P R IS NEWS ABOUT PERSON COUNTY, YOU'LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. Justice Make Its Yearly Trip lisHMh WZsUKs&t ..^'"^t^SP"jSff^^iv^fp* .. s ifc ** ~ - ' 'jj This most unusual scene is dttflicated on the River Thames in Rochester,* J£ Mr.;' Ms Mice a year, jfrhtfci the Wf« ¥ <**.*l-m # if^&dfiflrflty T The « £, i”S«2S titt it hi Ob held el the barge, iurroabded by hts aldermen. Waiting on the barge areAe rgpidalpMf ihi* Afrnd»et» who bar, waited one year far justice to be meted ant. • Community Hospital May Receive Duke Aid S&on Dr. W. 8. Rankins oi Duke Endowment In Roxboro Thursday Evening ..... r Dr. W. S. Rankin, director of the Duke Endowment, was pres ’ ent at a meeting of the directors otyGomnwuty Hospital Thursday evening and after discussing this hospital, the outlook for assist ance from the Duke Endowment in tbe care of chanty patients ap pears very encouraging. The directors and others met in the office of Dr. G. W. Gentry. Those present were S. M. Ford, C. T. Hall. J. W. Noell, Phil Thomas, R. P. Burns, J. S. Walk er, S. F. Nicks, Jr., G. W Kane, G. C. Hunter, A. W. Clayton, R. L. Harris, B. T. Brown, E. G Thompson, F. D. Long, Nath Lunsford, W. Reade Gentry, Dr. G. W. Gentry, Dr. J. D. Fitz gerald, Dr. B. A. Thaxton and Dr. E. M. Hedgepeth. The Roxboro Hospital is now being operated as Community Hospital and is managed by a board of several trustees. It is a non-profit institution and oper ates in compliance with the re gulations of the Duke Endow mnet. o “SCREWDRIVERS” Humphries Oil Co. of Roxboro calls to the atention of motorists of this section that they can se cure the Shell “Share The Road” emblem at any Shell Service Sta tion in this county. Mr. Humphries, manager of the oil company, is anxious for peo ple here to get rid of all “Screw drivers” and he believes that these little emblems can do much to help. o BUSY TRANS-OCEAN AIRPORT Port, Washington, N. Y.—With the regularity of a railroad sche duel, six trans-Atlantic airplanes used the Pan American airport in a single day with a total of 101 passengers. Arrivals included the Dixie Clipper from the Azores, 'thq Bermuda Clipper from Ber muda and the French test flyer, also from Horta, on a prelimi nary survey flight for the new trans-Atlantic service from France. Departures included the Yankee.-Clipper for Toynea, Ire land, and ■taro Pan-American Clippers for Baltimore, Md, -- BUSY TR AIRPORT flersonl&Simrs EVERT SUNDAY ft THURSDAY BARN BURNS Riley O’Briant, prominent farm, er of the Ca-Vel community, lost a barn of tobacco Thursday night about ten o’clock. The Ca-Vel fire department was called, but could not extinguish the fire. They did save a p'ackbam that was near and contained four curings. Officials Secure _ New Site For Fair This Year The Person County Agricultur al Fair Association yesterday an nounced the purchase of a site located to the rear of Sam Bar nett's Service Station located on the Long-hurst road about one mile from the business district of Roxboro. President R. L. Perkins stated that the fair would be held on this site this year and that work would start on the construction of a fence at once. The new site is right on the main highway and is very con venient for the public. Ample parking space will be arranged for all cars. Mr. Perkins also stated that the fair ground would be used as a public playground when not being used for the fair. An exhibit hall will be constructed and this can be converted into a skating rink during the time that it is not used for exhibits. It is also planned to stage horse shows inside the grounds time to tifne. —-——o- ■■■- t- OPENS OFFICES Dr. Fitzgerald ty»s opened of fices in the Satter field building on street of Roxjwo for consultation. Mrs. Collins Terry has been se cured by Dr % Fitzgprald .and is in the office at all time. — i — ii AT VIRGINIA BEACH 3H Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thomas and son are spending this week at Virginia Beach. Local Firemen Get Midnight Call Thursday Roxboro firemen were called from their beds Thursday night by the fire siren at about 12:00 o’clock. The cause of the alarm was a burning motor in the meat department of Moore’s Cash Store. The motor caused a large amount of smoke and was dis covered by Officer Wade as he made his rounds. Other than damage to the mo tor, there was no loss. A very peculiar incident fol lowed the loss at Moore’s Store. The person at the fire station who threw the fire siren switch did not pull the switch out far enough when the alarm was cut off and this motor also burned out while the fire truck was out of the station. Smoke was pour ing from the siren motor when it was discovered, but the motor was gone before anyone arrived. o Loyalty Month The Thompson Insurance Ag ency has again acepted as a quota for life insurance during the month of August $50,000 in pro duction. While this is a large a mount of insurance, we have suc cessfully reached or passed our quota each August during the past few years. The Jeferson Standard Life Insurance Company is the South’s largest financial institution, and their contracts are superior to those issued by any Company in business. Policies may be written for children or adults, and there is a special type of policy for ev ery need. This Company invests their entire assets in the south, and thus helps - build up our own section of the state. Why send your money to a northern insti tution to develop their commu nity when the-south-needs- every d6llar of its citizens' wealth to develop its own natural resour ces? If you are contemplating in creasing your insurance program jwithin the-next few months, we : would like for you to give ser ious consideration to increasing it this month. We are counting on our friends to cooperate with us in order that our goal'may be ob tained. For quality contracts and superior service l see us today ■— tomorrow may be too late! Thompson Insurance Agency E. G. Thompson W. G. James Maurice Allen Health Officer Releases July Health Report Dr. A. L. Allen of the Health department, has submitted the following report of the depart ment for the month of July, 1939. “The program of endeavor has been generalized with concen tration on vaccinations, examina. tions for consumption, and assis tance at tonsil clinics. “As will be noted in the re port, there has been a notable in. cidence of ‘ contagious disease, seven distinct kinds of infectious disorders having occurred,” Dr. Allen stated. Vaccinations: Smallpox 41, Diphtheria 88, Ty phoid 672. Syphilis Campaign: Total treatments 501, New pa tients 12, Blood tests 79. Tuberculosis Control: Patients fluoroscoped 67, Posi tive diagnosis 7, Tuberculin tests 6, Public lectures 1. Infant and School Hygiene: Children examined for tonsil ectomy 29, Anaesthetic given by health officer 37, Field nursing visits 44. -< Maternity Service: Pregnant mothers examined by physician 11, Patients advised in contraception 10, Nursing visits to cases 13. Sanitation: Case inspections 53, New Priv ies Installed 30. Reportable Diseases: Whooping Cough 20, Syphilis 11, Tuberculosis 7, Rocky Moun tain Spotted Fever 2, Scarlet Fe ver 2, Diphtheria 1. t County Group Named To Assist Supervisor Blanks ’Three Person County farmers have been named by the Farm Security Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture, to help County Supervisor Joe Y. Blanks, Roxboro, N. C. carry out the tenant purchase program. Tom B. Davis, John M. Brew er, and J. H. Shotwell, all well known Person County farmers, were chosen members of the County FSA Advisory committee. The announcement was made ear' ly this week by Vance E. Swift, FSA State Director, Raleigh, who said he had just received the of ficial wire from Regional Direc tor Howard H. Gordon, Raleigh, N. C. Advisory groups now have been named in 100 counties in this state, chosen as counties in which loans will be made this year to tenant farmers for the purchase and improvement of farms. These include counties designated last year as well as new counties re cently added to the list. The county committees were .(Continued 1 On Sports Page)). NEW DUO THERMS Electric Appliance company has received the new Duo Therm Heaters for 1940, These new. Duo Therms have* am*H4m tkfrt blows cool air, in the summer and hot air in the winter. The fan will throw the air out much: faster than an ordinary heater, if: quick heat is desired. In the summer it acts as an electric cooling unit. Electric Appliance Co. invites everyone in to see these new heaters, o RETURN FROM N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Satterfield returned Saturday from New York City where Mr. Saterfield spent last week on business. ''if's&S. $$ \t/ '\‘ ' \ :; C. Os C. Starts Drive To Build Local Tobacco Mart Complete Audit Finds City In Excellent Condition City Retired $11,817.68 In Bonds Last .Year; Operat ed With A Surplus Os $15,437.28. After a complete audit of the books of the city of Roxboro by P. W. Hutchins of the firm of Ashlin and Hutchins, it was prov ed that Roxboro was in good l shape at the end of the fiscal year. The city, after paying all bills, had a surplus of $15,437.28. It was also discovered that Roxboro paid off bonds last year to the extent of $11,817.68. The Water department operated at a profit of $19,102.38; the Water de partment took in $38,410,70.' The sinking fund has an in crease this year over last year of $2,814.39. A complete summary of the final audit furnishes the follow ing information: Bonds Retired $11,817.68 (These were 15 year funding bonds.) Water Fund Revenues $38,410.70 Operating Costs $19,308.32 Profit $19,102.38 Sinking Fund Cash $ 1,970.81 Bonds $21,058.94 Total Assets $23,029.75 (At 7-1-38 assets of this fund were $20,215.38. Increase this year $2,8i4.5§.) ' « Cash on hand, all sources, June 30, 1939 - $21,653.13. Revenues General Fund $32,147.71 Debt Service $25,167.59 Water $38,410.70 Total $95,726.00 Operating Expense General $33,760.12 Debt Service 27,220.28 Water $19,308.32 Total $80,288.72 Surplus . $15,437.28. Along The Way With the Editor T. K. Glenn has a Car that he wants to trade for a nice new one. His car is seven or eight years old, runs like a regular automobile, but he can’t get the trade that he wants. He has been figuring on a par that sells for about one thousand dollars and so far he and the dealer axe still nine hundred dollars apart. „ .. Clyde Murphy and LawTenq** Jtall haye returned from Caro lina Beach: Clyde said th*V all of the girls were very nice to them and that they seemed to appreciate the fact that he and Lawrence delected Carolina Beach. In .ci&Se ans pf the other boys are interest ed they Have quite 1 alew phone numbers. i Witfiftr M&lone has return'ea from his vacation. He, had relatives.: ih L Wihttington and Norfolk, so Wilmer went to Wrightsville and Yii%inia Beach. He had a nice tittle, but we have no report frOrn ttoe relatives. * Ivey Featherston said that he was going to advance the price of tobacco just as soon as he got to South Carolina and sure enough the market started off at eighteen cents. All of this proves that Hfe must be more powerful in tobacco circles than we had given him credit for being. Roy Jones has just returned from a nice trip to Anderson, S. C. He reports that the grocery stores down there serve nice meals. Pork and beans, sardines, crackers, etc., make a nice lunch and they are very reasonable. : There is no recession—■lvey James is getting ready to build a nice new house on Lamar Stret and Wheeler Newell is going to da the «ntn* thing. Wonder whore they borrowed -the down payment? SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1939 CONFIRMED L. M. Carlton’s appoint ment as postmaster for Rox boro, N. C. was confirmed by the U. S. Senate late Fri day night. A telegram from Congressman Lon Folger was received by this paper Sat urday morning, reading as follows: Person County Times, Roxboro, N C. Carlton's appointment as postmaster just confirmed by Senate. Lon Folger It is not known in Roxboro when Carlton will assume his duties at the postoffice, but is thought that he will take over the office with in a very short time. Final Rites Held For Henry Carroll Saturday at Home Final rites for Mr. William Henry Carroll, 41, who succumb ed to sudden attack while at work in the Roxboro plant of Roxboro Cotton Mills early Thursday morning, were held Saturday at 12:00 Noon from the home in East Roxboro, Rev, T. M. Vick, Jr. was in charge of the funeral, and interment followed in the family cemetery near Chase City, Va. Paii BeSrei-s Were as follows.' MesSrs. Charlie Morris, Clavis Wilder, Ossie Morris, Tom Hudg ins, Jake Cozart and Richard Owen. Flower bearers were nieces and nephews of the dece ased. o TESTING ALARM The fire alarm will be sounded several times in succession Mon day, but you are not supposed to pay any attention. The alarm burned out Thursday night and is now being repaired. Monday will be testing day. THE TIMES IS PREMIER NEWSPAPER}' ‘ A LEADER AT ALL TIME* „ NUMBER FOUR Hospitality Week For 1949 Approved; Officers Elected; Meetings Called. At a meeting of the directors of the Roxboro Chamber of Com merce Friday afternoon the dir ectors decided that the Chamber of Commerce was to actively support the Roxboro tobacco mar ket and immediately start a drive designed to bring more tobacco to Roxboro. Next the directors agreed to sponsor “Hospitality Week” for 1940 and named a committee to work with the Hospitality Com mittee on next year’s program. This committee is composed of James Long, Jr., J. D. Mangrnn and Melvin Burke. This group will name a Hospitality Commit tee composed of other citizens of Roxboro and Person County and will elect a permanent chairman. As this meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce was the first one for the new directors, offi cers for the year were elected. They were J. S. Merritt, presi dent and Glenn Stovall, vice-pre sident. The directors decided that the Chamber of Commerce was to a dopt a permanent program for the year Aid asked E. G. Thomp son, J. D. Mangum, and Cliff Hall to submit a set of aims and ob jections for the Chamber and to bring these back to a call meet ing of the board within two weeks. The next meeting of the dir ectors of the Chamber of Com merce will be held Tuesday after noon, August Bth at 8:00 p. m,. This meeting will be held in the grand jury room of the court house and all who are interested!* in building the Roxboro Tobacco Market are asked to attend. This meeting is also a “Call Meeting.’' ... r: Committeeman * Named In FSA Work By Wallace J. H. Shotwell, Roxboro, N. C., Route 2, has been apponited by the Secretary of Agriculture to become a member of the Person County Tenant Purchase Advis ory Committee, according to word received yesterday by Joe Y. Blanks, Person County FSA Sup ervisor, from State Director Vance E. Swift. The new committeeman was appointed to succeed George M. Fox, Jr., Roxboro, N. C., whose term expired June 30, 1939. Mr. Shotwell ownes and operates two farms. He is at present, chairman of the new triple “A” and has been for the past 11 years, also chairman of the farmer’s club *1 Providence. His duties will be to assist other membera of tha qom .(Continued On Sports Page)). i -ttU—i ! MEETING • - " The person County Associat ions! Sunday School meeting trill be held the Fiofe'Baptist Church, Roxboro, Sunday after noon at 3'o’clock. - * •' . A meet interesting program has been arranged, and if is earn estly desired that then be *■; large representation trofe each church in the * : i - o SAWYERS HAVE DOf Bom to Mr. and M Sawyer of Jackson, Tenn., a baby boy. | Mother and child getting cn.% nicely. , . J!

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