IP IT IS NEWS ABOUT PERSON COUNTY, YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. VOLUME XI Hall, Thaxton and Crumpton Named On Farm Committee 1941 Farm Program Com mittee and Township Com mittees are Elected. Chairman of the Person Coun ty Committee for the 1941 agri cultural conservation program, elected Monday morning at a meeting of delegates held in Rox boro will be Claude T. Hall, pro minent landowner and agricultur alist. Vice chairman, chosen at the same meeting will be Dr. B. A. Thaxton, of Roxboro, with B. » G. Crumpton as regular mem ber, J. B. Hester as'first alter nate and W. R. Wilkerson as sec ond alternate. Committeemen recently elected to serve as township chainncn, vice chairmen, regular members and first and second alternates, in the order named were: Allensville township G. C. Pulliam, Luther G. Oakley, Brad sher Gentry, W. H. Gentry, N. B. Dixon. Bushy Fork township J. E. Whitfield, O. R. Horner, W. E. Hester, Charlie Norris, W. K. Moore. Cunningham township S. M. • Green, F. E. Wells, Jacob Thomp son, Kelly Brewer, W. A. Tur ner. Flat River township S. G. Hamlin, J. O. Pearce, Roy Gen try, G. A. Ashley, Floyd Hicks. Holloway township D. E. Whitt, H. L. Stigall, S. W. Mel- I- ton, P. H. Woody, B. W. Gentry. 'lft Tirzah township E. N. TllLett, Clyde Meadows, W. W. Seed, W. B. Jones, Bunny Luns . JartL Olive Hill township W. L. Pleasant, John D. Winstead, Jr., : L. T. Wagstaff, Miss Ruth Hes ter, J. H. Foushee. Roxboro township George R. Perkins, George M. Fox, Jr., Henry Whitt and W. A. Wrenn. Woodsdale township H. B. Bailey, J. F. Bailey, R. D. Bailey, John Morris, J. H. Shotwell. R. £ CRUTCHFIELD RITES CONDUCTED Former Person Resident Dies At Home In Greens boro. Services Held At Con •Ord Church. Mineral services for Robert E. GlUtchfield, VO, of Greensboro, who died there at his home yes terday, were conducted this after noon at 3 oWock at Concord Me thodist church, Person county by the Rev. J. B. Craven, pastor of Wort Market Street Methodist Starch, Greensboro, assisted by the Rev. J. H. Shore, retired Me thodist minister, of Roxboro. « Hr. Crutchfield, who had been Jn; HI health for six years, wss a mtLve of Caswell county but jMjpt much of his life in Person ' waDnty and was well known in jtoxboro where a number of his knwpeople reside, among them XdQy E. Paylor. V Mr* Crutchfield first moved to , Greensboro in 1923 and for more than twenty years was connect ’ Odwith the International Harves ter company as a salesman. Aurvtving are two sons, T. G. and R. B. Crutchfield, Jr., both of Greensboro; one daughter, Mrs. Iteence C. Parker, of Raleigh, In* brother, W. A. Crutchfield, of Afcwdeen, Miss., four grandchild ren and one great grandchild. Ria wife died two years ago. BRAGG INJURED C HA B. Bragg, Roxboro and f CKhedmoor business man, who was injured Monday night on the Ox \joed highway in an automobile accident, is still a patient at Com munity hospital, this city, altho *gh he h«S somewhat improved. remain ■JrarajMime* PUBLISHED EVERT SUNDAY & THURSDAY Typical Conscriptee . ■ '. | A Private Roy Bruch of "Company G", New York, takes the role of a typical conscriptee. The pack in cludes messkit,. helmet, gas mask, first aid kit, raincoat, bayonet, shov el and mosquito bar. NEGRO WOMAN IS PLACED IN JAIL AFTER SHOOTING Wounds Jack Moore, Negro Os Hie Bushy Fork Section Early Sunday Morning. Lizzie May Pass, young Negro woman about 20 years of age, daughter of a tenant on the Paul Soloman farm, Olive Hill town ship, was placed in Person Coun ty jail early Monday morning following issuance of a warrant charging her with assault with a deadly weapon upon Jack Moore, 25, Negro who resides on the El lis Wade place, Bushy Fork town ship. The Pass woman, according to Person Sheriff M. T. Clayton, is alleged to have fired at Moore at close range with a shotgun, wounds being inflicted in both legs slightly below the hips. The shooting is said to have tak en place early Sunday morning near the Pass home, the woman reporting that Moore had a short time prevously insulted her in a cornfield nearby and that she 1 threatened to shoot him if he fol lowed her to the house. Moore re ceived treatment by a Roxboro physician and has since returned to his home, although the wounds were described as being some what serious. In default of a SSOO bond the woman remains in pri son, pending trial in county court. Moore at first refused to divulge the woman’s name and for that reason arrest was not made un til Monday morning. o Premiums Won At Person Fair By Four-H Members Premiums won at the Person County Fair by members of the 4-H clubs were as follows: Baby Beef Calves James Earl Moore, Ist; Thomas Long 2nd; Lyle Davis, 3rd; Bobby Hes ter, 4th, and Pete Pridgen, sth. Hampshire Pigs Ephriam Yarboro, Ist; Thomas Pleasants 2nd; Pat O’Brien, 3rd, and Gar land Blanks, 4th. Com Single Varieties Maynard Whitfield, Ist; and Pat O’Brien, 2nd. Prolific White Ephriam Yar boero, art; and Ira Lie, Jr., 2nd. COMMISSIONERS HEAR PETITION MONDAYMORNING Request Made For Agricul tural Building For County Library Committee Named. Meeting in regular monthly session the Person County Board of commissioners, of which Phil lip L. Thomas is chairman, on Monday morning named the coun ty library committee, attended to various financial matters and heard a delegation composed of representative citizens of the county request consideration of plans for a proposed county agri cultural building to house vari ous agricultural departments now operating in the county. Named to the library commit tee were: Mrs. John H. Merritt, of Woodsdale, chairman; D. M. Cash, of Moriah, Mrs. E. P. War ren, of Hurdle Mills, and F. O. Carver and Dr. A. L. Allen, of Roxboro. It is understood that this committee will make recum mendations as to books to be purchased for the local Roxboro library and for the State Library commission’s book truck now in service in the county. Heading the delegation in fa vor of the agricultural building was E. Y. Floyd, of Raleigh, with local spokesmen being Claude T. Hall, County Agent H. K. San ders, J. S. Merritt, Miss Velma Beam, J. W. Noell, Percy Bloxam, Allen Hester and Mr. Green. The matter of the need for such a building was first presented to the commissioners two or three years ago, although it was not act ed upon at the time. Members of the committee re ported today that it is hoped that WPA assistance for the construc tion of the building can be se cured and that the need for such a building is now even more acute than it was three years ago, since the agricultural pro gram is constantly expanding. The commissioners took the peti tion under advisement, with ac tion deferred until a later ses sion. Howard Stuckey Selected To Speak At Council Meeting Guest of honor at a dinner to be given Friday evening for the i executive committee of the Cher- I okee Scout Council by members of the Person County executive council of the organization will I be Howard Stuckey, of southern headquarters of the Boy Scouts lof America, Atlanta, Ga., who will be expected to make a brief address and afterwards lead in a round-table discussion pertain ing to scouting, it was announc ed here today. Also expected to be present at the dinner meeting, which will be held at 6:30 O’clock at Hotel Roxboro, this city, will be Cher okee Council executive, A. P. Pat terson, of Reidsville, Holland Mc- Swain, of Yancsyvflle, president of the council, and other scout leaders and members of the ex ecutive committee. F. O. Carver, Jr., secretary of the Person Council, who reports that Mr. Stuckey is regarded as an excellent speaker, said today that ample opportunities for question-and-answJ?r points will be provided and that a general review of the Cehrokee Council’s scouting program will be provid ed. Work of the council is car ried on in Person, Alamance, Rockingham and Caswell coun ties, with headquarters at Reids ville. o SELL YOUR TOBACCO IN ROXBORO, N. C. Fire Drills At At High School Are Satisfactory Six hundred students at Rox boro high school left the build ing in 90 seconds in a fire pre vention week drill held there yesterday morning, according to a report filed by Fire Chief Hen ry E. O’Briant, who said that this was a very satisfactory re cord, The series of drills was con tinued during the day in other! schools in the city and fastest time out was reported at East Roxboro school, where 80 stud ents were out of their building within 40 seconds. Next best re cord was made at Person Coun ty Training school for Negroes, where 700 students marched out in 50 seconds, and 192 pupils in the annex left in 70 seconds At Roxboro Central Grammar school 456 children ‘‘made their escape in 75 seconds. Drills were all unannounced and were in compliance with an ordinance re quiring that at least one fire drill be held in each school each, month during the school year. Full report of yesterday’s drills was made by Chief O’Briant to City Manager Percy Bloxam and to H. C. Gaddy, supervising prin cipal of city schools. o PERSON FARMER DIES SUDDENLY ; ON COURTSTREET S. Robert Young of Near Ca-Vel Stricken Yesterday With Heart Attack. Rites Held Today. S. Robert Young, 63, Person county farmer who lived on the R. L. Harris farm near Ca-Vel, died yesterday afternoon at ?;30 o’clock, a few minutes after being stricken with a sudden heart at tack while standing on Court street, Roxboro, near a tobacco warehouse. A physician who was immediately called from a near by office diagnosed the case and reported that Mr. Young was nearly dead when first examined. The deceased had just left the warehouse when he fell to the street and death occurred at a funeral home next door, where Mr. Young was taken after he had faTlen. Final rites were held this af ternoon at two o’clock by the Rev. Lex Chandler at the H. W. Wilson family cemetery where interment took place. Survivors include two daugh ters, Misses Beatrice and Lucy Young, of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Paschal, of Willards ville, and Mrs. Maggie McLean, of Durham; three brothers, James Young, of Willardsville, Marcel lus Young of Durham, and Pey ton Young, of Hillsboro. Mr. Young, who had' not pre viously been ill, was a member of Helena Primitive Baptist church. His wife died about six months ago. STUART FORD SPEAKS TO LOCAL KIWANIANS Speaker at the Monday evening sesion of Roxboro Kiwanis club at Hotel Roxboro was clubmem ber Stuart M. Ford, who also showed technicolor movies made during the past summer at his cottage at Bailey's Island, Me. Several scenes were devoted to fishing expeditions off the Maine coast. The program was in char ge of Gus Deering and George Currier. Next meeting of the club which will also be held at the hovel, will be in charge of E. E. Bradsher, Jr., J. A. Long, Jr, Mr. Ford and Ben Brown, of the fin ance committee. FOUSHEE RITES HELD ATJIOME Cedar Grove Man Dies Af ter Illness Lasting Several Months. Funeral services for Robert T. Foushee, 67, Cedar Grove resi dent, who died Sunday afternoon at his home after an illness of| several months, were conducted Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home. Rites were in charge of the Rev. S. F. Nicks, pastor lof Cedar Grove Methodist church. Interment was in the Long family cemetery. Struck by an automobile last. April near his home, Mr. Foushee never completely recovered from the effects of injuries received at that time, although he returned to his home after treatment at a local hospital. Mr. Foushee was twice mar ried: first to Miss Martha Jane Long, of Person County, in 1895, and after her death to Miss Mar tha Oakley, whom he married in 1914, and who survives as do at number of sons and daughters. j Survivors from the first union! include: four daughters, Mesdam es T. T. Mitchell, and Hassell Clayton, of Roxboro, Mrs. C. S. Kerr, of Durham, and Mrs. Ralph Walthur, of Cedar Grove, and four sons, Harry Foushee, of Ce dar Grove, Robert Foushee, of Hurdle Mills, and Baxter and Ra ney Foushee, of Cedar Grove, while from the second union sur vivors include three daughters, Misses Bettie, Evelene and Mil dred Foushee, of the home and five sons, Clarence H., Alex R., Richard, Lortnie and R. T. Fou shee, Jr., all of the home. Also surviving are: four sis ters, Mrs. Walter Jacobs, of Reids ville, Mesdames Susan Tillman, A. P. Clayton and Sam Wrenn, of this city; a brother, George Fou shee, of Roxboro; two half-sisters, Mrs. O. B. Mcßroom and Mrs. i Robert Jackson, of Roxboro, and two half-brothers, J. R. and J. H. Foushee of this city. School Children Receive Health Inspections Here Main effort of the Person Coun ty unit of the tri-county health department during the past, month was inspection of school children for skin and scalp dis ease, of which less than usual was found, according to the Sep tember report released today by Dr. A. L. Allen, director, who also said that disease prevalence, except for slight measles and some syphilis, was negligible. Inspection of children through the 7th grade was accomplish ed during the month, of which I. were examined by the health department staff, after at tention had been called by teach ers, who are this year doing gross inspections. Total number of chil dren inspected was 5,720. In maternity care 35 mothers were examined and three were given contraceptive advice, while in the syphilis campaign 505 treatments and 99 blood tests were given, with 14 reportable' cases. Typhoid vaccinations were given to 89 and smallpox inocu lations to 27, whereas toxoid was administered to 47 persons. In tuberculosis control 97 persons were fluoroscoped and 11 home visits were reported. * Included in Sanitarian T. J. Fowler’s record for the month were 35 case inspections and 96 ] complaints answered. New priv ies installed reached 62. o J VERY ILL i Mrs. Frank Breeze, mother of i Mrs. A. H. Rimmer of Roxboro, • is quite ill at the home of Mr. : and Mrs. Rimmer. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1940 NUMBER FIFTY-TWO Nicks And Blox&m Will Go To Municipalities Session 'Small Business’ lIHR IB jjjwijpp Wbmm The National Small Business I Men’s association will hold its an nual convention in Chicago October' 15-17. DeWitt M. Emery, association president, is shown above. MRS. C.L. OAKLEY PASSES MONDAY AT HERJIOME Sister of Prominent Local Resident 111 Only Short While. Rites Held Tuesday Mrs. C. L. Oakley, Sr., 83, of the Chub Lake community, Route 1, Roxboro, a sister of W. H. Harris, Sr., and an aunt of R. L. Harris, of this city, who resided with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lex. B. Fox, died at their residence early Monday morning following a brief illness. She first complained of feeling ill on Sunday. Members of the family who went to her bedside about six o’clock Monday morn ing discovered that she was dead and called Person County Coron er, Dr. A. F. Nichols, who re ported that death, attributed to complications and to the infirmi ties of age, had appearantly oc curred only a short while before the discovery was made. Funeral services were held at L the Fox residence Tuesday after noon at 2 o’clock, with Elder Lex Chandler, of Timbrelake, and El der A. L. Holloway, of Durham, , officiating. Interment was in the , C. L. Oakley family cemetery near the Fox home. Survivors include: four sons, O. H., A. L„ J. W. and C. L. Oak ley, Jr., all of Roxboro; four daughters, Mrs. Fox and Mes dames A. B. and J. J. Clayton and W. B. Harris, all of Roxboro: two brothers, J. B. and W. H. Harris, both of Roxboro, and a number of grandchildren. Active pall bearers included Cecil Clayton, Early Clayton, Os car Fox, William Fox, Reginald Warren and Leonard Wilkins. o GOP Headquarters Will Be Opened i —— J. H. Scarborough, Person County Republican leader today announced that county headquar ters for the party will be estab lished on the second floor above : Pender’s store, Main street, that ( plans for an active campaign are ■ being made and that all persons ] interested in the G. O. P. program are cordially invited to take part < in the campaign and to visit head quarters. A number of speakers < will be brought here before the ■ November elections, Mr. Scarbor- j ough said. , THE TIMES IS PERSON’S PREMIER NEWSPAPER* A LEADER AT ALL TIMES. Tuesday (Night Toastmaster At Charlotte Session Will Be R. L. Harris. Roxboro representatives at the three day League of Municipali ties session, to be held October 14, 15 and 16 at Charlotte will be Mayor S. if. .Nicks, Jr., and City Manager Percy Blcxam, according to announcement made today by Mr. Bloxam, who said that auth orization for their attendance was granted at the regular monthly session of the city council held this week. Also present at the Tuesday evening session of the league will be R. L. Harris, of this city, who will be toastmaster. Mr. Harris, a leading Roxboro citizen is De mocratic nominee as lieutenant governor of North Carolina. Most important item handled by the city council here was the naming of George W. Kane and Preston Satterfield, Sr., as mem bers of a committee to appoint a zoning committee for the city. Requests for street lights on Fou shee street and Morehead street and for traffic signal lights at Court and Lamar and at Court and Main streets were referred to Commissioner of Pub lic safety, George W. Kane, for further consideration. The City Manager was author ized to prepare a new map of the- Burchwood or city cemetery,, showing grave plots and setting out a number of single and dou ble graves. Chief of Police S. A. Oliver was given temporary per mission to reside outside of the corporate limits and the City Manager and the City Water Works superintendent were auth orized to prepare a sewer and water program suited to needs cf the moment and to report to the finance commitJtee composed of ' Gordon C. Hunter and Mr. Sat -1 terfield, Sr. A report was pre sented by Miss Velma Beam, Home Demonstation agent, i« regard to the city’s part in sup port the curb market. * . Registrars To Get Instructions Here Tonight At a morning session held Mon day the Person County Board of | Elections, of which F. O. Carver, . Jr., is chairman, considered plans! for the Selective Service regis tration to be held at various pol - ing places in the 18 precincts in . the county on Wednesday, Octob er 16. Members of the board al so discussed plans for conducting the general election in Novem ber and ordered ballots printed for this election. Registrars in the various precincts have been requested to meet Thursday night of this week at 7:30 o’clock at the Person County Oourt house to receive selective service regis tration instructions. Due to the fact that Superior Court will be held next week at , the court house and that various warehouses here will be in use during the day, Selective Service registrations for the four pre cincts of Roxboro township will be held at the American Legion hut, Chub Lake street, this city, instead of at the court house and the warehouses, according to an nouncement made by members of the Person Board of Elections, who met again Tuesday to make plans for the October 16 registra tion. A spokesman for the group emphasized the fact that Selec tive Service registrations in all other townships in Person county will be conducted at regular poll ing places designated as such far general elections.