IF IT IS NI|WS ABOUT PERSON COUNTY, YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. VOLUME XU Views Os The News WASHINGTON UNABLE TO GET EXPLANATION IN C ASE OF MBS. DEEGAN Washington, Dec.—Strong dip-j iomatic protests to Germany were! indicated tonight as the United States sought to clear up the; mystery surrounding the deten-j lion of Mrs. Elizabeth Rollins Dee-! gan, former Asheville resident, who is a clerk in the American embassy in Paris, and who has; been held by German authorities there since December 1. Embassy officials in Paris, seek-j ing to learn the cause and cir -1 cumstances of her detention, ap-j peared to have failed to penetrate 'he secrecy of the German Ges-j tapo (secret police). o STATE WIDE HEALTH ! NYA PROJECT TO BEGIN Washington, Dec.—lmmediate launching of a State-wide health project for North Carolina’s NYA workers was announced today by NYA Administrator Aubrey Wil liams. Dr. J. C. Knox of Raleigh was .:amed State health consultant and will join with physicians from other participating states to di rect the $2,500,000 health pro gram. North Carolina is one of 20 states where the program will be come effective immediately. By February 1, NYA plans to have health data for 100,000 young people accumulated. o OPERA STAR NATURALIZED New Haven, Conn, Dec.—Lily Pons, the opera singer, became an American citizen today with the comment that she was “very, proud and vdry happy.” V-o | STORMS THREATEN MAjNILA j Manila, Dec.—Small but vio-] lent typhoon in the Pacific is sweeping toward Manila, -the] weather Bureau reported tonight, j It may strike the city Saturday afternoon. - MERCY MISSION CARRIED THROUGH Miami, Fla.,. Dec.—A giant! Army bomber making an unpre-j cedented mercy flight to Chile: at the personal direction of Pres*-! dent Roosevelt, arrived here at] 7:40 p. m. for an overnight^stay^ •Senora Carlos Davila, for wftnng physicians prescribed the climam, of her homeland iri a dangdrous illness, wa&jnpoH cd to have rested lirst iieg Qt the, flightjafom New York. *s^7 oyt- BRITAIN’S FISCAL STATUS ANALYZED BY U. S. OFFICIALS' M \£. Washington, Dec.— secretary of the British ®»(MWiry, Sir Frederick Phillips, worked on balance sh*?et of his : ; w» * >•*> '> . - Protests Result In Change of Order Closing WPA Project Highway Men To Meet Here Monday A. M. S. M. Bason, of Yanceyville, and other members of the dis trict highway commission will meet in Roxboro Monday for the regular monthly meeting. This meeting will be held in the Person County courthouse and will begin at ten o'clock. It is thought that the meeting will continue until three o’clock in the afternoon. Purpose of this meeting is to hear petitions for roads and to consider other matters pertain ing to the road program. LOUIS PAYLOR TO FACE TRIAL ON MURDER CHARGE Preliminary Hearing Set For Tuesday In Recorder's Court. Preliminary hearing for Louis Paylor, Person Negro, wanted for almost a year on a murder charge in connection with the fatal stab bing of Fleming Talley, another Negro resident of the county, will be held in Person Recorder’s court Tuesday morning before judge R. B. Dawes, following Paylor’s apprehension last week at Whitemarsh, Pa.. Philadelphia suburb. It is expected that Paylor, whose brother Henry Paylor has al-l ready served a road sentence for his part in the slaying, will be bound over to Superior trial at the January term before Judge Henry A. Grady. The al leged murder occurred in Person county on December 10, 1939, and Louis Paylor immediately left the state. He was returned to Roxboro Thursday, being accom panied by Person deputies Bob Whitt, Erasmus Clayton and Jim Anderson. When arrested at Whitemarsh] Paylor was employed at a YMCA as cook. He is now in Person jail, without bond. Preliminary hear ing, incidentally, will be held ex actly one year after the alleged crime was committed. — o Rotary Ladies Night Planned H ,i Annual "Ladies Night” pro gram of the Roxboro Rotary club will be held at Hotel Roxboro at 7 o’clock on Thursday evening, 1 December 12, according to plans made at the meeting last week Program details have not been completed hut it is expected that the affair will be as impressive and as enjoyable as others have been. _o AT ODDS WITH PENNIES Pittsburgh, Dec.— Montefiore Hospital and Patient David Bloomfield are at odds because he wants to pay part of 6is .b)fl with 4,980 pennies. The 50-year-old grocer’s»Haro* ily for years saved pennies as sort of a hobby. He needed mon ey for an operatiqdr'and took a 35-pound sack of'coins with teim to the hospital** “It would lake us all week to count theringMf the banks won’t even declared U»e hospital Clshterln rejeedng the payment. “I, expect to leave the hospital .Saturday,” said Bloomfied, ‘and **hey can take the pennies, or else.” THE TIMES IS PERSON’S t PREMIER NEWSPAPER .. ■ * A LEADER AT ALL TIMES. Privy Project In Person Area Will Be Continued. Workmen Report To Whit ten. * Consultation with Sanitarian T. J. Fowler and with Dr. A. D. Al len, the last named of whom was present at a WPA conference held : here Friday, revealed that the Sanitation Privy project schedul ed to have been suspended on Tuesday, December 10. after ' ing been in operation in J.brts area for two years, will be continued. Decision to continue this WPA. supported project, which is under direction cf S. R. Whitten, was reached at the Friday meeting, which was called after messages of protest against the closing or der had been received from a number of Person and Roxboro citizens. The meeting was held at suggestion of Roxboro City Manager Percy Bloxam, who is also chairman of the Person WPA Advisory board. Present for the conference were James A. McGready, of Durham, district supervisor and others. It was said that the original suspen sion order to have been effective for 90 days was contemplated be cause of need for more workers at Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, where the Selective Service program has caused great expansion of building activity. Both Dr. Allen and Sanitarian Fowler, as well as others* in the Person area, are pleased that the project will not be abandoned now. Numbers of privies have been constructed and installed at various rural homes in the coun ty and it is felt that any other action than continuance would at this time have been most un fortunate. : 0 Club Women Have Recreation Night At Club House j At the meeting of the County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs last month it. was decided that a county-wide recreational program with all clubs partici pating would be held. Mrs. R. A. Gentry of the Allensville Club was appointed chairman of the recreation committee. The recreational meeting plan ned for was held in the Ameri can Legion Hut Roxboro Friday ] night, December 6, at 7:30 p. m. with seventy-five men and women from the various communities en tering into the entertainment. | Mrs. Gentry, who presided, proved herself a splendid leader and kept things lively every min- ” I ute of the time so that everyone felt that they really would have | missed something had they not I gone. As her capable assistant Mrs. Gentry had Miss Ruth Sears and MiSs Mary Larkin Gentry, both members of the Allensville, school faculty. Fpr some of the guests, who for various reasons did not play ac flee games, CJbinese checkers and fiddlestick*'wprp,jpfr r>l )jjg ILm ever,'there were llfgfafay. Ume thatqtwqne thing to keep them. .amused <^»cSf PP,eS WCre the .club presented h«r with As wT^yfe 1 sir ! ‘ and NUMBER SEVEN