PAGE TWO PERSON COUNTY TIMES /North Carolina v«Jh 7 PttSS ASSOCIATION^! A PAPER FOR ALL THE PEOPLE i. 8. MERRITT, EDITOR M. C. CLAYTON, MANAGER THOMAS J. SHAW, JR., City Editor. Published Every Thursday and Sunday. Entered As Second Class Matter At The Fastoffice At Roxboro, N. C., Under The Act Os March 3rd.. 1879. —SUBSCRIPTION RATES— -1 year $2.00 6 months $1.25 3 months .75 Out of N. C. —1 year .... .... $2.50 National Advertising Representative AMERICA* Now York t Chicago t Detroit : Atlanta t Phil*. Advertising Cut Service At Disposal of Advertisers at all times. Rates furnished upon request. News from our correspondents should reach this office not later than Tuesday to insure publication flc