Many New Firms Have Opened In Roxboro During Last 2 Years Firms Are Now Well Establish ed And Doing Their Bit To Contribute To The Progress Os This City And County- Many firms are advertising on the different pages of the Times this week. These firms, many of them, have not been, in Roxboro for a great number of years, but they have been here long enough to de finitely establish themselves. They are now recognized as being a part of this city. They have been iavor ed with a fine business and it is only natural that people continue to fa vor them. All of these firms have contribut ed to the progress of Roxboro and Person County. Each one has spent money here. Each one works several people in its place of business. Each is very important. Roxboro is a growing city. All over the entire city and county one car. find new firms that have open ed, firms that were not here during the depression, but firms that are here to stay. As you walk over Rox boro it is almost impossible to find a vacant store. Only one or two re main in the city limits and these will probably be rented soon. Many new buildings have been ROXBORO IS A GROWING CITY We are proud to be a part of this city and county. We believe in the future of both and we are going to do everything that we can to I help* To all of the people who have been so kind to us we render our sincere thanks and as sure you that we shall continue to serve you to the best of our ability. Hail To Roxboro and Person County Claytons Cash Store Theo Clayton, Prop. Durham Highway We are Glad to be a Part of Roxboro and Person Co. On any and every occasion we are always glad to boost this good county of Person and city of Roxboro. We believe in both and we are doing all in our power to contribute to the growth of both. At this time we want to thank you for the business that you have given us. We appreciate all of it and we hope that you have been pleased. After August Ist our yard will be stocked with a nice supply of coal and also wood sawed to all lengths. You will save money by buying your coal - and wood in the summer. Give us your order today. 1 f Ben F. Wade Coal and Wood At Brooksdale Underpass . Roxboro, N. C. going up in the last two or three years. Every where a person turn ed there has been building going on. Roxboro has been growing rapidly. This edition is designed to show something of Roxboro’s growth in a business way. It is not a complete coverage. That would require hun dreds of pages. It is just a sketch. A few of the many concerns that have been started during the past two or three years are placing an ad in this edition. Your attention is invited to these. o GRANVILLE LIQUOR ELECTION AUGUST 3 Registration Books Will Open .... July 10-—Petition Names Checked By Board Oxford, June 14.—The Granville County board of elections has form ally called an election to he held Tuesday, August 3, dettermin(e whether Granville county voters want a whiskey store. The board issued a call only af ter names on several petitions pre- PERSON COUNTY TIMES ROXBORO, N. C. IBM jjgp* (0 HBWS-WBEK A PERMANENT IN PREPARATION FOR SHOW This Southdown ram lamb i» being carefully groomed for his appearance at the Agricultural Show at Reading, Berkshire, England, where he will enter the lists for Championship honors. The ancient yoke keeps him quiet while being beautified sented had been checked to deter mine their validity. Registration books will open July 10 and will re main open three successive Satur days for the registration of quali fied voters. This will not be a spe cial registration. MEDICAL POLICY CHANGES IN BIRTH CONTROL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., June 9 (A. P.). —The birth control policy adopted by the American Medical Association means far more than contraception, as this change in medical policy was veiwed today by some of the physicians who lead this association’s medical thought. It was a recognition of a change in biological thinking, based on many advances in knowledge of the human body, mind and spirit. It involved saving of life and ques tions of how to have children just as much as how to avoid them. The doctors who talked today would not permit use of their names. .. Wait On Public Opinion The long delay in recognizing birth control as legitimate and nec essary medical practice, they said, was not wholly due to religious ob- We are Proud to be a Part of this City and County During the time that this firm has been in business in this county people have been very nice by patronizing us in a big way. You have clearlv demonstrated that * you like our products and our work manship. At this time we thank you for all of this. We have, and shall con- | tinue, to do everything possible to contribute to the growth and deve lopment of the grand city and county. Roxboro is growing and will con tinue to grow. Let’s all pull together. We are with you. ' WE SALUTE ROXBORO WE CHEER PERSON COUNTY Person Motors, INCORPORATED Depot St. Roxboro, N. C. “Buy a Personized Used Car” jections. There was also conservatism, and especially the wish of some physicians of influence to wait un til public opinion had entirely crys tallized in favor of birth control. The first principle adopted in the association’s new birth control oolicy aims to meet conflicting State laws and the fact that court decisions from time to time change the legal status of contraceptive practices. Legal Rights The association will attempt to inform the doctors of their legal rights and privileges under the law. Their practice in contraception is to be left to their own consciences. The second paragraph of the new code is aimed at investigation of contraceptives already available. Some of the instruments used have been held indirectly to cause can cer by the irritation they produce. The purpose of code two is to classify the contraceptives now available, to recommend the use of those medically considered safe, and to apply their use to individual peculiarities. Eight graphotype machines are running 24 hours a day, with three shifts of operators, making metal plates carrying the names and Social Security account numbers of all workers in North Carolina for State Unemployment Compensation re cords. 4-H Canning Contest The National 4-H Canning Con test offering, county, state, sectional and national prizes is again offered to Club Leaders, and every girl en rolled in a bona fide Club is invited to compete. The contest is conduct ed by extension agents without fee or obligation of any kind. Contestants are required to re port the number of jars and kind? of food canned, how they were utilized exhibits made and prizes won, de monstration and judging contests entered, assistance given other can ning girls and housewives, and awards or recognitions received. Many girls are able to earn con siderable sums through this project besides the valued training they gain- . . , Each county winner is awarded a handsome gold medal, the state champion receives an all-expense trip to the National 4-H Club Con gress to be held in Chicago early in December, and college scholarships totaling SI,OOO will be presented the four sectional winners and national champion through the Kerr Glass Corporation, sponsor of the contest for the ninth year. We Are 100 Per Cent For Roxboro And Person County. Roxboro is a growing city and we are proud to be a part of it. Since we have been in this city you have been very kind to us by patronizing this firm. We thank you one and all. We have tried in everyway to do our part in making this city and county and we hope to continue. “LET’S ALL WORK TOGETHER” GLENN BROS. SERVICE STATION T. K. & STEPHEN GLENN Esso Gas and Oil Front Winstead Whse. A Pari Os Person County And Proud of the Fact. This firm has definitely established itself as being a part of Roxboro and Person County. During the time that we have been in Roxboro you have favored us with a nice business. You have proved that you like us and our merchandise and for this we jthank you. We have tried to contribute to the progress of Roxboro and Person County in every possible way and we hope that we have helped. We be lieve that this county and this city both have great futures and we are anxious to do all that we can to help. HAIL TO PERSON COUNTY HATS OFF TO ROXBORO! DAVIDS Court Street Roxboro, N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1937 GHOST STORIES Startling revelations of vivid pre monitions that came true. Another in a series of articles from a docu ment compiled by the late Lord Halifax. One (o|f many; interesting stories in the American Weekly (is sue of June 20), the big magazine distributed every Sunday with the BALTIMORE AMERICAN. On sale at all newsstands. PEARCES HAVE SON. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson Pearce, of 1907 Rolling road, Green sboro, announced the birth of a son, Robert Jackson, Jr., at Sternberger Children’s hospital Thursday, June 10. o The only firm against which the State Unemployment Compensation Commission had to start civil action has paid its 1936 payroll contribu tion, amounting to about S7OO, and the execution has been halted. The 15 field representatives of the State Unemployment Compensation Commission found underpayment by employers amounting to $1,750.69 and overpayments of $14.31 in two weeks devoted to checking payrolls.