or IT IS NEWS ABOUT PERSON COUNTY, YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. VOLUME XI PUBLISHED EVEKV SUNDAY & THURSDAY FINAL MEETING OF LOCAL P. T. A. HELD THISWEEK Mis. Shelton Given Thanks Vor Fine Leadership Dnr. h| Past Tear. With the president, Mrs. R. H. Shelton, presiding, the April, and final meeting for the spring sea son, of the Roxboro Parent-Teach ers asociation was held at Central Grammar school Tuesday. In her report of the state Parent- Teachers congress held last week in High Point, Mrs. Shelton an nounced that the work of the lo cal unit was recognized by the awarding of a “Standard” certi ficate, the first time such recog nition has been given to the Rox boro unit. Following this announcement Mrs. Shelton received a rising vote of thanks for her work in making this distinction possible. Giving a resume of the pro gram at the state congress, which was also attended by Mrs. J. H. Hughes, as official representative, and by Mrs. Dewey Bradshe’% Mrs. Shelton said that the theme of the congress was “Educational Needs in North Carolina and How They May Be Realized” and that . particular attention was paid to possibilities of expansion through federal aid, one of the chief speak ers being Dr. Howard Dawson. Program for the afternoon was in charge of Mrs. Hughes, who presented H. C. Gaddy, supervis ing principal. At the suggestion of Mr. Gaddy, motion was made that two Parent-Teacher associa tion units be formed in Roxboro. tone for the grades system and one for the high school, it being point ed out by Mr. Gaddy that the time had now come when P. T. A. work in the city could be more effectively carried on by two or ganizations. The motion was adopted and it was announced that meetings of both organizations will be held in the near future for the pur pose of planning the programs for the fall season. In setting up the two units the following officers were chosen: for the high school, Mrs. R. H. Shelton, president; Mrs. A. F. Nichols, vice-president; Miss Rox annah Yancey, secretary and Mrs. C. B. Kirby, treasurer, while for the graded school unit the presi dent will be Mrs. George Tho mas; the vice-president, Mrs. B. B. Knight; the secretary. Mrs. W. C. Tunberlake, and the treasurer, Mrs. Dewey Bradsher. Both Mrs. Shelton and Mrs. Hughes expressed thanks for the sgleadid cooperation received dur ing the year. o Senior Glass Os Allensville To Present Play Seniors of Allensville high school will present as their an nual commencement play. “A For tunate Calamity” tomorow night at 8 o’clock in the school auditor ium. Rehearsals have been in pro. gress for some time and it is ex-! pected that the production will be of unusual interest to friends of the school. The formal commen cement program will' begin Sun day evening, May 5, when the Rev. J, F. Funderburke will deli ver the baccalaureate sermon, o Crossing due street between in tersections is five times as like ly to result in death as crossing at tatscsnctione, records of the Highwajr JSsfety Division show. •*>. r - Person County Times IflSfroclamation U \ l U ‘ • 11 ”• U Unoto m jWen, atih Cbflliren ,|| ®f)ese "Presents: W - **" THAT, Whereas the NATIONAL CLEAN UP, PAINT UP |a AND FIX UP CAMPAIGN has resulted in many advantages to f|| 'community life throughout the United States, 111 In Safeguarding HEALTH and SAFETY; In promoting EMPLOYMENT and THRIFTt) » M W In furthering FIRE PREVENTION; ) fl H In promoting BETTER HOUSING; ' 4| R !In making the "HOME AtiD CITY BEAUTIFUL*^ H| -NOW, THEREFORE, Be it known that plans have been >eri'teted for a thorough CLEAN UP, PAINT UP and FIX UP H CAMFAIGN in Roxboro, North Carolina. Beginning April 29th. This date to mark the Opening of a real campaign of persist- Ms ent and constructive effort in cleaning up, fixing up and mm ■ KEEPING IT UP. In this worthy movement of Cleaning, I||| Fainung, Planting, Repairing and general Rehabilitation and ll§|| IIhL Beautification we urge each citizen to do his or her best part <4 H to make our community JHH HR Clean, Healthy, Thriftyj So F. Nicks, Jr., Mayor B Next Week Proclaimed As 'Clean-Up’Time In Roxboro Registration Books To Open Saturday In County Precincts Registration books for the var ious precincts in this city and in Person county will open Satuur day of this week and will be clos ed Saturday, May 11, at sun down, according to announcement made today by the chairman of the Person County Board of elec tions, S. F. Nicks, Jr. Mr. Nicks stated that all reg istrations, transfers from one pre ■ cinct to another and changes of party affiliation will have to be made within this' period. During the registration period registrars will be at the polling places of their respective precincts on each Saturday, that is to say on Sat urday, April 27, May 4 and May 11. o MANY EXPECTED Attendance of a large delega tion of Person County Young Democrats at the district dinner meeting to be held Saturday ev ening at 7:30 o’clock at Hotel Belvedere, Reidsville, was pre dicted tedlay by S. F. Nicks, Jr., president of the local unit. Tick ets allotted to Mr. Nicks have been sold and it is expected that around 30 Person people will at tend. All you have to do is subscribe to get the Times’ offer in cut. tory. Woman’s Club To Sponsor Drive And Will Conduct Tcur. Local observance of “Clean-Up Week”, by proclamation of May or S. F. Nicks, Jr., issued today, will begin icai April 29 and will be continued through Monday, May 6, when members of the Rox boro Woman’s club, sponsoring organization for the campaign, will have an afternoon tour and a program on “Gardens and Flow ers”. According to Mrs. T. T. Mit chell, dub chairman of the “Clean-Up” campaign, prizes will be awarded for the cleanest, neat est and most outstanding home grounds, including front and rear lawns and gardens. Judges, whose nrmes have not yet been announ ced will make decisions during the aftemon tour, while the club program will be given at Rox : b:ro Community house at three o’clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Mitchell said today that she and the members of the dub are most grateful for offers of co operation received from City Manager Percy Blcxam and from Collins Abbitt, of the city sani tation department. Clean-Up week has been observed here for a number of years. o- MR. SHORE TO PREACH Rev. J. H. Shore will preach at the Presbyterian .church Sun day morning at 11:00 a. m. His subject wil be “Andrew, the Av erage Man”. Church achool at 9:45 a. m. Second ‘Cub Pack’ Meeting Held With Eaton As Speaker Speaker at the second group meeting Os parents and boys in terested in the formation of a Roxboro “Cub Pack”, organiza tion for boys between the ages of 9 to 12, was Howard Eaton, of Burlington, who delivered an in spirational message concerning the work, Wednesday evening at Roxboro Community house. Third meeting in the series will he held next Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the Community house, where Mr. Eaton will a gain be the speaker. Present with Mr. Eaton last night was Chero kee Scout Executive A. P. Patter son, of Reidsville. Both Mr. Eaton and Mr. Patter son pointed out that the success or failure of “Cubbing” is de pendent upon the degree of co operation secured from the par ents, since they are the ones un der whom the better part of the program is conducted. Named as a committee to se cure attendance were Mrs. R. B. Dawes, Mrs. Elijah Horton, Mrs. J. A. Long, Tom Street and Tho mas J. Shaw, Jr. o—i WINS DISTINCTION C. C. Garrett, Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Garrett, of this city, and a student at Furman university, Greenville, S. C., has •been chosen reporter for the “Hornet”, the university news, paper. Young Mr. Garrett will re port news from the journalistic department. He is a first year stu dent in the uuniversity and is also catcher on the Freshman baseball toara. Gets Campus Honor §J| Wm ■ Officers of the Greensboro College Student’s Handbook for 1940- 11 are Miss Carolyn Smith, of Goldsboro, left, editor and Miss Grace Osborne Clayton, of Roxboro. business manager. Miss Clayton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Clayton. Bloxam Main Speaker At Social Agencies Meeting Local City Manager Uses “Why Have A Social Agen cy?” As Topic For Address. Building his theme around the question, “Why Have a Social Agency”, City Manager Percy Bloxam, addressing the Person County Council of Social agen cies, at its monthly luncheon ses sion at Hotel Roxboro, emphasiz ed the fact that social agencies are needed to day to assist in car ing for people who are in distress because of unemployment and so cial malajustment. Many people, Mr. Bloxam aver ed, are today questioning the value of social agency work, and many of the questions asked are valid because, although social ag ency service reaches people not taken care of by churches or oth er conventional charitable organi zations, the best of fore-thought and planning has often not gone into the social agency programs presented. Citing specific examples of soc ial rehabilitation possible through WPA, an agency with which he has been familiar because of his previous connection with the state WPA administrative office, Ra leigh, Mr. Bloxam indicated that best service from WPA for Per son county and Roxboro can only be obtained when an organized group sufch as the Council of So cial agencies goes to the trouble to show other residents of the oounty what can be done and de monstrates this knowledge by backing a planned PWA program. Mr. Bloxam, who was intro duced by the program chairman, Thomas J. Shaw, Jr., said also that the county could have had, deserves to have and he hopes will have a more satisfactory WPA program. He pointed out that this program and others par ticipated in by workers in social agencies can, if properly admin istered, be of untold benefit to (Continued On Back Page) o Sunday School Meeting To Be Held Sunday The fourth Sunday meeting of the Baptist Sunday schools of Person county wil convene at Lamberth Hill church on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Rev. H. B. Anderson, pastor of Grace church, Durham, will speak on “Evangel ization in the Sunday School.” Every Sunday schbol worker in tiie association should hear this inspirational message. THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1940 Plans Discussed For Meeting Os Young Democrats Plans for a rally of Person County Young Democrats to he held next week at the court house were discussed this morning at a meeting held in the office of S. F-. Nicks, Jr,, president of the Person Young Democrats* club. Date of the rally, which will pro bably be held during the latter part of the week, will be announ ced later, Mr. Nicks said. It was announced that precinct chairmen, to be selected, will have opportunities to win theatre tickets as prizes fa rthe most ef fective results in a membership drive. Iwo pairs of tickets will be awarded to the leading pre cinct chairmen in Roxboro and two pairs will also be given to leaders in the county precincts. o Young People’s League To Give “Circus” Friday Plans for a benefit “Circus”, sponsored by . the Epworth Lea gue of Long Memorial Methodist church, to be given Friday even ing at Roxboro high school audi toriuum were announced today by members of the committee in charge. Participating in the per formance will be many local citi zens who will assume roles as acrobats, freaks and circus ani mals. The performance will be gin at 8 o’clock in the evening. Profits derived from the show will be used for a missionary fund and to send delegates to summer assemblies at Louisburg. Among those in the “Circus” cast will be Karl Burger, H. C. Gaddy, Leo Rabon, Frederick Moore, George Cushwa, Vernon and Ronny Thomas, Edna Harkey, Wallace Woods, Earl Bradsher and Henry O’Briant. o CHURCH PROGRAM A church school day program in which a number of -children, young people and adults will par ticiapte will be held Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 o’clock at Woods dale Methodist church, according to announcement made today by the church Deaconess, Ruth Brooks. '-- ' - •< -vO •> i * •*. • THE TIMES IS PERSOIfi PREMIER NEWSPAPn£ A LEADER AT ALL TIMM NUMBER FORTY PERSON SUPERIOR COURT ADJOURNS HERE WEDNESDAY Light Docket In Both Cri. minal Actions Heard By Judge Harris of Raleigh. Following completion of cri minal docket lof opening day. Person Superior court, under Judge W. C. Harris, of Raleigh, Tuesday morning passed to con-, sideration of annulment and di vorce actions on the civil calen dar. Last /of the few criminal cases on the docket Monday was that of Jack Redman charged with as sault with a deadly weapon on Ward Alkins, Hurdle Mills youth, late last year. Redmond, who en tered a plea of not guilty and had appealed from recorder’s (Jourt, received sentence of 12 months on the roads. His sentence was ex actly doubled over that which he received in lower court, but no tation was made that prison authorities 'be notified that Red mond had at one time escaped from State Hospital for the In sane, Raleigh. Evidence was introduced to show that the shooting, done with a pistol at the Alkins’ home, wax accidental. Mack Lyons, James Miller, James Hayes, alias Joe Hayes; and George Hedgepeth, Durham Negroes, who have been confin ed to Person county jail since their arrest on charges of break ing, entering and larceny from two mercantile establishments here early in February, entered pleas of guilty. Heaviest senten ce was received by Lyons, who will be required to serve not less than four nor more than eight years in state’s prison. The oth er three were sentenced to not less than three nor more than six years on the county beads. It was stated that the four Negroes had been involved in a Durham county robbery prior to their thefts from Roxboro mer chants and the sentences imposed- ‘ yesterday were regarded as be ing of sufficient severity to cover both robberies and to obviate ne cessity of trial in Durham coun-**-. ty. By a direct verdict Neil Rhew, of near Rougemont, was founds nict guilty of simple assault on a. female. Rhew’s case, brought up (Continued On Back Page) o Graduation Plans Now Complete At Allensville High Feature of the commencement program at Allensville bight school will be an address by Stater Superintendent of Public Instruct ion, Clyde A. Erwin, of Raeligh, on the evening of Friday, May 10, at 8 o’clock, in the school audi torium, where diplomas and aw— - - ards will be presented. Introduc tion of the speaker will be made by R. L. Harris, prominent Rox boro resident and candidate for Democratic no.nination as lieuten ant governor. Also on the evening’s program will be R. B. Griffin, Person County Superintendent of schools, while the baccalaureate sermon will be delivered on Sunday ev ening, May 5, at 8 o’clock, by the Rev. J. F. Funderburke, pastor of Mill Creek and Bethel Hill Bap tist churches. Class day exercises for Allens ville Seniors will be held oa. Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock, May 9, and the 7th grade exer cises will be held two days later at 10:30 o’clock in the morning. All commencement events will be held in the school ifflniliiiii .

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