Misses Olga and Miriam Ripple, of Danville, Va. and JMiss Beverley Bennett, of Pitts burgh, Pa., and Eddie Moss, of Dan ville, Va., spent the weekend with Mrs. Ida Kaplan. Mr. Bedford Stanfield spent the week-end in Durham. Miss Betty Bell Yancey and Miss Ruth Jefferson spent the week-end with Miss Goldie Yancey in Dur ham. .. .. . _ Miss Mary Lee Elmore, of Mitchell College, spent the wdejk-end with her parents at Ca-Vel. Misses Helen Cushwa, Ellen Ma rie Sears and Christine Long spent the week-end with Annette Cushwa, of W. C. of U. N. C. Miss Ruth Davidson, of Greens boro College, spent the wfeek-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Davidson. Miss Giyce Osborne Clayton spent the week-end with Mrs. Mamie Osborne. Miss Anne Timberlake spent the week-end with her parents in Dur ham. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Campbell spent the wlqpk-end in Dillon, S. C. visiting friends and relatives. Mr. R. P. Michales, Jr., of U. N. C., spent Sunday in Roxboro visiting friends and relatives. Miss Frances Woody, of Woods dale, is reporfejd to have improved after seven weeks in bed. Miss Margaret Callen, of Atlanta, Ga., was guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilburn for several days. Mr. B. W. Murphy was called to Kinston, N. C. because of the death of his sis* r, Mrs. Dan Taylor. Misses Marian Buchanan and Ruth Robinson of Louisburg Col lege, spent the week-epd in Rox boro visiting friends and relatives. Messrs. Pete Lee, J. V. King, and Franklin Long spent thtes week-end in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Mallett, Jr., of Concord, werfe the wqek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Pul liam. .'■«Mr.r>wsd> Mrs. R; <l* -Harris and daughters, Mary Louise and Betsy, and MisS Miry Harris, spent the week-end in Salisbury visiting Mrs. C, A. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Mcßroom were Durham visitors Thursday. Mrs. Brete Noell Clary is spend ing some time in New York City. Mrs. R. T. Hambrick and daught er, Josephine, of Hickory, are visit ing W. R. Hambrick and other rela tives in Roxboro. Messrs. Douglas Davis and Edwin Hamlin, of U. N. C. spent the week end in Roxboro visiting relatives. o Society MISS CAROLINE MICHAELS Social Editor Sunday School Banquet Mr. F. O. Carver’s Sunday School class was entertained at a delightful banquet which took place in the basement of Edgar Long Memorial church, Tuesday, Nov. 10th. There were fifty-six members and guests present being seated at long tables decorated with lovely fall flowers. Mrs. A. F. Nichols, president, pre sided. The dinner which was served by Mrs. C. B. Kirby and Miss Claire Harris, of Circle 3, consisted of grape fruit, a turkey course with all accessories, and block cream and cakes. A color scheme of yellow and white was used for place cards and all other decorations. The invocation was by Rev. B. P. Robinson, Mesdames H. W. Newell and J. A. Long sang two beautiful duets with Mrs. K. L. Street as ac companist. A Jiistory of the class, which is 30 years old, was read by Mrs. E. P. Dunlap. It was interest ing to note that in these 30 years the class has had only two teach ers, Mrs. Mamie Merritt, who or ganized' it, and the present teach er, Mr. F. O. Carver. The guest speaker for the occasion was Dr. H. E. Spence of Duke University. Rev. Robt. W. Bradshaw, Execu tive Sec. of the Board of Christian Education of the N. C. Conference was present and made a few re marks. Mr. F. O. Carver spoke words of appreciation after which Dr. Spenoq pronounced the bene diction. o Seniors Entertained Mr. O. B. Mcßroom, the grade father of the Senior class, was' -the host to the Senior Class Wednesday, November 11 at his Coca Cola plant on Morgan street to a dinner. The host sqrved sandwiches and cake with a Coca Cola. He then carried them over the plant and explained the process of the making of a Coca Cola. Woman’s Auxiliary Meets Woman’s Auxiliary of the Episcopal church met at the home of Mrs. Bill Timberlake on Barnett Avenue, Monday, November 9. The business concerning thte church was discussed by all of the members. The devotional exercise was led by Mrs. L. M. Carlton, president. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. J. S. Merritt. The hostess served a delicious course with hot coffee. The living room was decorated with lovely fall flowers. o EDGAR LONG MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH Noember 15, 1936 Church School 9:45 a. m. Preaching and reception of mem bers 11 a. m. Epworth Leaguei 6:30 p. m. Intermediate Division of Y. P. 6:45 p. m. Preachin 7:30 p. m. There will be a called meeting of the Board of Stewards Monday night at 7:45. A cordial wfejcome to every one. B. P. ROBINSON, Pastor. o Advertise In The Person County Times WE BUILD FOR Roxboro and Person County With all Work Guaranteed. No Job Too Large and None Too Small. GEORGEW" KANE Roxboro, N. C. PEKSON COUNTY TIMES - HOXBORO, N. C. ‘ ! j ■ By WBey Padan > KljPTSWUsgfe 1 SHARK IN f IGKICA VATtKS, But fW 1| t SAVtD WHEN A LIFE GUARD SLASHED Wl 1 fi m B the monsters throat > _ r I VIRGINIA- f^RUCfr icvzs a •*’ acl 15c|V enher 'BORN fe DANCE'/* P KMUS MOTHEfL. m HA9"BROKEN-|N" 'DANCING ONA DIME' Wmm number for m g m's ■ 3 T vfim WWr •BORNToDANCf, JHk . V\ i W €I£ANOR POW€LL M 3 W VAS DOING RAPID-FIRE TAPS L ~~] IS TAKING F ON A 12-INCH SQUARE. A WISP Cf SMOKE DANCING W 3 CURLED UP FROM THE STUDIO FLOOR* THE- PICTURES Cf ' CONSTANT TAPPING HAD CHAFED THE INSULATION ELEANOR POVELL SO 1 FROM ELECTRICAL WIRING UNDER THE FLOOR , SHE CAN USE T-HEM lb CAUSING A SHORT CIRCUIT * 7n*yU ILLUSTRATE HER BOOK p I Osn. n ON “HOV TO DANCE t U| ' New York, N. Y.—“IT’S TRUE! that dance director Dave Gould requested an individual stand-in for each of his regular dancers in the M-G-M extravaganza, ‘Bom To Dance’,” says Wiley Padan. “The stand-in chorus took the regular chorines’ places while the cameramen lined up the lights. Some of the numbers required 14 cameras and a dozen assistant directors. "During the filming of the huge dance numbers, the girls were j kept at the studio in specially built dormitories so that their food 1 and diet could be watched!” \ Miss Winnie McWhorter and Mr. . Schaub Strum spent Sunday in Ra- i 5 leigh, N. C. visiting Mr. and Mrs. - Ralph Harris, formerly of Greens- ; - boro, Ga. t Mrs. Cliff Hall and Mrs. R. W. . Wilkerson, Jr., spent Monday in Danville. i Mesdames G. I. Prilliman, O. Z. * Gentry, R. W. Whitfield, Mr. and - Mrs. Earnest P.ailey and Mr. and J Mrs. Carl Bowen attended a meet i ing of the Eastern Star in Raleigh, - Tuesday. Mrs. R. C. Hall and Mrs. R. H. I Shelton spent Friday in Durham. | BUSHY FORK P.T.A. [. MET NOVEMBER 5 i ; The P.T.A. of Bushy Fork school 1 held its November meeting at the 1 school November 5 with a large * delegation present. The prize hav ing gone to Miss Lela Russell’s room for having the most parents present. The president, Mrs. E. P. War ren, presided. At this meeting it was voted that J we Se ( t as our goal, to raise S4OO ; for a new library, which is one of t the points we must reach to become a standard elementary school, s A ground committee was also ap ; pointed as follows. D. A. Hester, i F. L. Whitfield and Miss Bessie , Hester. We hope in the near fu -1 ture, we are going to have a lawn . that any school should bte proud > of. - There is a fine spirit of coopera ’ tion felt throughout the entire com munity, not only is it felt by the parents and teachers, but fritendfl of the school are taking an active part by giving their talents, time and means, toward the building up of the school and P. T. A. work. At the closfei refreshments were served by the following ladies, Mrs. - Ewing Long, Mrs. Garland Slaught er, Miss Lela Russell, and Mrs. Whitfield. We Rejoice With The Collins & Aikman Family Your recent increase of 10% in all depart ments means much to you and we are glad that you will now be able to enjoy many things that you were denied in the past. Piedmont Furniture Co. SELLING ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE Roxboro and Durham June Provinqs, Chicago Tribune columnist, tells of a young woman who got her book titles confused. Having seen displayed in a book store window “Wake Up and Live” and “Live Alone and Like) It,” she later telephoned to order “Wake Up Alone and Like It.” o LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by W. D. Fulcher Miimififflnirii -nmm* Guidance • . Through the ages His emissary points onward to the light which leads to everlasting peace. Man follows, leaving earthly fruits by the wayside in the knowl edge that there is no food more divine than that on His table. Woody’s Funeral Service is a sanctified starting point for that eternal journey. ❖ WOODY’S FUNERAL HOME “Friendly Service” PHONE NO. 2 Ambulance Service Anywhere Anytime I You Will Like Them Griffon Angopaca Overcoats. Light in weight, full of !| warmth, plenty of snap and a Coat for hard wear. I \ Angopaca is blended of Peruvian alpaca, angora kid mo- *J hair and very fine soft wool. What a Coat for those who j! •care. Ij $29.75. j: Suits tailored to measure and made to fit. !• IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH US TRY IT. ■! WILBURN & SATTERFIELD In the Heart of Town, in Front of the Courthouse !| and wife, Sudie Fulcher, on the 26th day of July, 1928, and recorded j in Book FL No. 1, Page 64, we will on Saturday, the sth day of December, 1936, 12 o’clock moon at the courthouse door in Person County, Roxboro, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: j All that certain piece, parcel lot | or tract of land containing 200 acres, more or less, situate, lying | and Bering on the sand clay road leading from Roxboro to Leasburg, about 10 miles W. of the town of Roxboro, in Olive Hill Township, County of Person, State of N. C., and bounded on the N. by lands of W. T. Pass, on the E. by lands of Grand Garrett and other lands of W. D. Fulcher, on thej S. by other lands of W. D. Fulcher and on the W. by lands of Grant Smith and lands of W. T. Pass, the same be ing a portion of that tract of land conveyed to W. D. Fulcher by deed i of W. L. Thomas and wife, dated Dec. 29, 1911, which is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County in Bk. 21, Pg. 176, _ and more specifically described as follows: Beginning at a hickory, l corner with W. T. Pass, thence with n line of W. T. Pass S. 85* 10’ E. 3572 1. ft. to a stake, corner with Grand :- Garrett; thence with line of Grand ■” Garrett and line of W. D. Fulcher! e S. 5* 20’ W. 2439 ft. to a stake, line e of other lands of W. D. Fulcher; thence with line of W. D. Fulcher N. 85* 10’ W. 3572 ft. to line of Grant Smith; thence with line of Grant Smith and line of W. T. Pass N. 5* 32* E. 2439 ft. to the begin ning, according to plat and survey thfe,re of made by W. R. Cates, C. I Auction! I Wednesday, Nov. 18th I I A. E. NEWTON FARM I I 10:30 A. M. I R LOCATED FIVE MILES WEST OF ROXBORO Jj §1 Two miles from Methodist church, two miles from Bushy H Fork school, intersected by two sand clay roads, one I ? leading from Roxboro to Hester’s Store, one from Rox- I? boro to Leasburg, Olive Hill Township. I J. L. WARREN FARM | 2:30 P, M. ■ LOCATED AT HIGH TOWERS I ■ This fairm is on State Highway No. 14, Yanceyville to R R Hillsboro, Hightowers Township. R R Free Radio and Other Prizes Will B be Given Away. I We have cut the above farms into small tracts to meet I I the needs and wants of each person desiring a nice farm. B ® Located in communities in which property values are B f soaring, the purchasers of these farms will be able to It § realize quick and liberal profits from their investment. It Prices have been established far below their actual worth, I H for each is property of unrivaled climate and fertility If of soil. I Invest in this property now. This is a I I chance of a lifetime. 1 I EASY TERMS FREE PRIZES I I GOOD MUSIC I I WALTER 6- GURLEY I I AUCTION CO. I B Selling Agents Kinston, N. C. B ■ If you have land to sell, write us, Kinston, N. C. R R N. C. J. Stock Land Bank, Owners. R ■ RRBBHRBRI^RRRHHBRi^HBRfIRHHBB THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH. 1936 E., on May 12, 1928. j This land is sold subject to all unpaid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of W. D. Fulcher and j wife, Sudie Fulcher, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10% will be required j from the purchaser at the sale. I This the 22nd day of August, 1936. I INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPORATION, Substituted Trustee, Durham, N. C. 11-12-4 t Congratulations! We congratulate the employ ees of Collins & Aikman. We i know that your nice increase means much. We are proud of the officials who thought so much of those who work for them. j ROXBORO LAUNDRY 1 COMPANY , Phone 157 1 Roxboro, N. C. .1

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