ASHEVILLE, C.r 3 ■ \ ■ SUNDAY, : : SKPTEMl^Ek 28, 1^84. -.11- 1 . J.P.DAVISON, Etliito^«fhU 1 ■ —7^*~br"tL^. tV:'. Sj -jjf —• Terms, $2.00 a Year, :lnw, butf as ljoth candidates so far l|av4. been pike the |K)t and, the kettle| i| woultf be better tso “square off”’ a^tdpct this % ex hibition. of libel suits and (blackguard i - - . '4 . ■ F... ijj fop either cajjrtli ism cease. Nothing * date can be made from'itt but Iilayw's suit for. i-iliel transcends* evert And the Ixrst of the jok$. ifsj$ that he \a losing, on it all the The Indian a|x»lis Ssntirtfl is rathej| tqj> much {[for him. His answers to |jie Tuit scent to be alejpg studied efforts t fchith on |his side he can answer' at dhce. ASlie v diice. only requires time' ted till. Hlaifc’s lilel suit is without |)arallil in4jolit|cs; riot only on account ot’the W 1 o>f a suit being brought at ^11 ijut; Jbec^tse of the very probable unfavorable issue in the courts to the pltjjinnf, Far let ter,- now, even at this l|ite play, for She Republican, managers. Jo jbchdfcji <§f” their, chief and indiK(|'hi|ji to^h.-t t|ie Indianapolis Senti/ui a|ont| I ANTHROPOIPfCaQY. Cannikilism is gettmg | good d|a1 of attention now frojn|he| |eojJe and' -'the press. No one ^cag blame Ijic I (Iteeley par-ty for “ea|ing^ea< h otliep” when very hungry, .\lthbugh for «Sir mrt, We should prefer a tilde succukiit 1 M ' Sj . *1 - §il liaby to an old runi-$oal|ed, tobacco chewing sailor, cvehy tjfine. TliaCs What makes niifiiion.yiies| so i»>pid|r with , the ; savage in|al>i|ants of t|e South Sea Islands. | Missionaries t|<> not drink, ne-jthyr <|o |hey smokf. Their flesh, (s, confequStntly, imn|i more tender / than tfiat'fjbf ordina)|y mortal*. *• k 5' fc GOVER N OR~*CJ*EVELAN D’| ■ V FAMILY.! J WRIT INKO«Ml|l) N TEE I'.f now in-: carEp I’ok iiis i m py marriage (ME Eewis F. Allen, i lV>r a year.. The len’s ofhee, assisting jin tion of the Y •% >var nephew worked tegt|arl)| iii Mr. Alt: he compilaf .Boo' Ante icati Iterd -^ which Mr. Allen vas^ theii successfully-; prosecuting. And ajfter lWlft$Clevelaiu|: I jw otti<<; Messrs| had entered the | Bowen & Rogers Allen secured for ly the case that h accumulation of time thereto, services of a fan <1 rover Clcvebmt: which ^Asitiori Mr| hiig, it Was frequent I v tljLy ’s lluties in till city lie would assist |iis Mltcle in th<| evening, or in' the c|se of an unusual wofk ga|eIadditiona| Thpre Were delicat| i|y| character whiclf al») dleerfully act comedy and whi e |fe wpidu in nt| I wav underrate Mr jjpleitfi kindness, i| was not the leka ceftain y««| Mr. Cleveland m:ye|had|the 6pportu| nity to carry ou: J«^ictic{3l)' his prin| ciples as a war Democrat, all prefer | cnees of his own l«eibg sj|t aside shni ply because at that -time; his mother and sisters were wholly dfejiendent up|; on him. A yeai j|fevio|s the Rev| William N. C ev|and| the eldest brother, had mar iet*, and. with his in| creasing expense, a|d c|res the lttir| den-which ha-had hitherjjo borne fell; ■ upon the shoulders yt Clftgver. In ad|: ditionto the maiMe^ant^ of the litth| home, he matfc hintjfelf ljjpble tor th^ completion of the e<§ncat|m of a youngj sister; giving he# thg advantage of thel then best institutions & the State.;| Two brothers |ha| enfistert on the; breaking out of thek war| and, during;j that troubled seaso^, wh^sRhis moth-;! er’s heart was filledj with f^nxiety fori the fate of her two Sons, t^ver's!sym-| jntliy and support |werep greatest| earthly comfort. |he bribers weiejj honorably discharged at - the expiration| of the two years ofjheirftghting ' vice, and soon after Or draft ed. Frederick Cleirelaml/^iot yet in | jregular business, wrote it- 4is brother | offering to re-enterthe a)*ay in his | -• . : 4 j place. But |i Grover tepiied: “Fred l has done enough. 'I h**e my man." A man withoot family claims aid wil ling to go teas liboally paM for filling the plaM&f^he burdened: ybung man. Twoiyv^jlit^r Cfecil and Frederick C)cveK£&l*^ejng in successful busi ness, fcs&£to relieve the , brother in Buffal§fe*|j.J|so continued to share and at timfi|yftlly to bear the mainten ance qf'-tfe^fittle family establishment, until i years ago,'ip'the flush of their ^^^ptanhood, thejf were swept from -My|-j8fck cf a burning steajner in to thit 'iHlfss sea, off the coast of Aba co. Sif V'tjten until two years ago when his nl'^^fhe noble wife of the tyev. R. FP^#lahd was laid to rest be side |"|f,|jevoted husband, Grover CkrveMpJ»a* been the sole support of his ni ’i'te^T bearing cheerfully all fam ily e4-^W> great or small. They were f fgijjjipble brothers; each did well;| ;||)ffit better nor as long asGro yer. ^CrttKall due .acknowledgment of the f£--»#k grhich Gov. Cleveland re-’ ceivepsti |he hands of his uncle,.I,. F, Allen, w (T equally true that he ren dered .vfinj equivalent, as he always does| |g|Jfvhich in this case was in the 4dilligent and faithful ser vice uncle’s chosen interest_ TO! ERE, THE BRIGHT ; p^JLLOW LEAF. gf a great deal more in close atte^jjj^tpihan science, in curing to Ixied '|Sim|| one’s own judgment must oftef jfte jms guide, regardless of all rulef|^i^}|-eceipts given by the expe riem | 'lliere are as many different metf Mis §of curing as there are kinds of $;*$.$!10,1 which toliAcco grows. Thc^ Belter and yallower the tobacco gror the hill, the faster it tan be ilfjifc Heavier growth requires slovc ;ib|at and much more careful; at teniM; • ! should be hoisted in | the barf .Jtyjioon as possible after cut from the;';|*|,'jiven before it falls or wilts. tnd Hy jf^&Sifneans it will not bruise wil|'3r|fmuch better. Sticks should the be | :4^|ei| 6 to 8 inches apart upon tie:tpgle|, and from 6 to 8 plalib 'eao • * on m tobacco'that has: grown fine an^lftw on the hill, commence your hea Mtipi;9.0 to ioo degrees, to ye low tiie £;Y>arco, anil stand at this fdr 25 ori;'^||&rs, then raise your heat 5! de gr^ t. tv^ry two hours until you ryach ^tan -15 hot then raise heat 5 degrees per' htand for 30 to 36 houis, or u^:,^^ii|ti)liacco is sufficiently yellowed toy. ‘frijilthis you can tell by the ap p* 'Hluil 130. Stems thor of the middle leaves oh the sUfilSi:«bottom tiers.) ’ITien how up :$^u^ilieat from one to two decrees g~ r Jrt- . ° e:w;-Jte_it; until you reach 125 to S»l- • ■ j'' tljeh until the leaves and arbjjirj it Ion the Kittom tiers, then go lif jjegrees each hour until 150 is>i|ihpli^|i then go from 5 to 6 degrees eafi?||hCfHuntil 180 is reached, and at tb j»o|i£ cure Stalks and steins oL- |ily.> : your tobacco get iihto a sil lij while curing, as is frequently the c^r iwyefn it has a great deal of sap i»^f§tJ(W opfcn: the door and contin u|;p|atj |S|til if dries off. j 'p&tc. f jydur tobacco is cure*! and ypfef is taken out, put wet wheat St ?*| i| Screen bushes in the bam until t| .floU h;|o becomes sufficiently moist tCfafc a Hen down, coop it down in yfvir| lyd'H house or barn, with plank jh| uatS ready for stripping or class ic'll -|pien stripped it should be care f£t§ s kissed, smoothly handled and ■tff kl^tdjes hung upon sticks, coop dj || fk bang up to dry out. Six or $ leaves should be put in each bun d5®|B ■ b Iljif ’^oijclusian, each and everyone ^lllki^i'inember that the finest tobac Ife ruined by careless band it ! ttf Exchange. :• , .*U»i 'it $eenvs* to have a hard time in jjpjtyfitf hw*y his second marriage. »lh||iipi:ity there; are three ways of fthe matrimonial state : The rt, ilia';!way; elopement to Aberdeen, all * tl-i ^girl's father or big brother »f Vhc'ground with a shot-gun, and ll;^Nl|i^ you to marry her, lbe la'4|a )|>ears to have been Blaine’s §!&jg»jd that Private Henry was' hi'- .ihis comrades because’ he was fa/:<• lb bourse we cannot blame the (| :|4rty for getting the best food apSfkjgfc funder the circumstances; and Henry was “fat” he had to 1 jC^pjfWfcrnr has compared' Mr. B‘ n^feo?St. Paul. Mr. Blaine doubt lf^|ike saying to: Sis t friends, MHp ipostles to the Gentiles: “I #► idiWye become such as I am— ,*i tom/s/" ' /■ ' 5 s'---- f 51 fell it's smile is said to be »hhs through a telephone. WESTERN NORTH CAR. a grand Success in every PARTICULAR. STRANGERS FROM EVERY PART OF; THE STATE IN ATTENDANCE. The Stock'and Fruit Exhibits Would do Credit to any t Fair. ' ' 7 :f= 10,000 PEOl^E ESTIMATED , TO HAVE BEEN IN A.T tendXDce uukino ■ . THK KOUR .I^AYS ! The Kucea Drpmiaent Kehturea. The Fair just closed has been a grand success in every particular. ... I>arge numbers of strangers from all over the State'were in attendance, and it seemed as if' a general;J\oliday was in progress. The stock and fruit exhibits, especially the latter, wot|kf do credit to any fair. It is hard to beat this portion of the State in a fruit show. 1 The fancy/work shpwn by the ladies was remarkable ;for iti excellence. The races were ’prominent features, and i good speed was friade by the horses par ticipating. Some talk has beeii in | dulged in ih regard to some of the I races being ‘.‘sold,” with what truth we do not know,, lAit-we trust there is rto | foundation for 'such rumors. This is | the first exhibition of the Western [North Carolina: Fair Association* and | a very creditable show was made,[con ! sidering the. ipi*x|w to conduct such a show, lx;ing. ap old fruit cultivator him self. ' , Floral Hall was devoted to the ex hibit of latifres handiwork, amongst those articles: worthly of s[xreial com mendation lejng several quilts ;■ of re markable lieauty. Messrs Pelham, of this city nufije an exhibit of drugs, which attracted considerable attention. The Singer Sewing Machine Cb. also made a good show. Pianos and or gans were exhibited by an Knoxville music house,i The Indian and darkey foot races were much enjoyed by the spectators* but the Indian ball game seemed to excite more attention than any other feature of the entire,: show. Kighteen full blooded Gherokees were engaged, and a hard looking set they were. The glass-ball and clay‘pigeon shooting matches, participated in by several of Asheville's most prominent marksmen,. Were both won by Mr. J. F. Jordan who seems to carry Off the honors no platter where he enters the field of marksmen. In shorf, the Fair was a grand suc cess. Everybody seems to be satisfied, but a few who foiled to get prizes on their stock; and considerable complaint has been made on the streets about this. ()f the truth or falsity of these reports we know nothing, and, therefore, can do no mote than merely chronicle the rumors. ? Bear in mind that since Abram Lin coln was inaugurated the Republicans in office have stolen $45,000,600, ac cording to j^he express admissions of Cabinet officials in their reports, And that is really a small portion of the stealage. 'I’nrn the rascals but and keep them |out.-U-Wilmingtam Star. Blaine** mansion in Washington is the largest eyjer built in that city. It » 70x75 feeti It has more roomsthan the British legation. It is now rented to the retired Chicago merchant, Mr, letter, at $13,000 per year. Mr, Blaine is evidently a very frugal and thrifty man io be able to build such a bouse add accumulate about g 1,000, 000 besides, on a salary of $5,000 a jwt and at the same time rear and edf ucate a larg^ fomily. Mr. Paine is oneofpfc ftpi w* who have made politics f*y.< | CLOTHING -made to O RDE R! N . D. ■ MAY ir ' ax; km t fo r i - WANAMAKfcR HKOWX, Call *t TMt VKiATOK Orncs ! i and examine hti Hie* Fall Samples, wtfchhavejost ‘it" Ml i'll j Jtf • ifii-ft P» **W»V»d. -vn jf" ’ | v ■■■ ^ «v|!V« ? tin-:: ; :■ f" f |u: 4 j Ji : 3b;' 't - ' • AJ y l- Vi " : 4 ' -• v«. | J: Fits GAjan teed. IcS J.D. Brevard & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS l* CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, AMI HATS A SUPERIOR LINE OK DRY GOODS, Notions, t DRESS GOODS, Etc.. Etc. A SELECT STUCK OF COFFEES. SUGARS. TOBACCO and CIGARS Al.WAVS ON HAM). A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ' Gents’ Furnishings, INCLUDING Collars and Cuffs j ", Agents lor T. Mile** Sana Celebrated HAND Md CUSTOM-MADE SHOES. ■ ' -• t •; : - .. : f4'$(-p # ii ;v. Cor. Court Hwm gqvSIS »nd Potion 4vfnue, ^ 4-f ' f . •- * -J*:;; ? j 4 _ ■ . t■: : * i.r.i - • pjj i •• . !■ ;)&■'■]-u. r-iHi • Ci r --KOK— • ON1.Y 'Hie most interesting and , j ntertain iag paper puU abed « Wes Aral North Carolina. Attention Builders ! . W« Wave feceatly purchased (ran TU l- Clayton {for the dwelling) of Capt E. L Holme*,) - lot of Yalta. m workiin»hjp, quality oi lui* J*^**"’*0 “HP* we UreHtthowki to thi. plict from di*um factories. Would aagaassarapa; !*S , L Ki Wawb, ' Holm as. Hart, —A THOROUGHLY-* DEMOCRATIC I* M' K K . I*ul»lishetl Weekly an*-5® Weekly, ],<* «• - - • »-5° ; ■ ■ ' ' f 1 ■■ ' Invariably in Advance. • j; jV-/ •|r I 1 j For Particular. *»u> Amitunits* + :U ;: drew FURMAN; STONE ^CAMERON, L ’ t\ ASRITIUIi *, c . J