1938 —COBLE’S FISHERMAN’S CALENDAR—I93B BLACKER THE FISH—BETTER THE DAY FOR FISHING Copyright IWI, In U. S. .nd Cmrf. By CBADY W. COBLE, Gnaaaboto, N. C. APRIL MAY JUNE Sa Mo Ta We Th Ft Sa Su Mo Ta We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 \ s 6 f 11 2[ 3 |~4~ 5 6 7 8 9“ "8 9 1(T 11 12 ~13 "l 4 T~6 7 8 pO>»OtC>tO QOtOtQt3|t»t» tQtQlOt3t»f f „ „ „ JULY II AUGUST || SEPTEMBER Su Mo Ta We Th Ft Sa So Mo Tn We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Er Sa I 1 I 2 | 112 |3 1 415 16 1| 2 | 3 3456789 789 10 11 12 13 456789 10 0000000 0000000 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14" 15 16 17 OOOtOtOOIO OOt3i9i«»» 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -if -tt-jt ;i» 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 sc* io to 31 BLACKER THE FISH—BETTER THE DAY FOR FISHING On the above Fbharman*e Calendar the best dava for fiahinf are indicated by a solid black fish, days not so good by a partially black fin, and poor days for fishing by a white fish. This calendar is scientifically compiled, using the moon, the signs, and every known factor on fishing as used by the “Old Timer," as well as the modern Sportsman. Use discretion in selecting your fishing days— do not go when it m too windy, tides against you, or the waters muddy—but select comparatively calm days when the fish shows solid plaaL ana you win find this calendar to be surprisingly accurate for both inland and deep sea fishing, and for any waters in or surround* ing the United States and Canada. Copyright 1937, in U. 8. and Canada, by GRADY W. COBLE. Greensboro, N. C. COBLE’S FISHERMAN’S CALENDAR CC QThe above fisherman’s calendar may be \ UTVI Ic\ SPECIAL OFFER: With the $1 package of five calen- A had in a handy 32 page pocket booklet, \ 1 liLLO \ dar booklets yon will be given FREE five (5) 1938 \l a covering the entire twelve month*, and with \ \ National Liar's Licenae for Fishermen * one for _ ■ thirteen ruled pagea for reoording your catches, \ irniElU \ jroureelf and four friends with a blank space for S U air pages on ‘Fish and How To Catch Them— \ W \ you to fiU in name of friends. alao a place for you TJ t From Ato Z," with numerous “Hinta,” etc. Aa \ \to sign the which bears the Grand Seal « —U JJ 1 .. V'' . \ . , , \ of Anamas, Pnnce of Liara, and alao carries an A b ° okte i\ FISH \ illu*tration of a cheerful liar. It ta a handy g each daythroughout the year when fi*h btte best, aa \ 4 1011 \ pocket sire card These licensee ere NOT X m well as the beet day of each month. Price 2So per copy, \ \ SOLD at ANY PRICE, and are given with Jk W « five booklets SI.OO, postpaid. Send remittance with \ PITFO \ $1 order* for calendar booklets ONLY. ■ w order \ PI 1L A Remit with order to: U Q Address: GRADY W, COBLE, P. O. Box 203-N, Greensboro, N. C. Q “TELLS EVERYTHING BUT WHERE TO GO” CX+xm*# All Kinds of Fishing Tackle —— FISHING POLES, CORKS AND HOOKS, LINES AND SINKERS. LEDBETTER’S FARM QUESTIONS ANSWERED Question: When should I cull the cockerels from my early hatched chicks? Answer: Where cockerels are to be saved for breeders the first cul ling should be made when from 8 to 12 weeks old. For best results the flock should be culled continuously and all through the growing period the birds should be watched careful ly and any cockerel showing poor development or lacking in vitality should be discarded. The first cul ling of pullets may be made at the same time and the same procedure followed through the growing per iod. Question: Is it necessary to side dress vegetables with nitrate of soda? Alnswer: The quality of succul ent vegetables is dependent upon rapid growth and it is often neces sary to make side applications of quick available nitrogen to main tain vigorous growth. The time of application will, of course, depend upon the vigor and maturity of the crop and'upon seasonal conditions and the grower must use his best judgment as to the time. Care must be taken not to let the fertilizer come into direct contact with the plans as this may cause damage thru burning and scaulding. Question: At what age should a calf be given grain and hay? Answer: Small amounts of both grain and hay should be offered the calf at about two weeks of age or when the subsrtitution of skim-milk for whole milk is begun. Only a handful or two of grain should be given the first day and this amount can be gradually increased until the animal is receiving about three pounds a day at six months of age. No more grain than the calf will clean up should be given at one feeding. Hay should be fed sparing ly at first and gradually increased until the animal is getting all they will consume. On account of th|e laxative nature of alfalfa, it is best to use a clean, bright mixed hay for first three or four weeks. After that good, leafy alfalfa hay is best. DIAL 4501 FOR NEWSPAPER SERVICE. W. H. Hudson Explains Snake Situation Some snakes are beneficial, but here is the reaction that a majority of people have when they see one. The question is from Dr. Hudson. “So far back as memory carries me I find the snake, in its unwar rantable intrusion on the scene, ever (associate dwithj loud exclamations of astonishment and rage, with a hurried search for those primitive weapons always lying ready to hand, sticks and stones, then the on set and the triumphant crushing of that wonderfully fashioned vertebra in its scaly vari-colored mantle, coil ing and writhing for a few mom ents under the cruel rain of blows, appealing not with voice but with agonised yet ever graceful action 'for mercy to the merciless; and fin ally, the paean of victory from the slayer, lifting his face still aglow with righteous wrath, a little St. , George in his own estimation; for has been re-opened and is paying monster, one of that demoniac brood that was cursed of old, and this BOCK BEER~ It’s Bock Beer Time And We Have It. ROCK - INN SERVICE STATION vvvwwwyvvvvwvwvwvwwv.. I BUCK"JONES Ifor ;! Transfer Service $ OR } Public Hauling J WWUWWWVWUVWMWWW WE BUILD FOR Roxboro and Person Comity With all Work Guaranteed. No Job Too Large and None Too BinalL GEORGeT KANE Roxboro, N. C. PERSON COUNTY TIMES KOXHOKO. N. C. Life Insurance CAN BUILD YOUR ESTATE One of the easiest, quick est and surest ways to build up a nice estate is by means of life insurance. In addition to that you get the best protection in the world. We will he glad to explain. WALKER INSURANCE AGENCY J. S. and BILL WALKER Roxboro, N. C. pnar THE BUSINESS WEEK AmieiVcan investors in Austrian bonds to the tune of $35,000,000 are trying to figure out their exact sta tus. As issues of a German state they are currently rated at from 25 to 35 cents on the dollar Ex clusive of savings banks, the nat ion’s 14,700 banks hold nearly $49,- 000,000,000 of deposits, 52 pier cent of which are in the country’s 100 largest institutions Easter’s ap proach accounted for increased re tail sales, but the general reduct ion of prices prevented any up swing in the dollar-value of sales as compared with a year ago Denying a printed report to the con trary, Secretary of the Treasury Mergenthau stated that the sale of the Government’s “baby bonds” would continue indefinitely Steel orders improved, bringing the industry up to 32 per cent of capa city Pullman Company reports a 1937 profit of $12,275,950, almost double that of the previous year. Fear of war in Europe has sent a large flow of foreign capital to this country, much of it going into the p(urcH ( ase of Amieriqan stcoks. The rearmament race is bound to favor many U. S. corporations, since most of Europe’s heavy industries are already working at capacity. DIAL 4501 FOR NEWSPAPER SERVICE. without injury to his sacred heel?” From N. C. Naturalist Checks boo COL " DS V W FEVER first day Headache, 30 minutes. Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops. Try “Rub-My-Tism”-World’s Besi Liniment 7,-*. --.r* r *T' 7 BIG PUBLICATIONS Each for One Year—a Total of 176 Issues jsigf i HERE’S WHAT YOU GET! McCall’s Magazine ... 12 Issues Seven Pictorial Review 12 Issues p or One Year Woman’s World 12 Issues Good Stories 12 Issues The Country Home ... 12 Issues *9 VV 'Progressive Farmer .. 12 Issues ■ Person County-Times 104 Issues * Check here if you want Southern Agriculturist, one year, substituted for Progressive Farmer. Regular Value $4.75 —You Save $2.25 YOU WILL GET ALL SEVEN publications for ONE FULL YEAR, and if you are already a subscriber to ANY of these SEVEN publications, your present subscription will be extended one full year. Mail or bring the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive THE SIX BIG MAGAZINES each month, and THIS NEWSPAPER twice each week that’s 72 magazines and 1,04 newspapers 176 issues in all foir only $2.50. ORDER AT ONCE because we may soon have to withdraw this offer, or advan ce the price. *■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■ B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■-■■■■ *■•»■■■ «-’• ■■»■■■■ LULI • ■ ■ ■ ■ • M • • ■ ■ USE THIS COUPON AND SAVE $2.25 Date Yes, indeed, I want to accept your magazine offer before it is withdrawn. En closed is $2.50 in FULL PAYMENT for a ONE YEAR’S subscription, new or renewal, to the following seven publications: PERSON COUNTY TIMES 1 year GOOD STORIES l year McCALL’S MAGAZINE 1 year THE COUNTRY HOME 1 year PICTORIAL REVIEW 1 year “PROGRESSIVE FARMER 1 year WOMAN’S WORLD 1 year ♦ Check here if you want Southern Agriculturist, one year, substituted for Progressive Farmer. My name is Address Town State Brief News Items Hand-power water systems will be installed in many Pamlico Coun ty homes as a result of demonstra tions conducted throughout the county last week by the Extension Engineer at State College. A. R. Thompson of the Spear section of Avery County has begun a demonstration in reclaiming an eroded hillside on his farm by set ting 3,000 white pine seedlings. Washington County sheep grow ers have a good crop of early lambs low running on small grain. Many of the lambs are being creep fed nd are showing good flesh. Bill Conley turned in the best farm record book in Mitchell Coun ty, says Frank Woodard, asst, agent. Mr. Conley makes his living entire ly from his farm. He had an aver age investment of $4,988 on which he earned 15.5 percent interest last year. Dr. A. J. Osteen, local veterinar ian at Williamston, held a horse and mule clinic at Roper in Wash ington county for farmers of that section last week. Arrangements Successful People Save Money! SEE C. B. WOOD Local Representative of Investors Syndicate SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1938 have been made for Dr. Osteen to hold these clinics in three commun ities of the county twice each year. W. H. Liles of Wadesboro solved a cultivation problem by cleaning up woodland corners and blasting rock outcrops to increase the effici ency of fields on his Anson County farm. P ACIFIC WAR GAME STARTS Honolulu, H. I. “Problem 19* of the War Department meets its test in Hawaiian waters this week; when 150 fighting ships and 500 air craft, manned by 3,600 officers and 55,000 men assembled to defend a theoretical defense line running from Alaska to Samoa. On this am depends the entire Pacific Coast de fense of the Western seaboard. THE PUBLIC demands the utmost of one’s abilities; it is with : this thought in mind that we serve with fidelity and ability, thus bring ing honor to our proses- : sion. WOODY’S FUNERAL HOME “Lome of Friendly Service”