IF IT IS NEWS ABOUT PERSON COUNTY, YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. VOLUME XIII Delegation Named To Seek Funds for RoxboroLoop Road Zoning And Planning Com mission JYQakes Recom mendations; Hall Matter Discussed; Mr. Hail Not Present On recommendation of the Roxboro Planning and Zoning commission a delegation will of ficially apply to the State High way and Public Works division for an appropriation of $150,000 for purposes of construction of a loop road through or around Roxboro. Next meeting of the State Highway division, this district, of which George W. Kane, of Roxboro, is commissioner, will be held in Hillsboro, October 14. On recommendation of the Roxboro planning and zpning body, which met Tuesday after noon, request will also be made to the Highway commission for a survey of various loop roads through the City of Roxboro which might Joe available, the survey to be undertaken by the Highway Commission, so that Roxboro City commissioners and others interested may have be fore them sufficient information to determine most suitable route for the proposed loop road. Also recommended by planning and zoning commission, on mo tion of R. B. Dawes, was that Roxboro City commissioners pre pare for a proper intersection leading to Roxboro at junction of the Durham, Hurdle Mills and old 144 roads, it being suggested that sufficient property at the interesection be acquired by con demnation proceedings to be in stituted by the City of Roxboro at authorization of City Commis sioners. Presented at the zoning meet ing by City Manager Percy Bloxam was the petition of Hu bert O’Briant and others rela tive to R. C. Hall’s construction of a garage at Chub Lake inter section, although the City Man ager explained that his jurisdic tion is applicable only to types of material in new construction and not to nature of buildings constructed. Some discussion of necessity for zoning ordinances took place but no action was tak en. Named as delegation to go to Hillsboro were J. W. Noell, chair man of the Roxboro Planning and Zoning commission, E. G. Thornp-. son, secretary, Mayor S. G. Win stead and City Manager Bloxam. Action by the Roxboro body in naming a delegation* comes as a climax to long consideration in this City for expansion of its street and highway facilities. o FAIR MOTORCADE An American Legion Fair mo torcade from Durham, composed of members of the sponsoring Legion, together with members of Durham high school band, is expected to stop in front of Rox boro City hall for a ten minute ■JJbgram Saturday afternoon, at 3:10 o’clock, according to infor mation today received by Rox boro Chief of Police George C. Robinson. o ' FACE TRIAL TONIGHT -Charged with assault and bat tery Ed Clemmons, 25, and James \3iaves, 40, two Roxboro Negroes, who on Monday night engaged in an altercation near North End Service station, where Gammons is employed, iwiß tonight be given a hearing -in Mayor’s eourt. It is alleged -that the dtajNite arose over the • pMpaßWftfeyttle ß of beer pur chase 1 to jfjjaves, who is re is#te<t'to hamlii: Clemmons ov beadlwnh a bottle. MEwt to. Jraroj&QEime* PUBLISHED EVERY SUNDAY & THURSDAY AND WIFE w I •y-C-. \ ' - v Jv. ' r jP Jk. Shown here are W. G. Win-' stead and Mrs. W. G. Winstead, who were leading citizens and members by blocd and mar riage cf the Bradsher clan, whose history is being recount ed each week by Miss Eugenia Bradsher. Today’s installment is again found on the editorial page. Highest Average • Yet Reported Reached On Mart Highest daliy average yet re ported on the Roxboro 1941 to bacco market was reached on Tuesday when 40,594 pounds sold fcr $13,825.30, at an aver age of $34.06 per hundred pounds. Second highest for the first three days of this week was $33.94, on Monday, when 183,178 pounds sold for $62,176.50, while in third position was Wednesday, when 46,726 pounds sold for $15,770.04, ai average of $33.75, according to James B. Clayton, field assist ant. o Ellis Brooks Rites Conducted Here Tuesday Funeral services for Ellis Brooks, 61, principal of Woods dale school for Negroes, whose death occured Saturday at his home, were conducted Tuesday at Allen’s Chapel. Brooks had been connected with the Person public schools for many years and was highly regarded in his field. Surviving are his wife, and a number of sons and daughters, two of whom also teach here. o CHURCH BENEFIT I As a benefit for the Young i Peoples’ department of Roxboro First Baptist church the Lone Star Quartet will appear in per son at a program to be given Friday evening, October 10, at 7:30 o’clock in Roxboro high schol auditorium. MISS VELMA BEAM 1 WILL GO TO CLAY j COUNIT POSITION ; Commissioners Let Con tarct For Courthouse Work Miss Velma Beam, for the past two or three years home demon stration agent with the Person Farm agency, on Monday morn ing announced her resignation in order to accept extension work of similar character at Hayes ville, Clay County, in conjunc tion with TVA. Miss Beam’s resignation, ac cepted with regret by the Person County Board of Commissioners, is expected to be effective in No vember or December. Her suc cessor will be Miss Grace Lee Allen, now connected with home demonstration and 4-H work in Alamance County Before emoing to Roxboro Miss Beam was in demonstration work at Greensboro. She is an attive member of the Roxboro unit of the Business and Profes sional Woman’s Club, which she helped organize, and has been active in social circles and at Ed gar Long Memorial Methodist Church. She also has served as an officer in the Person County Council of Social Agencies and has been very popular as a dem onstration agent. During her stay here there has been a not able expansion of this work, par ticularly in 4-H Clubs. She and her mother, Mrs. Do ra Beam, have residence on Charles Street. Also considered bjl County Commissioners was contract for painting the exterior of the Court House, and the interior of the court .room, including repairs tc windows. Contract was let to G. B. Masten of this city, for a to tal of $691.40, work to begir af ter conclusion of the October 13 court term. Other meeting of the day was that of the Person Board of Ed ucation, in quarterly session at the board office, Chub Lake Street. Principal business was authorization of allocation of a used school bus to the library board for use as a bookmobile. Miss Beam’s successor, Miss Allen, is a graduate in home eco nomics of Virginia Polythecnic Institute and an alumna of Guil ford College and Woman’s Col lege, Greensboro. She is a native of Snow Camp. Miss Beam, who came to Rox boro in September, 1938, in her work in Clay County will have unusual opportunities for work ing with an expanded program and her new position is consid ered a distinct promotion. Her official title will be “Cooperative Home Demonstration Agent with N. C. Extension service an/l I TVA.” Folks Should Be On Guard Against Flim-Flam Artists I “Roxboro aand Person folks,, particularly farmers, should be j on lookcut for slim-slam artists,” j said Chief of Police George G.j Robinson, who today indicated, that he has recently received in formation from Police depart ments in other cities to effect that “pocket-book” tricks and others of similar nature are be ing worked again. Persons in the game “are most ly Negroes, dressed like farm ers,” said the Chief, with a warning to the public not to be “taken in” by strangers with schemes to divide money found in a pocket-book or billfold. “People bite on such schemes and then find they have a wad of worthless paper,” said Robinson. RAE TRIAL PUT OFF FOR THREE WEEKS PERIOD Will Mean Further Delay In Possible Superior Court Trial Trial of the case against Wayne i Cecil Rae, 23, Franklinton ave nue, Charlotte, arrested ’a.-t week by Roxboro officers as driver of a truck-load cf bottled in-bond whiskey consigned from , Baltimore to Charlotte, will not be held in Person Recorders’ court until Tuesday, October 28. The case was originally sched uled for Friday, October 10, but has been postponed at request of counsel for the defendant, it was learned here today. Value of the whiskey cargo captured was placed at $2,000 or more. Rae was relased under SSOO bond late in the day after he had been ar rested. Warrant charges him witri illegal possession, transporting and possession for sale. Os interest to Roxboro and Person County authorities is question of disposition of the captured spirits and of possible revenue derived from sale, al though under the statutes it ap pears that only financial benefit from sale to an ABC store in an other county will be for the ed ucation fund of Person county. By official count there are eighty-five cases of whiskey in the consignment. Postponement of the ease obviates trial at next term of Person Superior court, beginning October 13 DR. A. L. ALLEN GOES TO ENGLISH MEDICAL CORPS Person Health Officer Leaves Quietly After Brief Notice Received Dr. Albert L. Allen, for four years director of the Person unit of the Orange-Person-Chatharn health department, left Monday night for New York, where ht will take a boat to England, to serve with the British Medical corps. It had for some time been known that Dr. Allen had vol unteered fer service with the Corps, but confirmation of the i fact that he had resigned his post with the Person department was no received until Dr. W. P. Rich ardson, of Chapel Hill, director of the tri-county department, was contacted by newsmen. Dr. Allen, a native of South Carolina, graduated from Wof ford college and studied med icine at the College of Charles ton and in Florida. Under his supervision the Person health ] department experienced marked ; progress. Dr. Richardson said that for the present work of the Person unit will be carried on by pres ent members of the staff, with active cooperation from the cen tral office. While in Roxboro Dr.- Allen had residence with Mr. and Mrs. Geore W. Walker. He was a member of Roxboro Rotary club and was active in promotion of an eye clinic sponsored by the club. Dr. Allen and other American doctors volunteering for service with the British Medical corps will work through the American and British Red Cross societies. o AT WESTERN UNION Now in charge of the Roxboro Western Union Office is Miss Anne Parker, who came here' Monday from Bedford, Va. W. E. Hood, former operator, is now at Morven, in the Defense Corps area. ROXBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 SBI Report and Cy Winstead Case May Feature Court Term High School Students Cited For Citizenship First Month Marks Beginning Os Series Os Monthly Citations And j New Plan I Featured by first of the sea son appearance of the Roxboro high school mixed glee club, un der direction of Miss Katherine [ Cooper, of the music faculty, ; first of a monthly series of ree j ognitio-n or achievement days 'looking toward organization of ; groups of students who will as i sume positions of responsibility iin Roxboro high school affairs was held yesterday at the school’s morning assembly period. | Presented as students who have j during the ‘first school month j won recognition for displaying | best citizenship in their respec tive home rooms were thirteen j students, three each from fresh ! man, sophomore an d senior i groups and four from the jun ! ic.rs. Citations were given by teachers in charge of each home : room. Students, who in their ‘.voile and in civic attitude evinced leadership and were recognized were: Molly Bet Day, Nell Pul liam and F.lizabeth Duncan, of 'the Uth grade; Tom Woody, Jr. j Mary Elizabeth McKinney and I Reda Umstead, of the 9th grade; Ruby Carver, Elsie Fpush.ee, Vir ! ginia Irby and Margaret o‘Bri ant, cf the 10th grade, and Ivey Pleasants, Clyde Brooks and Em ily Moore, of the 11th grade. Under this plan selections will |be made each month during the school year and at end of the year final selections will be made, with intention that those in the final groups will become members of the student council for the following year and will thus be ready to assume posi tions concerned with student di rection of school affairs. o White Spitz With i i | Blue Eyes Gone From Home i * Lemon Oliver, of this City, re ported to the Police department j the ioss of his white Spitz dog. The dog disappeared from the Oliver home, near the Fair grounds, Saturday night or Sun day, and Oliver is of opinion that it may have been stolen by persens connected with the Fair shows, now gone to Shelby. Word has been sent to that city, but anyone knowing of the where abouts cf a white Spitz with blue eyes is requested to contact Mr. Oliver or Roxboro police. o Largest Sales ' To Date Reported At South Boston South Boston, Va., Oct. 9. The South Boston tobacco mar ket has sold the largest pound age to date than any season in history for the same number of selling days. This fact is not only because of the ever increasing popularity cf the market, -but be cause the tobacco grown in this area is of better quality than in some years. Too, the growers are pulling the leaves and the cur ings are more uniform in quali ty, meaning larger piles and bet ter prices. TONSIL CLINIC PICTURES SHOWN TO KIWANIANS Meeting In Charge Os Dr. If. M. Beam, Ralph Cole And Ed Cunningham I Chief item of interest at the ! meeting of Roxboro Kiwanis i Club Monday night at Hotel Rox | boro was the showing of pictures |of the Kiwanis Tonsil Clinic by , Dr. J. D. Fitzgerald. Kiwanis Clinics are operated I two or three time a year by the j club for both white and Colored I children who can not afford this operation without the help of I the club or other interested par- I ties. 1 The Monday night meeting I was in charge of Dr. H. M. Beam, I Ralph Cole and Ed Cunningham. All of the above have been vit •ally interested in the promotion of clinic work and have taken ian active part in all the work. In the last four years these clinics have been responsible for. I the removal of tonsils from 308 children. j . Among the honored guests j present at this meeting were Dr. I B. W. Fassett and Dr. W. B Wil kins who have had charge of the j operations among colored ob.il-’ dren and Dr. J. D. Fitzgerald who has had charge of operations for white children. Others present were members |of Doctors Fassett and Wilkins | offices, members of the county health department and nurses ; from Community hospital as we!* las others from Roxboro who | have assisted at the clinics. E. B. Craven, president of the ■ club, presided over the meeting. o LARGE GROUP OF .WHITE MEN WILL GO TO FORT BRAGG Friday, October 17, Is Date Set; One Edgeccmbe Coun ty Transfer Included I Twenty-seven Person County white men and one transfer from Edgecombe County, largest group to report at any one time from ! Person, will report to the Seiec | tive Service Board fhere, Octo ber 17, at 9 o’clock before leav ing for induction at Fbrt Bragg. Men to report are: Willie Thompson Morris, Leonard Nor wood Stewart, Leonaard Earl Parham, Charlie Clifton Saund ers, Charlie Madry Crabtree, James Thomas Lewis Solomon, Perman Brooken Tate, Alfred Rainey Stanfield, Andrew Mar shall Gentry, and Leamon Floyd Morris. Also, Alva Henderson Clayton, Richard Carr Holenqfen, Jeff Woodrow Dixon, William Ber nice Hester, Charles Cecil Blay lock, Grady Watkins Gentry, Sam Spurgeon Shotwell, Sidney Columbus Peed, Carvel Fuller Saunders, Etzold Thomas Paint er, Jphnie Hubbard Turner, Nor man Gentry Brown, Plurie Brat cher Humphries, Stephens James Dickens, Jr., Lewis Thomas Yar borough, George Washington Painter, and Baxter Earnest Kearns, with James Alex Long, transferred from local board No, 2, Edgecombe county, THE TIMES IS PERSON'S PREMIER NEWSPAPER* A LEADER AT ALL TIME&. NUMBER ONE Judge Grady Os New Bern, Emergency Jurist. Takes Place Os Judge Williams, Os Sanford, In 111 Health Major interest in Roxboro dur ing the coming week will be the session of Person Superior Court, beginning Monday. October 13, at which the State Bureau of In vestigation report concerning the mid-August “Cy Winstead affair’’’ 1 will be presented by Solicitor W. |H. Murdock, of Durham, to the 1 Person Grand Jury. Trial of Cy Winstead, 21, Per son Negro, charged with crimi nal assault on a young white woman of the Roxboro area, is also scheduled for this week of court, with Judge Henry A. Gra dy, cf New Bern, as jurist, al j though it has been suggested that trial of the Negro whose al j leged attack caused a near-riot demonstration at the Person Court house and subsequently precipitated SBI investigation, i may be delayed or held in an ! other county. Nothing definite concerning | the SBI report or the trial of Winstead can be known before • Monday. SBI men have been in : and out of the City since the fate -1 ful night of Friday. August 15. I but neither they nor County of ficials will make advance com ments. j... Alau expected to be involved is a report dh alleged activities of CCC boys in the Roxboro ' camp, who were said to have j staged a march to the downtown i section with intention of aiding ; the accused Winstead, who was j held in Person jail atop the court •house for twelve hours, while i Person Sheriff M. T. Clayton, as i sisted by deputies, City police and State Patrolmen held off a growing and rock-throwing mob with tear-gas. Court house windows and doors were shattered in a night of hys teria which did not end until Winstead was carried to State | prison, Raleigh, where he has I since remained. Extra precau tions to guard him may be taken if he is brought here Monday for (trial Tiie SBI investigation was instigated by Gov. J. MelVi^' . Broughton after numerous ciCt-to ; zens had made representations. o LOEVIN FOUND TO BE HALE, NOT YET LOCATED BY SBI . Officers Are, However, On Trail Os Tennessee Heavy, Weigth Deceptionist. W. I. Gatling and James F. Bradshaw of the SBI today re ported after a visit in this City that they have identified “A. Lo evin,”’ wanted here in connec tion with a movie trailer racket, as being Charles M. Hale, orig inally of Greenville, Tenn., who fleeced Roxboro merchants out of $245. Loevin or Hale, about 35, a large man weighing 310 pounds, has been traced to Centerville, Ind., where he was at one time connected with a newspaper. “The Old Trails Echo.’” He was last in Centerville on August 4, and some checks issued to him in Roxboro were cashed there. In Greenville, Tenn., Hale, once employed in a mill there, is wanted for abandonment of hb-v wife and child. It is ed that he absconded tml belonging to the milt JUll , said to hav^.

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