Page Four THE BLACK MOUNTAIN NEWS Member of North Carolina Press Association PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN BLACK MOUNTAIN N.C. “Key City In The 1-and Os The Sky" TELEPHONE 4101 J. C. CORNELIUS, Editor L. J. BARRET, Asst. Editor Entered as Second Class Matter Sept. 13, 1945, at the Post Office at B'ack Mountain, X. C., under the Act of March 3, 1879 SUBSCRIPTION RATE ONE YE Ait *--50 OUTSIDE OF COUNTY *IOO j Ob'TSIOE OF STATE *3.50 STRICTLY IN ADVANCE L ■- * ■ — s jj A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Rom. 13 11. WE PRAY FOR AND DECREE A PERMANENT PEACE 0 As we are entering intp the New Year, we find that there is not total Peace yet. Many nations still are quarelling and fighting over details of the great conflict just passed. The establishment of perfect peace is the deep desire of all of us. Let us pour out our faith and our prayers into this great thought current. Let us begin by making sure that our own thoughts are peaceful and loving and that we are just and i ighteous in all our dealings with our fellowman. Let’s keep our thoughts free of discouragement, and hold fast to the truth that God’s law is working in through all persons and conditions to bring about the ultimate victory of right. Bless all the nations of the earth and see them unit ed in love and brotherhood. All of our prayers of those who love God are a mighty force, mightier than any force for war and destruction and will bring peace to the whole world. There comes a time in our understanding when the blackest night is not too dark, because we have learned the truth that there is a law of good at work in the universe upon which we can rely. God’s will for man is good. When we have faith in this principle of of good, every trial will bring us a blessing if we pray through it. BE SURE TO SEND IN YOUR SOCIAL EVENTS BLACK MOUNTAIN NEWS • WOOD! WOOD! WOOD., j | KINDLING j CRITICAL COAL SHORTAGE I BURN WOOD .. . j and Save Your Coal for Winter j C. S. BETTS | Black Mountain, N. C. Phone 2681* I YOU ARE INVITED TO 1 I THE METHODIST CHURCH STATE STREET AT CHURCH STREET § ■ | H. Grady Hardin Pastor. | SUNDAY SERVICES 110:00 A. M. Church School 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 5:30 P. M. Young Adult Fellowship HARRISON FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE Lady Attendant PHONE 2761 IREG’LAR FELLERS—Down to a System By GENE BYRNEJ n * T^hurly^^, / PLANTING MAT \,/ WELL. V ( TWERPS NO REASON J f TH' GROUND 1$ \ 1 J \\ UP PUD/ (BE PATRIOTIC )( STOP \ l WHY I CANTMDC J ( GOOD AN' SOFT —) i'v \\ / ONE SEED TO \ BUT IT SURE K BEEFIN'OR \ \ WORK. WITH < S \ I'M SURE THIS J ’ Y\ A l TO TH' / I '/ lIS HARD WORK’. J WELL NEVER j ( PLEASURE AN' ) f licyi ) V WILL. WORK.! ) HOLE.'/ * 'T:7tii rtgfcta -.i.'.rt s • -* m'~**.* v*-oaUt^W>^o> **rW»iußefvte«) j ECHOES FROM THE | MOUNTAINS |s By H. Grady Hardin. A PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR 0 Infinite God, our Father, who hast set the stars in their courses and hast created the seasons and time, we thank thee for the op portunity to face again the hopes and opportunities of a new year | ! Strengthen us to turn our eyes to - ' the light of thy truth. Heal us i from the scars and wounds of ; broken spirits. Encourage us to ‘ put our faith in those things which i are eternal. Guide us in these ! new that lead to peace and brotherhood. Lead us as we face new temptations. Teach us to love thee and all thy children j Bind us together in thine own family. Forgive us when we fail. Save us from the lostnes3 of sin and ignorance. We thank thee for the faith that thou hast shown in us, grant us new faith in thee and in thy way- May the longings of our souls find that true expression in practices that will please thee May the hopes of all men be high and the restlessness in our spirits be calmed in that perfect oneness that we can find in thee. O Father, who seeks us, we would know thy will, give us strength to do it. We pray these things in the spirit of him who gives us the hope of another chance, Jesus Christ. Amen. HOSPITAL EMPLOYES ENJOY XMAS LEAVE o (Continued from page 1) Lt. Robert J. Guy, baratone, sang “Cantique de Noel” and “Jesu , Bambino.” Miss Nina Lyles was | organ accompanist. Episcopal | communion services were held at ! 11:30 o’clock with the Rev. Mr. John H. Rhys of Black Mountain lin charge. Noel Vesper Services I were slated for 4:15 p.m. Tuesday. At 3 p.m. Monday afternoon | there was a Chrismtas party for j children of all military personnel lin the post theater. Alex Hous j ton 13 year-old ventriloquist of Hendersonville, will entertain the I youngsters, and Santa Claus will hand out a Christmas gift to all THE BLACK MOUNTAIN NEWS Happy New Year kiddies present. Children’s mov-. ies were shown and the kids par ticipated in carol singing. Red Cross Yule activities in cluded a soldier show Saturday night followed by a dance for the patients and ward parties planned by members of the Asheville Pi lot’s Club. Open house was ob served Sunday night and a Christ mas Eve party giVen Monday night with carols by choral groups from Black Mountain and other nearby communities and the hand ing out of gifts. OUR SHORT SERMON By J. C. Cornelius But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath knovgi the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him ? But we have the mind of ■ Christ. 1 Cor- 2:15, 16. * —o — •; Do you THINK God-inspired thoughts or do you allow your. thinking and subsequently your living to be moulded by public opinion, warped by prejudice, lim-j ited by outward appearance? Have you the courage to “stand, on your own feet” mentally and spiritually ? A Christian is not a work of j opinion; but of greatness of mind.” The Christ mind within I you gives you the ability to dis cern the good and the true, to distinguish between sham and j reality. When your thoughts are; stampeded by voices of doubt and i discouragement, by negative headlines, or fearsome rumors, you can turn prayerfully to the Christ mind within you and let quite judgment resharpen your sense of values and direction. Di vine intelligence is yours to use, and God within you knows the right answer, the wise choice, the Christian attitude. You can make your tomorrows ! beautiful and good by shaping to day’s thoughts according to the Christ pattern so t*at your life will be not “a work of opinion; but of greatness of mind.” Death By Wine So fond of wine was the English duke of Clarence that, when he was given the opportunity of choosing the method of his execu tion after being condemned to death by Edward IV, Lie chose to be drowned in his favorite bever age. OLD FORT An old fashioned Christmas tree with Santa Claus and gifts for all featured the Sunday eve ning service at the Old Fort Methodist Church. Carols were sung by the church choir- The sen-ice began at seven thirty o’clock. Rev. H. O. Huss is pas tor of the church. Mrs. Harry Setzer arrived from Washington to spend the Christ mas holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Rhinehardt at Old Fort- She was accompanied by her friend, Miss Rachel Harris of Florence, Ala., who will also be a guest of the Rhinehardts. O Mrs. Gayden Swann has re signed her position as town cerk, which post she has held for the past six years, to accept a posi tion with Rockett Motors at Old Fort. Miss Lucile Hyams of Old Fort will succeed Mrs. Swann as town clerk. ' Rev. R. L. Smith is substituting at the local postoffice for Mrs. Fred Henley who is recuperating from a recent illness- o Miss Carolyn Mclntosh of Washington has arrived in Old Fort to spend the holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Mclntosh at. Miss Mclntosh went by plane from Washington to West Palm Beach last week. She will come to Old Fort from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. I. L- Caplan of Old Fort received a phone call on Tuesday night from their son, Sgt. I. L. Caplan, Jr., in San Francisco. Sgt. Caplan has been on duty in the southwest Pacific for the past two years. lie is en route home. Forty-nine large United States cities receive all their milk by motor truck. Brazil is the only country of Pan America which was an em pire for any length of time. The Hall of Fame stands on the campus of New York University. READ ALL ADS g \ FROM EACH OF US j TO ALL OF YOU i cr a P r t i | | 'Best Wishes l 1 Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and board the magic carpet for W the Land of Better Days. W There are 365 of them “in the bag” for you in 1946—if we have §| our way about it—and every day will H be better than the one preceding. K A thousand thanks for past favori and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO p YOU! & i If Allred Mercantile Company jf BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. i ■ m m ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■ ■ j BLACK MOUNTAIN | INSURANCE AGENCY I GENERAL INSURANCE and BONDS | Representing Leading Stock Companies | Greene Building X BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. I * noticeT If you have rough Yellow Pine framing ooards to sell call or write us. We pay top prices, cash on delivery. Our planer mill will be in °Pj eration within the next fifteen days. We also do custom planing. Our woodworking sne; I will be in operation soon after the first oft» year. See us for window and door frames al* screen doors and window screens. HESShBF Concrete Cinder Building Blocks will soo° i available in quantity. -0 See our new R. O. W. Aluminum Spring y u ion Window Units. Completely factory aS \ ( bled—no weights—no cords. Nothing to do , set them in the opening. Heatilators ■ J stock. Outdoor fireplace units in stock, y | Boy White Paint in limited quantities. Gl 1 ized Screen Wire. O . , - _ We expeet-building materials to be more P iei iful after the first of the year. BLACK MTN. LUMBER * Thursday, December 27, y.