Page Four v ~4; THE BLACK MOUNTAIN NEWS I Member of North Carclina Press Association I PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN BLACK MOUNTAIN N.C. "Key City In The Land Os The Sky” - TELEPHONE 4101 J. C CORNELIUS Editor JOHN W. EALY Assistant Editor Entered as Second Class Matter Sept. 13, 1945, at the Post X Office at Black Mountain, N. C., unaer the Act of March 3, 1879 SUBSCRIPTION RATE ONE YEAR $2.00 B SIX MONTHS sl-25 No subscription taken for less than six months. f STRICTLY IN ADVANCE | A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Plead my course, 0 Lord, with them that strive with me. Fight against them that fight against me. Psalms 35:1. A CALL FOR BIG PRODUCTION This is a call for every reader of the News to pro duce as much food in 1946 as he orshepossiblv can. a world faces the gigantic emergency of famine among five hundred million people. The cry of the hungry is going up all over Europe, India and China. This is the time for the American farmer, with his genius for production, to use strength and power to grow every pound of food he possibly can this year. When it comes to us farmers in Western North Carolina, we need to increase the production of every farm crop. We need a greater production of corn, and this can be brought about b>' fertilizing and pro ducing per acre. We need to treble our milk produc tion; we need to quadruple our poultry production. We need more beef cattle, more sheep, more potatoes, and more vegetables. This is the year, in spite of broken down machin ery; in spite of lack of help and in spite of cuts in quotas; for the Western North Carolina fanner to grow everything he can. We do not have enough turkeys, or eggs, or poul try, or milk, or hogs in Western North Carolina to even feed ourselves. Let’s help ourselves and help the world by planning and carrying through an all-time record of high production on the farms of Western North Carolina this year. o INCREASED INCOME FROM POULTRY Poultry is increasing the income of the farmers of Western North Carolina. The goal which we set some years ago is a hundred hens per farm. We are mak ing progress toward that goal, and we are making a lot of progress with the quality of poultry. The quality of poultry in Western North Carolina has im proved tremendously in the last ten years. We now have hens that make good money for their owners; we now have hens that lay lots of eggs, and the egg production of Western North Carolina is growing rapidly. ’ We need a larger egg production, and it is just too bad to see car loads of eggs brought ni from the mid dle west, at a time when eggs are bringing such high prices. There is opportunity to increase the egg pro duction in Western North Carolina ten times; there is also the same opportunity with poultry. Governor R. Gregg Cherry States Purpose Os N. C. State Art Society Governor R. Gregg Cherry as Honorary President of the North Carolina State Art Society has requested members of the Black Mountain Arts Club to become members of a state wide commi tee to assist in enlarging the mem bership of the State Art Society and the furtherance of its aims which he states in the following: To encourage in all practicable ways among the people of North Carolina both in the appreciation of art in its varied forms, and the stimulation and encourgement of artistic talent wherever it exists. To promote an interest in the care and beautification and more artistic planning of public build ings and grounds, especially school buildings and grounds, and the planting and beautifiaation of public highways. To aid in securing for the state a Museum of Art— the building to be of fireproof construction, in which are provided suitable galleries for the display of paint ings, sculpture and other objects of art. To aid in providing school build ings with originals of great paint ings, from which the proper ap preciation of art. f REG'LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes “1 | I'”"| 1 ' '' - ) / . 1 1 | I f /my WORDiX 1 I • / RUN AND GET /\ * I —— P II . f ' / ’WE BATHROOM \ ’ ( GOME RDTS AND Jll 1 / TAKIN' THESE, \ I, ' ' | ( PIPES MUST BE. I PANS, BOYS, WHILE ] VIE COULD PUT ) &/ TH|5 W im \I 'l £.'•« Isl I V. LEAKING/ LOOK. i , \ l PHONE THE / l THAT SITUATION/ — n. W SAVE YA FROM 1 I V.Tbfflh 1 " I 7.'iAT 1 | PLUK.&ER To provide upon stated occasions lectures on art and architecture, by men and women who are imi nent for some particular achieve ment in the realm of art or archi tecture. There are many communities in North Carolina that are introduc ing Art courses in their public schools while others are planning Art Centers such as the Black Mountain Arts Club is proposing for this community. Every part of the world contri butes coloring materials for the tiles in America’s bathrooms. Cobalt for blue is obtained from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Canada; Manganese for black comes from Brazil, Russia and India; Crome for pink, green and maroon is imported from Rhodesia New Caledonia, Greece and Rus sia. Ten times as many Americans paidan income tax after world war II began than before, the number of tax payers rising from 4,000,000 to more than4o,ooo,ooo. Have You Subscribed Send in YOUR NEWS The Invisible Guest | ECHOES FROM THE MOUNTAINS H. Grady Hardin. o Studies by the University of Chicago recently state statistically what is becoming more obvious in our human nature. Mankind is generally willing to agree with a large idea and program, but not so willing to accept the individual responsibility for getting these ideas operating. For instance, their study shows that a large number of people are willing to agree that the world water-ways should be free to all people. But many of those same people were not willing to surrender our right to control the Panama Canal. In the larger issue we can see the “right” way, but we balk in the particular. By the same token we are too often unwilling to “pay the price” for our higher ideals. We want fine families and are too often unwilling to sacrifice enough of our own time to build a fine family of our. Most people agree that churches are assets to a com munity, but the majority of the people in our community are not even willing to become a part of a church. There are others who have taken the vows of church membership and still do not become actively engaged in its work. We all want better political leaders, hut it is hard to get the most capable people in a community to run for an office. We long for peaceful labor relations, but few are willing to take a cut in dividends. Mill ions have died fighting for a peaceful world, but we dont want to rebuild the social structure of a peaceful world. In discovering the ends which we should move we have made a step forward. In developing a will ingness to follow the means that lead to worthy ends we will have solved the first and most important step in needed re construction. Highest Quality Silk A movement was started in the United States about 1830 to produce silk. Proper varieties of silkworms were not available and the industry failed. It has not been determined that California has a more suitable cli mate than Japan for silkworm culture, being able to raise three crops a year, contrasted with Ja pan’s one, and at the same time produce a better quality silk. In Texas sericulture has become a community project. At Mineral Wells, a fund to develop the Texas silk culture was oversubscribed. There are other states in the South, East and West, where silk culture can be made to produce satisfac tory returns. THE BLACK MOUNTAIN NEWS Our Short Sermon PSALMS 4:5 When your whole trust is in God when you acknowledge that He is you become a poised person in mind, body, and spirit. Control of your thoughts and emotions through the Christ spirit within you blesses you with a calm or derly mind and a tranquil, serene spirit. Training and control of the muscles of the body is manifested in a graceful, well-balanced body. Begin each day by acknowled ging your trust in God. Free your mind from thoughts of doubt and fear and personal responsi bility and know that God is in charge of your life and affairs. Affirm that His life activates your body, making you well co ordinated physically. Know that His peace and order are estab lished in your mind, giving you poise to see you through every situation. Let His peace and serenity per vade your heart, giving you har mony and emotional stability. As you let go of the thoughts and feelings that make you tense and let trust in God fill your heart and mind you will become truly poised, and you will be truly blessed Build a Potting Bench This potting bench may be built by using a box about 30 by 24 by 30 inches. The three top pieces of the oench may be made from the pieces of the end which have been removed. Tiie top and sides should oe reinforced with wood or metal cleats. Raising of Buckwheat For Rutin Extraction Buckwheat has been discovered to be a much more economical source than tobacco as a source of rutin, a drug used in the prevention of many causes of blindness and heart diseases. The buckwheat is harvested while still In its green stage. As the plant will not sprout again, it is necessary to reseed if more than one crop is to be secured. It is pos sible to secure two or three crops. Patronize our advertm- Ktl Wm C* '* mIH PIONEER TO TEACH ... Dr. Lee De Forest, 73, known as the “fa ther of broadcasting,” has ac cepted the position of director of the veterans training program in Chicago television laboratories. He will have 2,200 veteran students. De Forest is a veteran of the Spanish-American war. He devel oped the three-element (audlon) tube. Swine Tuberculosis Spread by Chickens Tuberculosis in swine increased 10 per cent last year, according to the American Veteri nary Medical asso ciation. One hog in every 14 slaugh tered, showed tu berculosis lesions. • Such meat, when inspected, must be condemned. This represents a heavy financial loss to the swine raising industry. Tuberculosis in swine is not spread from animal to animal, un less the udder of the sow is infect ed. The control and eradication of the disease in swine depend on erad icating tuberculosis in cattle and poultry. As old-aged flocks of chickens are the chief spreaders or tuberculosis to swine, farmers should keep poul try out of hog lots,- and dispose of the older birds each year. Improved Machinery Com Sheller This cfirn sheller, product of In ternational Harvester, has a capacity of 100 to 150 bushels of husked corn per hour. It can be operated by any one-plow tractor engine or motor with capacity of 5 to 10 h.p. It is constructed to shell corn fnr sale to elevators or to meet the immediate feeding requirements. Elevator and cob stackers may be attached. The com travels down ward in line of feed. A feature is a one-piece cylinder. DDT Has an Important Rival in Velsicol 1068 A compound of chlorinated hy drocarbon, product of the Univer sity of Illinois insect experiments, is said to be three to four times as toxic to houseflies as DDT and twice as toxic to potato-beetle lar vae and to pea and spirea aphids. It is about equal to DDT in its ef fect on mosquitoes. Other new ccm petitors of DDT include the Britisn insecticide Gammexane and TDE, tetrachloro-dipbenyl-e thane. ij -- PRAYER FOR THE WEEK fit is suggested that you tear this prayer out and place it at your (able te be used as a basis for family devotions each morning 0 f the WeCk ' ) We bring to thee our grateful hearts, O God, for thy sus taing presence. In our doubt it gives us faith. In our sorrow it gives us comfort. In our uncertainty it gives us purpose In our weakness it gives us strength. In our joy it gives us a deepened sense of fellowship. And in our success it gives us humiUty. Grant that we may know thee in all our moods and serve thee with all our life. In the spirit of Jesus. —Amen. Sweethearts pledge eternal love with Lane, the gift that Marts the home. The one perfect gift for the bride! Remember, too, it’s the only tested, aroma-tight RedCtdsr Hope Chest! Place your order now for earliest delivery. e % Sossamon-Tyson Furniture Co. “Everything For Your Home” Black Mountain, North Carolina french broad cleaners Phone 2021 Laundry ph one 4881 Cleaners Black Mountain, N. C. Thursday, May 30, 19^ GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHURCH SUNDAY