i - ~ ■;.. • •ilp- - % % Igu m It #1 tilt ... j m W j ‘ HHHh alp . | :i Bk>#^ :> -■■■ ■^"SfSB H ■ “ZULIEKA” “The Voice of Wisdom” will be at Dolly Madison Theatre all Next week “ZULIEKA” COMING TO ROXBORO MON. Radio’s “Voice Os Wisdom” On The Stage In Person At The Dolly Madison The of the Dolly Madison Theatre has secured the services pf most; outstanding feature of the stage and rad o in ternatiorially known «' Co. PERSON COUNTY TIMES ROXBORO, N. C. ' ST OF .IVIH6- NU.S. j; CUNEDANiIUg nslilioj 90 " *"* \ 80J »° f 192! «» HE''Ell fj go 193 5 ; fl: AVI RARE RE .IDE HTML RJ Y? L \ "f to OF CJ>E L.C3.HLS D tOPIED \ 55%siiici k*js ~y ~ *~A RAO t \ J II fVp aM "*7l CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1937 “Large as the increase in our tax es has been, nevertheless such in crease has been insufficient to meet the increase in expenditures, there rore the majority of our govern ments are incret<,ung their public debts. It seems proper to conclude that this situation must be remedied at an early date, if the financial stability of our government is to be preserved.” Throughout the report in quest ion, is much comment with refer ence to the need of reducing Fed eral expenditures as a sound ap proach to the tax problem. In fact, ■the President has placed the current situation squarely before the Cong ress and warned that expenditures beyond budget estimated must be accompanied by new revenue. It is to be earnestly hoped that new taxes can be postponed until 1938 and tax revision carried through on a sound and equitable basis. This hope is shared by leaders in Cong ress. FOREIGN BRIEFS Th° Soviet Union is importing hundreds of Swiss watchmakers as ; the nucleus of a new Russian watch , industry .... Alarmed by largfc l scale purchases by American coliect . ors, France is planning a survey Os j all church art treasures. Those clas , j sed as “Historic Monuments” can . not be legally exported .... Hitler I has memorized the tonnage of all • | the world’s principal warships, i " 1 Advertise in the Times Roxnnro. N. C. A Case of “Nerves” Mrs. S. C. Boykins of I 201 W. Davie St., Raleigh, ' N. C., said: “I was all l 5& ■ nerves,’ I couldn’t stand r-y w any noise or excitement, ' had lost my appetite and fm weighed only 90 pounds. I M couldn’t sleep well at night ? '"‘"Vvjr and felt weak and ex ■j hausted. I decided to take 1 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription as a tonic and soon noticed a decided change, my appetite was increased and then 1 could feel S myself gaining daily.” Buy now! New sixe, tablets 50c., liquid SI.OO & $1.35.