IP IT IS NEWS ABOUT PERSON COUNTY, YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. VOLUME XU Grand Jury Absolves Oakley Os Blame For Manslaughter Dan Loftis Wins Freedom From Same Charge In Court Trial. \ * Acquitted of manslaugnter Tuesday was Dan Loftis, young Roxboro white man tried m Person Superior court before Judge Leo Carr, cf Burlington, after the case had been brought up from recorder's court last month. The charge resulted from the death of Willie Royester, Se inora Negro, riding on a wagon said to have been struck by a car driven by Loftis. Not a true bill was returned by the Grand Jury in the case of Clarence Oakley, also of this city, who had been charged with manslaughter in connection with the death of Jim Henry Waite-s, Roxboro Negro, struck by a car said to have been driven by Oak ley. This action of the grand- jury ends criminal charges in a case of general interest here . Plea of guilty to an assault on a female offered by attorneys for John Davis Carver, Long - hurst youth of 19 was accpeted by the State and private prose cutors and Carver was sentenced to serve two years on the roads. In recorder’s court Carver bad been charged with assault with intent to commit rape on a min or of seven, daughter of Long hurst neighbors of Carver’s fami ly. Third day of Person Superior court, with Judge Leo Carr, of Burlington, presiding was large ly taken up with trial of a boun dary suit in the civil division brought by J. P. Day aganst B. R. White. In the criminal division work was finished Tuesday afternoon, last case heard being that brought by Charles Long, Dur ham resident, against Sam Lock hart and Norman Brown, in which it was alleged that Lock ■ hart and! Brown assaulted Long in a hotel room in Roxboro. Lqckhart and Brown, origin ally charged with breaking and entering and assault had charges| amended so that Lockhart enter-1 ed a plea of guilty of forcible! trespass and Brown pled guilty to asault resulting in serious injury. Lockhart was required to pay one half the costs, with judg ment suspended, while nol pro:; was taken as to breaking, enter (Continued on back page) o Lennie Chambers Rites Conducted At Baptist Church Lennie C. Chambers, 34 ,of rear Rougemont, died Monday, morning at 4 o’clock at Commun ity hospital to which he return-j cd Saturday for treatment after having gone to his home follow-, ing an operation which he un-j derwent two weeks ago. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Berry’s Grove Baptist church, by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Green. Interment was in the church cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Eva Oliver Chambers ,«f the home; three brothers, Percy, George and Harvey Chambers, all of Hurdle Mills, two sisters, Mrs Addie Wilson, of Mebane and Mrs. Luna Honeycutt, of Hurdle Mills, also four half, brothers, Moses, Richard Frank' and Fletcher Chambers and one half sister, Miss Mildred Cham bers, all of Person County. Umon# u (limes PUBLISHED EVERT SUNDAY & THURSDAY News Briefs \\. C.’s Grandchild Mr. and Mrs. John Bullcck, of this ciy, announce the birth of a daughter on Tuesday morning, April 22, in Memorial hospital, Danville, V.a The baby is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mis. W. C. Bullock, prominent Rox boro residents. o— Claytons’ Daughter Born to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E C.ayton, of this city, a daugh ter, Mary Anna, on Saturday, April 19, at Community hospital. In Valley In a party of Roxboro residents who spent Sunday touring the Valley of Virginia were Mr. and Mrs. Ira S. Adcock, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Adcock. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adcock, Mr. and Mrs. I Moses Rudder, Thomas and Gard- j r.er Adcock and Miss Elizabeth! Adcock. o__ 0 __ BACK HOME Edward Foushee ,of the Rex boro fire department, injured Sunday morning in a motorcycle accident near Danville, Va., re turned/ to his home here yester-j day morning after receiving treatment at Memorial Hospital,! in that city. He’ is a son of Roy Foushee. o Change Plans Change of plans for commence ment exercises at Helena high 1 school will bring to the school as commencement speaker, Thur sday evening, May 1 ,at 8 o’clock, Dr. Holland Holten, of the De partment of Education, Duke University, Durham, according to announcement from R. C. Gar rison, principal at Helena. Originally scheduled to speak was Claude Gaddy, superinten dent of Raleigh schools .Thirty two seniors will be graduun I from Helena, said Mr. Garrissoti. Dr. Holten is well known in ih educational field and the public is cordially invited to attend. o MORE COMFORTABLE Arthur Crossley, former exe cutive of Somerset Mills, is re ported to be resting more com-j fortably in a hospital near Wau icgan, Conn., where he is being treated for injuries received from the explosion of a boiler in the basement of his home at Wauregan Saturday. One leg was amputated below the knee With him is Mrs. Crossley, who left here nearly two weeks ago establish residence in Connecti cut, where Mr. Crossley is resi dnt manager of Wauregan Mills. Mr. Crossley is the father of Mrs. Richard Puckett, of this city, and of Miss Mildred Cross ley, who will remain here with her sister until the close of school. o BETHEL HILL LEADERS Valedictorian of Bethel Hill high school will this year be Miss Doris Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Huel Hall, of Woodsdaic, while the salutatorian will be Miss Lois Holt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Holt. Chief marshal will be Miss Ruby Humphries. Second mar shal will be Miss Christine Per kins. Oothers are to be William Shotwell r Gerald Ray Dkkreson, Charles Jones, and Misses Caro lyn Gravitt and Eva Long. As Fire Took Heavy Toll Near Roxboro mmm iSmoke rolled upwards Sunday afternoon as about three million feet of lumber burned at Popc-Blalock 'Lumber Plant two and a half miles from Roxboro on tile Durham Road. Five small bouses, one loaded box car and two empty cars also went up in flapies, with the total property loss estimated at between $60,000 and $70,000. Mrs. Mildred Griffin, who was injured when struck by an automobile as she walked across the highway to view the (lames, yesterday was reported to be improving in a Roxboro hospital. Lumber Company Fire Draws Big Crowd Sunday Afternoon Electric Power Not To Be Off For Two Hours T. Miller White, district man ager for the Carolina Power and Light Company, today said tnat electric service in Roxboro will not be interrupted Sunday after r.oon from two to four o’clock According to original plans current in this area, including Yanceyville, was to have been cut off in order to make certain inspections at Roxboro sub s'.tation, but Mr. White was yes terday advised from the central office, Raleigh, that the inspec tions will not take place at this time and that the current will not be cut off. o White Men And Negroes Missing Says Mangum Two white men, Romey le r oir Powell ,of Depot street, Rox- ] boro, and Robert Lee Frazier,' of Longhurst, and two Negro men, Melvin Woods, and Mel vin Quick, both of Route 1, Rox boro, who were registered with the Person Selective service 1 board, have since registration l moved and left no forwarding address or sre unknown on the rural route as given on the-ir registration cards, according to announcement today made by Service Board office manager B. B. Mangum. “The Board will appreciate any information as to their whereabouts,” said Mr. Man gum, “since unless the ocrrect addresses of these men are found very soon, their names will have to be turned over to the United States District attor ney for investigaion.” Names of two other men, an nounced sometime ago as mis sing, have been turned in to the District Attorney, said Mr. Man gum, who added that at least two men reported to newspapers as missing have been located. W H. MANGUM KILLED, RITES HELDMONDAY Ca-Vel and Roxboro Man Fatally Injured Near Wil son. Funeral services for William H. (Buddy) Mangum, 23, of Wil son and Roxboro, who was fc tally injured about 2::30 Sun day morning in an automobile ac cident about 9 miles from Wilson on the Wilson and Rocky Mount highway, were conducted Mon day afternoon at 4 o’clock at Rock Grove Baptist Church on Allensville Road' near Roxboto by the pastor, the Rev. J. B. Cur rin. Burial was in the Davis fam ily cemetery. It was reported that Man gum’s back was cut by glass when his car overturned and that death resulted from loss of blood. He was drivinig alone at the time cf the accident. He formerly was employed at Collins and Aikman Corporation here and had been in Wilson on ly three weeks, where he was instructor in a plush mill. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Davis Mangum, and one daughter, Sylvia of Wilson and Roxboro; his mother, Mrs. Min rie Mangum of Harrisonburg, Va; three brothers, Robert Mangum cf Bethel Hill, Thomas Mangum cf Harrisonburg, John Manguri cf Petersburg, Va., and four sis ters, Mesdames Fannie Tucker of Harrisonburg and Emma Clayton of Minnie Turner and Ray Lipscombe of Roxboro. o IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Nellie Clay is a patient at Community hospitla. A NEW PRO? | Bom to Mr. and Mrs. FieJ Mian of the Roxboro Country Club a boy, Alfred Main Jr.. Hie new member of the Country Club is doing nicely and so are his mother ami father. Time of arrival S:M A. M. this morning. Mrs. Mildred Griffin In jured in Wreck Resulting From Spectacular Blaze Is Improving. Mrs. Mildred Griffin, 50, | seriously injured Sunday after noon when struck by a car or. the Durham road near the scene of the iy>pe-Blalock ltimbbr company fire, is today reported at Community hospital as being slightly improved. Alfred Blalock, of Dunn, one of the owners of the lumber company which was destroyed by fire, was said to have been in Roxboro Tuesday and it was reported that the plant will be rebuilt. Fire originating in a lumber yard shavings pit about 1:15 o’- clock, two and a half miles front Roxboro on the Durham Read Sunday afternoon destroyed the Pape-Blalock Lumber Plant, a bout three million feet of lum ber, five small residences, one loaded bxo car and two empty cars and caused property loss estimated at between 60 and 70 thousand dollars. Injured near the scene cf tlv: fire was Mrs. Mildred Griffin, 58, of Roxboro, who was struck by a car reported to have been driven by Henry Howland of Longhurst. In Hospital Mrs. Griffin is still a patient at Community Hospital, where her condition, is described as im proved. She received head in juries, a broken arm and a frac tured nose. Howard, who had attempted to reach the scene of the fire, said he turned around because of traffic congestion nd was re turning to Roxboro when Mrs. Griffin, accompanied by her son, William Belk Griffin, stepped out from behind a parked car. Mrs. Griffin, who was going to the fire had just crossed' the highway. With Howard were his wife. i\ daughter and a niece. Three loaded box cars and one empty car were shifted to a point near the Norfolk and Wes tern station and a slight blaze in cne car was extinguished by the' Roxboro Fire Department, which with the Ca-Vel Deuartment re sponded to the call to the lum ber plant although little could (Continued on back page) THURSDAY APRIL 24, 1941 Philip L. Thomas Named As New Commissioner Nominee w |n>n y/ '. i.s&ax Shown at top is Mayor 3. G. Winstead, nominated as candi date to serve his first full term; below is Philip L- Thomas, form er chairman of the Board of Commissioners, who was nom inated as candidate for City Com missioner Monday night. ELECTIONS HELD FOR TEACHERS IN COUNTY SCHOOLS ! Four High Schools and Two Elementary Schools Report No Change. ■ School committees at fourj Ferson County hgih schools and two elementary schools have re-1 ported to R. B. Griffin, county i superintendent, the re-electio v for the 1941-1942 school term ol’ wll present members of their re-1 spective faculties. High schools making this re-! port are Hurdle Mills, Mt. Tir-; zah. Bethel Hill arid Allensville, ’■ I while elementary schools so re porting are Olive Hill and Cun-, ningham. Election reports are expected soon from schools at' Bushy Fork andi Helena and from 1 schools in the Roxboro district. > District committemen at Beth el Hill are S. P. Gentry, It. 1.. Hall and! Dr. John H. Merritt. Names of other district commit tee men in the County have not been announced. Superinter. - dent Griffin today said that per sonnel of faculties re-elected, will cf course deptend upon signing of contracts by teachers concern ed. One member of the Allens vill faculty, William Smith Hum phries, has announced his resig nation. o ON SAME CASE At noon today Person Superior court was still concerned with the Day-White boundary suit, trial of which started yesterday. Court was convened Monday manning but was recessed at noon following sleection of the Grand Jury. Judge Leo Carr, I presiding jurist was in Wallace that afternoon for the funeral of his aunt, Mdrs. D. B. Brad shaw. THE TIMES IS PERSON’9 PREMIER NEWSPAPER. A LEADER AT ALL TIMES. NUMBER TWENTY FOUR Winstead Nominated As Candidate For Mayor. All But Kane Re-Nominated. Only new nominee for Rcx boro Board of City Commission ers is Phillip L. Thomas, former chairman of the Person Board of Cou;nty Commissioners, who cn Monday night at a city-wide mass meeting was, nominated to the City Board position now IV- Icd by George W. Kane. Mr. Kane’s name was placed on the nomination ballot, but Mr. Kane explained that because of the fact that he has been recently appointed as a State Highway commissioner, he would be un able to serve on the City Boaid. Renominated we r e incum bents, Mayor S. G. Winstead, and Commissioners Gordon C. Hunter, C. Lester Brooks. Pres ton Satterfield. Sr., and George J. Cushwa. The meeting held at Person County Court house was opened by Mayor Winstead, who named Lt. Gov. R. L. Harris as tempo rary chairman. By vote of those present Lt. Gov. R. L. Harris was made permanent chairman. Secretaries were J. S. Merritt and F. O. Carver, Jr. Mayor Winstead, after the ! election of May 6, will begin his ■ first full term in office. He was first named as Mayor, in Nov ember 1940 after thp death of the late Mayor S, F. Nicks, Jr. Messers Hunter, Satterfield. . Erqoks and Cushwa have served : several terms, as did( Mr. K Mr, Thomas, to date, has noi j served as a City official. R. B. Clayton Dies At Home | At Rock Grove ■ ; Rheubcn B. Clayton, 62. farmer, !c f the Rock Grove community, Person county, died! last night at ;9:30 o'clock from a heart attack. | Four weeks ago he returned from a Durham hospital, after l aving been in ill health several i weeks. i Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 10:30 o’clock j ;.t Allensville Methodist church !by the Rev. D. A. Petty, pastor. | Interment will be in the church . cemetery. Mr. Clayton, who never married, |is survived by one brother, Thomas Clayton, of Rock Grove, rndi two sisters, Mrs. Phoebe Humphreys, of Richland, and Mrs. Bessie Clayton, of Fuquay Springs. o SPRING MUSIC FESTIVAL As a part of commencement activities at Roxboro high school a Spring Music festival, paartic pated in by the glee clubs, by soloists and by the band, will be presented Sunady afternoon, Ap ril 27, at 3 o’clock in the high school auditorium, it was announ ced today by H. C. Gaddy, sup ervising principal. Directors of the concert, to last one hour, will be Mrs. Sam Byrd Winstead, for the glee dub 6 and John Thompson, for the band. Formal graduation exercises at the high school will begin on Sunday evening, May 4. o TURN TO BOOKS I Senior examinations at Rcx boro high school will begin Mon day, April 28, according to an nouncement made today. M

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