Adolf Httlert Tooth Movement Places Prime Emphasis On Physical Education (Continued From Front Pace) and physical education groups, nineteen special interest groups, thirty-seven religious organizations of which twenty were protestant and seventeen Catholic, along with nine other youth trends. Each group had its special interests and loyalties. Birth of Hitler Tionth Movement It was at this time that the pres ent united youth movement had its birth. In 1922 Adolf Hitler, leader of the National Socialist group, organized the 'National Socialis tischen Jugenbund.” It was organ ized without consideration to class, standing or religious belief. In the general struggle for Recognition and power the National Socialist group had its ups and downs. Its youth group suffered .accordingly and went through many severe tests and trials. More than twenty Hitler youths lost their lives in political conflicts of these early days. When the National Socialist Party came into power in 1933 one of its first important steps was to organ ize the youth of the land into one concerted and unified group. Nat urally such a gigantic program de manded some time and effective 1 drives at solidarity in organization. Gradually, but forcefully, the past few years have witnessed a unifi cation of German Youth. In 1934, with the complete elimination of Communistic groups, Jewish or ganizations, and monarchists youth associations, there remained only the problem regarding the Church groups, especially those within the REIIiECTIOnS Personality And Profits By R. M. SPENCER If there were a choice between two men —a hypochondriac or one who is genial which one would you choose? The one who is cheer ful, of course: So would I. The delivery boy, meter-man, sales- : man or merchant has free access to Hp| . geniality; it hasHMv|“' Iff* never been cor- Hr ‘■JM nered and never Hb. fij will be. It is the biggest asset a man can acquire! It costs nothing ■ " but a little will power and a different philosophy. The records of our divorce courts are filled with sour dispositions; smiles, humor and geniality were forsaken, they were left at the al tar. A lachrymose, bilious, melan cholic frame of mind resulted in catastrophe. Everybody is selling Something; joy to our life partner, service of merchandise our profits lie in a genial personality. Think it over! Its acquisition lies within our selves; add a ■ generous dose of HUMOR to every problem. Try it! For Ambulance Service Day ’Phone 3333 - Night ’Phone 3331 ''Better Soviet. isOwrJtbn. 9t'More SPENCER’S IHH funeral home JHHH »ox»oaQ.M.c. 1 i^ Stop Losing Business— Modernize Your Store Front Mow! • IS YOUR STORE FRONT UGLY AND OLD FASHIONED? HOW MUCH BUSINESS DOES IT LOSE FOR YOU EACH DAY? EVEN THO YOUR MERCHANDISE IS OF THE BEST, HOW MANY PEOPLE WALK BY— HESITATE' TO COME IN—BECAUSE OF it? OBSOLESCENCE IS EXPENSIVE! Catholic faith. A former Concordat with the Holy See at Rome indicat ed that the Catholic Church would retain its own separate youth orga nization. This was abandoned last year, and the church can only guide and teach its youth along religious lines. Hence there is in Germany today but one Youth Organization—the Hitler Youth. Today the German boy or girl has but one choice as to membership in a youth group. While this membership is not com pulsory, social pressure and com munity of interest practically de mand participation—there can be no other alternative. Objectives of Movement On the surface this appears very difficult for those of us brought up in a democratic atmosphere to properly understand. We are ac customed to variety of choice. Our boys and girls can belong to one, two or many groups according to their interests, time, ability to pay and desire. Our youth know no youth movement as such. In fact, if one wishes one does not have to belong to any group at any time. The situation in Germany is so dif ferent. There can be no basis of a comparison and contrast study. We are in one situation and Ger- I many is in another. We have one I form of government and Germany has another. We are primarily in terested in the individual as an in dividual while in Germany the first thought is for the people as a whole and the rights of the indivi dual become of secondary con sideration. Location and history I have had much to do in determini ng these attitudes and forces. Therefore we will attempt to set forth some of the principal object ives governing the philosophy of the Hitler Youth from the German point of view. It is absolutely necessary for us to try to understand and appreciate the geographic, historical, social and economic forces at work in Europe generally to fully know present Germany and the thinking therein. The geographic closeness of neighbors with different racial, social, political, and Religious in terests, the movements of popula tion with problems of density, de clining birth rates, nationality and the like, the economic forces as to raw materials, monetary systems, tariff walls and related complexi ties, the political forces of old treaties, colonial desires, historical We keep a full stock of the following fertilizers on hand at The Hyco Warehouse, Rox boro, N. C. I * Armours * Agrico * Baughs * Blackstone * Campfe * Eastern * Fish Brand * Obers * Richmond * Roysters * Swifts * Zells * Soda * Sulphate of Ammonia * Top Dressing It will pay you to figure with us before buying. We deliver. Pass Hester And Jones • LET US BUILD YOU A MODERN FRONT .... ONE THAT COMBINES BEAUTY AND DURABILITY ... ONE THAT WILL BE A COMPELLING ADVERTISEMENT OF INES TIMABLE VALUE. DAY AND NIGHT. GEORGE W. KANE Contractor & Builder Roxboro, N. C. PERSON COUNTY THUS ROXBORG, N. C. conflicts, —all create difficult bar riers to proper reconciliation and unity of action for common good. While youth everywhere is import ant for future growth and action its influence is intensified in Germany due to the many and varied vicis situdes of time and the exigencies of the situation. Let us note some of these forces and objectives. Solidarity and Totality Standing out most prominent is the factor of solidarity and totality —the totalitarian state is- accepted as the basis of the totalitarian you the movement. A unified youth with a specific purpose and solidarity of | interests is the one permeating force jthat governs the entire movement. One program for all and all for one 'program is the chief aim—and this goal is well achieved at this time. It is in fact overpowering to us and we see it all with amazement. How, in so short a time the politi cal leadership of the nation could so completely win the confidence and loyalty of all youth is practical ly without parallel anywhere. With in a period of less than five years we see the unity of action growing out of hundreds of different move ments. This no doubt indicates the seriousness of the hour in Germany, and the pressure of community life.. Another objective is found in the] emphasis on the physical. While the Pestalozzi School of thought emphasized He?*d, Heart and Hand, the present program would con form to the order of Hand, Heart and Hjead—physical education,' character building and intellectual training come in order. The state is assuming that a sound body is pre requisite to the operation and final turning out of the citizen in the new state. A physically sound nation is the foundation principal of the National Socialist idea. Un usual emphasis along all phases of Gerfan life are being given to physical education. Comradeship Another Objective A third essential objective is ex pressed in the words “comradeship”. Much stress is given to thought of a community of interest. Throughout the entire youth pro gram, from the home evenings of the smaller unit to the large mass celebrations, one will find together iness emphasized. Through study and sport the youth learn a unity of racial background, a knowledge of oneness in purpose, the value of sportsmanship and the basis of ones social responsibility to his fellow man. They meet together, hike to gether, and sing together. In unity they collect for the Winter Aid Or ganization and in oneness they suc cor those in need. A fourth objective may be stat ed in the unity and power of one group. Nine millions of youth ban ned together in a single organiza tion. The very thought of numbers, physical strength, comradeship and absolute unity of action has had the psychological effect of somewhat erasing the inferiority complex which the nation had developed at the defeat following the World War and the consequent effects of the treaty of Versailles. The political leadership of Germany believes that it is absolutely necessary to build within the people a strong sense of self-respect. They desire to aban don the philosophy of defeat. This (trong urge permeates the think ing regarding colonies, world rela tions and internal life. These ideas are being strongly implanted in the youth of the nation through their many study groups. PIE EATING KING * r -■' jL m jTI I ■ BS w \ ' /J.- ¥\*‘ ; J H Steven Bnsho, thirteen, displays the eqnipment which won the pie eating contest at the Associated Bakers o( America convention in Chieago. Steven messed his mouth a little around the edges, but chomped and licked through to vic tory. Defense Is Stressed There is also the objective of de fense. Against defeats of the past, forces of the present, and future outlook, emphasis is placed on pre | paredness. The whole program is essentially military in nature. Uni forms, activities, meetings and pro gram all savor of the military. The emphasis is on defense, not aggres sion, for peace not war, for secur ity not chaos. There is no blind idealism as to the meekness of man. Economic, social and military pre paredness appear as essential real ities of the timq.sJt becomes a pro blem of self-existence and the pat tern is determined by the leader ship of the present. Youth is vitally concerned with the trends of the near future. The National Socialist Party is saying to its youth that it believes it knows what is best at this time. National ! responsibility is the first and fore r.ost thought. Hence there has been a concentration and simplifidation of youth activities under the pre sent regime. This is the German way. There has been no attempt in this article to evaluate the program at this time. The movement is young and the future will have to tfltriinnqn *%j 'jit- •• &«- J3„M Lt r '' A '^'~'o^' March 21.26 Is Clean Up Week In Roxboro, N. C. This bank joins hands with this worthy under taking and we hope that Roxboro will be a more beautiful city after March 26th. Plan now to clean your front yard, back yard, cellar and ' attic. Clean your entire house. It will help your property. We are interested in every progressive movement in this county and we try to be of every possible service that is , consistent with sound banking. ■ The Peoples Bank ( s iR' >MSU>>ANCC e I i \\ ® \fr? DEPOSITOR yjl l £ I Roxboro, N. C. wmrnmmmmm■—mmm determine its value to Germany and the world. It will be judged by its results results that may create happy and healthy beings and de velop a community of interest un der which people dwell in harmony. THE LAST PORT Rosuth, Scotland The once proud U. S. Liner Leviathian (be ore the war the German Vaterland) entered her last phase at a local salvage yard. Before being reduc ed to scrap metal, for ten days her luxurious decorations, panelling, paintings and furnishings will be auctioned off. The huge name on her prow and stern will be put up letter-by-letter as souvenirs. o “If all orchardists in North Car olina followed the good method us ed in the Leatherman and Sains’ orchards of Lincoln Co., my work would be easy,” commented H. R. Niswonger, extension horticulturist, recently. WE HAVE FROM $2,000 TO $3,000 WORTH OF FISK TIRES Ist. and 2nd. Line That We Are Going To Sell At hO Per Cent Off Truck And Car Tires Strictly Cash TOM’S BATTERY CO. COURT STREET ROXBORO, N. C. SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1938 CONFIDENTIAL DATA RE LEASED Washington, D. C. President Roosevelt’s “off-the-record” com ment at his press conferences, cov ering especially the tense period of the bank holiday of 1933 following his inauguration, have been releas ed for publication. They contain the most intimate comment on im portant events which at the time Mere given to newspaper correspon dents under the pledge of confi dence. It’s not too late to top-dress small grain with an application of soda to stimulate quick plant growth. It Is Dangerous It is dangerous to sell a SUBSTI TUTE for 666 just to make three or I four cents more. Customers are your best assets; lose them and yon ; lose your business. 666 i? worth three or four times as much as a SUBSTITUTE.