/Sj& | PERSON mnzzm £-^JSLANTS By THOMAS J. SHAW, JR- Bowl - Bowl - Bowl t For the benefit of our readers who may not be acquaint ed with all of the Bowl games that are to be played on Janu ary Ist, we are listing them in this column today. The start ing time is also given and as a majority of the games, proba bly all, will be on the air, you can take your pick and listen to your choice. The lineup of post-season college football games, with starting times in eastern standard time: Saturday, December 30*. North-south —At Montgomery, Ala-; between picked teams of seniors from college north and south of the Mason- Dixon line; kickoff 2:30 p. m. Monday, January 1: Hose Bowl—At Pasadena, California; between unbeaten, untied and unscored-on Tennessee, Southeastern conference champions, and unbeaten, twice-tied Southern California, Pa cific Coast conference champion; kickoff 5:15 p. m. Sugar Bowl—At New Orleans, La.; between unbeaten, * untied Texas A. and M., Southwest conference champion, and Unbeaten, once-tied Tulane, co-champion of Southeastern con ference; kickoff 2:15 p. m Orange Bowl—At Miami, Fla.; between once-beaten Mis souri, Big Six champion, and twice-beaten Georgia Tech, co champion of Southeastern conference; kicxoff 2:00 p. m. Cotton Bowl—At Dallas, Tex.; between once-beaten Clemson, co-leader of Southern conference, and once-beaten Boston college, kickoff 3 p. m. East-west—At San Francisco; between picked teams of seniors from colleges east and west of the Mississippi; kick off 5 p. m. Sun BowJ —At El Paso, Tex.; between Tempe (Ariz.) State Teachers. Border conference champion, and Catholic > university, Washington, D. C-; kickoff 4p. m. ir . tourist Bowl—At Denver, Colo.; between San Jose (Calif.) State, FarWestem conference champion, and St. Marys university, San Antonio, Tex.; kickoff 3:30 p. m. o—o 0 0 We Pick As Follows It s hard to tell who will win and why, but anyway we select the following to come through with victories; Kose Bowl California vs Tennessee. It looks like Cali fornia is a little too strong and they are playing at home. Sugar Bowl Texas A. and M. - Tulane- Texas has been rated as one of. the strongest, if not the strongest, in the nation. Our vote goes to Texas. Orange Bowl Georgia Tech ve Missouri: Our head is noading toward Georgia Tech- Cotton Bowl Boston vs Clemson: It looks like we are selecting Clemson solely on account of McFadden. BUCK'JONES FOB Public Hauling :j ob :• Transfer- Service:! | i&v M 1 % mm l .J May you and your loved ones enjoy the best of New * < > dear’s! We hope you win the race of good fortune with f !; 1940 to spur you on for another year! * S: Rose’s 5 -10 -25 c Store i * J Htnna ITLaJd/ruj uFuti When you feel well. It is misery when you don’t. Have you ever dragged through a day made miserable by a Headache, Neuralgia, Muscular Pains or Functional Menstrual Paine —a day when only your sense of duty 1 kept you on the job? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve Headaches. You will find them effective in the relief of the other nagging pains mentioned above. miw PaAm prompt acting pain re prepared V' __ ■ .a. ' . ... • - ■ ‘ LAND POSTED SIGNS AT THE TIMES OFFICE SAWED WOOD FOR SALE Phone 2064 AUBREY KING SPORTS OLTHE TIRO Up'tO'the'Minute Sport News Solicited PERSON COUNTY TIMES ROXBORO, N. C. Humphrey Bogart Tells On Filmland Hollywood is a goofy place. Charles Laughton said that once, and now Humphrey Bogart seconds the motion. Laughton only said it He didn’t prove it. Bogart not only says it, but he says he can prove it. He did some sleuthing and research ing between gun battles on the set of “Invisible Stripes”, the pic ture which will start a two-day showing Monday at the Dolly Madison theatre and has emer ged with the following cryptic notes: In Hollywood—Mike is not an Irish comedian. It is the micro phone that picks up the actors’ voices. A beard is not a chest protec tor. It is the covering for the microphone. A baby does not have to be diapered or fed from a bottle. It is a small spot light. A three-step is not a new dance. It is a short stepladder. o Donald Meek, Ex-Sketcher Donald Meek, who plays the irascible editor in “The House keeper’s Daughter,” Hal Roach’s new comedy romance, has some experience of his own to model the character on. Meek, at one stage of his theatrical career, drew sketches for newspaper dra ma sections, and had his own tangles with editors in the cour se of his work for them. Philadel phia was the scene of this exper ience. “The Houskeeper’s Daughter,” stars Joan Bennett and Adophe Menjou and is the current Unit ed Artists release at the Palace theatre Monday and Tuesday. o BIG BRITISH LINER ARRIVES IN'U. S. THIRD TIME OF WAR New York, Dec. 27 Carrying $750,000 in gold and 224 passen gers, the armed British passenger liner Lancastria slipped into port today for its third visit here since the war started. he 16,243-ton vessel brought 180 Jewish refugees from Germany, Austria and Poland and 3,000 tons of cargo. Captain Ernest M. Fall reported an uneventful crossing. WANT ADS 0 CASH PAID FOR CEDAR TlM ber, either on the stump or in logs or C. Brown and Co. of N. C., 1730 W. Lee, Greensboro, N. C., Phone 4118. 9-21-ts-ts -4 4 PICTURES FOR 10c Full view size 3 for 25c —No waiting Get picture as soon as they are made. Over Pender’s Store 11-26-ts-st o U. S. APPROVED QUALITY BRED BABY CHICKS All popular breeds at the right price. Place your orders now and save money. See us before you 1 buy. Phone 4533. FARMERS SUPPLY CO. Hill B. Stanfield, Mgr. QUICK RELIEF FROM Syptan d Matrass ArWag from STOMACH ULCERS «x* to EXCESS ACID Fra# BoakTaSa as HaaiaTraatnatthat Mast IMP ar ttWM CaatYaa NatWng Over ooemilUoa bottle* of tbe WILLARD TREATMENT hare bmnaokl for relief of symptoms or fliiTTMi irumg zrom mmimcn HAMBRICK, AUSTIN A THOMAS KERR RESPECTS VOLS San Francisco, Dec. 27 University of Tennessee’s chan ces against Southern California in the Rose Bowl look pretty good to Andy Kerr, shrewed football coach at Colgate. “Tennessee has a good chan ce to win as any Southern team in recent years,” he said. “It is stronger on defense than offense. The presence of Halfback George Gafego will mean a lot, of cour se. “Until the Notre Dame game, I thought Southern California | ' ' : (jfro y mamm "mwww \. tPP' ' We never knew fillets speci- buyers? served for premium price fSSft y||| \ go for extra knockless operation. power Thousands FREE TO BABIES BOBN JANUARY 1, 1940 ** S ® *® ,,N . mTS HONORED FOt To celebrate the birth of our two great new gasolines, we wish Esso. Laboratory organization was green Ae 1939 to start a savings account for every baby born January Ist in flloH JW Award for Chemical *?F?“i**™*® AintoSS was the states where we market. Just take the child’s birth certifi- PPWfIHI Awarded for die first time in the odisdawy, cate to any bank with a savings department and a*s deposit ElMKSvllfl given for Esso . “*"y in devdopmg will be made by us; SIOO apiece for twins; $250 apiece for InUHfMIV aircraft and other bigh^osro^e^e^W^ppreciate thtt triplets; SI,OOO apiece for quadruplets; $5,000 apiece forformal rtcogmuon of Esso leadership. Standard CM Company , quintuplets. New Jersey. ...YOU GET BETTER PRO-DUCTS AT THE QESSO) SIGN! um.Brmlm. Buy New Gas From The Following Esso Stations ROXBORO AND Rock Inn Service Station E. J. Robertson PERSON COUNTY Glenn Bros. Clayton and Young; Adcock Service Station S. R- Wade A. T. Tack Whitt and Clayton V. W. Hall Guy R. Clayton Ashley and Brooks O. S- Clayton D. M. Cash Knoll Inn Fox and Co. G. C- Buchanan Wade B. Servkenter A. C. Gravitt Geo. W. Walker O. S- Oakley S- P. Gentry CASWELL COUNTY J. G. Chambers , O. W. Long; W. D- McMullen D. L. Whitfield R- M. O’Briant Mrs. R. C. Little Whitt Service Station Red Lane Service Station Caswell Motor Co. A. P. TnA Ben s. Peed H. H. Hinton C. A. Wrenn J. «• Rhew C. J. Owen .... » • ... . _ * M. / was a cinch to overpower comp letely any team it 'met. I’m not so certain now.” o NEW PAINT JOB Des Moines, la. Workmen moving filing cabinets in the State Supreme Court Clerk’s of fice exposed a patch of wall that ' had not been repainted since the capitol was finished in 1886. Evidently the cabinets hadn’t been moved during previous de corating jobs. Now they’re going to paint all the walls, all over, for the first time in 56 years. NOT GUILTY ■ i Kansas City Mrs. J. Wil liam Henderson found her din ing room radiator half-covered with melted crayons. “Who did that?" she asked her son. Jimmy, 4-year-old radio fan, retorted: “The little man who wasn’t there.” FRIENDLY SERVICE Standard OO Co. Products. Telephone Service No. 4711 ROCK - INN BERVICF STATION THURSDAY, DEC. 28, 1939 Professional Cards S. F. NICKS, JR. Attorney - at - Law First National Bank Bldg Main St. Roxboro, N. C DR. R. J. PEARCE EYES EXAMINED MONDAYS ONLY Thomas-Carver Bldg. i L————