Women in International SpotUght I—Mrs. Raquel de la Gnardla de Boyd, wife of the Panamanian minister to the United States, christens the ' S. S. Panama, first fireproof steamship ever bnilt In the United States. The ship is the first of three to be built for the Panama Railroad Steamship line and wUI ply between New York and the Canal Zone. 2—Miss Slrkka Salonen, winner of the title of Miss Europe, was expelled from the teachers' training college In her native Finland because she took part in the beauty contest. 3 Mrs. Neville Chamberlain, wife of Britain’s busy prime minister, returns to No. 10 Downing street after her customary morning walk. s Family Loyalty Highlights Os Film At Palace The significant words of the old adage, “united we stand, di vided we fall,” strike the very keynote of the human theme of “Mother Carey’s Chickens,” which is on the screen of the Palacer theatre here today and tomorrow. The screen virsion of the wide ly read novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin concerns the brave ef forts of a fatherless New Eng land family to stick together. Anne Shirley and Ruby Keeler are cast as the younger and old er sisters respectively, while Fay Bainter is seen as their courage ous mother. The death of their Navy Captain-father starts a train of unfortunate events that require the mother and her four children to combine all their in genuity in order to exist on a meager income. James Ellison and Frank Al bertson bring romance into the Carey family in their courtships of Anne Shirley and Ruby Keel er. Comedy also plays a promin ent role in the lives of the Careys in the hilarious climax featuring a supposed haunted house. LEGAL NOTICES North Carolina, Person County. In The Superior Court. G. W. Griffin vs. Edna Dorothy Griffin Notice The defendant Edna Dorothy Griffin will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Person County, North Caro lina, for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take no tice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Roxboro, North Carolina on the 18th day of Oc tober, 1938 or within thirty days thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint. This 17th day of September, 1938. R. A. Bullock, Asst. Clerk of the Superior Court. 9-22-4 t - t ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as the admin istrator of the estate of Mrs. Eliza J. Mitchell, deceased, late of Person County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to present them to the under signed at Roxboro, N. C. on or before the 11th. day of October, 1939, or this notioe will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment This 11th. day of October, 1938. T. T .Mitchell, Administrator for Mrs. EHm J. Mitchell. ; 10-13-6 t - t o administratrix notice ■ *- Having qualified as administra •• - ' trix of the estate of N. S. Thomp son, deceased, late of Person County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent them to the undersigned at Roxboro, N. C., on or before the 10th. day of October, 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 10th. day of October, 1938. Mrs. Emma L. Thampson Admrx. of N. S. Thompson 10-13-6TP - t NOTICE SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT By virtue of the powers con tained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Jasper Camer on and wife to J. C. Pass on Jan uary 1, 1932, and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County in Mortgage Deed Book No. 2, page 140, the terms of same having not been complied with, and at the request of the holder of the note secured by said mortgage deed, we will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Rox Roast Beef _ Jtt Tgj l) i lb. 15c A/J • NATIONAL _ . n . , Retail «?unil Steak A I GROCERS ,b - 25c jL ' Week Stew Beef y[ OCTOKB 10-15- H, # Yl\ c Weiners lb. 22c Flour bbl. $4.20 Coffee 8 lbs. SI.OO Oranges Doz. 25c Apples peck 30c Grape Fruit each 5c Celery Large Bunch lOc Wax Paper 2 Rolls 15c Paper Towels 2 Rolls 25c IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH- Sergeant & Clayton FINE GROCERIES PERSON COUNTY TIMKB ROXBORO. N. C. boro, N. C., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1938, at 12 o’clock M., the following real estate in Roxboro Township, Person County, North Carolina, described as follows: Beginning at stake, corner of Sam Cash on West side of Blackwell street, thence South with Blackwell street 184 feet to corner of W. C. Cameron lot; thence West with W. C. Cameron line 197 feet to N. & W. Railway Co. right of way; thence North with said right of way 184 feet to corner of Sam Cash lot; thence East with his line 197 feet to Blackwell street, the point of beginning, containing 4-5 of one acre, more or less, same being lots Nos. 2 and 3 on Plat of Blackwell Heights, which said Plat is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County, said pro- 1 perty having been conveyed to Jasper Cameron by J. C. Pass. Sale will remain open ten days for an increase bid. Purchaser will be required to make a de posit of 10% of the purchase price on the day of sale. This 7th day of October, 1938. W. T. Pass, Exr., and Lucy P. Featherston, Exrx. of J. C. Pass. 10 - 13 - 4t - t RAIFF’S October Here is your chance to save. The coupon in the middle of this ad is worth 10 percent to you. You will save 10 percent on every purchase from $5.00 up. Be sure to bring it with you. (Use RAIFF’S LAYAWAY PLAN. 4 WATCH FOR OUR COUPONS A small deposit will reserve any Coat, Dress, I Suit or Pair Os Shoes. fFur Trimmed and Sport fur COATS Coats We have a lovely selection of See our splendid selection of fur-trim- ur coa t s an y hind desired med and sport coats in the latest fabrics y°} ,r style a t _ your moderate —nubbv and fleece materials. All shades P r ’ ce * n y° ur s‘ze and sizes Prices Use Your Coupon. THREE-PIECE $5.95 - $9.95 SUITS Other Coats Priced From sk '° see o . ur , t^ ee ' p !. ec . e Suits m the new teal blue, dubonnet, rust, green, and manv other $12.50 shades in the smartest styles. DRESSES _ _ We have' the biggest line of dres- Hi / O 5 ses ever. Now ready for you ■ * **~ priced „ USE ¥0 “ P0N! $1.98 to $5.95 Better Dresses p===== Our Silk and .Woolen Dresses are the A complete line of ladies’ and smartest yet. The colors and styles are children’s Shoes. Better values most outstanding this season. Priced sizes and widths. Priced - 7_ . _ t $1.94 - $2.98 * v An Outstanding Line Os Better USE YOUR COUPON Shoes, Paris Fashioned Nat ionally Advertised. Don’t fail to look over our Peter Pan All widths in the latest styles. Line Snappier Than Ever. Price l,T‘ _ , __ $3*45 0 $4.85 SAVE THIS COUPON COUPON 59c 2 for SI.OO This COUPON Is Worth 10 Percent On Any Purchase From $5.00 MOJUD Line of Hose Up. Good Until Saturday Night, October 22, 1938. Complete in all the newest shad (Each Person Entitled To Only One Coupon) e ? ~ ri ? ! gless Chiffon and Ser vice Weight. Priced H A T S * 79c -97 c to $3.85 RAIFF’S Popular Bargain m Basement; Specials COTTON SILK and WOOLEN Piece Goods Piece Goods FREE! lilEMi 36 inch Stripe Outing, 50c 39 inch Taffetas, Priced 10c Priced 35c SLOO Shirt and Tie ' with any Suit priced jMg 39 inch Quilt Goods 50c 40 inch Satin, 1 O CT f\ Wm Priced I,oc Priced 29c tsp JLdW # 0 vs 19v Straw Ticking. Priced .. 7c 59c and 69c Silks and light dj* "1 /% Es P® weight Woolens, 1,000 yds. of 15c and 19c Priced 45c Prints 12^c cfo i r* Kyi X I . . . ——i i H .54 inch Woolen Plaids and | | ||||||P« |||||| » 36 inch Broadcloth, Solid Colors. Value up to ®|||||jr solid colors 10c $1.39. This Week Only Priced 97c A big assortment of 36 inch Pepperell Prints „ , Men’s and Boys’ Priced 19c A large assortment of . . „ „ , Work and Dress /JR Children’s Sweaters. Up to fflffe SHOES. W Wm 69c Outing Gowns, 97c Values. ■■ Priced .... 49c Priced 59c Beter Values ror Less Money. -, , THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 18|8