News Items From Virgilina, Va. By MRS. W. D. AMIS Th revival services have been in progress at Florence Ave. Baptist Church since last Monday night with Dr. M. L. Bannister doing the preaching each evening. He is de livering excellent sermons each evening and being heard with much interest. A short service is devoted each night to the childme, who listen at tentatively to a Bible story told by Dr. Bannister, in a very engaging manner. Rev. Stevens of Oxford, N. C. has been an inspiration in the 6ong services. Services by the young people of the town will be featured on Fri day evening, directed by Rev. Hoy of the Virgilina school faculty. Farmers are still busy stripping and getting their tobacco on the markets. Some ai|e preparing the ground for sowing wheat. Soon com shucking will be the event of the rural sections. Jack Frost made its first appear ance here on Tuesday night leav ing its killing effects on vegetation. Mrs. H. H. Johnson of White Hall, Va. is here this week with her mother, Mrs. S. M. Torian on Flor ence Ave. Her husband, Rev. H. H. Johnson is in Norfolf, Va. attending the annual Methodist '^Conference. Mrs. R. C. Tuck returned home on Thursday night from a visit to relatives in Kentucky. She was ac companied by her niece, Miss Fran ces Spears, who will spend the winter here. October days are being marked with a peculiar tang of the air, crisp and bracing. The woods of the for est are beginning to wear the crim son leaf mixed with russet and gold, while the golden red and wild asters wake the roadside gay, thus rivalling the beauty of the spring. The travelers on the highways are enchanted by the senic beauty of nature’s handiwork. Mesdames Earon King and Arthur Tuck were shopping in Danville on Thursday. James Bohanan and Robt. Harris spent the week-end in Gates City Va. Mir. ; Ingram of Va. is visiting his family here on Seventh St. this week. Mrs. H. H. Johnson of White Hall, Va. has returned home after a vis it to her mother, Mrs. S. M. Torian on Flornenc Ave. Dr. A. P. Bohanan and Mrs. Bo hanan motored to Ruffin, N. C. on the past Sunday. Miss Bessie Tuck has returned to Richmond, after a visit to Mrs. A. Hayes at her home on Seventh St. Oscar Daniel of So. Boston, Va. spent Sunday with his parents here on Florence St. Mrs. J. J. Battershill has been on the sick list during the past week at her home on Florence Ave. Mrs. S. M. Torian is expected to leave for Richmond this week to spend a short time. J The special revival services at the Baptist Church came to a close on Friday evening. Dr. M. L. Ban. luster of Oxford, N. C., who assist ed the pastor, greatly endeared him self to the people here who heard him with great interest and we be lieve that the spiritual lives of each were enriched. He preached convin cing and deep spiritual messages to the nightly audience during the past week. Thnee candidates pre sented themselves for church mem bership, as a result, and the church was revived. WE BUILD FOR I Roxboro and Person Comity I With all Work Guaranteed. I No Job Too Large and I Nona Too Small. I GEORgTw" KANE Ij ■Mr f ' u <. j ,«mnu Sf r i t! 1! ij - jpi-* y .l,- n— j t 'TflBjSgP - §§M« Hr B S mSgßgfc jfjj: t •• •• m, , " ,•> L ” Cniwswur * WHEELS HUM ON ONCE OPEN FIELDS A year ago this site near Birmingham, England, wai open farm land. Today, acre* of factoriea are working on 24-hour shifts to keep pace with Britain’s airplane construction program. Regular services were held on Sunday morning with the pastor, Rev. Edwin R. Harris in the pulpit. His subject for the morning was the “Christians Processions” at night he spoke on “Christ, the Advocate.” Both sermons were helpful and inspiring. At the close of the service, the Lord’s Supper was administered. On Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elleh Wilkins the monthly meeting of the' Woman’s Missionary Society will be held. Miss Rebecca Bohanan, who is teaching at Elkin High School spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents on Florence Ave. Mrs. Burton and little daughter, have been recent guests of her moth er, Mrs. A. L. Jones on Seventh St. Henry Ford who has bfeeji en gaged in Road Construction Work in Miss, returned home a few days ago and will spend sevleral days with his family here. The Rev. W. D. Poe of Oxford, N. C. attended services here on Mon day night at the Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tuck have returned to their home in Grotto, Va. after a visit to Mrs. W. W. Tuck. After a visit to Mrs. S. M. Torian, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lepard of New York City, have returned home. Misses Esther and Florence Pan nabaker have returned home afttr spending a week in Richmond, Va. Miss Carolyn Ford has returned to Farmville State College after be ing here a few days to attend the funeral services of her grandmother, Mrs. John Ford. We Have Your Kind Os Coal. Our well stocked coal yard enables us to supply you with the kind of coal that you need and at a most reasonable price. Call us now for your coal needs. Central Service Corp. Phone 137 Roxboro, N. C, Your County •» TAXES ARE DUE 1936 County Taxes will be advertised at an early date and 1937 taxes are now dtie. When you sell your tobacco it’s a good time to think about pay ing your taxes. Pay now and save, M. T. CLAYTON, Sheriff. FKRSqy CfflfflTY TIMES RQXBQRQ, N. C. FARM QUESTIONS ANSWERED Question: How can I tell if my peanuts are fit for planting pur poses? Answer; If there is any doubt as to the quality of the seed a germi nation test should be made. How ever, if the peanuts are home-grown and hand packed both before and after shelling, the seed should be suitable for planting. Be sure that all weather-damaged nuts are re moved as well as the middleweed pods and damaged kernels. After the seed are selected they should be stored in a dry place away from excessive heat or dampness. Question: Is it possible to tell how long a chicken has been laying by the bleaching process? Answer; Yes. In yellow skinned birds the yellow color is given to the fat by a pigment called “Xan thophyll. This is found just beneath the skin and as the bird lays, this pigment disappears in a fairly reg ular manner which indicates ap proximately the time the bird has been laying. Bleaching of the vent shows the bird layed 2 to 3 eggs. Where the earlobes are bleached the bird has been in lay from 2 to 3 weeks. Bleached beaks mean from 6 to 8 weeks of fairly heavy' pro duction and bleached shanks show that the bird has been laying from Mrs. Wilkins of Williamson, W. Va. is visiting relatives in town and community. The Rev. L. A. Smith of the Methodist church is attending the annual Methodist Conference in Norfolk, Va. this week. 4to 6 months. The pigment re turns after the birds go out of lay in the same order. Question: When should I apply manure to my garden plot? Answer: For best results manure should be applied during the fall and winter and either turned under at the fall plowing or disced in during early spring. If applied at all during the spring and summer it should be in a well-rotted condi tion. On average soils the rate of application should be ten two-horse wagon loads to the acre. When ap plied at this rate 1 wagon load will cover a space approximately 50 by 100 feet and this should be the rule of application on home gardens. Some crops require a supplement to the manure and a combination of manure and superphosphate is good for most soils. Apply this mixture in the proportion of ten loads of manure to two or three bags of superphosphate. o D* L. Culberson of Richmond County has 40 acres of lespedeza sericea from which he has harvested a seed supply to be certified by the North Carolina Crop Improvement Association. ‘ • » a Armando A. Callejo of Cuba spent several days during late October in Chowan County studying the pro duction of peanuts on farms of the county. Applications of nitrate of soda used as a top-dressing about the corn crop, increased the yield on the farm of Joe Etheridge in Pasquotank County from about 50 bushels an acre to 71.4 bushels an acre. Washington County farmers have purchased nine pure bred Duroc- Jersey boars and seven bred gilts from a Pitt County breeder in a Successful People Save Money! SEE C. B. WOOD Local Representative of Investors Syndicate »> ALL IS SAFER! .... teawe ibJoWK ADDITIONAL SHARP-EDGED I ■ I ■ / , , . ln TREAD UNITS, the De-Skidded rf-JI/ And no wonder! This sensational De- U. S. Royal Master has intro- Skidded tire gives motorists a new duced a new degree of safe, control of forward skids on Steep, positive control over all wet treacherous hills . . . new control of WKL *£ skids hi° g L h^ p “ cuives “ d w “’ wipe die watee'ewiy—elimi- Ifjmu haven’t bed a ride on this oate dse very came safety tire come in today. One I-MINUTe'tEST DEMONSTRATION RIDE WITH CSNTIMOS GRIP., Tom’s Battery Company W»one 26 Roxboro, N. C ks ' * £ ~ movement to improve Swine pro duction throughout the county. General Auto Repair Any Make Car Workmanship Guaranteed Price Right E. L. HARRIS GARAGE Lamar St. Phone 33 Check * 666 co - s V/V/V/ FEVER first day Headache, 30 minutes. Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops. Try “Rub-My-Ttan”-World’s Bert Liniment V Call” ij BUCK JONES ij :j vo b ij Transfer Service ij ji Public Hauling ji Or how are many things about yopr home? Are your window panes O. K., your doors, your basement or many other things that might give trouble this winter? SEE US FOR ROOFING, WINDOW PANES, FLOORING, CEMENT, PLASTER, NAILS, PAINT, ETC. Watkins & Bullock EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH ROXBORO NORTH CAROLINA / SUNDAY, NCtY. If, 181 1 POP KOLA

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