IF IT IS NEWS ABOUT PERSON COUNTY, YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. VOLUME XI PUBLISHED EVEBY SUNDAY & THURSDAY Views Os The % News NORWAY HEARS OF NORTH SEA BATTLE Oslo, A Reuters (British News Agency) dispatch from Oslo said sailors aboard a Norweigan ship ariving at Bergen, Norway, described what they believed to have been an encounter between two cruisers in the North Sea this past week. U. S. COURT UPHOLDS TEXTILE WAGE RATE New Orleans The Fifth U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently upheld the order of the Federal Wage and Hour Administrator setting a 32 1-2 cents an hour minimum wage for the textile in dustry. PLANS SESSION TO RAISE PA. AID FUNDS Harrisburg, Pa. Governor Arthur H. James said that May 6 “may be a likely date” for calling the Pennsylvania Legislature into special session to raise additional funds for-relief purposes. FIND ACTOR DIED OF HEAR TROUBLE Hollywood An autopsy sur geon decided that Walter Miller, veteran motion picture player, succumbed to heart trouble, but inquiry into “Eastern hoodlums” trying to “muscle in” on movie extras moved forward. PINTS OF RUM? NO! ‘PINES OF ROME’ Indianapolis Mrs. Fabien Se vitzky, wife of the conductor of the Indianapolis Symphony Or chestra, didn’t know what to think of a telegram from her husband in New York reading, “Don’t for get to bring pints of rum”. She finally figured that Sevitzky’s Russian accent had confused a clerk in the telegraph office—and that the telegram should have re ferred to “Pines of Rome,” a sym phony. ACTRESS GODDARD’S MOTHER IS WED Hollywood Screen Actress Paulette Goddard has a new step father. The stars mother, Mrs. Alta Goddard and Earl Fleming, weal thy California Oil operator, were . married over the week-end in Prescott, Ariz., much to the de light of Miss Goddard. HIT BY DUST STORM Lamar, Col. A heavy dust stornn swept South-eastern Color ado during the past week. Dust drifts pilled ever spring wheat in eastern El Paso county. Corn and beans in some sections may have to be replanted. THREE KILLED, FOUR HURT IN RECENT SCOTLAND BLAST London Three persons were killed and four injured in a mu. nßion factory explosion in Scot land, the Mnistry of Supply an nounced. An official statement said a court of injuiry had been| set up to investigate the accident and that “immediate steps were taken to insure a speedy resump, tknef production in the units at- 1 f fected." IrrsonlMinies ELECTION BOARD CHOOSES JUDGES AND REGISTRARS Few Alterations MHe In Current List For The Eigh teen Precincts In County. At a meeting held yesterday morning at 11 o’clock in the of fice of Mayor S. F. Nicks, Jr., who is chairman of the board of elections for Person county, mem bers of the board selected judges and registrars for the 18 precincts in the county. Few changes were made and the list published below comprises selections made by Mr. Nicks, R D. Bumpass and Edgar Blaylock the three board members. Aftei each precinct, listed in order, the registrar and the two judgers, are: Ai . J. S. Rhew, C. S. Day and C. D. Clayton, all of Roxboro, R. F. D. Allensville w B. G. Crumpton Pobert Gentry, and Tom B. Da. vis, all of Roxboro, R. F. D. Bethel Hill - Mrs. Lillian Day J. Y. Humphries and Mrs. Bessk Mullins, all of Woodsdale, R. F. D. Bushy Fork - Allen Hester and Earl Hester, both of Hurdle Mills R. F. D., and Charlie Blalock, of Roxboro, R. F. D. No. 1. Chandlers Store - J. F. Chand ler, H. M. Clay and O. B. Clay (Continued On Back Page) H. E. STACY TO BE SPEAKER AT EVENING AFFAIR Schoolmasters’ Club Ban quet Will Have Many Ad ditional Guests. With H. E. Stacey, Lumberton attorney, as guest speaker, mem bers of the Person Schoolmaster’s club will on Tuesday evening, April 9, be hosts at their annual educational dinner. Attendance for the event is expected to reach two hundred and among the spec ial guests will be members of the school boards of various institu tions in Person County. Mr. Stacy, who is president of the North Carolina School Boards association, is expected to bring a message of special interest to these guests. Also on the program as speaker will be Reginald L. Harris, of this city, who is a can didate for Democratic nomination as Lieutenant-Governor. Dinner will be served at 7 o'- clock at Hotel Roxboro. o Mason To Have Exercises And Dinner Program Person County Lodge 113 will cn Wednesday evening, April 9, have a dinner at Hotel Roxboro honoring those members of the lodge who have been members more than 25 years. Sixteen such certificates are to be presented by Grand Master J. Edward Allen, of Warrenton, at a meeting to be held later in the evening. In the announcement made by C. A. Harris, Worshipful Master of the Person Lodge, a cordial in vitation is extended to all Master Masons of the county to attend the dinner and the exercises. Din ner will be served at 6:30 o’clock. \ o P. T. A. PROGRAM Members of Bushy PoTk Parent Teachers association will have as speaker at their meeting on Thursday evening, April 11, Per son Superintendent of Schools, R. B. Griffin, who will discuss “Next Steps in Education”. The meet ing will begin at 7:30 o’clock. German Bombers in Action Over Enemy Territory • Typical of the men who pilot ■.-.,?rmany’s huge bombing planes are these three men pictured, according to the Nazi censor, by fellow members of the bomber’s crew. Left: A youthful pilot at the controls of one of the Reich’s flying fortresses. Top right: To sustain them on their long raiding and reconnaissance flights to England, German fliers eat a concentrated food that is highly nutritious.' This pilot eats his scientifically prepared pemmican on the wing. Right bottom: An unusual picture showing the gunner sighting along the muzzle of his machine gun during a raid. Final Rites Held For Z. V. Morton Last rites for Zeb. V. Morton, well-known resident of this city, whose death occurred Thursd;. morning at Hotel Roxboro, where he had 'been employed as night clerk, were conducted Friday af ternoon at 3 o’clock at Edgar Long Memorial Methodist church. Active pall bearers included J. B. Riggsbee, C. 8., O. T. and J. E. Kirby, Martin Michie and L. L. Harvey. Flower bearers were George Walker, Jr.. 11. L. Woods, Kelly Paylor, Karl Burger, John Ell ington, W. R. Minor, Jake Taylor, F. O. Carver, Jr., Curtis Oakley, R. D. Bumpass, Russell Newell, Simon Gocdfriend, Jack Strum, Edwin Bowles, Wallace Harris, Charlie Harris, D. W. Ledbetter, Maynard Clayton, Arch Jones, A. E. Jackson, R. H. Oakley, Dolian Long, William (Sug) Walker, Lois Yarborough, and Frank Ho ward. o Three Person Boys Accepted For CMTC Camp Landon Whitt. William Spen cer and Bill Murphy have been accepted as Person enrollees in the Citizen’s Military training icamp to be held at Fort Bragg during June and July, according to Lt. Thomas J. Fowler, of Rox boro, who is local representative for the camp. Lt. Fowler also announced that Bill Hardy Long, of this city, has made application but has not yet completed required innoculation against typhoid. It was said five vacancies now remain open for Person county aind those young men who may be interested in en rollment applications are request ed to contact the applicants men tioned above or to see Lt. Fowler. SENIORS OF HELENA TO PRESENT PLAY On Thursday evening, April 11, at 8 o’clock the senior class of Helena high school will present “Wild Ginger”, a comedy drama in three acts. o SPEAKER AT CHURCH Sunday morning speaker at Roxboro Presbyterian church will be the Rev. Dr. E. Trice Thompson, of Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. The service will begin &t 11 o’clock. Bad Man Returns For the first time in his more than twenty-five years of experience as a policeman and officer, Chief of Police S. A. Oliver of this city, last week had the thrill of being caught by “his man”. It happened this way: the Chief was in his office. A Negro man walked in and said in effect: “You want me?” Whereupon ,the Negro said that his name was George Hedepeth, wanted in con nection with a Main street store robbery which occur red here several months ago. George, who is from Dur ham, said he missed his com panions, who were captured and have been serving sen tences long since. Now he is in jail and soon, he’ll be with them. ■ o GOOD CONCERT Presenting a program of unus ual excellence, including several numbers by the director, Dr. R. Nathaniel Dett, members of the Bennett College chorus, from Greensboro, gave a most enjoy-! aible concert here Friday evening at Person County Training school.' Outstanding numbers were Dr.! Dett’s, “Listen to the Lambs” and i a spiritual, “No More Auction Block.” Along The Way With the Editor o—O O O Fish Story No. 1— Ed Austin reports that he caught a 2 1-2 pound silver perch recently. He also said that this was no tish story, he really did catch the fish. This writer did not see the fish, but took Ed’s word for it. Jack Fowler, E. B. Craven, Sam Merritt and S. G. Win stead made ice cream the other night. When the cream was ready it was found that the cream tasted of onions. Jack had a simple remedy. He went to the pantry, got one onion and cut >n shape or something. It’s funny what age will do for a person, tasted fine. There were many people who talked about playing tennis during the winter when it was too cold to play. A few of these were Dr. J. D.'Fitzgerald, Dr. A L. Allen, Dr. E. M. Hedge peth, J. A. Long, Jr., Wilmer Malone and others. Now that ten nis time is here these boys are always finding an excuse to keep off the courts; they are too busy or their racquets are not m good shape or something. It’s what age will do for a person. Reports from Ocleman King, who is now at Sanitarium, indicate that he is getting on fine. He writes about the beauti ful girls and nurses Who are there and seems to like the place fine. He wants to know if Gene Thompson is doing his road work every day and if Bill Walker and Curtis Oakley have lost their waist line. When addressing R. B. Dawes, cf this City, please do not forget to say “Your Honor”. By so doing you will help him realize that he is a judge and this will enable him to attain that look df dignity that he should always have. Lester “Joe Billy” Claytcn has 'bought another service sta tion. You can’t keep a wealthy man down. Tilley Rites Held Friday Afternoon Final rites for William R. Til ley, of the Mt. Tirzah community, whose death occurred Wednesday morning, were conducted Friday afternoon at the residence, with interment following in the family cemetery. Survivors include his wife, the former Miss Beattie Gates; four sons, W. E., Fred W., and Clar ence O. Tilley, >:f Person county, and E. R. Tilley, of Columbus, 0., and four daughters, Mrs. Lessie Clayton and Miss Gertrude Til ley, of Person county, and Mrs. Lelia Garrett and Mrs. Myrtle Ryan, of Columbus, O. Pallbeareres included: Aldis Crabtree, Jack Cash, Charlie Mil ler, Owen Gates, Oscar Clayton, Raney Bowen, Lewis Tilley and Willie Clayton. o AT COURTHOUSE Dr. J. C. Sinclair, world travel ler and bible lecturer, formerly ■of Norfolk, Va., will deliver an address on Tuesday evening, Ap ril 9, at 7:30 o’clock, at Person County Court house. His subject will deal with “Present-Day Trends in Civilization”. Dr. Sin clair says his doctrine in non sectarian and announces that Bib les will be given to those who de sire them. SUNDAY, APRIL 7. 1940 Schedules To By Municipal A. & M. SHOPPE TO OPEN IN CITY THURSDAY MORN Ow| led and Operated By Aubrey and Marvin Long To Feature Self-ervice. The A. and M. Food Shoppe, operated by Aubrey and Marvin Long of Roxboro, will open for business Thusday, April 11. This store is in the same location that was formerly used by Aubrey Long and Co. The A. and M. Food Shoppe will feature self service. A cus tomer comes in and makes his or her own selecton, places her pur chase in a cart and rolls the cart toy the cashier where a check is issued. It will be the only self service store in the city. The entire store has been re modeled and everything is new. The proprietors invite the peo ple of this section to pay the new store a visit. This self service store will also feature meats of all kinds. The market has been placed in the rear of the store and the owners point out that the best in the njeat line will be sold. Your attention is invited to a display ad in today’s paper. o One Cent Sale To Start Wednesday Thomas and Oakley, Walgreen Agency, will start a One Cent sale Wednesday, April 10 and will continue this sale through Satur day, April 13. The sale will fea ture many standard items at the regular price and a purchaser may j then secure another similar items for one cent extra. Messers Thomas and Oakley point out that they bought heavily for tins sale and that they will have hundreds of items for the public. This one cent sale is an annual affair with the drug concern and] it was pointed out last week that] this one is expected to be one of the best. o Health Report Is Released Here By Department March report of the Person County unit of the tri-county Or ange - Person - Chatham Depart ment of health, released yesterday, shows that there have been 65 cases of whooping cough in Per son, a disease which is still pre valent, although it is thought that the epidemic stage is past. In fil ing the report, Dr. A. L. Allen, unit director, said victims have been white people, no cases hav ing been reported among Negroes in the county. Also reported for March were 14 cases of chicken pox, one each of diphtheria and measles, and ten of syphilis, although most of the last named constitute old cas es. In school hygiene 172 children were examined in pre-school cli nics; 274 smallpox vaccinations were administered and 108 diph theria anti-toxin treatments were given. Regular activities were continued in syphilis control and tuberculosis prevention, in mater nty and infancy care and in san. itation, with inspections, hi the last named, of 44 cases. THE TIMES IS PERSON** PREMIER NEWSPAPER A LEADER AT ALL TIMEi NUMBER THIRTY-EIGHT Be Followed Refuse Trucks New Program Effective Monday Will Mean Definite Collection Days For Each District. Effective on Monday, April 8, a new district-zone plan for col lection of trash and garoage will be instituted in Roxboro. An nouncement of the plan, the ad ministration of which is to be un der the direct supervision of Col lins Abbitt, city engineer, who will have foremen and truck driver-collectors to carry out the program, was made Saturday morning at a conference in the office of City Manager Percy Bloxam. Five districts and a business area have been created and un der the plan Saturdays will be open for additional work in the business district, while it is ex pected that the regularity of sche dule will insure better conditions of municipal cleanliness and con sequently lead to better standards of health and sanitation and a re duction of fly hazards. Present at the conference were Mr. Bloxam, Mr. Abbitt and the. superintendent of waterworks, L O. Abbitt, together with repre sentatives of the press. | Under the new system, design j ed to replace the somewhat hap hazard system previously used, zone A, the business section, will extend from Bradsher street north, tq Davis drive near Long Memorial Methodist church and from Lamar street, east to the railway terminus of Depot street, where collections will be made twice daily. ' ; Other divisions will be: District No. 1, which will include East I Main street to Depot street, and ! extend south to New street, where j collections will be made on Mondays; District No. 2, which j will include the area from the west side of Main street to the east side of Reams avenue and will extend north to the city limits, where 'collections will be made on Tuesdays, and District No. 3, which will include all territory east of Main street and North of Depot street, where collections j will be made on Wednesdays. District No. 4, will include from West Main to First street all ter ritory south of Reams avenue, where collections will be made on Thursdays and District No. 5, will cover all territory south *f First street to the corporate lim its, where collections will be made on Fridays. It was pointed out at the Sat urday conference that this sche dule will be strictly adhered to, that district collections will be made on only those days sche duled and that sole exceptions will be in those instances where residents request truck service to remove the body of a domestic animal. It was also said that householders can facilitate re moval of trash and garbage by keeping same in closed contain ers conveniently placed. There is in effect a city ordin ance requiring the use of such containers, and it is said, that all residents who have not complied with the ruling win be expected to do so immediately. Under the new plan of garbage and trash removal much time will be saved and at a consider able reduction oi transportation expense, while Service to house holders and business people will be much more efficient and it is the hope of City Manager Bloxam and Engineer Abbitt that there will be full cooperation with the program by people of the city. It was shown that under the new program business district (Continued On Back Page) »*•

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