MORIAH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cash and Miss Helen visited Mr. Lee Cash and sisters, Dora Moore and Ida Cozort, of Durham, Sunday. Mrs. Rosa Clay, Mt Tirzah, who has been very ill is reported as be ing considerably better. Miss lola Day is attending school at Boone, N. C. Mir. and Mrs. Jim Ashley visited Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clayton and family, of Morrisville, Sunday. Mr. Arthur Clayton, of Morris ville, is visiting here this week. Messrs. Earlie and Percie Willi ford, of Berea, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Clayton and family, Sunday. Miss Doris Maynard, of Durham, spent several days with Miss Hazel Man gum at Moriah last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Wilkins, Baxt er, and Doris Wilkins, of Bahama, spent Thursday at Moriah with Mrs. Wilkins parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Day and family. Mr. Wiley Lee Wilkins, of Baha ma, spent Saturday night with Mr. Carl Clayton at Moriah. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Day and fami ly and Lorenzo Day, of Greenville, N. C., spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Day and family. Mr. and Mrs. Euell Wilkins, of Angier, spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vixin Day at Moriah. OLIVE HILL SCHOOL NEWS The publis may have noticed that very little has been said about the activities of Olive Hill school this fall. The fact is that we have been so busy doing things that we have not had time to tell you about them. Early in the fall our County Board of Health held a clinic here for two grades. It is a proven fact that if a child’s health is impaired that his! school work is of an in ferior quality. We appreciate this act by the Board of Health. Our stage has been enlarged re cently and velour curtains installed, including a cyclorama. To other plaqes in the building have been added, light fixtures, extra radiator coils in two north rooms, painting, and other things. We are grateful to our County Superintendent for these necessary materials. Some of the boys have been play ing baseball but are now" preparing for basketball. We are glad to have had as visit ors of an earlier date, Rev’s. N. J. Todd and L. V. Coggins. The school is fortunate to have had these speakers of note and invite them to come to us at will. EVERY BOTTLE UNIFORM ...UNTOUCHED UNTIL YOU DRINK IT l ICI-COLD COCA-COLA IS IViRY PLACI ILSI; ff flj. \ IT ■ILONOS IN YOUR ICI-BOX AT HOMI : " i : V'-Nra © NEWS WEEK • CONDITION IMPROVING Physicians attending Pope Pius XI report a change for the better in his fight against partial leg paralysis and the infirmities of his 79 years. . WHO AM I? i i•• I am a powerful moral force; I invoke worthiness; I appeal to prudence, to right con duct; I plead to human consideration, and to love; I ask men to “take thought for the morrow”; I caution present sacrifices for future personal comforts; I pray for children who someday may be fatherless; I preach for soulful women who may have to battle in this world alone, unguarded, unhelped, un wanted; I am the hope of millions in all stations of existence; In an extravagant age my call is to thrift; I offer to homes the only bul wark against disaster; I have figures that reveal the rewards attending right living, and the penalties that threaten the vicious and the careless; I am modest in my contacts be cause my mission is one of HU MANITY; I am your Life Insurance Solicitor. THOMPSON INS. AGENCY E. G. Thompson W. G. James A TON IN YOUR BIN IS WORTH TWO IN OUR YARD The best protection against cold snaps and sudden weather changes is a bin full of de pendable coal. No other fuel will give you greater warmth, comfort or genuine value for your money. Central Service Corporation COAL AND WOOD YARD r rasml COUNTY TIMES ROXBORO, N. C. Christmas Program Given A number of parents and teach ers attended the P.T.A. Tuesday. Mrs. E. M. Bailey’s and Miss Claire Harris’s fifth grade pupils gave a very interesting Christmas program which was enjoyed by all present. Miss Claire Harris’s fifth A grade won the P.T.A. Banner for having the greatest number of parents present. .* .. After delicious refreshments, con sisting of punch and cake, were served to all present, the meeting adjourned to meet again on Jan uary 18th. o Twelve beef calves sold at the re cent Asheville Fat Cattle Show by 4-H club memibdrs of Haywood County brought $742.34 plus $25 in cash prizes. LEGAL NOTICES In the Superior North Carolina, Court, Person County. Before the Clerk. Mrs. Carrie S. Gravitt, vs. W. E. Sanford and wife, Frances Sanford, Mrs. A. L. Jones and husband, A. L. Jones, Mrs. Pearl G. Sanford, (widow, Kathe line Harrison, Mrs. Virgin ia Swearingin, Charles Sanford, A. H. Sanford and wife, Ruth Sanford,! Notice of Mrs. M. L. Ballard and | Summons husband, M. L. Ballard, Mrs. Otelia Matthews and husband, J. P. Matthews, McDonald Sanford, Robert Sanford, Aubrey Sanford and Mrs. Bessie Sanford. The defendants, Mrs. A. L. Jones and husband, A. L. Jones, W. E. Sanford and wife, Frances Sanford, Mrs. Pearl Sanford, Katheline San ford, Mrs. Virginia Swearingin, Chas. Sanford and A. H. Sanford and wife, Ruth Sanford, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Person County, North Carolina, for the purpose of selling lands for division of proceeds in which the parties hereto have an interest as tenants in common; that the said defendants will furth er take notice that they are requir ed to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Rox boro, North Carolina, on the 21st day of December, 1936, and answer or demur to the complaint in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 20th day of November, 1936. SUE C. BRADSHER, Clerk of Superior Court. 11-26-4 t. —o . SALE OF VALUABLE SUBURBAN PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me as the Commissioner of the Court under the order of sale of the court dated November 30th, 1936, in that special proceeding in the Superior Court of Person County entitled “Cherry Weston et al. vs. Charlie Bailey et ai.” I will on MONDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1937, (Q) R. A. WHITFIELD, Distributor Santa Has Made Our Store His Christmas Headquarters Here are a few Christmas Specials for you: Sugar, Not over 100 lbs. - - - lb. 5c Star Brand Shoes - IO per cent Reduction Apples, Oranges, Nuts, Georgia Pecaiis lb. 2Qc Oil Cloth -23 c per, yard Hundreds of other bargains not listed such as Hats, Piece Goods, Dresses, Suits and All Kinds of Groceries. First Class Service Guaranteed on Com and Wheat Grinding. THANKING YOU FOR ALL PAST FAVORS. Garland Chambers TIMBERLAKB, NORTH CAROLINA. INTERNATIONAL TRACTORS AND ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY at twelve (12) o’clock noon, at the courthouse door in Roxboro offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that tract of land described as follows: Lying and being in Roxboro and Woodsdale Townships, Person Coun ty, North Carolina, and containing 28 acres, more or less, the same being bounded on the North by lands of Amos Clay, on the East by the right-of-way of the Norfolk & Western railroad, on the South by Roxboro-So. Boston hard surfaced highway and lands of Ike Owens, and on the West by lands of Tom Wrenn and Clyde Woody. This sale will remain open for Gifts Books Bibles Pictures Frames Fountain Pens Desk Sets Portable Typewriters. THOMAS BOOK STORE Comer of Cocoran and Chapel Hill Sts. Durham, N. C. SPAULDING SPORTING GOODS OFFICE SUPPLIES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17TH, 1936 i twenty (20) days for increased bid ( and purchaser at the sale will be | required to deposit 10% of bid price as an evidence of good faith. I This November 30th, 1936. R. P. BURNS, ; 12-10-4 t. Commissioner, s - : CCC c s - ODD FEVER [ first day Liquid, Tablets Headache, 30 i Salve, Nose Drops minutes. Try “Rub-My-Tism”-World’s Best Liniment