FSA Brings Modern Machinery Within Reach of Farmers y. ' • V jfflsL **?igmm. j M , ": .WMaMF.: ggi v- >■l>gfo3E3S .Zffte&iaftT; ; £££ V pjfr *-.<-• ! / f v Through group co-operation small farmers can use modern machinery and pure bred sires, i-ypical of the many loans made to farmers throughout the South under the Community and Co-opera tive Service Program of the Farm Security Admini strati on are, upper left: Tractor and disc harrow, upper right: Portable lime-grinding service, lower left: Tractor and combine, lower right; Pure bred Percheron Stallion In the South more than 4,100 farmer groups have boro wed over $2,200,000 to purchase needed equipment. Participating in these loans are 109,969 farm families. When you consider the fact that the average farm family in the south has five membe .s, .these loans have directly benefitted over a half million people. lobacco Acreage Reduction Likely Io Be2oPercent Floyd Speculates On What A New Flue-Cured Crop Control Program Would Mean Raleigh, Sept. 27.—(Special)— )ne of the paramount questions n the mind of every flue-cured obacco farmer in connection vith the approaching referen ium on marketing quotas for 940 is: “How much tobacco can plant next year if quotas are ipproved by flue-cured grow •rs?” E. Y. Floyd, AAA executive of icer of State college, says that it vas intended before the present var emergency to issue farm icreage allotments before hold ng a referendum on the 1940 rop. Howerer, about two months vould be required to tetermine illotments equitable and issue Palace Theatre advance program From Thursday, Sept. 28 thru Saturday, Sept. 30 Motion Pictures Are Youi Best Entertainment Thursday-Friday, Sept. 28-28 Irene Dunne - Charles Boyer (Stars of “Love Affair”) with Barbara O’Neill - Onslow Stephens . Nydia Westman - Frit* Feld in “When Tomorrow Comes” She lived on the Back Street of Love! It lives and breathes of the greatest moments in a woman’s life! Passing Parade: “The Story of Dr. Jenner” Novelty: “Men Make Steel” No Morning Shows; Afternoons daily 3:154:45; Admission 10-25 c; Evening daily 7:15-9:04; Admission 10-30 c. Saturday, Sept. 30 Tom Tyler in “Phatom of the Range” Episode No. 8 of the serial “Overland with Kit Carson” (“The Devil’s Nest”) with Bill Elliott - Bobby Clack - Iris Meredith ON THE STAGE “The Original Tennessee Ramblers” From Gene Autry Pictures and Radio StatioyW B T Hilarious Hillbilly Comedy - Trick Fiddlin’ and Yodellng 2:30-4:00; Adnhdw M-250; Evening 7-8:30-9:4». «*« ***¥ Admission 1040 c. them to farmers. The major pro blem now is to make it possible for the federal government to assist in reopening the border, eastern, and middle belt markets and release the nearly 600 mil lion pounds of the 1939 crop still in the hands of the farmers. “It is apparent that calculating individual quotas, notifying grow ers, and holding a referendum in the usual manner would delay the reopening of the markets and thereby inflect severe hardship on individual farmers and de moralize business generally, Floyd declared. “The best step in cinnection with the allotments under these circumstances seems to be to advise farmers of mini mum allotment figures prior to the holding of the feferendum.” “Under the procedure already approved by Secretary of Agri culture Walace for determining allotments, it is extremely unlike ly that the 1940 acreage allot ment for any ‘regular,” or old tobacco farm, will be reduced more than 20 per cent, or one fifth, below the 1939 allotment of ‘acres to plant,,” Floyd con tinued. “Any farm on which the harvested acreage in 1939 was materially larger than the 1939 Dolly Madison THEATRE From Thursday, Sept. 28 thru Saturday, Sept. 30 Motion Pictures Are Too) Best Entertainment Thursday-Friday, Sept. 28-29 Edward G. Robinson with'Ruth Hussey - Gene Lockhart Bobs Watson - Guinn Williams - Arthur Hohl in “Blackmail” (First Run) A tensely dramatic story of Prison Camps, Oil WeU Fires and a Terrible Revenge! Washington Parade No. 1 Miniature: “Hollywood Hob bies” Special Morning Show Friday 10:30; Afternoons dally 3:15-3:45; Admission 10-25 c; Evening daily 7:15-9:00; Admission 10-25 c; Saturday, Sept. 30 Bob Steele in “Hidden Valley” (First Ron) Episode No. 9 of the serial “Daredevils of Red Circle” (“Ladder of Peril”) with Chales Quigley - Hainan Brix - Carole Landis Pmramc ft Pictorial No. 6 Matinee 2:30-4:00; Admission 1045e; Evening 7440-945. tssffiwir tfm PERSON COUNTY TIMES ROXBORO, N. C. allotment cannot count upon re ceiving an increased allotment in 1940 by reason of having plant ed the larger acreage. However, there is a possibility of receiving a slightly larger allotment than in 1939 if it is justified by land, labor, and equipment found to be available for tobacco after con sidering other cash crops on the farm." Turning to “new growers,” or farms on which tobacco was grown for the first time without an acreage allotment, the alloi ment for 1940 will be based on one-fifth of the 1939 harvested acreage, adjusted up or down by local and county committees on the basis of crop rotation pract ices and the land, labor and epuipment available for tobacco as compared with other farms similarly situated in the com munity.” Allotments for small farms will first be calculated so as to be comparable with allotments for larger farms, Floyd continu ed. Then they will be increased by 20 percent, but not above the acreage which, with a normal yi, eldwould produce 3,200 pounds of tobacco. For example, if the allotment computed for a farm for 1940 is two acres and the normal yield is 2,000 pounds (1,000 pounds per acre), then the allotment will be increased to 2.4 acres, or 20 percent. On the other hand, if the allotment is three acres and the normal yield is 3,000 pounds (1,00 pounds per acre), then the allotment will be increased to only 3.2 acres, rather than by 20 percent. The increase of allotments for small farms is limited strictly to farms not operated, controlled, or directed by a person who also operates, controls, or directs a nother farm on which tobacco was produced. In other words, it is restricted entirely to small, independent growers. Floyd also calls attention to major changes in the agricultural adjustment act made in amend ments passed by the last session of congress upon the recommend ations of tobacco farmers. Probably the most significant from the standpoint of the indivi dual farmer is the amendment under which the marketing quotas for farms will be the actual production on the acreage allotment. This means that farm ers can market without penalty the actual production of their acreage allotments, no matter how high the yield per acre. Since cooperating farmers can r.ow market all of their tobacco, there will be no transfer of quo tas from one farm to another. The last amendment of interest 'to individual farmers provides for a flat penalty of 10 cents per pound on all sales of tobacco in excess of the actual production on the acreage allotment for the farm. QUARTERLY PRICES ARE FOUND HIGHER Products Go Pp With War; Warning Against Over-Ex pansion Is Sounded Raleigh, Sept 27.—(Special)—; Improved demand for farm pro-' ducts during the past quarter of! this year is indicated by the latest' price and demand report of the ' bureau of agricultural economics, which was announced t:day by Julian E. Mann, extension studies ] economist of State college. The basis is the expansion in industri al activity and consumer incomes in recent months, accelerated now by war conditions, Mann said. Producers were cautioned, however, not to expect a “run away” market, since supplies of practically all farm products are more than enough so rcurrcnt and prospective needs. The B. A. E. report shows that there was a sharp rise in domest ic cotton prices of nearly 1 cent per pound between September 2 and 7, nearly canceling the Au gust decline. A sharp increase in cotton cloth and yarn sales in early September, as well as pro spective business conditions, are favorable for continued high rate of United States cotton consump tion. Mann quoted the report as showing that exports of cotton have been greatly restricted since the outbreak of the war, as have textile sales in European centers, but foreign mill activity is be lieved to have been maintained. Prices of all livestock rose HOW TO DRESS YOUR CHILDREN BETTER FOR LESSI j THIS COUPON vou FREE FALL AND WINTER CATALOG OF AMERICA’S | FORM CHILDREN’S STORE! 848 PAGES SHOW 1121 ARTICLES OF CLOTHING -WELL MADE-NEW YORK .STYLED-PRICED LOW [FOR CASH OR C. 0. D. ! ft. H. MACY « CO., Inc., O i u-n-lM ‘ I 34th St. S B'way, N. Y. C. , j Send me Macy't Youth Centre Catalog, j MACITS. JEW YORK I ! THE WORLD’S LARGEST STORE L * J . j|| ,r - lit ■*■ jk mzmnmmm. IB V * : , SSI L M J If BB* ,ifirim^i| ; '. jfl cl '*flSLB hL I lomct jMll iair2sli Iteßl ?f« *tt . SuL hurry and worry. Make it perfect with ice-cold jj||| I jR? bottles of Coca-Cola, for the pause that refreshes. Put W the handy six-bottle carton on your shopping list. gjj COCA-COLA BOTTLING WORKS I Roxboro, North Carolina. ‘ IjlaJod eid" ntyitib»tv»ix»ttu b»j|h-B .— : . .—■ -'»»«—-■■ ■•■■■■■" "J^-—~*~^. her ply during the first week of September following the out break of the war, the State col- V-ge specialist said. The advance was much greater for hogs than -’or cattle and lambs. In the recor.d week of September part if this rise was lost. A fairly erge seasonal increase in hog marketings is probable for the next few months. - fl These Actors Were Real Fire Fighters A four-sided s.et, unique in Hollywood’s picture studios, was erected at Universal City for use in John M. Stahl’s “When Tcmor . tow Comes,” which start Irene I Dunne and Charles Boyer, and [ which is now at the Palace thea tre. Ordinarily sets are two, or J three sided, to permit photogra- I phic lighting. This set, a church, I in which the stars go through a | highly dramatic sequence, had I four sides, any of which could I be removed to acommodate the cameraman’s lighting. The large set, standing in a 6- foot-deep tank, which was flood ed with water, was furnished in side ar.d out, as some of the ac tion occurred outside the edifice. During the final scenes, while the church was flooded, a motorboat entered the set to rescue the stars, who were marooned by a hurricane and the resultant flood. o “Though the people support the government, the Government shuld not support the people." —Cleveland. Many Cities Join In Crusade Against Highway Deaths Declaring that six cf every ten lersons killed in traffic accidents •re pedestrians. Miss Nina Ab -itt, local manager of the Caro 'ina Motor Club, announced to tay that 18 Carolina cities have oeen enrolled in a movement de signed to lower the death-rate by educating both walkers and driv ers as to their respective rights end obligations. “In view of the fact that pedes trian accidents account for some 05 per cent of all traffic deaths, it is clear that the first point of attack on the accident record should bs directed toward the pe destrian problem,” Miss Abbitt said. “Toward this end, the Caro lina Motoi* Club and the Ameri- I can Automobile Association are i sponsoring a national pedestrian ! protection contest, officially ap- I I Keep Your Face Looking And Feeling Fit With This New Gillette QJ2&L IOW-PRICE blade users * everywhere are switching to the new Thin Gillette. And I no wonder. For this precision made blade fits your razor ex- ! actly... gives you better shaves and lots of them at a real saving. Buy a package of Thin Gillettes from your dealer today. efl k Thin Gillette Blades-Are Produced By The Maker Os Jhe Famous Gillette Blue Blade 5 For 25c THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1939 proved b ythe governors of North and South Carolina. “Cities enrolled in the contest thus far include Asheville, Char lotte, Concord, Durham, Fayette ville, Goldsboro, Greensboro, Ra leigh, Rocky Mount, Salisbury, Statesville, Wilmington and Wil son in North Carolina; Anderson, Charleston, Columbia, Florence and Sumter in South Carolina. “The first thing that should be done is to make a thorough study of pedestrian accidents in an ef fort to see which precentive mea sures most need to be applied and just what type measure wouid be most effective. In addition to education of the walker and dri ver it may be necessary to im prove street facilities in some cases, more strictly enforced traffic ordinances in others. But cooperation on the part of city heads is important and necessary. “Our people are walking to their death, but officialdom has failed to do an adequate job in finding out the reason and pro viding the cure.” PENNY FOR PENNY YOUR * BEST CIGARETTE BUY By burning 25% slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest-selling brands tested slower than any of them—CAMELS give a smok ing plus equal to MORE PLEASURE PER. PUFF MORE PUFFS PER PACK CAMELS LONG-BURNING COSTLIER TOBACCOS