- >„ v "-'v. —rr '"•-t. ?:,-tj. - Progressive Local Firm This Month Celebrates Golden Anniversary ** ~ :>\ ' fSpSs^»f|£ S; - mm ft# mHv . flpS i Hft immmtmm ■ »iii ibp s w?®l§»r «&i| |mPP t< . jP ' < >:§l m $ i'HRRHI f The Newells Was Organized In Roxboro 50 Years Ago Has Had Interesting His tory; Was First Located In Grocery Window. A landmark among Roxboro’s progressive business firms for 50 years, The Newell’s Jewellers, this month are celebrating their Golden Anniversary. Now owned by the brothers, Newell, W. H. and R. E., the firm was organized in 1888 by George A. Newell, grandfather of the present proprietors, who moved to Roxboro from Farnkinton, N. C. The first location was in the window of the old J. W. Johnson Grocery store, the site at present occupied by Sergeant and Clay ton’a. After a few years here the headquarters were moved across the street to the old First Nation al Bank building and thence to a building purchased by the Ne wells from Dan Andrews on Court street, the present sitq df the Feedwell Case, and later to the building now occupied by Pen ders, where it remained until the present building was built in 1907. Shortly after coming to Rox boro, W. H. B. Newell, father of the present owners, took over the business from his father and operated it until his death in June, 1913, when he was succeed ed in the ownership by Sons B. B. and W. H. This firm contin ued intact until the former with drew in 1924, at which time Bro ther R. E.entered the partnership. The firm has always kept a breast of the times, giving their customers the best in quality and service. Ten years ago, the broth ers added a second story to their building. Only last year, a com plete new modern front was ad ded to their building, making it one of the most up-to-date in the city. Their store is always fully equipped with the best in jewels, silverware, etc.- The second floor is fully equipped as a modern book and stationery department, which the Newells offer as an other exclusive service for their customers. Both brothers are married, "Wheeler to the former Miss Paul ine Thompson of Roxboro, and Russell to the former Miss Jose phine Chandler of Semora. The former is 41 and the latter 37. The W. H. Newells have four children and the R. E. Newells have only one. For a further account of the Newell’s bargains, attention is directed to another page in this • FOOD FOR NEEDY 1 purchases of 41 agricultural com modities by the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation at a total eoet of $48,400,000 during the fiscal year July 1, 1937 to Jun? 80, 1988, are shown in the Corporation’s annual report nirfiarrr are diverted into re- G. C. TRUSTEES MEET TUESDAY W. Y. Preyer, of Greensboro and New York City, executive vice-president of Vick Chemical Company, was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of Greensboro College at the an nual meeting of the Board held in the office of the President of the College on Thursday after noon, October 6, 1938. Mr. Prey er succeeds the late Charles C. Hudson, of Greensboro. Three old members of the Board whose terms of office ex pire on December 31 were re elected as follows: Rev. G, T, Adams, of Sanford, James E. Lambelth, of Thomasville, and Miss Minnie Lee Smith, of Greensboro. James E. Lambeth, of Thomas ville, vice-president, presided in the absence of Charles S. Wal lace who was detained on busi- I e re Getting The I I Prices For Tobacco I Pioneer Warehouse I Roxboro, N. C. || Here are a few averages that were just made on our H I floor I Blalock & Olive-314 lbs. for $88.28 I I - Average $28.30. I I H. L. Long - 980 lbs. for $299.38 - I I - Average $30.50. I ■ Rogers & Barnett - 562 lbs. for 1 I $175.62 - Average $31.00. I ID. J. Thompson - 616 lbs. for I I $197.27 - Average $32.00. ! I Billie Kirby - 914 lbs. for $300.00 I I - Average $32.40. I | Wilson & Reynolds - 746 lbs. for 1 ■ $269.54 - Average $36.60. | I PIONEER I Warehouse 1 |T.T. Milan# N. C. "ll L Hwtg l I ■ . - ‘ ' ' . ;. w , ~ PERSON COPNITIBMK BQIB0«O, N. O Photo by Simpson ness in Jacksonville, Florida. Others in attendance upon the annual meeting included Rev. A. J. Hobbs, Wilson; Dr. R. L. Flowers, Durham; Dr. Peter John Laurinburg; Thomas C. Hoyle, Sr. Greensboro; Miss . .an r.ie Lee Smith, Greensboro; Miss Annie Laurie Lowrance, Cataw ba, and Winston-Salem; Dr. M. T. Plyler, Durham; Dr. Luther L. Gobbel, president of the college; and Rev. W. M. Curtis, treasurer and business manager of the college. The annual report of the presi dent, treasurer and business managejr l , Alumnae Association, and of various standing com mittees of the Board, which held meetings at the college Thursday morning, were heard and the budget for the year in the amount of approximately $225,000 was adopted. The reports showed that the college enters its second century with the largest number of stud ents and on the firmest financi al and educational foundation in its history. The Board members express ed gratification at the numerous improvements in buildings and grounds and in the general con dition of the college. Resolutions were adopted thanking James A. Gray, of Winston-Salem, for his gift of the Aurelia Bowman Grady Me morial Student Hospital now under construction on the col lege campus. A summary of contributions IT’S TIME TO GET READY FOR THE COLD WEATHER AHEAD t> Fur Trimmed and Untrimmed <^>|U Featured in Tweeds, Plains, Herringbone Tweeds, Boucle JKHy§& IH Woolens, Frieze Woolens and others. Coats that we nom inate to go places for both sport and dress wear. You will mM§!! 1 thrill to the style and form that these coats afford. Beau tifully made smartly designed. Let us help you select your winter coat. Sizes 12 to 46. Wnß -JW ■ $14.95 to $24.95 Im* i~mk $4.95 to $16.50 WjP Featuring a gorgeous array of smart woolens in diagonal 99 Mm stripes, and solid colors in plain sport and dress models Wm vm all of the popular shades dresses that will go places Ylll Wg Hf jfy in the fashion world this season. Some in jacket effect. W-, f Wj ff Sizes 9to 15 and 12 to 2,0. V * ® 11 $1.98 - $2.98 - $3.95 )jf l* $ A.95 if KID GLOVES NEW MILLINERY SUEDE BAGS New style kid gloves being featured 3 eau (jf u j hats styled in keeping with the in black and brown at only - new fall creations of Dame Fashion. Fine Beautifully styled suede bags design toery** hCad “* '*"* * ** to complete your new fall outfit - $1.98 to $2.98 97c _ $198 .52.98 . $3.95 97 c and $1.98 Street Floor. Jit’s Smart To Wear g ar g a | n Basement SEAMPRUFE ~ g slips- gowns SPECIALS iMfiAl and pajamas. 2,000 yds. 36in. Printed Percales, tub fast 10c yd. C* 1 *w| Because they are better garments 2,000 yds. 36 in. Fancy Outings 10c yd. tnd K*? 00 - Each of the fab * .V 100 X6O Solid Broadcloth, asst, colors 10c yd. nc conteins 500 thread of silk Xot Wear Play Cloth - checks and stripes 10c yd. r 2l for beauty and 1M threads of . ~ ' _. . f> 5 I *» .taw*, 39 ,n - Fancy Pbud «■* L ""”* I