IF IT IS NEWS ABOUT PERSON COUNTY, YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. VOLUME XII Views Os The News ORCHESTRA TO ENGAGE IN ‘BATTLE OF SWING’ . * < John Hammond, president of Columbia Records, will judge r ' battle of swing" among student bands of Carolina, Duke and Wake Forest, Sunday afternoon May 11, in Memorial Hall at the University of North Carolina, it was announced today. Freddy Johnson and Johnny Satterfield’s orchestras will rep resent Carolina, Vince Courtney and his band will enter for Duke, and Bill Van,den Dries’ orchestra will represent Wake Forest. o DENNY CALLS MEETING TO NAME COMMITTEEMAN Gastonia, May 10.—E. B. Den ny, State Democratic chairman, announced today had called a speial meeting of the State Dem oratic Executive Committee in Raleigh May 23 to elect a suc cessor to the late Representative A. D. (Lon) Folger of Mount Any a s North Carolina’s Demo cratic National Committeeman. Denny saidi Governor J. M. Broughton was supporting former Governor Clyde R. floey of Shel by for the committee post. HOW TO QUIET THE PUPPY THAT BARKS AND BARKS Penn Van, N. Y., May 10. Want to quiet that puppy when lie starts yowling in the small hours of the morning? Dr. Lyndon Potter, vcterinai - j :an, says it’s simple just place aj ■good loud” alarm clock in the puppy’s box. The pup will cud die up to the clock andi sleep soundly. Dr. Potter says, because the loud ticking makes the lone -ome dog think he's not alone, j o FARMER’S DAY WILL BE j HELD JUNE 19 AT DUNN Dunn, May 10. —W. Kerr Scott, Commissioner of Agriculture. General Jacob L. Devers of Fortj Bragg, and Dr. Harry P. Graham j of the Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina, will be invited speakers for Dunn’s annual Farmer’s Day, June 10. Arrangements are being made to entertain more than 5,000 farm ers at the yearly gathering. o BOMB REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN FOUND IN FORD PLANT Detroit, May 10— The Federal Bureau of Investigation investi gated reports that a bomb had been found in the tool and die; building of the Ford Motor Com i pany’s huge River Rouge plant. | The F. B. I. refused to com-! ment beyound confirming that "the company has called the mat-! ter to our attention. We are in-j vestigating.” A company spokes-j man referred all questions to the F. B. I. office. o DEMONSTRATIONS MAY BE AGAINST GERMANY Rome, May 10—Rome Univer sity authorities took discipli nary measures against students who demonstrated in protest a gainst rearrangement of their final examinations scheduled to enable them to enter the army June 1. Some students complained that advancing the date of examina tions left them insufficient time to prepare. They demanded that the examinations either be omit ted or. the passing standards low ered. Jrrsoti|Mimes PUBLISHED EVERY SUNDAY & THURSDAY Person Residents Feast In Camp Which Comes Here Know Your CCC Pro gram Enjoyed At Yancey - ville. First Building Move To Person Tomorr ow. Complete Set-Up Expected By July Ist. Between two and three hun dred citizens, residents of Cas well, Rockingham and Person counties, on Friday attended the Civilian Conservation Corps "Know Your C C C Program", at the camp, near Yanceyville. at which chief speaker was the Rev. J. H. Ambrust, of the Reidsvilla Methodist church. Among those attending from Roxboro were city and county officials, ne vspa i per men and civic leaders. The affair, under supervision | (if W. B. MacManus, camp super j intendent, and Lt. Charles L. ‘ King, commanding' officer, was I one of a series of CCC open | houses being held throughout the | nation last week and was in the nature of a farewell party for Caswell residents, since the "amp, beginning tomorrow will be mov ed to Person county on the S. G. i Winstead; property in Roxboro. I Complete removal of buildings | will be effected between now and | July 1, when the program, sod | conservation, will be in complete I operation here, Introduction of the speaker was' made by Holland McSwain, sup-j :ci intendent of Caswell County schools, and the invocation be fore luncheon at one o’clock was given by the Rev. George Early, of Yanceyville. Announcement: were made by Lt. King am! a musical program was given by cnrollees willie R. Owens, Al fred White, Dorffus Shaw and George C. Miller. Supt. McManus said that dis mantled buildings will be moved on trucks, that the first building should be set up on Roxboro property by Tuesday or Wednes day, and that the soil conserva tion program will get underway as soon as possible. The camp enrollment, restricted to Negro youths, numbers about 200. Supt. McManus resides in the camp, as do a number of instruc tors, but some six or eight of them with their families will be expectedi to establish residence elsewhere in Roxboro. I o_ —— G.P. DICKINSON OPENS AGENCY FOR HUDSON HERE Former Durham Man, Ac tive Mason, Will Establish Home In Roxboro. Bus iness Now Open. New resident of this city is G. P. Dickinson, formerly of Dur ham, who arrived; here Thursday to open the Dickinson Motor com pany, of which he is manager. His company is agency for Hud son motor cars. Mr. Dickinson, who is married and has two children, will with his family establish residence here as soon as the Durham schools close. He is a graduate of North Carolina State college division of the, University of North Carolina, Raleigh, of the class of 1928, and since 1933 has been in insurance business in Durham. Mr. Dickinson, whose tempor ary office and display room is in the Pioneer Warehouse, is a member of Masonic Lodge No. 352, Durham, is a Scottish Rite Mason, a Shriner and member of, Sudan Temple. COURT OF HONOR HELD FRIDAY AT TROOP QUARTERS Many Scouts Pass Tests And Win Merit Badges Timberlake Scouts Among Those Present. Court of Honor for Boy Scouts of Person County met Friday night, at the meeting quarters of Troop 49 in Roxboro Commun ity House. A large majority of Troop 52 from Timberlake \. is represented. There were in.my who passed riilfernt classes and merit badges. Scouts who passed were as fol lows: Second class: Donald Wil son, Thomas Pickard, Eugene Pickard all of Troop 52 - and Johnny Horton of Troop 32. The Merit badges were as follows: Public Health: Earl Hill and Ray Wilson of Troop 52. Poultry: Ray Wilson of Troop 52. Athle tics: Billy Wilson and P. P. Coop er of 52. Zoology: P. P. Cooper of Troop 52. Handcraft: Billy Wil son and Pome Noell both of Troop 52. Swimming: Ray Wil son of Troop 52. Dairying: Tai-j mage Timberlake of Troop 52 i Electricity: Earl Hill of Troop 52. Conservation: P. P. Cooper of Troop 52. Star Scouts: Billy Wil son of Troop 52. Life Scouts: P P. Cooper'of Troop “52. TcTlHcr'’ foot Scouts: Jimmie Hum phries of Troop 63, Mason Cre.\ of Troop 63, and Cornell Blanks of Troop 49. The Court of Honor committee was composed of A. P. Patterson, Dr. Robert E. Long, and Joe Gussy. The Sheep Skin was given to Troop 52, whose ScoutmasL r is W. A. Wilson. SOCIETY MEETS The Woman’s Missionary So ciety of First Baptist church will meet on Monday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock in the Young Peo ple’s Assembly Room. CONTINUES ILL ■ ■ R. H. Shelton, Jr., son of Mr and Mrs. R. H. Shelton, is still quite ill at his home, having on Wednesday developed a ease of chicken-pox W S. Humphries To Remain At Allensville t William Smith Humphries, popular member of Allens ville high school faculty, who several weeks ago announ ced his intention to resign as instructor in history and Eng lish at the school, yesterday informed Person Superinten dent of Schools, R. B. Griffin, that owing to renewed ins is tance from patrons and stu dents, he will remain there as teacher. Mr. Humphries, who has been connected with the Al lensville school for two yeais. has during that time been ac tive as coach in extra-curri cular activities and is very popular with residents of the community, and news that he is to remain will be accepted with particular satisfaction by them During the Summer Mr. Humphries will be Field Sup ervisor for the AAA, under H. K. Sanders, County Agent President Opens Defense Savings Campaign n. KodscvcU is shown r.s lie purchased the first defense savings h . : .4 cihiiiallv opened the treasury’s multi-million dollar defense sav ug.*; campaign. The new \ m**s stamps and bonds are on sale at post offices and banks. m-c al; > of Treasury Morgcnthau is shown handing the President his be mi just before the nation-wide radio addresses War Relief Society Report Shows Work Going Forivard BANKERS WARNED OF CREDIT WAR - Four-Phase Attack Plan ned, Says Dr. Stonier; Whiteville Man Honored. Pinehurst, May 10—North Car olina bankers were warned that a four-phase attack was being planned for the near future on the private credit system of th ? nation. Speaking at the opening ses sion of the 45th annual conven tion of the North Carolina Bank ers Association yesterday, Dr. Harold Stonier, executive mana ger of the American Bankers, Association, asserted that ene mies of chartered banks would attempt to put agricultural cred it in a political department; have the Federal government take ov er the Federal Reserve System; supplement the banking system with new government lending a gencies for the defense program; (Continued on Sports page) Along The Way With the Editor Called upon once more to prescribe without pay, the writer turns mental hygienist and offers both individual ana blanket treatment. Men’s souls are being tried in places ether than in Europe: the more youthful of the populace of Rox boro are showing war-nerves, and under our very eyes their arteries are growing brittle. To "Slick” Merritt alone it is suggested that, more effort be put forth, and that keener and more refreshing ideas be engendered for this column. Escape is advised- for the rest. The two shut-in personalities E. G. Thompson and D. D. Long are on tne verge of a nervous breakdown unless their social horizon is extended. Bill Montague ought to confine himself to the milder forms of physical exercise, not to ex ceed walking; Doctor Hedgpeth should drive his car over 30 m. p. h. along dirt roads and furnish himself a dash in ex citement; while F. O. Carver, Jr. should let fall his cloak oi melodrama, and reveal the truly modest spirit that is his. By the bye, he should edit this column once a year, providing himself with an annual spring-unburdening. In general, the male element here and over the state should engage in occasional tiffs at poker. The ladies should mellow their exciting emulation at bridge playing by seizing from each other--at choice moments—personal news-morsels and all conversational tid-bits. This admonition is served out gratis, but further details can be had from the writer by halting him at any time on the street, more conveniently in a downpour of rain. By A. L. Allen, M. D. Large Contribution R e ceived From Individual. New Emblem, Os Small Design, Now On Sale. ■Making report for the- week ending Friday, Mrs. G. I. l’r;da man, ehairman of the Roxboro unit of tile British War Relief so eiety, yesterday said that largest cash contribution for the week was $25 from W. W. Morrell, of this city. In addition, said Mrs. Prillaman $4.50 was received from sal.' of emblems and $1.50 from match packs, making total contributions $31.00. A box of clothing will be shipped; this week, she reported and activity at the unit’s office is continuing, especially in sew ing and knitting, although there is need for still more work from those interested in this cause. Interesting and attractive is a new shipment of small lapel em blems, especially suitable for men The blue, red and gold design carried out on larger emblems first sold here is incorporated in the new emblems, but the small continued on Sport Page) SUNDAY MAY 11, 1941. Health Officials Learn That Sanitary Project Continues FIRE COLLEGE CLOSES FRIDAY Roxboro Representatives Return From Annual Meet ing Held Last Week In Durham The 13th annual North Ca’c lina Fire College and Drill Si-’icel hold at Durham entered into itr third and final day of the three day session Friday morning witn a brief meeting in the Armory. A trip through the local cigar ette factories consumed; most of the morning. Night program at tile Armory end; d the school which was attended by Roxboro Fire Chief Henry O'Briant. Clyde Atwater and others. In the afternoon session wo presented another series of de monstrations at the Morris Strer: fire tower. The school, declared by offi cials in charge as one of the most sucessful in the history of the anuual event, attracted more than 300 men to Durham and the en tire three days were devoted to business. TROOP 63 WILL RECEIVE CHARTER NEXT SUNDAY Brooksdale Church Spon sored Troop Organization Will Be Perfected May IS. Eighteen or more Boy ScouVe ; members of newly organized Troop 63, of Brooksdale Met.hod | ist church, will on Sunday, May i 18, at a night service to be held ! ; I at that church, receive the Troop j charter. Speaker at. this organization ceremony will be the Rev. D. A. Petty, pastor o f Brooksdale church, who has two sons who are members of the troop. Pro gram for the evening will be in charge of Maurice Allen, chair man of the committee on organ ization and extension for the Roxboro district. Scoutmaster of Troop 63 is ; Hitman Stanfield, who with :: ; number of scouts assisting, wili ) participate in a candle lignting ritual symbol of scouting. Twelve candles, signifying the twelve scout laws and three candles sig nifying the scout oath will be lighted by individual scouts. Chairman of the troop com mittee, who will receive the j charter, is P. T. Whitt, of Brooks j dale church. Musical portion of the program will include the hymn, "This Is My Father's World.” Early last week numbers of, Scouts from Troop 49 withdrew from that troop and will go into Troop 63. Present at the exer cises next Sunday will be a del egation of Person and Roxboro Scout officials. o MRS. FOUSHEE HAS STROKE Mrs. John H. Foushee, of Rox boro, Route 1, sister-in-law of Mrs. O. B. Mcßroom, of this city, is seriously ill at her home, following a stroke of paralysis which she suffered yesterday morning. o -MR. LONG’S FATHER ILL Dallas Long, of Person County, father of Dameron Long, of this city, is seriously ill at his home. He first suffered an attack of in fluenza two or three weeks ago and) since that time has not im proved. THE TIMES IS PERSON’S PREMIER NEWSPAPER A LEADER AT ALL TIMES. NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN Privy Project Emphasis Will Be In Brooksdale And To Durham County Line. Second Rene w a I Granted. Person Health department of ficials yesterday reported that the WPA Privy project, in opera tion in Person County since July 1, 1938, is being continue ! without interruption and. that under a grant of funds for its continuance particular 'cmp.hav.is will be placed on that, area of the county in radius of the Dur ham, Oxford and Danville high-' ways. Confirmation of the appropri ation allocated, to the Privy p.ic i'ject was made by E. I. Wood, Jr., chief engineer, Raleigh, in a let j ter .written by William A. Sut ton, office engineer. Durham d:s-i trict WPA. who sent copies to officials here and to S. R. Wh - ! ten. working supervisor. The original privy project ex pired some several months age j and was .-renewed- at vigorous re quest from Person residents. This ' renewal, scheduled to have ex pired Thursday, is officially ex tended through tomorrow, May 12. and work to be done lit Brooksdale and in areas pre viously mentioned will consti tute still another renewal, it is reported, although important factor is that the work will go forward, wihout interruption. Sanitarian George E. Murphy of the Person Health Depart ment, reviewing past work of the project, said that over i,su() Person citizens have taken ad vantage of the privy project plan since it was placed in operation, that owners of property are only required to furnish materials for constructiin of privies and that all labor in connection is fur nished by WPA. The coming of warmer wea ther, said Mr. Murphy, especial ly increases sanitation hazard.-; where proper facilities are not supplied, and all persons who an do so are urged to avail themselves of opportunities pre sented. Defense Program Promoting Bonds Being Planned Ben Davis, local representa tive for the Texas Oil Company, yesterday received from J. O. Woodward, of the Raleigh divi sion, information to the effect that the Texas company has can celled its plans for a Summer radio program and will donate the time to the United States government to be used by the Treasury department in pro moting the sale of Defense bonds. This Treasury department pro gram will be on the air each Wednesday night from nine un til ten o’clock, daylight saving time, from July 2 to September 24, over the Columbia system. Fre