Local & Society WATKINS A BULLOCK | Everything to Build With | o Mias Barbara Bloxam, of Chap cl Hill, is spending the week-end with her parents. City Manager and Mrs. Percy Bloxam. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gaddy, of Goldsboro, are spending a few days here with Mrs. Gaddy’s fam i'y- Miss Mary S. Woody, of St. Mary’s, Raleigh, is week-end guest cf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Woody. Mr. and Mrs. G. Riley Griffiths end Val Griffiths, of Huntington, West. Va., will arrive this week to spend a few days with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Sanders McWhorter and Mr. McWhorter. Mr. Griffiths and his son, Vai, will return to Huntington after the week-end, but Mrs. Griffiths will remain for a longer visit. o An All-American Case ROXBORO DINER I 0 4-H Meeting Is Held At School The 4-H Club, meeting under the direction of Miss Velma Beam, had its regular monthly meeting in the high school Thursday. Miss Beam discussed with the girls problems concerning health, and clothing. She discussed plans for a health contest in the spring, and plans for clothing projects next fall. The club as a whole later plan ed for the scrap book that it is to make. KNOW YOUR MONEY And Avoid Loss Due to Counterfeits j i 1 .... > *" TO THE A MERICAN PUBLIC: ' * The United States Secret Service and your police wish you to KNOW YOUR MONEY, and through this nation-wide educational program aim to suppress the major crime of counterfeiting. If jgm it ha 3 always enjoyed from your police officers, and we now solicit the assistance Ch.EF prevent crime through this modem method of education, in stead of the age-old method of prosecutions and imprisonment. "'Z-'" Chief. U. S. Secret Service. HOW TO DETECT COUNTERFEIT BILLS 1. KNOW YOUR MONEY! 2. COMPARE the suspected bill with a genuine of the same type and denomination. Observe carefully the following features: (a) PORTRAIT: Genuine is liielike; stands out from oval background which is a fine screen of regular lines; notice particularly the eyes. The counterfeit Is dull, smudgy, or unnaturally white: scratchy; background is dark with Irregular and broken lines. • (b) SEAL: On genuine, sawtooth points around rim are identical and sharp. On counterfeit, sawtooth points are usually different; uneven; broken off. (c) SERIAL NUMBERS: Genuine have distinctive style; firmly and evenly printed; same color as seal. Counterfeit, style different: poorly printed; badly spaced; uneven in appearance. (d) PAPER: Genuine bills are printed on distinctive paper containing very small red and blue silk threads. 3. RUBBING a bill will NOT prove whether it is genuine or ' counterfeit; ink will rub off of either. 4. 'REMEMBER—NOT ALL STRANGERS ARE COUNTER FEITER:. BUT ALL COUNTERFEITERS ARE LIKELY TO BE STRANGERS. TYPES OF CURRENCY The only three types of currency printed by the United States Go\-eminent tor circulation are: 1. FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, which bear GREEN serial numbers and seal. 2. UNITED STATES NOTES, which bear RED numbers and seaL 3. SILVER CERTIFICATES, which bear BLUE numbers cmd seaL PORTRAITS Denominations of bills may be identified by portraits, as follows: WASHINGTON on all SI.OO bills [EFFERSON on aU $2.00 Nils LINCOLN on all $5.00 bills HAMILTON on all SIO.OO bills JACKSON on all $20.00 bills GRANT on all $50.00 bills FRANKLIN on all SIOO.OO bills April Bride-Elect Honoree At Party Given By Two Hostesses Honoring Miss Catherine Cre.s- 1 ley, April bride-elect, Mrs. Free man Canning and Miss Theo Martin were hostesses at a sur prise party given Friday even .ng at the North Main street ies sence of Miss Martin. Showered by rose petals whici were released from a wedding bell as she entered the front .ioor, the honoree, Miss Crosley, was also recipient of a miscel laneous shower of gifts from friends who were gathered at the Martin residence for the infor mal dinner and the bingo pariy which followed. Dinner was seved at eight o - clock. Decorations at the dining table were in traditional green ,md white, the central feature be ing a white umbrella suspended from the chandelier and con taining gifts for Miss Crosley. Ribbon streamers hung from joints of the unbrella and soften ed the green and white flower arrangement used as center piece. Miss Crosley’s place was marked by a white satin-covered horse shoe and other placecards were placed for Misses Mary Lee Judd, Frances Critcher, Mary L. Ellmore, Carolyn Michaels, Esther Walker, Mary S. Woouy, Mildred Crosley, sister of the honoree, Mesdames Sanders Mc-| Whorter, Robert Stephens, Geor ge Paylor, George W. Wirtz and the hostesses, Miss Martin and Mrs. Canning. Later in the evening bingo was enjoyed and six prizes were a warded. Miss Crosley’s marriage to Richard O. Puckett will be solemnized in a simple church' ceremony on Saturday, April 12, at St. Mark’s Episcopal church, With the Rev. Rufus J. Womble officiating. o Miss Melton Will Have Program At City High School March meeting of Roxboro high school Parent Teacher Associa tion will be held Tuesday even ing, March 18, at 7:30 o'clock, according to annoncement made today by Mrs. T. C. Wags'aff, publicity chairman. The session will be held in the school audi torium, with Mrs. R. H. Shelton, president, presiding, and the pro gram on “Safety” will be pre sented by Miss Helen Melton, of the department of English. A full attendance is requested and it is expected, that interest in the program will be increased because of the “Safety Driving Practices" program which was staged here Friday by Harry M. Pontibus, insurance company rep. resentative. Mr. Pontious' program in which many high school students par ticipated was given on a roped off section of Morgan street and was arranged largely through efforts of City Manager Percy Bloxam. o HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB SCHEDULE In addition to regular meetings the members of Home Demon stration clubs are assisting with the community Food and Feed j HOW TO DETECT COUNTERFEIT COINS yy ! 1. KNOW YOUR MONEY! i 2. RING all coins on a hard surface. Genuine coins sound 1 i clear and bell-like. Counterfeit sound dull /"die ; 3. FEEL all coins. Most counterfeit coins feel gfSaay. 4. COMPARE the reeding (the corrugated outer edge) of a I suspected coin with one known to be genuine. The ridges on genuine coins are distinct and evenly spaced. On counterfeit coins they are poorly spaced and Irregular. | HOW TO CASH GOVERNMENT CHECKS , j 1. KNOW YOUR ENDORSERS! * j 2. DEMAND definite identific cm or, o! the payee. 3. COMPARE endorsement or. check with signature on iden tification. 4. WPA workers carry cards with identification number, signa ture and physical description. If you cash WPA checks, com pare these three things and make sure the description fits that of the person presenting the check. 5. BE CAUTIOUS about cashing a check on which the payee s address is far removed from your place of business. 6. REMEMBER—You may lose the amount of any Government check which has not been endorsed by the rightful payee. 7. MAKE A CHECK BEFORE YOU TAKE A CHECK!! The above notice, and the one printed below, are part of the na tional educational campaign of the United States Secret Service. SPECIMEN WARNING NOTICE Send postcard to Secret Service asking to be placed on mailing li-t. mi DANGEROUS $lB CODBTEBFEIT PLACE THIS HOTICE ON OR fvoKvtm mc-iKavK \*t» ANY THE DEUCATE DETAIL OF THE GENUINE cars INVOLVED TO KNOW YOUR MONEY STUDY DIAGRAM WHICH ILLUSTRATES THE POSITION OF IMPORTANT FEATURES OF CURRENCY REFERRED TO IN THE PAMPHLET. [FEDERAL RESERVE I TYPE OF NOTE I I SERIAL | I TREASURY SEAL AND LETTER | SHOWN HERE | J NUMBER | | SEAL FEDERAL ReTeRVE No/e \JTTJv\yAE UNITED STATES Q f AMER/Q^®Tg 10 000000000^ | I {= 1 MS I 1 * NM&jF ■ ■veaasfc,* ■ PERSON COUNTY TIMES RoiBORO, N. C. programs being held in every community in the county. Tuesday, March 18th, 2:30 p. in. The Hurdle Mills group will as sist Joe Ellis with the Food and Feed program to be held at the Hurdle Mills School, Wednesday, March 19, at 2:00 p. m. Olive Hill club will meet at the com munity House. Friday, March 21—2:00 p. :n. The Chub Lake Club will meet in the home of Mrs. Oiler And erson. The place for the Allensvi'i; Club meeting will be announced later. o Rita Hayworth Hails Cagney’s Hit Record It was Rita Hayworth, new comer to the Warner lot, who emembered to celebrate James Cagney's tenth anniversary in pic .urcs. With “Strawberry Blonde," the new film opening Monday at the Palace, Cagney begins his elev enth year in Hollywood and his 34th picture—a fact he might .never have remembered if Rita ladn’t recalled that just ten years ago Jimmie came to her father, Eduardo Canisno, for dancing essons but discontinued them to tart his first picture. Rita gave Jimmy an enormous 'eather-bound scrapbook contain ing photographs of each role he has played. The book was enti led “A Cavalcade of Cagney “ and included a little statistical able. Some of the items Rita re corded: Jailed nine times, killed seven times, played gangsters 13 times, olayed “heroes 16 times; number of prizefights 3, lost 1. o jIT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES ROXBORO RAMBLER Miss Emma Bailey Jones, Editor. Junior Hi-Y Is Go to Church The Girl’s Junior Hi-Y met Tuesday night at Mrs. Mollie Bar rett's, with Miks Soles, the ad visor, and had a short business meeting. There were ten members present. At 7:30 they all went to the First Baptist Church where the revival is in progress. Rev. 13. E. Morris delivered a message concerning "Here am I, send me.” After the service they went to the drug store. o- High School Band Elects Officers Upon the suggestion of John Thompson, the new band direc tor. the Roxboro High School band decided that it would in stall officers to carry on the ac tivities of the band. Those elect ed were: President, Evelyn Lang; Vice-President, Hassel Whitfield; Secretary. Peggy Whitten; Treas urer, Anita Kirby; Publicity Agent, Charlie Harris. This meeting took place of the regular band practice. The pause SI mtuctb’ k ■ aSk for I HENTHO fi® 1 mum §2s W FOR COUGHS FROMCm IHATWCNTTLRffrOOSI AC- ft V TAkt On, 5.p lays, v ■ C" MENTHO-MULSjON MB » ■ wait Five minuies ■HP***!* ■ IF YOU fail to get |IL W EXPECTED RELIEF KB -fJP LASK FOR YOUR MONEY BACKM THOMAS & OAKLEY PALACE THEATRE ADVANCE PROGRAM I'rom Monday, March 17th through Wed., March 19th Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment Monday, Tuesday, March 17-18 James Cagney, Olivia Dcllavil land, Rita Hayworth, Alan Hale, .lack Carson, George To 1 hiius in “Strawberry Blond” i Stroll down Memory Lane with the Mug who tamed the SO's! wait 'til you get a load of hint bouncin’ those straw berry blondes on their bustles! he’s turning the naughty nine ties upside down! Nor or the nineties—Cagney's terrific! Vitaphone Special: “Christina* Under Fire.” Hearst Metrotone News—News while it is still News. No morning shows; afternoons daily 3:15-3:45; Adm. 10-3Dc; Evenings daily 7:15-9:00; Adm. 15-35 c. Wednesday, March 19th BARGAIN AND GIFT DAY Burgess Meredith, Irene ,Har- { vey, Barry Fitzgerald, Ray- 1 mond Wilburn, Ester Ralston j in “San Francisco Docks”. Port of all nation — where any i thing can happen and does! It’s the screen’s thrill shock of the season—with the most ex citing cast of the year! Broadway Brevity: “LOVE INTRIGUE”. No morning show; Afternoon 3:15-3:45; Evening 7:15-9:00; Adm. 10-20 c; (SIO.OO In cash wit be given to some lucky person today). PUBLISHED BY ROXBORO HIGH SCHOOL School Students Express Opinions of Sunday Movies Dramatic Club Discusses Poe The Dramatic Club met Friday. March 7, in the auditorium. Tne meeting was brought to order, the roll called, and the minutes read. The program was given in hon or of Edgar Allan Poe. Some of his poems were read by Arline Hall, Eleanor Winstead, Arline Newell and Mildred Stroud. Katherine Spencer gave an ac count of his life. In conclusion, Mrs. Clayton read “The Raven’’ Senior Hi-Y’s j Meet Monday At the regular meeting of the I girls’ Senior Hi-Y Monday, Enniy Moore was elected President for the coming year 1941-1942. De'e-j gates who ale to attend the Hi-Y conference in Sanford this week end were elected. These were; Anita Kirby, Ethel Newel Win stead and the incoming president, Emily Moore. The girls will have Friday and return Sunday after-1 nocn. It was decided that thei group will attend services at the! First Baptist Church Sunday. At the end of the meeting the Hi-Y s; were served cakes and punch by j he hostess, Miss Peggy WhiVonj and her mother. DOLLY MADISON ADVANCE PROGRAM From Sunday, March 16th through Wednesday, Mar. 19. Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, March 16 . 17 - 17 - 18th The Hardy Family Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney, Fay Holden, Ann Rutherford, Sara Haden, lan Hunter, Kathryn Greyson in “ANDY HARDY’S PRIVATE SECRETARY” (First Run) Andy works nights with his beautiful "seerteary” buys her silk stockings—and einerg cs with strange lipstick on his checks. No wonder Polly calls him a “love murderer’’! It's the best*yet. Color Cartoon: “Mouse Trap pers” Fox Movietone News—News of the Nation Box office opens 2:30 Sunday. Picture 2:45; One performance ! only—Evening, box office op. ens 8:45 - Picture 9:00; (one performance only). Special morning show Monday 10:30: Afternoons daily 3:15-3:45: Adm. 10-30 c; Evenings daily 7:15 - 9:00 Adm. 15-35 c. (Note a slight change in the evening admission scale which is in ac cordance with contract terms. Wednesday, March 19th ! BARGAIN AND GIFT DAY Lloyd Nolan, Marjorie Weav er, Joan Valeri, Walter Abel. Elizabeth Pattersen, Donald Macßride, Douglas Dumbrills in “MICHAEL SHAYNE, PRI VATE DETECTIVE” (First Run). Shayne’s on the screen! fic tion’s wisecracking, two list ed sleuth—who’s always ready for homecide, battle-royal or romance! Quez Reel: “TAKE IT OK LEAVE IT” Magic Carpet: “OLD DOMIN ION STATE” Special morning show 10:30; Afternoon 3:15-3;45; Evening 7:15-9.-00; Adm. 10-Soc; (SIO.OO in cash will be given to some lucky person today). SUNDAY MARCH 16, 1941. Miss Marie Deering, AssL Editor j School Students like good clean | recreation and where do they have to get this recreation? The majority of the students attend their local church on Sunday and then rely on other sources for in entertainment. All young girls and boys are going somewhere and why should they not sit in a good movie instead of going to some service station or road house where they mingle with all kinds of society? You will say they need not go anywhere but they will regardless of what you 3ay In other times families went to church and stayed all day on Sun day, but we don't do it today and > neither do our parents. A movie that is clean and has I a moral lesson will keep more of j the ycung society off the over ' crowded highways where acci ; dents occur daily. 1 Think of the more vile thing j a person learns on public high | ways. 'j We do not think of letting tu. ! movies interfere with our Chris tian life. We all love our church and Sunday School and are for these unions one-hundred ptu 1 cent, but after spending five day-, studying and going to school wt I do like some form oi entertain - | ment on Week-ends. Here are some remarks that '| were made by several students "I think Sunday movies will j keep girls and boys from seeking j entertainment from more vile ! sources.” | "We are going to go some I I where on Sunday and why not I sit quietly in a nice movie?" “Sunday movies will keep u.- eff highways where accidents oc cur daily and injure or kill some one frequently.” We are not givjng our opinions i on Sunday movies to begin ah ■ argument but we are merely ; stating what we think and no j contradiction is meant. , |IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN | the times PALACh | Monday, Tuesday, March 17-IgUi W>