IP IT IS NEWS ABOUT PERSON COUNTY, YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. VOLUME X PUBLISHED EVERT SUNDAY & THURSDAY ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1938 NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN Times Announces ‘,Cash Offer” Campaign Hoey Allocates $ 2,500,000 More For Road Improvement Advocates Good Roads • * Z. Governor Clyde R. Hoey yes terday again proved himself a “friend of good roads” in North Carolina by allocating from the highway surplus another two and a half million dollars for road im provement in the state. Stockholders Os fired it Body To Meet Tuesday Members o fthe Graham Pro ducfion Credit Association, which serves Person, Alamance, Caswell, Durham, Guilford Orange, Ran dolph and Rockingham counties, will gather for their fifth annual stockholders meeting on Tuesday at 10 o’clock in Graham, at the Courthouse, and James Bishop, Jr., secretary, said today that in dications pointed to a very large attendance. A program of interest to the members is being arranged, Mr. Bishop said, including reports by association officers on the af fairs of the organization, and special notices have been sent to every member urging attendance on the meeting. Two directors will be elected. Since the association began op eration with the year 1934, it has made loans totalling $1,141,000.00. It now has 2,220 members. Speakers at the annual meet ing will include Ernest Graham, President of the Production Cre dit Corporation of Columbia. Re ports will be presented by C. T. Hall, president, S. E. Boswell, vice-president, and James Bish op, Jr., secretary-treasurer. The association is anxious to lead all others in the state this year in attendance and an effort is being made to have every mem ber present. As an entertainment feature, music will be furnished by a male quartette. The reports and talks by officials will be brief, leaving the major portion of the time for the meeting open for partici pation in by the stockholders, themselves. A very interesting program in this connection has been arranged and it is believed will prove quite enjoyable and worthwhile to the members in attendance. o TURKEY DINNER The Methodist League of Salem church will serve a turkey din ner at the Community House here Friday, January 27 from 6 to 8 o’clock. The public is cordially ' invited to attend. JmonH^imes Full Amount Is Taken From The Highway Sur plus Governor Indicates. Governor Hoey yesterday al located $2,500,000 from the high way fund surplus for improve ment and betterment of roads throughout the state. Os the allotment, $1,000,000 has been earmarked for a series of WPA highway projects, The re mainder will be spent directly by officials of the state highway and public works commission. Governor Hoey explained that the allotment was in lieu of a ten tative appropriation of $2,200,000, which was made from the high way surplus last August in an at tempt to obtain $1,800,000 in PWA funds for road improve ment. The proposed PWA program was abandoned when it was es tablished definitely that the sl,- 800,000 was not available. The governor gave no indica tion of the amount of money which the WPA wil put up to supplement state funds, except to say that the sum will be “mater ial.” “It is not always practical to utilize profitably WPA labor on the mads,” he added, but " the highway commission is making a careful investigation of the pro jects proposed in various sections of the state with a view of get ting all the benefit possible from WPA assistance for our road sys tem. “Under direction and control of the highway commission, sl,- 000,000 of this allocation will be available for this purpose. The remainder of the $2,500,000 al location will be for the general improvement and betterment of our whole road system. The de finite purpose is to improve con stantly our highways and make our secondary roads passable all the year round, and safeguard our huge investment in the primary roads by bringing them up to the requirements of modern day use.” Yesterday’s appropriation brou ght to $6,500,000 the amount al lotted from the highway surplus by the governor since he took of office two years ago. The pre vious allotments were made in July, 1937, and May, 1938. Both money was spent exclusively for amounted to $2,000,000, and the bettering secondary roads. Health Department Adopts New Plan For School Health A change in the system of ex amining school children, affect ing all the larger schools in Per son county, has been worked out by the district health department, and the improved method will be exercised in present and future sessions conducted by health per sonnel in local institutions, Dr. Albert L. Allen, county health officer, advised yesterday. In contrast to the practice of examining students in the first, third and sixth grades, as exer cised heretofore, all new pupils will be selected for observation. So-called new pupils will include all those in the first grade, those entering school from some coun ty other than the three counties which comprise the health dis trict, those coming from outside the state, and those for any rea son not hitherto examined. This revised plan, which has £?& Freedom For Mooney ■ ■ i« ■ ■pPP? ok . <■■■■{■ ' ' -"•'' s¥*■.., fc~,v Tom Mooney, recently released from San Quentin, Calif., prison by Gov. Culbert Olson after serving 23 years, is fighting to free Warren Billings, right, from Folsom prison. Billings was also jailed for the San Francisco Preparedness day bombing. Mcßroom Named President Boy Scout Council Tuesday Legion Units In Joint Meeting Friday Night A special joint meeting of the Lester Blackwell Post of the A merican Legion, the Legion Au xiiary, La Societe Des 40 Hom ines Et"8~ Chevaux and sons of the legion will be held tomrorow night at the Legion hut on Chub Lake street, Post Commander R. 11. Shelton announced yesterday. The district commander and probably several other notables of the legion are expected to be cn hand to meet with the local organization. A dutch dinner fish fry will be held and members of the lo cal post will be celebrating the lifting of the mortgage from the new Legion hut and headquarters here, a project which represents an investment of approximately $3,000. The local post is expected in the near future to receive a nat ional citation, an honor won by its leadership during the past year in membership for the en ure eleventh district. been adopted by health depart ments and school systems in sev eral large cities and counties, presupposes that certain equip ment will be possessed by the school, to the end that weight of students in each classroom can be checked at monthly intervals, and vision tests made often as once a year is applicable to the whole student body. After pro per instruction by health per sonnel ,the teacher or more ad vanced students can carry out the weighing and measuring, as well as the testing of eyes. Eye charts are being furnished by the department, and it is believed that in the not distant future, each school will own a set of scales. The following institutions either have had or have recently pur (Continued On Back Page) Retiring President George W. Kane Leaves Enviable Record Os Achievement. O. B. Mcßroom, local business man and civic leader, Tuesday night \vas named President of the Person County Boy Scout coun cil for the coming year. Other officers elected at the same time were: George W. Kane, honorary president; J. S. Merritt, vice-president; George Cushwa, secretary and R. M. Spencer, treasurer. In the office of President, Mc- Broom assumes a position held by George W. Kane for the past six or seven years and in so doing inherits an enviable record of achievement in the office. Under Kane’s leadership the local coun cil has been raised from com parative obscurity to one of the strongest in the district. Press of private business was the reason for Kane’s relinquishing the post. Mrs. Bill Pickering was selected to receive the Widow’s Award,” a prize which goes annually to the wife of the scouter who has been away from home at night most during the year in the interest of scouting. The award to Mrs. Pick ering wil be presented at the an nual meeting in Yanceyville next Tuesday night. Plans for the annual meeting were discussed at Tuesday’s ses sion in the office of Dr. A. F. Nichols. About 50 scout leaders from Person County are expected to attend and take part in the program. Decision to hold a Fa ther-Son scout banquet in Feb ruary was made and a definite date will be appointed later. The meeting ws presided over by Honorary President George W. Kane. o ALLENSVILLE PTA The Allensville Parent-Teacher association will meet tonight at 7:30 o’clock at the school. A large crowd is urged. o SERIOUSLY ILL Mr. Whitey Carver of East Rox boro is seriously ill at Gentry- Williams hospital. o - - AT LONGHURST Charlie Monroe and his big ra dio show will be presented at the Longhurst Schoo Saturday night, sponsored by the Scout troop. Condition Os Loftis Is Still Unchanged The condition of Dan Lof tis, young Roxboro man in jured in an airplane crash in Georgia last week, remains vir tually unchanged, according to a communcation from his mo ther last night. The local youth is still in an unconscious condition, having yet to recoznize his mother or anything around him, despite recent reports to the contrary. He continues, however, to take slight nourishment. Loftis and his pilot, Jack Withers, of Danville, were re turning home from the Miami air races in a Cub plane when they crashed in a fog near Midville, Ga. Featherston Rites Are Held This Afternoon Mrs. Myrtle Strain Featherston, wife of Detective George Feath erston of the Durham police de partment, well known former re sident of this county, died yester day afternoon at her home in Durham. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at Calvery Methodist church and interment was made at Burchwood ceme tery here. She is survived by her hus band, her mother, Mrs. W. M. Strain, and six children, William Preston, Lewis, Mollie Anne, George, Jr., Jane and Rebecca Featherston, one sister, Mrs. C. T. Adkins and one aunt, Miss Ruby Morris. Pall bearers were C. T. Adkins, T. M. Phillips, C. M. Featherston, J. M. Featherston, C. E. Brooks and G. B. Masten. • ——o State Students Practice Teaching At Bethel Hill F. O. Cratts of Raleigh and F. T. Roberts of Mount Gilead, N. C., seniors in Agricultural Education at N. C. State College arrived in Person County this week to do practice teaching under the sup ervision of A. G. Bullard, teach er of agriculture at Bethel Hill High School. Mr. Cratts and Mr. Roberts will observe and teach in the Bethel Hill Department of Agriculture for six weeks in order to pass a requirement for the college cour se. During the six weeks these students hope to be able to ob serve other departments in high school. Twenty-six more state college boys are placed in different schools throughout the state where they will also do practice teaching. While Mr. Crotts and Mr. Rob erts are in Person County they will reside with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bullard. VISITOR W. M. Linker of the division of sanitary engineering of the State Board of Health was here for a tour of inspection Tuesday afternoon but was called to San ford. He is expected to return soon to make his official in spection of local cases and eating places. Hundreds Os Dollars In Big Prize Money Offered Workers In This Section $600.00 In Cash Will Be Given First Award i Winner For A Few Weeks’ Work. $400.00 In Cash For Second Winner. Other Valuable Aw ards And Guaranteed Commission For Live Workers. You Can Win. Could you use $600? Somebody in this section is going to re ceive that amount for a few weeks’ work. Dozens of other energetic people are going to receive other valuable awards by helping The Person County Times build up the number of its subscribers. Join Now In The Drive Where Everybody Wins With a more attractive list of valuable awards than has ever been offered in this vicinity in a similar undertaking. The Person County Times makes formal announcement of a big cash offer cam paign in which hundreds of dollars in big awards and cash commis sions will be given away. A two-page announcement in this issue gives the details of this big enterprise. The list consists of some of the most alluring and attractive awards imaginable. The object of this cash offer campaign is to increase the already wide and highly creditable circulation of this newspaper to even greater proportions. This paper is going to pay its friends hand somely for helping to introduce the publication to other friends, and neighbors. j The award list is headed with valuable cash awards, and the plan adopted by The Person County Times is a novel one. This paper could reach thousands of new readers by employing scores of solici tors to cover this section, but it would take quite a long time to do the work thoroughly. In inaugurating the cash offer campaign, The Person County Times adopts a better plan—a quicker method. This plan also gives its friends and readers an opportunity to earn big rewards during their spare time. The cash offer campaign will make a lot more noise and create interest and fun and there is nothing like having fun along with business. Big Pay For All An especially attractive feature of the “Cash Offer Campaign’' is that all will be paid well for the results they obtain. A cash com miesion of 20 per cent, will be paid to all who remain active and do not win one of the regular awards. Thus the cash offer campaign is a sure thing for the beginning. Their reward depends entirely on the effort put forth and the results obtained, Spare Time All one is expected to do in order to earn one of the splendid awards is to devote his or her spare moments to obtain subscriptions to 7he Person County Times. In fact, sufficient time is allotted to the campaign to allow one to see every friend and acquaintance during spare time. The campaign will last seven weeks, beginning with the first published list of candidates’ names. Business Proposition In offering such valuable awards to those who take an active in terest The Person County Times is not playing the part of a philan thropist—neither is it a something-for-nothing scheme. It is a busi ness proposition pure and simple. The hundreds of dollars worth of avvaids and cash commissions will be given in exchange for well directed efforts on the part of the contestants. The awards them selves assure each and every one that their efforts will bear fruit to I the fullest extent. Early Start Is Best. In every man’s life there is one big moment when he makes a decision that robs him of success—or leads him to fortune. The world is full of those who yearn for better things that never seem to come. Tire action is missing, but let him see and grasp the opportunity and there will be an amazing transformation in his fortunes. The mo ment he decided for or against that opportunity—whether he will seize it or let it pass—he decided the whole future course of his start in the race—it means everything to those who have ambition and a desire to succeed. So the first and best thing to do is to enroll youi name at once and get out among your friends and tell them that you want their subscription or renewal to The Person County Times. Cash offer campaign headquarters are located in The Person County Times office. Call around and meet the manager of this busy organization. All information concerning the cash offer campaign is cheerfully given and suggestions made relative to outlining a. successful campaign. The time-worn adage about the “early bird" applies forcibly in this instance and the earlier the bird the bigger the worm. The telephone number is 4501 and you may call by phone and give the campaign manager your name and address in the event that it is more convenient and the necessary supplies will be for warded. Clip out the nomination coupon NOW while it is fresh in your mind and bring it or send it to campaign headquarters. It may mean that extra cash you hare been wishing for. DO IT NOW! Dirt Streets Os City Being Repaired All dirt streets, a part of the county highway system within the city limits are being repaired, City Manager James C. Harris said yesterday. Already cracks have been pour ed and hard surface streets un dergone minor repairs, he said. THE TIMES IS PERSON** PREMIER NEWSPAPER! A LEADER AT ALL TIMER Now with the project for dirt streets underway, rocks are being removed, ditches cleaned out and regrading is being done on th* less travelled sand clay streets; The work is being done by the State Highway force, the city manager indicated. , ‘lf

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