“Person County Cttnes , A PAPBt FOR ALL TBR PEOPLE J. S. MERRITT, Editor M. C. CLAYTON, Mgr. Published I Every Sunday And Thursday Entered as Second Class matter I at the Postoffice at Roxboro, N. C., under the act of March 3rd., 1879. —Subscription Rates— One year $1.50 fiix months 75 Advertising Cut Service At Dis posal of Advertisers at all times. Rates furnished upon request , News from our correspondents should reach this office not later than Tuesday noon ' to insure publication. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1937 This edition of the Person { County Times is designed to show something of the growth [ of Roxboro during the past two or three years. No one can deny the fact that Roxboro has ex [ perienced a most remarkable ; growth during these years and | that it is continuing to grow • in an orderly way. Many new ! concerns have opened in Rox -1 boro and many more plan to open as soon as a desirable 10-1 1 cation can be secured. A ma jority of these firms are doing j a nice business. In a short length of time they have earn -1 ed a splendid reputation and they are going to live up to this 1 reputation. 1 The Times calls your atten tion to a number of ads in this ' issue, ads that have been plac ' ed in this paper by these firms : that have not been doing busi ' ness in Roxboro for any great length of time and yet they are ; all very proud of the fact that ' they are here and contributing 1 « to the growth and development of this city in a big way. These firms express their ! faith in ther>city and county. 1 The owners plainly state that ! they like Roxboro and intend 1 to see to it that the city goes ' forward. In 1930 the populatoin of Roxboro was about 3,700. Now it is over 5,000 and one can ' hardly find a vacant house or 1 an apartment. Many houses \ have two and three families in them and this in spite of the fact that there has been a lar ge amount of building during the last three years. Roxboro has a Wonfan’s Club, Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, Anferican Legion, Boy Scout organization, Cotil lion Club, good schools and ex cellent churches. Roxboro is an ideal place in which to live and make a living. Crop conditions change from week to week and where the writer of this column said that tobacco prospects looked fair two weeks ago he will have to back water a little now. To bacco prospects do not look as good as we would have them look. Many farmers have re planted three or four times and up to now they do not have a stand of tobacco. It has been dying in the fields and is con tinuing to die. No one knows exactly what is happening, some lay the blame on blue mold, they say the plants were diseased and never had a chan ce to live, others just say they have no idea what happened. Grass and weeds are also hurting the crops this year. In many fields you can hardly see the tobacco due to the weeds or grass. This does not mean that the farmers are not working. They are doing all that a hu man can do and still the grass comes. On top of all this there are no more plants. As stated be fore many have replanted se veral times and the plants in 1 this county have been used up. Farmers have been going to Eastern North Carolina and South Carolina for plants and have used all they could bring ! back. Os course, conditions are not as bad as they appear. They never are. It is reasonable to ! assure that this county may produce an average crop of to ' bacco. A large amount has been planted and even tho part of < it died if the season is favorable [ a fair size crop may be produ ' ced. • If the crop is small and good I prices will probably be higher I u - - - Y''* ; v L" l\lA aß AAjg|£|[j. jg;— IIV # Bjgpll: a iHf S mj r - O rawt-wns CITIZENRY PREPARES FOR SUMMER TRAINING , Preparedness lor waflkot confined to troubled Enrope. Within the next lew weeks hundreds of thousands of mem bers of various State National Guard units, the Civilians* Military Training Corps, and the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps will go into their Sommer encampments, while regular Army Corps will hold their annual war games. Right: An improvised and effective camp shower bath. 1 than they would have been and so perhaps we will not lose so much. Many things can happen be fore the crop is ready for sale and many things will happen. 4 H CLUB BOYS LEFT FOR WHITE LAKE Sixteen Boys Are Anticipating A Week Os Great Fun And Entertainment By H. K. Sanders & J. B. Snipes The assistant county agent lefft Monday morning, June 14th, with 16 4-H club boys to spend this week at White Lake, attending the 4-H. camp at that place. The week will, be filled with both entertainment ar.d instruction. Some of the leading agricultural teachers of North Caro-1 lina will be present and talk to the; boys on subjects connected with their projects, such as poultry, to bacco, corn forestry, pigs, calves, 1 gardens, etc. j The sixteen Person County boys are anticipating a week of great fun and entertainment, as well as in struction, .as there will be swim ming, hiking, singing, games and liv ing in camp style. The camp staff will include experienced life guards, a graduate nurse, a trained die titian, and experienced camp di rectors and instructors. The boys will return Saturday af ternoon. , Radio Broadcasts From The Nation-j al 4-H Club Camp 4-H Club members and their pa rents will be interested in the 4-H Club programs that will be broad cast over a nation - wide hook - up on Monday, June 21st, and Wednes day, June 23rd, 12:30 to 1:30 P. M. The story of 4-H Club and the Na tional 4-H Club Camp will be told by 4-H members, Federal and State Extension Leaders. The National 4-H Club Camp, to which are eligible two 4-H Club boys and two 4-H Club girls from each state because of their excellent records as club members, will be held in Washing ton, D. C., from June 17th to 23rd. The camp is held annually to help 4-H Club members to become bet ter acquainted with the work and facilities of the Department of Agri culture, to study their government, and to confer with representative leaders and members from all parts of the country. The attention of 4-H Club mem bers, and those who plan to become members later, and of their parents is called to these programs, as you will find them especially enjoyable. Remember the dates: June 21st and June 23rd., 12:30 to 1:30 p. m. TERRACING During the past week the Person County Terracing Unit has been at work on the farms of W. A. Whit field, G. M. Fox, Sr., R. E. Oakley, and O. L. Burch. Work for this week has been lined up in the Allensville Community, on the farms of O. L. Burch, E. E. Bradsher, Lee Woody and N. H. Street. If there are others in that section who wish to have terraces built or roads pulled, write a card or leave a message at the County Agent’s Office. o NOTE OF APPRECIATION We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to our friends and neighbors for every act of kindness shown all during Hie long illness of our husband and father and for the many loving expressions of sym pathy at his death. .............. Mrs. Sam Tillman and family PERSON COUNTY TIMES ROXBORO, N. C. GHOST STORIES Startling revelations of vivid pre monitions that came true. Another in a series of articles from a docu ment compiled by the late Lord Halifax. One e(f many interesting stories in the American Weekly (is sue of June 20), the big magazine distributed every Sunday with the BALTIMORE AMERICAN. On sale at all newsstands. Advertise in tUe Times For Immediate Results WANT ADS QUALITY COAL Central Service Station Phone 137 8-13-ts WANTED—Man with car to take over profitable Rawleigh Route. Established customers. Must be satisfied with earnings of S3O n week to start. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. NCF-189-101, Richmond, Va. 6-17-1 T .... We Have Faith in Roxboro And Person County. A few weeks ago we bought out Roxboro Auto Parts— Our stock has been increased to serve you better. Any time we can serve you it will be a pleasure. New and used parts for all makes of cars. Pleasant’s Auto Parts Depot Street Roxboro, N. C. lift* ittu THE PEOPLES BANK Is Always Interested In The Growth Os Roxboro And Person County. This Bank extends a cordial welcome to every firm that is located in this county. Its officials believe in the future of the city and county and will do all that is possible to promote growth and development. This Bank has seen Roxboro grow from a village to a city and we believe that it will continue. This bank invites all concerns to , _ pay a visit to your bank. f esf/cL *5.000 IL . k£)) MAXIMUM f(Bb\ \\ I 3 M/ insuranceNH © I l QE \W/L FOR each jM sc I The Peoples Bank Roxboro, N. C FOR SALE—2S barrels of good corn. John S. Wrenn, Roxboro, N. C. 6-17-ITP LOST—SIOO by Henry Bonner by r.ot attending the Palace or Dolly Madison Theatres yesterday. 6-17-1 T FOUND—S4O by R. G. Fox by at tending the Palace Theatre last night. 6-17-1 T WANTED—A winner for the large Jack Pot of SIOO and the small one of S2O at either the Palace or Dolly Madison Theatres next Wednesday, June 23rd. 6-17-1 T WANTED: Highest price paid for White Oak Timber, buy any amount. Write R F. CROTTS, Roxboro, N. C. 6-17-3TP o See Hugh Woods for Peas, Soja Beans, Field and Garden Seed. The place to buy groceries and feeds. 6-17-1 T BARGAINS FOR BUILDERS *• • •' f We have left from the remodeling of our store building a lot of material which we will slell at extremely low prices. Any of it will be'a great bargain to anyone who has a use for it. Two loads of good mixed lumber worth $25 for $lO. Several good doors, all painted. A lot of plate glass in different sizes. One pair of screen doors. Assorted lot of window fixtures. One large hand power elevator, price new $415 for $l5O. This elevator is in perfect condition and as good as new. All the copper strips from our old windows. Everything at second hand prices. Just a pick up for any one who has use for them. Harris & Burns pJEnDEFn Java I Tasty Summer Foods! Triangle Sweet Gherkin or Mixed Pickles Q ET 20c N. B. C. Father’s Cookies lb 23c Virginia Maid Creamy Peanut Butter *]£? 25c Colonial Orange Juice, 3 cans .. 25c Phillip’s Delicious Pork and Beans £ 10c Royal Pudding or Gelatine, pkg 5c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! Best Granulated Sugar IO 5 lb. Bag 27c 254 b. Bag $1.23 Our Pride Bread, loaf 9c Southern Manor or Sutter Brand Asparagus 2?™ 27c Southern Manor Tea, '/ 2 lb * 29c Nu-Treat Salad Dressing a r rt 25c D. P. Blend Coffee lb. 24c Toilet Tissue Waldorf 4 rolls 17c BONELESS ROUND Steak or Roast lb. 23c Chuck Beef Roast lb. 15c Rib Stew Beef 2 lbs. 25c Lean Pork Roast lb. 25c SEAFOOD: Croakers i| lbs. for 25c Trout—Crabs Fillet of Haddock. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1937