IF IT IS NEWS ABO in PERSON COUNTY, YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE TIMES. VOLUME XIII District Scout Leaders Hear Detail Reports Os Progress * Troop Reorganization Dis cussed; Mason Plans Train ing Course October meeting of the Person Scout district, here Tuesday night, featured by a number of troop reports, together with dis cussion of Fall plans, was held in the office of Dr, A. F. Nich ols. Presiding was C. A. Harris, district president. C. Hi Mason, of Bushy Fork, who had with him three other residents of that community, an nounced plans for a training course to be given on Saturday, November 8. Consideration of plans for the Court of Honor brought out fact that some dis tricts have a district board of review of more informal nature than the Court, but no decision on establishment of a local board of review was reached. Also mentioned was fact that the Cherokee dinner will this year be held in January at Leaks ville. Invitations to membership on the district board and the Court of. Honor were discussed and Council Executive A. P. Pat terson, of Reidsville, was in structed to write formal letters of invitation. A committee was appointed to investigate possibilities of collec tion and sale of waste paper by Scouts, it being pointed out that there is at present time a paper shortage and that a North Caro lina concern is willing to pay good prices, with profits to go to the Scouts. Also appointed was a committee to conclude terms of sale for the old Scout hut in the rear of'Roxboro Com munity house. Re-organization plans for troop 32 were considered and a lead er’s name suggested, with de tails left to a committee inter ested in securing the Presbyterian church as sponsor. Advancements previously made are expected to be publicly presented at the Feb ruary Father and Son banquet. o A. I. Park Talks | To Hurdle Mills Four-H Group Speaker at October meeting of the Hurdle Mills 4-H club this week was A. I. Park, Person County Assistant Farm Agent and 4-H leader, who had as his top ic, “Bulb Planting.” Mr. Park, who gave specific instrtuctions as to planting and care of bulbs, advocated their use as aids to beauty on home grounds and said that planning and planting must now be done if flowers are de sired in the Spring. | Use of a drainage ditch or trench and of winter cover or mulch wfere mentioned as points in bulb culture. Club members ; participating in the program \ sang songs and gave reelings. Next meeting will be on Novem ber 18. o Fourth Sunday Association To i Be Conducted c. * The 4th Sunday meeting of the Sunday schools of the ; Beulah Association will be held fat the Roxboro First Baptist r Church on Sunday afternnon, || October 26, at 3:00 o’clock. Ifc Departmental conferences will fitbe held. Special music will be K|umidhed by members of the II Roxboro choir. I | A cordial invitation is extend- Igaed to all who are interested in school work. * PUBLISHED EVERY SUNDAY & THURSDAY REPRESENTATIVES FOR ROOMS AT SCHOOL CHOSEN Successful Parent-Teacher Meeting Held In Connec tion With County Teacher's Meeting Roxboro Central Grammar School Parent-Teacher associa tion met Tuesday jointly with the Person County teachers. A large number attended and en joyed a demonstration redding. Pupils from Miss Jnda Collins’ and Miss Helen Harkrader’s grades were in class. Miss Nellie B. Woods’ class won attendance prize. Room representatives selected with Mrs. Martin Michie as gen eral chairman, were: Ist Grade, Mrs. Mary T. Long, | teacher: Mesdames Claudie Da- I vis, H. D. Long, Henry Walker, . Martin Michie, Edgar Masten, Hubert O’Briant. Ist Grade, Mrs. J. J. Woody, teacher: Mesdames Jack Parham, A. M. Burns, Jr., C. T. Sturdi vant. 2nd Grade, Miss Blanche Win stead, teacher: Mesdames Arthur Park, Isreal Allen, Clarence Holeman, Jule Woody. 2nd Grade, Miss Sue Merritt, teacher: Mesdames Phillip Thom j as, Gilmer Masten, Garland Pass, J. E. Latta, C. A. Harris. 3rd Grade, Miss Nell B. Woods, teacher: Mesdames R P. Burns, W. R. Woody, iHenry Walker, 11. L. Wootls. 3rd Grade, Miss Martha Me- Brayer, teacher: Mesdames R. M. Spencer, Hubert Gentry, S. M. Murray, J. S. Pettigrew. 3rd Grade, Miss Maude Mon tague, teacher: Mesdames L. T. Cozart, Collins M. Abbitt, C. D. Short, J. I. Brooks. 4th Grade, Miss Helen Hark rader, teacher: Mesdames Mar tin Michie, A. Z. Pulliam, H. C. Kynoch, J. W. Monk, 4th Grade, Miss Inda Collins, teacher: Mesdames Dewey Brad sher, T. B. Brooks, W. T. Kirby, Hubert O’Briant, Hassell Long. sth Grade, Miss Claire Harris, teacher: Mesdames O. Z. Gen try, O. J. Blalock, Charles Tim berlake, George Thomas. sth Grade, Mrs. Bailey teach er: Mesdames J. D. Winstead, H. M. Beam, William Moore ano Messers. J. J. Woody and Sam Barnette. 6th Grade, Mrs. Rena Blalock, teacher: Mesdames A. O. Point er, R. B. Wilson, Cliff Hall, and Mrs. Cozart. o BACK HOME Back at home after having received treatment at Lincoln hospital, Durham, is Lula Petti ford, Roxboro Negro woman, of Fourth Street, who received pain ful injuries on her left arm Tues day night when she fell in the yard in front of her home. The woman, who tripped over a rope to which a dog was tied, was rushed to the hospital about 7 o’clock at night. o FROM NEW YORK o Mrs. R. L. Harris and her daughter, Mrs. Norden B. Sch loss, with Mr. Schloss, will re turn today from New York City and Providence, R. I. Mrs. Har ris has been visiting her son, R. L. Harris, Jr., and Mrs. Har ris. Mr. and Mrs. Schloss, who are residents of Durham, spent the time in Providence with Mr. Schloss’ mother, Mrs. Berrick Schloss. LIBRARY BOARD WILL MEET IN LIBRARY MONDAY Miss Grafton Expected To Be Present; Shipment Os Books To Come V ————— Because of the coming of Miss Ernestine Grafton, tri-county li brarian, on Monday, October 27, a call meeting of the Person Couhty Library Board will be held that morning at 10 o’clock at the Library, in the Communi ty house, Roxboro, according to the Board Chairman, Mrs. J. H. Merritt. It is expected that Miss Grat : ton, recently with the Cincinnati j Public library, will be present and that one of the topics to be discussed will be the Person pro portion of a shipment of 1,000 books from the Cincinnati li brary. Only expense to the local board will be payment of freight on the shipment. Miss Marjorie Beal, secretary of the State Library Commission, Raleigh, has sent to the Person Library Board's treasurer a check covering the County’s allotment for the first third of the fiscal year. Mayor’s Court Included on Municipal Court docket for the week were the fol lowing cases: Robert Mebane, Negro CCC enrollee, carrying concealed weapon, a pistol, bound over to Recorder’s court, October 28, out under SSO bond. Jasper Childress, public drunk enness, fine and costs. Sandy Bradsher, Negro, drunk, case disposed of. Nathaniel Barnette, Negro, as sault and battery with deadly weapon, case disposed of. Robert Lee Cunningham and Jeff Thomas, Negroes, larceny and shop-lifting frbm Hall’s Hardware, Cunningham out un der SIOO bond, Thomas still in prison, case cited for Recorders’ court. T. J. Tuck, disorderly conduct, arrested Saturday night at Sam Barnette’s service station, fine and costs in amount of $7. Offey Miles, Negro, assault with a deadly weapon, a pistol, which he was on Saturday night accused of pointing and snapping at various- persons in Willie Cash’s case on the ‘Hill,” Rox boro, bound over to Recorders’ court. o 4-H Club Meets At Bethel Hill The Bethel Hill 4-H Club held its first meeting last week. The following officers were elected: president, Ruby Humphries; vice president, Sue Davis; secretary, Lonie Pugh; treasurer, George Edward Harris. The 4-H pledge, which was led by the officers, was given by all. A very interesting talk was given by A. I. Park on the value of 4-H work. Miss Beam gave a useful talk on cooperation in club work. The meeting adjourned to meet again November 11th. o PRISON CAMP FIRE Fire of undetermined origin destroyed the laundry and clothes house at State Prison camp No. 508, Roxboro, Monday night, about 10:30. Damage, in cluding contents, amounted to around $1,500. Good work was done by the Roxboro fire de partment, which saved a nearby smoke house. - TOM STREET I CHANGE IN FIRM Tom Street, of Person Motors, this week announced that he has purchased interests of Henry Gates in the firm. The firm, which has the Ford agency in I Roxboro, will now be under ex clusive management of Mr. Street. Mr. Gates has made no 1 announcement concerning his own plans. o COMMITTEEMEN FOR TOWNSHIPS CHOSEN FOR YEAR I Farm Agency Office Re veals Names Os Farmers To Administer Program j The Person Farm Agency of- I fice this week released names of committeemen who have been elected by Person county farm ers to administer the Agricultur al Conservation program for next year. Five names are given for each township. The first name is that of the committee chairman, the second that of the vice chairman, the third that of the regular j member, the fourth is first al j ternate, and the fifth is second alternate. The list follows: Allensville township G. C. Pulliam, Fred Davis, Bradsher Gentry, L. G. Oakley, T. B. Da vis. Bushy Fork township—W. E. Hester, O. R. Horner, F. L. Moore, N. E. Davis, J. L. Brad sher. Cunningham township —S. M. Green, F. E. Wells, K. O. Brewer, C. C. Oakley, F. E. Wells, C W. McSherry. Flat River township A. F. Hicks, J. O. Pearce, Burman Clayton, J. O. Ashley, R. J. Rog ers Holloway township D. E. Whitt, M. R. Woody, J. Y. Hum phries, S. M. Neal, H. V. Woody. Mt. Tirzah township—E. N. Til iett. Sim Clayton, W. W. Peed, E. J. Clayton, A. D. Newton. Olive Hill township W. L. Pleasant, J. B. Hester, John D. Winstead, Jr., James Winstead, L. T. Wagstaff. Roxboro township—G. M. Fox, Jr., G. R. Perkins, W. A. Wrenn, J. M. Long, T. J. "Warren. Woodsdale township—Haywood Bailey, V. E. Duncan, R. D. Bai ley, J. R. Morris and J. F. Bailey. BABY CONTEST Second annual “Batiy Contest” is now underway at Bushy Fork schol, with three entrants, Mary Katherine Cates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cates; Vir ginia Love Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Long, and James Tuggle Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Simpson. The present contest will close Thursday night, October 30, at the Halloween party to be held at the school. Winner last year was Charles Vernon Wilkerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkerson. ROXBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1941 AIR RAID CORPS FORMED HERE HAS FIRST WORK R. H. Shelton, Chief Ob server, Reports First Os 1 Week Activity By Local Unit Chief Observer R. H. Shelton, of the Person County air raid warning corps, today reported first active work of the corps occurred when U. S. Army planes operating in the Carolina’s man euver area were sighted and re ported to the Raleigh headquar ters Tuesday. Working with Mr. Shelton, a | former Commander of Lester I Blackwell Post of the American ! Legion, are eight observers, J. Garland Chambers, Helena; A. R. Newton, Superintendent of State ■ Prison Camp 508, Roxboro; D. L. j Whitfield, merchanil, of Hurdle j Mills; S. P. Gentry, merchant, | Woodsdale; H. S. Long, Concord; |G. H. Winstead, Semora; W. E. • Rudder, merchant, Chub Lake, I and Frank T. Whitfield, merch | ant. Bushy Fork Also serving Mr. Shelton and |the eight observers are forty , five assistants, neighbors delegat ] ed to report movements of mili i tary planes to the observers. ' Person's area is in two parts, with Chub Lake. Semora and Concord responsible to intercep tor command from Mitchell Field, .New York, while remain der of the County is connected with Drew Field, Tampa, Fla., | although all Person observers re ! port to Raleigh. By special ar ! rangements with telephone com-’ | panies all such reports have pre j cedene over civilian calls. Intention of the air raid warn i ing corps is familarization of ! citizens with air raid warning I methods. Appointment of Mr. I Shelton was by the State Coun cil of Defense, with the Gov ernor's approval. Setting up of the Person unit of air raid warn ing was at first hindered by fact that part of the County works wdth New York, part with Flori da. — i | Helena School Has Session Os Parents-Teachers Continuing the attendance rec ord established in September, the Helena P.-T. A. marched toward its goal—a standard organization —as 87 parents assembled in the school auditorium for a varied program at the October meet ing. Following the singing of a hymn, Reverend E L. Hill dis cussed greater-than-wealth val ues, stressing youth, a good name and health. His appeal to the assembly was for fidelity and neighborliness. Plans for a picnic supper in the gymnasium followed by a community sing to precede the November evening meeting were made and approved. Selected students from both grammar and high school depart ments staged a fashion parade. School clothes, sport clothes, and dess clothes wee modeled. Miss Julia Fisher, from the Per son County Health Department discussed the subject, “Are our children physically fit?” Miss Fisher detailed characteristics of healthy and unhealthy children, and outlined available services of the health department. Rev. B. L Gupton, coach, en tertained the audience with a “mind-reading” trick and some of his inimitable jokes. For the second consecutive month Miss Estelle Lyons’ fourth grade won the attendance ban ner. Agricultural Defense Board Program for Person Revealed POLICE CHIEF CUES EVILS OF TRAFFIC HAZARDS, Left-Hand Parking Dan gerous; Double Parking Should Be Avoided Discussing parking and traffic problems in Roxboro, Chief of Police George C. Robinson today cited the noticeable increase here of left hand and double parking, especially in the down-town business district and at the Post j Office, South Main street. Left hand parking is both un u necessary and dangerous, as well as contrary to State and City laws, said Chief Robinson, adding that double parking is al most in same sategory, particul j arly during the present busy season, when streets are crowd ed with shoppers and farmers coming to warehouses, Roxboro police, according to Chief Robinson, have been len ient, but unless there is an im j provement in cooperation from citizens it will be necessary to give more strict attention to in fractions of Roxboro’s traffic rules. Persons who indulge in j left hand harking are subject to ! indictment and to punishment, i if convicted. j Reasonable leniency fs to be expected toward double parking, but only so long as the practice does not block traffic. Double parking sometimes causes incon venience, but left hand parking is positively dangerous and is not worth the time saved, added the officer.- -< o Person Zone Has | October Meeting At Oak Grove Oak Grove Church was hostess to the Person Zone of the Dur ham District last Sunday, with Mrs. W. M. Fox, chairman of the zone, presiding. The meeting was opened with a hymn. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Ivey Cridlin, af ter which she extended a hearty welcome to those present Minutes of the last meeting were read. The roll was called and reports were given by the president of each group. Mrs. Earl Wilkerson of the Lea’s Chapel Church spoke on study, stressing its value. A special program of music was then rendered by Mrs. K. 1.. Street, assisted by Misses Billie Street and Ann Margaret Long. Miss Street gave a violin solo ac companied by Mrs. Street at the piano. Mrs, Fox, in a very gracious manner, presented to Thomas Marvin Vick, 111, son of Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Vick, Jr., a baby life membership from the Durham District. Mrs. J. H. Shore of Concord Church gave the efficiency aim and urged that every society meet this goal and the Rev. T. M. Vick gave a very inspiring talk in which he erplained the Youth Movement. Mrs. Arch Hamlin, of the War ren’s Grove group spoke on the week of prayer and the value of prayer. Miss Florene Robertson, Dis trict Secretary, brought several matters of business before the zone and stressed the need of the Methodist Women and World Outlook in the societies. The lov ing cup was presented to Grace Church for gaining the most members in the last quarter. Mrs. C. E. Brooks invited the zone to meet with Concord for the next session. THE TIMES IS PERSON’S PREMIER NEWSPAPER A LEADER AT ALL TIMES. NUMBER FIVE District Meeting Held At Henderson, Attended By Claude T. Hall And Others The Person County U. S. De partment of Agriculture Defense Board will now ask Person Coun ty farmers in company with pro ducers in all parts of the nation to adjust their 1942 production to help meet the goals establish ed by Secretary Wickard in the defense tmergeney, according to announmecenjt mhtle today. Goals for Person County were announced at a district meeting at Henderson, attended by mem bers of the Person USDA De fense Board. The goals call for increase in Person County Pro duction as follows: Milk, 413.000 lbs.: Cows, 90; Eggs. 43,550 doz.; Oats, 200 acres; Barley, 200 acres; and Hay, 1.000 acres. These goals will be reviewed and adjusted by the county board, and each farmer in the county will have an opportuni ty to indicate on a plan sheet how his 1942 production can be brought into line with desired production, it is explained by C. T. Hall, Chairman of the Beard and Chairman of the AAA county committee. Other members ts the board are H. K. Sanders, J. Y Blanks, Joe Ellis, J. C. How ard. D. M. Cash. ! "For years the national farm programs have been used by farmers to tackle the most press ing of agricultural problems,” Mr. Hall said. “Now in time of national emergency these pro grams are brought into focus on one objective, the production of sufficient essential food prod ucts to insure the defeat of Hit lerism, while continuing to hold in check the production of those commodities of which we already have large reserves.” o —- Recipient Os “Appreciation” Mrs. Jack Parham i Recipient of an attractive gift at first of a series of “Ap preciation” days held here yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock on the parking lot in the rear of the Court House, was Mrs. Jack Par ham, of Roxboro. Through courtesy of merch ants cooperating, Mrs. Gilbeit Oakley, of Roxboro, as most re cent bride, received a bridge ta ble while Mrs. Pauline Walker, of Route 2, received an order for merchandise as mother of the youngest baby, and Joe King, of Roxboro, was given haberdashery as being most recent bridegroom present. Also given were theatre tickets to oldest persons present who had not previously been to a mo tion picture. Public address sys tem was by courtesy of J. J. Woody. o Daughters Meet At Hotel Roxboro In Dinner Group Piedmont District No. 4, Daughters of America, met this month in Roxboro with Mother Jones Council No. 5 as hostess, October 11. State officers pres ent were Mrs. Bessie Long, as sociate Junior Post Councilor of High Point, Mrs Lena M. Ship wash, State Secretary of High Point, Mrs. Maude Hayworth, State Treasurer and Mrs. Mar garet Hayworth, State Associate Vice Councilor also of High (Continued on page four)

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